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NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994
A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972
B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967
C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989
EST - North Derbyshire Area Estates Department - 1967-1977
FIN - North Derbyshire Area financial records - 1968-1982
1 - North Derbyshire Area financial reports for all collieries - 1968-1972
2 - North Derbyshire Area financial reports for individual collieries - 1969-1972
3 - Monthly summary profit and loss accounts for the North Derbyshire and South Midlands Area - Apr 1977-Mar 1982
4 - North Derbyshire Area profit and loss accounts trend statements file - May 1978-Jul 1979
5 - Series of computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for North Derbyshire Area and individual collieries - 1969-1978
1 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for North Derbyshire Area - Apr 1969-Apr 1970
2 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Arkwright Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
3 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Bolsover Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
4 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Glapwell Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
5 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for High Moor Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
6 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Ireland and Langwith Collieries - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
7 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Markham, Ormonde and Oxcroft Collieries - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
8 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Pleasley, Renishw Park and Shirebrook Collieries - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
9 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Warsop Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
10 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Westthorpe Colliery - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
11 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Whitwell and Williamthorpe Collieries - Apr 1969-Mar 1970
12 - Computer printouts of final profit and loss accounts for the North Derbyshire Area - Feb 1971-Mar 1971
13 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for the North Derbyshire Area - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
14 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Arkwright, Bolsover and Glapwell Collieries - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
15 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for High Moor, Ireland and Langwith Collieries - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
16 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Markham, Ormonde and Oxcroft Collieries - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
17 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Pleasley, Renishaw Park and Shirebrook Collieries - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
18 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Warsop, Westthorpe and Whitwell Collieries - Apr 1970-Mar 1971
19 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Arkwright, Bolsover, Glapwell and High Moor Collieries - Apr 1972-Mar 1973
20 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Ireland, Langwith, Markham and Oxcroft Collieries - Apr 1972-Mar 1973
21 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Pleasley, Renishw Park and Shirebrook Collieries - Apr 1972-Mar 1973
22 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Warsop, Westthorpe and Whitwell Collieries - Apr 1972-Mar 1973
23 - Computer printouts of final profit and loss accounts for the North Derbyshire Area - Apr 1977-Mar 1978
24 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Arkwright, Bolsover and High Moor Collieries - Apr 1977-Mar 1978
25 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Ireland, Langwith and Markham Collieries - Apr 1977-Mar 1978
26 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Pleasley, Renishw Park and Shirebrook Collieries - Apr 1977-Mar 1978
27 - Computer printouts of profit and loss accounts for Warsop, Westthorpe and Whitwell Collieries - Apr 1977-Mar 1978
6 - Finance Department file on colliery closures in North Derbyshire Area - Apr 1968-Mar 1970
IND - North Derbyshire Area Industrial Relations Department - 1956-1986
MIN - North Derbyshire Area Mining Department records - 1958-1987
PHO - North Derbyshire Area photographic collections - [20th cent]
SCI - Scientific Department records - 1970-1974
SEC - North Derbyshire Area Secretary's Department - 1959-1986
STA - North Derbyshire Area Staff Department - 1970-1988
SUR - North Derbyshire Area Surveying Department - 1968-1989
D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990
E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994
F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994
G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981
H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976
Florence Nightingale
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Strutt family of Belper
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
Florence Nightingale
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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