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D8760 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1714-1994
E - Estate records of the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1794-1863
F - Family records of the extended Franklin family and the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1714-1994
FBO - Records of the Booth family of Lincolnshire, related to Sir John Franklin - 1817-1838
FEG - Records of Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, daughter of Sir John and Eleanor Franklin and wife of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1828-[early 20th cent]
FEP - Records of Eleanor Anne Porden, first wife of Sir John Franklin - 1800-1828
1 - Correspondence of Eleanor Anne Porden - 1800-1825
2 - Legal papers of Eleanor Anne Porden - 1823-1828
3 - Manuscripts in hand of Eleanor Anne Porden - 1809-1823
1 - Manuscript writings collected together under "Peter Plod" - [1809]
2 - Manuscript writings collected together under "The Correspondence of Malcolm Graeme and Ellen Douglas" - [1810]
3 - Manuscript writings collected together under "The Floral Senate" - [1811-1815]
4 - Manuscript volume of poem "The Veils" by Eleanor Anne Porden - [1815]
5 - Manuscript account by Eleanor Anne Porden, of conversation with Miss Vardill on the supernatural, imagination, pleasure in the face of fear, and creativity in the unconscious state - 14 Jun 1815
6 - Drafts (2) of humorous verse written by Eleanor Anne Porden on the problems John Franklin is having in trying to write up account of his first Arctic land expedition - Dec 1822
7 - Valentine poem for John Franklin based on the story of "Miss Greenstockings" - 14 Feb 1823
8 - Sonnet by Eleanor Anne Porden entitled "Nay! Nay! I'll tax my brains no more" - [early 1823]
9 - Short epigram in Latin "Si Sol Splendescat Maria purificante / Major erit glacies postea, quam fuit ante" - [early 19th cent]
10 - Poem in Italian by Eleanor Anne Porden, addressed to William Porden from Lichfield - 18 Jan 1815
11 - Neat hand written notes on electricity and magnetism, including diagrams at start - [early 19th cent]
12 - Typed copy of poem by Eleanor Anne Porden entitled "In Rouen Cathedral", 3 Sep 1821 - [early 20th cent]
13 - Notes of research of Eleanor Anne Porden relating to her poem Coeur de Lion - [c1820]
14 - Manuscript copy of poem entitled "On Christmas Day", a poem by William Thompson, in the handwriting of Eleanor Anne Porden - [early 19th cent]
4 - Published works and writings of Eleanor Anne Porden - 1815-1822
5 - The Attic Chest, comprising writings gathered together and edited by Eleanor Anne Porden and her father William Porden, with drafts and related papers - 1808-1818
6 - Travel diaries and commonplace books of Eleanor Anne Porden - 1815-1823
7 - Personal papers of Eleanor Anne Porden - [early 19th cent]
FJR - Records of John Richardson, colleague, friend and later relative of John Franklin - 1820-1861
FKA - Records of the Kay family, related to Sir John Franklin by his marriage to his first wife, Eleanor - 1797-1860
FLJ - Records of Jane, Lady Franklin nee Griffin, second wife of Sir John Franklin - 1841-1871
FSJ - Records of Sir John Franklin - 1810-[early 20th cent]
FWP - Records of William Porden, father-in-law of Sir John Franklin - 1754-1822
GAD - Records of Arthur Daniel Gell (1822-1848), son of Rev Philip Gell - 1834-1849
GBM - Records of Boyd Pollen Manningham - 1823-1830
GEL - Records of Edith Lyttelton Gell (1860-1944), wife of Philip Lyttelton Gell - 1880-1937
GFK - Records of Frederick Gell - 1840-1869
GHW - Records of Henry Willingham Gell - 1855-1938
GJF - Records of John Franklin Gell - 1872-1873
GJP - Records of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1836-1897
GKP - Records of Katherine Gell (1624-1671), wife of Sir John Gell 2nd baronet
GMF - Records of Mary Frances Gell, grand-daughter of Sir John Franklin - 1930-1940
GPH - Records of Reverend Philip Gell - 1844-1870
GPL - Records of Philip Lyttelton Gell, son of John Philip and Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, grandson of Sir John Franklin - 1873-1922
GPV - Records of Colonel Philip Victor Willingham Gell and his wife Aileen Edith Pauline Gell nee Maunsell - 1896-1976
LIB - Printed volumes and other printed material, mostly on Sir John Franklin and related topics - 1714-1994
OBJ - Objects collected by members of the Franklin and Gell families - [c350-c1900]
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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Bryan Donkin Company Ltd of Chesterfield, engineering firm
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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