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D3772 - Strutt family of Belper - [1541]-1988
E1 - Belper Surveys, including tithe - 1840-1842
E2 - Duffield Surveys, including tithe and poor rate - 1839-1858
E3 - Hazlewood Surveys - 1835-1847
E4 - Holbrook Surveys, including tithe, enclosure and poor rate - 1785-1904
E5 - Horsley Woodhouse Surveys - 1838
E6 - Little Eaton Surveys - 1850
E7 - Survey by Joseph Bennett of estate of the late John Radford in Holbrook, Southwood, Belper, Horsley Woodhouse, Hazelwood and Heage - 1830
E8 - Bridgehill Estate, Belper and other records - 1886-1965
E9 - Enfranchisement and conveyance of Little Eaton Estate - 1892-1893
E10 - Schedules of deeds, plans and other estate records - 1765-19th cent
E11 - War Bonus and Insurance payments for Little Eaton - 1926-1927
E12 - Family Papers
E13 - Photographs
E14 - Fishing and other Rights in the Rivers Derwent and Ecclesbourne
E15 - Agreements, etc. concerning Belper and Milford Mills (1-8) and leases and other deeds concerning Milford Schools (9-10) - 1897-1960
E16 - Estate Surveys
E17 - Trustees Ledgers - 1895-1921
E18 - Railways etc. Ledgers - 1901-1945
E19 - Private and Estate Accounts - 1899-1966
E20 - Miscellaneous
E21 - Belper Rentals - 1878-1938
E22 - Milford Rentals - 1891-1938
E23 - Farm Rentals - 1908-1938
E24 - Quarterly Rentals (1-2) and Tithe Payment Books (3) - 1924-1944
E25 - Estate records concerning Belper and Duffield Enclosure, Quarries and waste lands in Belper, and other valuations - c1791-1826
E26 - Estate Plans and Personal/Business Photographs
E27 - Estate Ledgers - 1847-1928
E28 - Rentals, Accounts and Banking - 1786-1942
E29 - Correspondence
E30 - Records originally stored in a boxes marked with named individuals/interests
E31 - George Ashton Strutt (1878-1935)
E32 - Title Deeds, business, estate and personal papers
E33 - Mary Constance Adela Mosley (nee Strutt) (1877-1915)
E34 - Isabel Clara Hurt (b. 1881), 1895-1944
E35 - Forbes Trust
E36 - Moss Trust
E37 - Marion Lucy Telfer-Smollet (nee Strutt) (b.1892)
E38 - Agnes Edith Neame (nee Strutt) (b.1891)
E39 - Galton Family
E40 - Marriage settlements
E41 - Business activities, Estate and Personal Activities - 1793-1944
E42 - Wills and Legacy Papers
E43 - Executors' papers for John Strutt (1793-1858); Accounts of Elizabeth Strutt (?1796-1855); J Strutt Estate, Personal and Accounts, 1831-1869
E44 - Isabel Clara Hurt (nee Strutt) (b.1881)
E45 - Estate, scientific, commercial, social papers
E46 - Title, estate and family papers
E47 - Family estate papers
E48 - Papers relating to business and personal matters
E51 - Scrapbooks - 1895-1982
E52 - (North) Midland Railway, 1838-1839 and nd - 19th cent
E53 - Heage and Duffield Turnpike Trust
E54 - Trustees of A N Harrison and Locko Charity
E55 - John Hunter (d.1886)
E56 - John Hunter d. 1937
E57 - Correspondence with John Hunter and other records relating to Strutt family interests particularly in Belper
E58 - H L Jackson
E59 - Mrs Mary Emily Strutt
E60 - Arthur Strutt (1908-1977)
E63 - Examples of printing for advertisements of the business of W G & J Strutt - 1881-1882
E64 - Family Photograph Albums - 1861-1915
E65 - Ephemera - 1835
T - Title deeds of the Strutt family deposited from the Strutt Estate Office, Belper
T1 - Title deeds for properties in Derby, Belper, Duffield, Makeney - 1690-1765
T27 - Number not used
T33 - Number not used
10 - Assorted papers relating to the Great War, including order of service, memoranda on war loans, food campaign, Belgian refugees, special funds, recruitment, including a few photographs and magazines - 1914-1920
1 - Order of Service to be used at the Unveiling & Dedication of the Marble Tablet in Memory of Our Glorious Dead at the Congregational Church, Belper - 2 May 1920
3 - Order of Service to be used at the Unveiling & Dedication of the Soliders' Memorial Window at St Peter's, Belper, 29 Feb - 1920
4 - Territorial Force Attestation of John Lawrence Woollands with Medical Inspection Report - 1914
5 - Presentation of Tank invitation card - 1919
6 - The War. National Relief Fund Belper Committee - 1916
7 - German postcard to England, addressed to Private's Walter and Wright of 2 Sherwood Foresters - 22 Mar 1916
8 - Virtue Company letter regarding proof etchings and mezzotint engravings, 22 Mar - 1916
9 - The Times, Wednesday, April 5, 1916 - 1916
10 - Letter to Mr Hunter from [J J Clay], 26 Jan - 1916
11 - His Majesty's Treasury and American Dollar Securities, May - 1916
12 - Battalion Orders 5th The Shewood Foresters by Major H B Checkland, 8 Jul - 1916
13 - Copy letter from Captain John Hunter to Mr Strutt, 4 Jul - 1916
14 - The Times, 2 Jun 1916, pp 3-4 New Issue of 5% Exchequer Bonds - 1916
15 - Naval and Military War Pensions Act &c1915. Derbyshire Local Pensions, &c Committee - 1916
16 - Second Anniversity of the Declaration of War Public Meeting notice and poster, 4 Aug - 1916
17 - Application for Instalment Allotment - 1917
18 - Application for fully-paid allotment - 1917
19 - Letter from A. Bonar Law, treasury Chambers, Whitehall, 11 Jan - 1917
20 - Printed letter from the National War Savings Committee - 1916
21 - Copy communication received by Mr. R Hall from the Commanding Officer of the 16th Squadron in the Royal Flying Corps - 1916
22 - Issue of War Loans at £5% and £4% - 1917
23 - Sane and Simple Finance reprinted article - 1916
24 - Derbyshire Times. More Recruits Wanted; Appeal at Belper - 1915
26 - The Rally of Our United Empire - 1914
27 - War Loan, 1925-1928 Memorandum - [c. 1915]
28 - The Day - 1915
29 - Mr J B Copeland appeals to Mid-Derbyshire to join the local contingent. May - 1915
30 - Belper Men Wounded. May 15 - 1915
31 - Derbyshire Volunteer Regiment of Home Guards Copy of Resolution 27th April - 1915
32 - Christmas gifts to Derbyshire sailors, soldiers and nurses overseas, and Prisoners of War. 20 September - 1916
33 - Orders by Col. the Duke of Devonshire, G.C.V.O., Commanding. 21 April - 1915
34 - A Concise Statement of the Aims and Objects of the Derbyshire Volunteer Regiment of Home Guards - [c.1914]
35 - James Johnston of Belper National Registration card - 1915
36 - Belper soldiers killed in action - 1915
37 - Home Guards appeal - 1915
39 - 5 questions to men who have not enlisted - [c.1915]
40 - Are You Doing Your Share? If Not, Why Not? - [c.1915]
41 - Boys! Be British! - [c.1915]
42 - Why Don't I Go? - [c.1915]
43 - The Splendid Work of the British Army - [c.1914]
44 - The Nation's Need - - Everybody's Duty - 1915
45 - Derby Cattle Market Jumble Sale - 1915
46 - Government Insurance Against German Air Raids or Bombardment - 1915
47 - A printed circular letter to from The Derbyshire Agricultural and Horticultural Society - [c.1915]
48 - The Ruined Farmers of Belgium, France, Servia Have helped to save you Will You Help to Save Them? - [c.1915]
49 - Index of occupations relating to the National Registration Act, 1915 - [c.1915]
50 - National Registration Act; Classification of Occupation - 1915
51 - Classification by Occupation - Males. National Registration Act - 1915
52 - Letters to the Editor of the Spectator regarding issues relating to the war - 1915
53 - Belper Freemason Killed in the Dardanelles. Oct 2 1914 - 1914
54 - The Board of Management of the Derby Young Men's Christian Association request the pleasure of Mr and Mrs A Hunter's company - 1915
55 - Wednesday, Oct 13th Recruiting Meeting, Belper - 1915
56 - The Lord Mayor Appeals for your help - 1915
57 - Special Canvassing Campaign. Supplementary Directions to Canvassers - [c.1915]
58 - A Final Call. Duty of Every Fit Man - 1915
59 - The French Relief Fund - 1915
60 - German Invasion! - 1915
61 - French Relief Fund Donation slip - [c.1915-1918]
62 - Derby County War Fund Subscriptions - 1915
63 - Derby County War Fund Cheque slip - [c.1915-1918]
64 - Prelimary Report of the Belper Committee for helping Belgian Refugees - 1915
65 - Copy letter to the members of the War Refugees' Committee at Belper - 1915
66 - How Belgium is Fed - 1915
67 - Parr's Bank Limited, Belper Branch, American Dollar Securities - 1916
68 - City Notes. The Times, Jan 29th - 1916
69 - A letter to Hon. Mrs Gell (President of S.S.F.A Wirksworth and Matlock Division) from Marian Whitehead (member of Serbian Relief Committee) regarding a cheque - 1915
70 - A Musical War Masque. The "Empire's Honour" Programme. Jan 19th - 1916
71 - The Empire's Honour: A Musical War Masque for Young People - 1915
72 - Letter from Derbyshire Munitions Committee Chair to Mr Hunter. 7th Feb - 1916
73 - National Relief Fund Belper Committee subscriptions Nov 11th 1914 - March 12th 1915 - 1914-1915
74 - National Relief Fund Belper Committee subscriptions Aug 20th - Nov 10th - 1914
75 - Printed Statement of the Receipts and Expenditure for subscribers to the National Relief Fund. 1 June - 1915
76 - To The Men of Derbyshire - 1914
77 - Printed circular letter regarding the formation of a representative local committee. 8th Aug - 1914
78 - Printed circular letter regarding the Prince of Wales Fund by The Duke of Devonshire, Lord Lieutenant - [c.1914]
79 - Belper Urban District Council Meeting poster. Aug 19 - 1914
80 - Letter to John Hunter Esq from Frederick Knowles, Hon. Sec The War National Relief Fund, Belper Committee. Aug 22 - 1914
81 - Derbyshire County Relief Comittee Scheme - 1914
82 - A County meeting to support the Prime Minister. September 4 - 1914
83 - Printed circular memo at Ward, Sturt & Sharp, Belper - [c.1914]
84 - Copy letter to Mrs Jackson from Eardley-Russell. Sept 10 - 1914
85 - War Loan. Issue of £350,000,000 - 1914
86 - Circular letter from Buckingham Palace regarding a Christmas present - 15 Oct 1914
87 - Circle letter regarding the HRH The Princess Mary's Sailors' and Soldiers' Christmas Fund. Dec 4 - 1914
88 - Statement for Separation Allowance form - [c.1914]
89 - Agreement for an Officer or man of the Territorial Force to subject himself to liability to serve outside the United Kingdom - [c.1907]
90 - National Relief Fund Belper Committee subscriptions Aug 20th 1914 - Nov 10th 1914 - 1914
91 - War Loan. Issue of £350,000,000 application form - 1914
92 - Printed circular letter to attend a meeting of the Finance Committee - 1914
93 - A 'Xmas Present for our Derbyshire Fighters - 1914
94 - Copy circular letter from Buckingham Palace regarding a Christmas present - 15 Oct 1914
95 - Printed Circular letter regarding The Prince of Wales' National Relief Fund - 16 Dec 1914
96 - Printed Circular letter regarding a County Meeting - 18 Dec 1914
97 - Terrors of the Trenches. Comforts of Green Hall. Belper News and Derbyshire Telephone regarding the War - 11 Dec 1914
98 - Liquor Restrictions in Germany - Dec 1914
99 - Copy letter regarding a the enclosement of a resume - 4 Nov 1914
100 - The War and How it came about booklet - [c.1914]
101 - Printed notice regarding the death of Lord Roberts - 1914
102 - Summary of Work done by the National Service League since the outbreak of the war - 1914
103 - Envelope containing letters, His Majesty's Army, Householder's return, newspaper clipping - 1914
104 - Will You Help to Keep Our Jack Tars Fit? - 1916
105 - The German Crime at Gerbeviller - 1916
106 - United Intercessory Service, St Peter's Church, Belper. Thursday, August 1 - 1918
107 - The Belper News Friday, June 28 - 1918
108 - Blighty. A Budget of Humour from Home. May 31 - 1916
109 - Presentation procession orders to Bombardiers Stone 22 June - 1918
110 - Application for a supplementary Separation allowance - [c.1914]
111 - Printed circular letter regarding Derbyshire Special Fund - 1918
112 - Derbyshire Speical Fund Important Memorandum - 1918
113 - Food Control Campaign - 1917
114 - The Food Economy Campaign Hnadbook - [c.1914]
115 - To The Memory of Our Glorious Dead - [c.1919]
116 - Envelope with photographs from presentation to Bombardier Stone, June 22 - 1918
117 - Professional Classes War Relief Council Report - 1917
118 - Printed circular letter regarding the presentation of tank - 1919
119 - Circular letter to continue to collection War Portrait Stamps - [c.1915]
120 - Unveiling of Memorial Tablet to Our 'Glorious Dead' invitation - [c.1919]
121 - Register of Persons Entitled to Vote as Parochial Electors. Belper Urban District - 1915
122 - Mr Hunter's Re-capitulation of Six Years' Work - [c.1919]
123 - Urgent Relief needed for The Homeless and Destitute of France - [c.1919]
124 - Urgent Relief needed for The Homeless and Destitute of France - [c.1919]
125 - Envelope addressed to J Hunter Esq - [c.1918]
126 - Polling District of Belper [North) Form of registration - 1918
127 - Envelope with 2 letters; one in french and one in English - [c.1918]
128 - The War Refugees Committee Third and Final Report - 1919
129 - Peace? The End of the War - 1918
T41 - Abbey Farm Estate at Mattersey, Nottinghamshire (Acklom/Nettleship - Wormald - Benyon - Newton/Lamb - Walker - Strutt) Including D3772/T41/1 Conveyance, Franckland to Acklom, of manor of Mattersey and Mattersey Abbey, 1769 D3772/T41/2 Enclosure Act for Mattersey, 1770 D3772/T41/4 Copy will of Jonathan Nettleship of Mattersey, gent, 1779 D3772/T41/33 Copy probate will of John Wormald of Cookridge Hall, esq, 1851 D3772/T41/35 Abstract of title (1777-1863) D3772/T41/39 Supplemental abstract of title (1857-1864) D3772/T41/41 Mortgage, Walker to Strutt, 1864 D3772/T41/49 Conveyance, Walker to Strutt, 1897 D3772/T41/51 Conveyance, Walker to Strutt, 1912 [From Deed Box 33] - 1769-1922
T43 - Chellaston
T43 - Particulars of sale of land at Chellaston (Silverwood - Chellaston Minerals Ltd) - 1933
T44 - Crich
T45 - Darley Abbey
T46 - Derby
T47 - Doveridge
T48 - Duffield and Hazelwood
T49 - Hartshay
T50 - Heage
T51 - Holbrook
T52 - Hope (Thornhill Estate)
T53 - Kilbourne
T54 - Contract and conditions of sale of Newhouse Farm in Kniveton (Durose - Frost) - 1944
T54 - Kniveton
T55 - Copy of conveyance of fourteen houses and premises in Newton Street, Litchurch (Smith, Webster and Yates - Strutt) - 1864
T55 - Litchurch
T56 - Little Eaton
T57 - Makeney
T58 - Matlock Bath
T59 - Melbourne
T60 - Milford
T61 - South Wingfield
T62 - Spondon
T63 - Copy of abstract of title to building land in Walton on Trent (Disbrowe-Wise - Lees) - 1928
T63 - Walton on Trent
T64 - A seventh part of three houses and land in Whittington (Mather) - 1880
T64 - Whittington
T65 - Transfer of mortgage of two houses and gardens and two orchards in Ashleyhay in Wirksworth (Wilson) - 1870
T65 - Wirksworth
T66 - Miscellaneous
T67 - North Argyllshire, Glensanda
T67 - Particulars and plans of the highland estate and deer forest of Kingairloch including Glensanda in North Argyllshire, offered for sale on 15 Apr 1902 - 1902
T68 - Abstract of title of property in Long Lynch, Dorset (Hill) - 1913
T68 - Dorset, Long Lynch
T69 - Hertfordshire, Wheathampstead
T69 - Lease of the `Junipers', Gustard Wood, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire (Strutt) - 1940-1941
T70 - Lancashire, Walton on the Hill
T71 - Nottinghamshire, Chilwell
T71 - Particulars of sale of properties at Chilwell, Nottinghamshire (Montford - Jackson) - 1937
T72 - Land in Kirkby in Ashfield (Coke - Midland Railway Company, mortgaged to Strutt) - 1899
T72 - Nottinghamshire, Kirkby in Ashfield
T73 - Nottinghamshire, Wilford
T74 - Rhyl
T75 - Staffordshire, Burton upon Trent
T76 - Staffordshire, Onecote
T77 - Sussex, Horsham
T78 - Yorkshire, Doncaster
T79 - Alderwasley - 1931-1946
T80 - Ambergate - 1930-1935
T81 - Belper - 1868-1957
T82 - Belper and Milford Mills - 1898-1912
T83 - Brailsford - 1903-1936
T84 - Duffield - 1868-1952
T85 - Duffield, Milford and Hazlewood - 1952
T86 - Hazlewood - 1910-1959
T87 - Heage - 1900-1917
T88 - Holbrook - 1912-1945
T89 - Little Eaton - 1902-1937
T90 - Makeney - 1868-1945
T91 - Milford - 1923-1959
T92 - Woodeaves estate - 1872-1873
T93 - Miscellaneous Derbyshire - 1868-1945
T94 - Sussex, Horsham - 1932-1935
T95 - Miscellaneous including Rhyl, Surrey, Notts, Manchester, London, Yorkshire, Warwicks, Dorset - 1864-1948
T96 - William Langton Coke
T97 - Conveyance of Strutt Estates, 1893 - 1893
UL - Strutt family of Belper: unlisted records - 1953-1980
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