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D365 - Chesterfield-Hernstone Head (Peak Forest) Turnpike Trust - c1655-c1890
TA - Treasurer
TC - Clerk
1-10 - Miscellaneous: Receipted bills for fees and expenses of Thomas Mander, Clerk to Trustees - 1876-1877
11-13 - Circulars from John Taylor, Solicitor of Bakewell, informing Trustees of his candidature for vacant office of Clerk, and seeking their support; with related correspondence - 1876
14 - Letter from Mr Mander to John Taylor, with memorandum of Clerk's duties, at time of his taking up office as Clerk, Dec - 1876
15-16 - Draft notices and advertisements concerning special meetings of trustees, and repeal of Local Act - 1877, 1879
17-18 - Surveyor: Bond of Richard Heyward as Surveyor, with related correspondence - 1851
19 - Clerk's account book with Surveyor's estimates and joint payments - 1851-1876
20-22 - Surveyor's Reports - 1877-1879
23-35 - Meetings: Public notices concerning meetings of Trustees - 1876-1879
36-46 - Posters concerning meetings of Trustees - 1877-1879
47-48 - Requisitions of 2 Trustees to Clerk to call a special meeting, nd. - 1877
49-50 - Circulars to Trustees concerning meetings - 1870
51-53 - Tollhouses: Draft conveyances of site of tollhouse at Stoney Middleton to the Duke of Devonshire, and of that at Calver Bridge to Col. Charles Leslie, Sep - 1865
54 - Copy conveyance of site of tollhouse at Stoke, in the parish of Hope, to Henry Bridgeman Simpson, Jun. - 1865
55-57 - Receipts for payment for materials used in building Stoke Tollhouse, Jul 1865; and for rent of Calver Tollhouse, 1877 and Dec 1879 - 1865-1879
58 - Conditions of letting tolls - 1873
59-65 - Papers advertising auction of tolls - 1877-1878
66 - Work concerning Thomas Bower's tender for lease of tolls, nd.
67 - Leases of Tolls: Indenture between trustees and Thomas Bower, with Enoch Blackburn surety, for lease of tolls for sum of £1200 a year, Nov. - 1873
68 - Indenture between trustees and Henry Civill, with William Cox and Alfred Hanger as sureties, for lease of tolls for sum of £1320 a year, Mar. - 1877
69-70 - Indenture between trustees and Thomas Bower, with John Richard Bower and Enoch Blackburn sureties, Dec 1877, for lease of tolls from 1 Jan-31 Oct 1878, for sum of £1000; with draft lease - 1877
71 - Indenture between trustees and Thomas Bower, with John Richard Bower and Enoch Blackburn, Oct, 1878, for lease of tolls from 1 Nov 1878 - 31 Oct 1879 for sum of £1000; with additional papers attached - 1878
72-73 - Receipts for rent of tolls - 1877, 1878
74-129 - Papers relating to lease of tolls by Mr Civill, Including: D365 A/TC 79 Conditions for letting of tolls,1876, and D365 A/TC 81 Notes on values of tolls, 1876 - 1876 [c.1877]
130-178 - Legal Papers: Papers relating to falls of land onto road, near Calver - 1860-1861
179-182 - Case for counsel's opinion concerning meaning and application of Clauses 19 and 22 of Local Act, with notes on opinion, 1865; correspondence concerning similar case, Jun-Jul 1878 - 1865, 1878
183-193 - Correspondence: Letters mainly addressed to John Taylor, Clerk to the Trustees, and concerned with Turnpike business - 1877
194-203 - Letters mainly addressed to John Taylor, Clerk to the Trustees, and concerned with Turnpike business - 1878
204-236 - Letters mainly addressed to John Taylor, Clerk to the Trustees, and concerned with Turnpike business - 1879
237-256 - Letters mainly addressed to John Taylor, Clerk to the Trustees, and concerned with Turnpike business - 1880
257-258 - Letters mainly addressed to John Taylor, Clerk to the Trustees, and concerned with Turnpike business - 1882
259-304 - Repeal of Continuing Act: Papers in fight against proposed repeal of Continuing Act, 1877-1880 and nd. Includes D365 A/TC/259 Turnpike Acts Continuance Bill, 1877 (printed), and D365 A/TC/260 Bill to amend the law relating to the administration of County business, Jan 1878 (printed) - 1877-1880
261-262 - Bill to amend the law relating to Highways in England (with enclosed newspaper cutting explaining purpose of said Bill), Jan. (printed) - 1878
263-264 - Circulars to Trustees concerning passing of Turnpike Acts Continuance Bill, and informing them of meeting to discuss possible action, Oct. (printed) - 1877
265 - Poster giving public notice of auction of tolls till expiration of continuing act, and of meeting of trustees to decide whether to seek for renewal of continuing act, Oct. (printed) - 1877
266 - Poster giving public notice of second auction of tolls, and of decision of trustees to seek renewal of continuing act, Nov. - 1877
267-278 - Correspondence re proposed renewal of Local Act for Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head Turnpike Road including petitions from inhabitants of Calver and Curbar
279-291 - Completed forms signed by Surveyors of Highways for townships traversed by the Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head Turnpike Road, expressing the opinions of ratepayers as to the possible continuation of the Local Act
292-297 - Correspondence and papers re renewal of Local Act, including list of townships for/against continuation, letter announcing referral of the decision to the House of Commons Select Committee, rough minutes of points raised at a meeting to discuss the issue, 1 Jan. - 1880
298-299 - Particulars of the payment of debts by the Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head Turnpike Road Trust - 1865-1871
300-301 - Lists of Local Acts re Chesterfield and Hernstone Lane Head Turnpike Road
302 - Estimate of repairs expenses - 1875
303 - Income and expenditure balance sheet, (Printed) - 1876
304 - Estimate of repairs expenses - 1878
305-311 - Winding up: Clerk's instructions, and drafts of letters to Surveyors of Highways of Townships traversed by turnpike; with transfer, and copies to each Surveyor, Mar. - 1879
312-316 - Agreement for lease of Tollhouse at Calver Sough to Col Leslie (1865); with correspondence from Arnold and Co.; his lawyers, relating to expiration of lease with repeal of continuing act (Mar 1878) - 1865, 1878
317-338 - Papers relating to sale of tollhouses. Including (Tideswell, Ashgate etc). - 1879-1880
339-357 - Papers concerned with winding-up of Trust:- Including D365 A/TC/339 Provisions in the Several Turnpike Acts Continuance Acts (since 1860) amending the General Law [19th cent], and D365 A/TC/340, Circular from Local Government Board explaining sections 9 and 10 of "The Annual Turnpike Acts Continuance Act, 1878 [19th cent] - 1878-1880
358-360 - Petition, (with two additional fragments), from parishes traversed by turnpike, expressing their dissatisfaction with condition of road at time of winding-up of trust, and disapproval of suggestion that compensation be paid to the Surveyor, and proposing, rather, that any surplus in the hands of the trustees at the time of the dissolution be paid to the Parishes responsible for the future maintenance of the road. - [1879]
361-362 - Drafts of Justices' Certificate of Repair of road at time of winding-up - 1880
363 - Receipt from Surveyors of Highways of Eyam for payment to parish out of surplus in hands of trustees at time at winding-up, Feb - 1880
364-383 - Chesterfield, Brampton and Whittington Tramway: Papers relating to establishment of tramway, Including D365/A/TC/364, Requisition of two Trustees to Clerk to call Special Meeting of Trustees to discuss proposed Chesterfield, Brampton and Whittington Tramway, Nov 1878, and D365/A/TC/365-366 Posters giving public notice of meeting of Trustees to discuss said Tramway, Nov 1878. - 1878-1879
384 - Surveyor's account book - 1850-1876
TT - Trustees
TZ - Miscellaneous
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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