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D1564 - Strutt family of Belper - [18th-20th cent]
1a - Duffield, Belper, Hazelwood and Makeney enclosure award - 1791
1b - Duffield Enclosure Map entitled 'A plan of the roads and allotments on part of Chevin Ward and of the waste lands within the liberties of Duffield, Hazlewood and Makeney... and also of the ancient enclosed lands' - 1787
2 - Plan of Belper based on the 1790 Enclosure Map - 1800-[c1830]
3 - Map showing part of the liberties of Belper, Duffield and Makeney, based on a copy of parts of the enclosure plans, showing buildings, field boundaries, roads (including some road names) and footpaths, giving field names and extents, names of certain owners including of land adjacent to that which is featured on the map itself - 1805-c1818
4 - Wyver Farm - 1809
5 - [Number not used] - [early 19th cent]
6 - Map of Heage Common showing the allotment of Sheffield Hospital land - 1807
7 - Plan of the River Derwent from Blackbrook to Lawn Farm, Belper, including Belper Mills, showing the Horseshoe Weir which was built in 1797 and shaded to show where the land flooded as a result - [c1810]
8 - Sketch plans of alterations to Matlock Road, Belper, showing part of the new road where it cuts through Messrs Strutt's old wood yard and by the old laundry house, near to the junction of Long Row and Bridge Street - 1826-1827
9 - Alterations to Cromford Road - 1828
10 - Broadholme Road - [19th cent]
11 - New road through Woodyard - [19th cent]
12 - Map/plan of Cooper and Winson's premises, Crossroads Farm and Dalley Farm, Belper - [c1835]
13 - Survey and plan of land etc. in Milford and Makeney belonging to Jedediah Strutt, Esq. of the New Mills, parish of Duffield - 1792-1818
14 - Plans of Jedidiah Strutt's dwelling house, cotton mills and homestead - 1790
15 - Survey and map of The Homestead (formerly New Mills) at Milford - [c1787-1792]
16 - 'General Plan of the works [mills] at Milford', also showing gas and forge pipes as well as Chevin and Swainsley pipes - [early 19th cent]
17 - Pre-1875 map of houses and land at Milford and Forge Hill belonging to Anthony Radford Strutt (shown in green) and to the company (shown in pink), including the mills - [late 19th cent]
18 - Coloured map of part of the Strutt estate at Crich (east side), with terrier - [c1800]
19 - Plan of land at Crich purchased from Sheffield Hospital, showing old lead mines - [c1800]
20 - Detailed ground plan of Mrs Strutt's house and extent of Joseph Strutt's house on St Peter's Street, Derby - [c1847]
21 - Map, with draft, of land at Makeney showing land owned by Anthony Radford Strutt Esq. - 1827
22 - Radford estate at Holbrook - 1829
23 - Hazelwood Farm - 1806
24 - Detailed map ("Plan A") of the estates in Belper and Duffield, including Milford and Makeney, and their contiguous parts in Hazlewood and Heage belonging to William, George Benson and Joseph Strutt, Esquires - 1819-1820
25 - Map of Belper and Duffield as per the allotments under enclosure award, with traced copy - 1820
27 - Title map of part of the estates of William, George Benson and Joseph Strutt in Belper, Milford and Makeney, begun in 1820 with revisions up to 1829 - 1820-1829
28 - Volume entitled 'Deed of arrangement between William Strutt, George Benson Strutt and Joseph Strutt respecting their real estates, 2 Oct 1829' containing a chronological abstract of Strutt deeds, with maps showing the estate in Hazlewood, Ashleyhay (parish of Wirksworth), Crich, Heage, Belper, Duffield (including Milford), Derby parishes of All Saints and St Peter - 1829-1862
29 - Map of Belper - 1839
30 - Map entitled 'Plan of land lying on the west of the [River] Derwent... in Belper' - [early-mid 19th cent]
31 - Map of Belper town centre showing field boundaries, buildings and the route of the railway - [c1840]
32 - Makeney and Cowhill (plan D) - [19th cent]
33 - Northern part of Belper (Plan E) - [19th cent]
34 - Map of the Strutt estate in Belper and Duffield to the west of River Derwent - 1836
35 - Map of the parish of Duffield including Milford and Makeney 'including both old and new inclosure' - [c1830-c1831]
36 - Hazelwood - 1835
37 - Hutfall Field, Belper - 1852
38 - Large-scale plan of Bridge Street, with terrier - 1852
39 - Plan of lands in Belper by Parkin - 1852
40 - Thomas Lomas's garden - 1856
41 - Tracing of Title Map A showing Strutt estate in Belper and Duffield Estate, in the townships of Belper and Duffield (including the hamlet Makeney), Heage and Hazlewood (see D1564/28), with the Midland Railway line added - Mar 1856
42 - Winson and Cooper's premises - 1858
43 - Ordnance Survey, first edition, 25 inch of Belper (45.1), annotated - 1881
44 - Ground floor plan of Bridgehill House, Belper showing the position of gas, water and drain pipes in and around the building - 1888
45 - Ordnance Survey, first edition, 6 inch map of Belper and Milford, annotated - 1888
46 - Plan showing gas, water and drain pipes on the Bridgehill Estate of George Henry Strutt Esq., Belper - 1888
47 - Plan of pipes of Old Cross Roads Farm - 1889
48 - Belper Waterworks, specification of new works, form of tender and mounted photographs - 1897
49 - Belper plans - 1897
50 - Sketch of house at Green Lane - 1898
51 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 25" of Belper, annotated - 1898
52 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 25" of Belper, annotated (half of 40.12) - 1898
53 - 20th century photocopies of floor plans of the East Mill, Belper - (1911) 20th cent
54 - Insurance plan of the English Sewing Cotton Co. Ltd West Mill at Belper, showing layout of the site, giving names and heights (by storey) of buildings - Oct 1912
55 - Insurance plan of the English Sewing Cotton Co. Ltd North, South and East Mills at Belper, showing layout of the mills, giving names and heights (by storey) of buildings - Mar 1914
56 - Chevin Golf Course - 1914
57 - Plans of Green Hall, Belper - 1919-1923
58 - Ordnance Survey, 6 inch of Mount Pleasant, annotated - 1922
59 - Plans for suggested layout of the Bridgehill estate - 1937
60 - Plans of suggested development of the Bridge Hill Estate, including proposed layout of new roads and other utilities - 1937
61 - Title map 3 and Dalley plan 'R' of Bridgehill estate - [19th cent]
62 - Proposed new school at Belper Pottery Chapel - [19th cent-20th cent]
63 - Grange Farm (drains) - [19th cent-20th cent]
64 - Large-scale tracing of part of Belper Mills - [19th cent-20th cent]
65 - Plan of additional pumping plant at Belper Waterworks - [19th cent-20th cent]
66 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 25 inch, Milford, annotated - 1901
67 - Small plan of Milford Mills - 1912
68 - Fire insurance plans of English Sewing Cotton Co. Ltd West, North and South Mills at Belper and Milford Mills - 1900-1912
69 - Hopping Hill, Milford, east and west terraces - 1936
70 - Title maps 5 and 6: Chevin and Milford - [19th cent-20th cent]
71 - Small plan of part of Milford - [19th cent]
72 - Milford House, ground plans - [19th cent-20th cent]
73 - Map entitled 'Plan of Messrs Strutt's Property in Derby 1847', including the mills - 1847-1849
74 - Makeney estate - 1856
75 - Large-scale plan of Makeney Cottage and adjoining grounds - [19th cent-20th cent]
76 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 6 inch, Brailsford, annotated - [20th cent]
77 - Ordnance Survey, first edition, 6 inch, Strutt estate marked Brailsford Hall estate - 1921
78 - Map of parts of the townships of Duffield (including Milford), Hazelwood and Belper - 1853
79 - Plan of Duffield by George Lamb (1860) and traced copy (1862) - 1860-1862
80 - Traced copy of Holbrook tithe map - 1841
81 - Farmhouse and buildings at Holbrook - 1883
82 - Traced copy of Hazelwood tithe map - 1843
83 - Map of Radford estate at Little Eaton and Allestree - 1821
84 - Map referring to the tithe apportionment of Little Eaton (1850) - 1910
85 - Meynell Langley: tracing of part of 1847 tithe map - 1910
86 - Heage, tracing of tithe map - 1843
87 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 6 inch, Pentrich, Heage and Fritchley, annotated - 1900
88 - Ordnance Survey, second edition, 6 inch, Heage and Little Eaton, annotated - 1901
89 - Ordnance Survey, 25 inch, New Whittington - 1916
90 - Plan of intended Derby canals and railways - 1792
91 - Bradshaw's map of canals - 19th cent-20th cent
92 - Canal plan of Midlands - 19th cent-20th cent
93 - Plan of the Turnpike Road from Duffield to Heage, showing properties along the route - 1829
94 - Photograph of annotated version of Sanderson's map of Derbyshire 1836, showing leins veins and railway lines - 1836
95 - Weather observations at Field Head House, Belper - 1880-1900
96 - Roll of engravings of George Strutt
97 - Survey and Plan of small farm at Broadgate, Ashleyhay [known as Bents Farm by 1829 as per D1564/28] held and occupied by John Byard - Oct 1805
98 - Plan, entitled 'Belper', showing the mills and works there - [late 19th cent]
S - Scrapbook of plans relating to the Strutt Estate and the mills now unbound - 1796-1927
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