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D1544 - Swadlincote Urban District Council - 1827-1974
1 - Minutes of Swadlincote Local Board, 1875-1894, and Swadlincote Urban District Council, 1895-1966. (signed) - 1875-1966
2 - Finance/Finance and General Purposes Committee Minutes. The Committee became Finance and General Purposes from May 1946. - 1893-1960
3 - General Purposes and Markets Committee Minutes: Originally set up by the Local Board as a General Purposes Committee, it became the General Purposes and Markets Committee of the Urban District Council from Jan 1895. For minutes of the Local Board Market Committee 1893-1894, see below under D1544/4/1. - 1893-1946
4 - Market Committee Minutes: The Local Board had a Markets Committee, which was amalgamated with General Purposes when the Urban District Council was formed in 1895. For the minutes from 1895, see above under D1544/3/1-18. - 1893-1894
5 - Highways Buildings and Sewerage/Highways: Buildings Sewerage and Town Planning Committee Minutes Set up by the Local Board in 1893, it stayed as the Highways Buildings and Sewerage Committee until May 1946 when Town Planning was added. - 1893-1960
6 - Water and Lighting Committee Minutes: The Committee was known for a brief time as the Gas and Water Committee between Nov 1945 and May 1947. - 1893-1960
7 - Farm Committee Minutes: The Council took charge of the running of two farms, Stanton Farm and Cappy Lane Farm. The Committee ceased to meet after Stanton Farm was sold in 1937, Cappy Lane Farm having stopped being used for agriculture in 1935. - 1896-1937
8 - Housing/Health and Housing Committee Minutes: The Committee has been known by the following titles: Housing, Jan 1920 - Apr 1928; Housing and Town Planning, May 1928-Apr 1933; Housing, Apr 1933 - Mar 1946; Health and Housing, Apr 1946 - May 1954; Housing, May 1954 - May 1960. - 1920-1960
9 - Housing Sub-Committee Minutes - 1921-1945
10 - Health Committee Minutes: For minutes of Health and Housing Committee, see D1544/8/8-15. - 1946-1954
11 - Allotments Committee Minutes - 1922-1960
12 - Recreation Grounds/Parks and Recreation/Parks and Committee Minutes: The Committee was known by the following titles: Recreation Grounds, Jan 1926 - Jul 1941, Parks and Recreation, Aug 1941 - Apr 1946, Parks and Cemeteries, from Apr 1946. For the records of the earlier Cemetery Committees, 1926 - 1946, see D1544/13/1-3. - 1926-1960
13 - Cemetery Committee Minutes, The Council took over the responsibility for running the Church Gresley Burial Ground, previously run by the Church Gresley Burial Board. It later supervised the running of the Newhall Parish Burial Ground. For later records of the Parks and Cemeteries Committee, 1946-1960, see D1544/12/6-11. - 1926-1946
1 - Cemetery Committee Minutes, Apr 1926 - Mar 1935. - 1926-1935
2 - Cemetery Committee Minutes, Apr 1935 - Mar 1944. - 1935-1944
3 - Cemetery Committee Minutes, Apr 1944 - Mar 1946. - 1944-1946
14 - Rating/Rating and Valuation Committee Minutes: The Committee was set up following the Rating and Valuation Act 1925. It was known as the Rating Committee until Apr 1946, after which it was known as Rating and Valuation. - 1926-1958
15 - Public Library Committee Minutes - 1927-1960
16 - Salaries Committee Minutes: Set up following a Special Committee on Expenditure meeting in Sep 1931, it was briefly known as Salaries and Wages between Oct 1932 and May 1933. - 1931-1945
17 - Air Raid Precautions/Civil Defence Committee Minutes - 1937-1960
18 - Air Raid Precautions Local Supervisory Committee Minutes: Originally set up as a Personnel Sub-Committee in Oct 1939, the Local Supervisory Committee dealt solely with Air Raid Precautions during World War II. - 1939-1945
19 - Fire Guard Sub-Committee Minutes: Made up of members of the Swadlincote and Repton District Councils who were on ARP Local Supervisory Committees, it was later known as Fire Guard Joint Committee from May 1943, when it became independent of the Local Supervisory Committees. - 1941-1945
20 - Central Evacuation Committee Minutes: The Committee was set up to co-ordinate at a local level the provision of welfare to children evacuated from Birmingham and elsewhere during World War II. - 1939-1946
21 - Horticultural Committee Minutes: The Committee was set up as part of the drive to increase food production during World War II. - 1940-1945
22 - Miscellaneous Committee Minutes
23 - Planning files: Mostly including drawings and correspondence - c. 1948-1995
24 - Building application planning files
UL - Swadlincote Urban District Council: Unlisted records
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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