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Collapse Q - Derbyshire County Quarter Sessions - 1558-1971Q - Derbyshire County Quarter Sessions - 1558-1971
A - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Administration - 1660-1978
Collapse AB - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Records relating to gaols and lock-ups - 1660-1930AB - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Records relating to gaols and lock-ups - 1660-1930
Collapse 1 - County Gaol, Houses of Correction and Lock-ups - [17th cent]-18691 - County Gaol, Houses of Correction and Lock-ups - [17th cent]-1869
1 - Bundle labelled in late 19th century hand 'Box X 2' containing reports and presentments - 1788-1822
2 - Card headed 'State of Prisoners' in County Gaol Derby 7 April 1835 - 1835
3 - Bundle containing nominal returns of prisoners in the County Gaol
4 - Gaol reports - 1834-1869
Expand 5 - Bundles containing visiting justices quarterly reports on the county gaol and house of correction - 1833-18595 - Bundles containing visiting justices quarterly reports on the county gaol and house of correction - 1833-1859
Collapse 6 - File labelled X 1 and containing the following items, 17th cent and undated - 17th cent6 - File labelled X 1 and containing the following items, 17th cent and undated - 17th cent
7 - Bundle of visiting justices quarterly reports - 1860-1869
Expand 8 - Governors quarterly reports and returns of prisoners - 1840-18698 - Governors quarterly reports and returns of prisoners - 1840-1869
9 - Envelope marked Box X 7A and containing reports of the surgeon to the County Gaol - 1834-1869
Expand 10 - Abstracts of expenditure at the County Prison, 1835, 1839-1868 - 1835-186810 - Abstracts of expenditure at the County Prison, 1835, 1839-1868 - 1835-1868
11 - Bundle consisting of direction to supply to the house of correction an account of expenses issued in building, repairing, fitting and furnishing gaols and houses of correction since 1800, 23 Mar; returns and accounts relating to the County Gaol and the houses of correction at Ashbourne, Chesterfield, Tideswell and Wirksworth. (Marked Box X 3)
12 - Bundle labelled Box X 9 Reports of the Reformatory Committee, undated and 1858-1862 - 1858-1862
13 - Rules and Regulations prescribed by the Act of 4 George IV c.64 and to be observed in prisons in the County - Michaelmas 1823
14 - Additional Rules and Regulations for the government of the prisons Epiphany - 1824
15 - Proposals for building work to be done at the County Gaol in Derby to increase security, and estimate of cost, John Welch - 8 Jul 1817
16 - Statement of allowances made to Richard Eaton as keeper of the County Gaol and house of correction, with Mr Eaton's suggestions
17 - Report of the Committee relating to the appointment of officers and classification of prisoners in the new gaol and house of correction - 1827
18 - Order for appropriation of the new prisons at Derby, the classification of the prisoners and their removal from the present gaol and house of correction - 1827
19 - Report from the Committee for the sale of the old gaol - 1828
20 - Report of Committee to consider and report on the practicality of receiving the town prisoners into the County Gaol
21 - Report from Richard Eaton on the rules observed in the management of the prisoners in the house of correction - 1821
22 - Visiting magistrates report - 1822
23-25 - Loose labels for reports of select Committee and miscellaneous papers 1821-1849 - [late 19th cent]
26 - Bundle, report of select committee and miscellaneous papers - 1855-1859
27 - Report of visiting justices - [19th cent]
28 - Bundle of miscellaneous papers including list of debtors 1828-1829, proposals for agreement between the justices and the Municipal Council of Derby for maintenance of borough prisoners in the gaol and house of correction 1836 and report on heating and ventilation of the gaol 1838 - 1828-1839
29 - Note of delivery of copy of an order to Richard Eaton keeper of the gaol and house of correction - 1827
30 - Loose labels for reports of select Committee and miscellaneous papers - 1821-1859
31 - Bundle including minutes of the visiting justices and associated papers 1842, recommendations for provision of lock-ups at named places with plan, 1843, recommendations regarding lock-up houses 1849 - 1840-1849
Expand 2 - County Gaol - 1781-19302 - County Gaol - 1781-1930
Expand 3 - Returns of Lock-ups - 17903 - Returns of Lock-ups - 1790
Expand UL - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Records relating to gaols and lock-ups: unlisted material - 18th-19th centUL - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Records relating to gaols and lock-ups: unlisted material - 18th-19th cent
Expand AD - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Militia records  (index available to download) - 1762-1877AD - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Militia records (index available to download) - 1762-1877
Expand AF - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Finance (inquest indices available to download) - 1754-1869AF - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Finance (inquest indices available to download) - 1754-1869
Expand AG - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Mill apprenticeship records (index available to download) - 1802-1841AG - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Mill apprenticeship records (index available to download) - 1802-1841
Expand AH - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Highways and Bridges - 1648-1978AH - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Highways and Bridges - 1648-1978
Expand AL - Quarter Sessions (Administration): 'Lunacy' records (index available to download) - 1828-1937AL - Quarter Sessions (Administration): 'Lunacy' records (index available to download) - 1828-1937
Expand AM - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Various functions carried out by the court (index available to download) - 1744-1955AM - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Various functions carried out by the court (index available to download) - 1744-1955
Expand AN - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Enrolment of volunteers to the Navy and Army (index available to download) - 1795-1797AN - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Enrolment of volunteers to the Navy and Army (index available to download) - 1795-1797
Expand AR - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Printed reference materials - 1731-1817AR - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Printed reference materials - 1731-1817
AS - Letters not Used
Expand AT - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Transportation of felons - 1720-1772AT - Quarter Sessions (Administration): Transportation of felons - 1720-1772
J - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Justices of the Peace - 1711-1907
Expand JP - Quarter Sessions (Justice): Records relating to Justices of the Peace - 1711-1907JP - Quarter Sessions (Justice): Records relating to Justices of the Peace - 1711-1907
M - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Miscellaneous - 1828-1951
Expand MP - Quarter Sessions (Miscellaneous): Derby Division Petty Sessions - 1828-1951MP - Quarter Sessions (Miscellaneous): Derby Division Petty Sessions - 1828-1951
R - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Enrolment, registration and deposit - 1683-1922
Expand RA - Quarter Sessions (registration): Licensed/registered tradesmen - 1746-1827RA - Quarter Sessions (registration): Licensed/registered tradesmen - 1746-1827
Expand RD - Quarter Sessions (registration): Militia - 1762-1880RD - Quarter Sessions (registration): Militia - 1762-1880
Expand RE - Quarter Sessions (registration): Parliamentary elections - 1768-1918RE - Quarter Sessions (registration): Parliamentary elections - 1768-1918
Expand RG - Quarter Sessions (registration): Poor rate returns - 1801-1817RG - Quarter Sessions (registration): Poor rate returns - 1801-1817
Expand RI - Quarter Sessions (registration): Enclosure maps and awards - 18th-19th centRI - Quarter Sessions (registration): Enclosure maps and awards - 18th-19th cent
Expand RJ - Quarter Sessions (registration): Jury service (index available to download) - 1702-1922RJ - Quarter Sessions (registration): Jury service (index available to download) - 1702-1922
Expand RM - Quarter Sessions (registration): Assorted records (transcript/index available to download) - 1795-1849RM - Quarter Sessions (registration): Assorted records (transcript/index available to download) - 1795-1849
Expand RP - Quarter Sessions (registration): Deposited Plans - 1729-1963RP - Quarter Sessions (registration): Deposited Plans - 1729-1963
Expand RR - Quarter Sessions (registration): Religion and State Security - 1683-1854RR - Quarter Sessions (registration): Religion and State Security - 1683-1854
Expand RS - Quarter Sessions (registration): Charities, Societies, Printing Presses, etc. - 1799-1875RS - Quarter Sessions (registration): Charities, Societies, Printing Presses, etc. - 1799-1875
Expand RT - Quarter Sessions (registration): Turnpike Accounts - 1822-1876RT - Quarter Sessions (registration): Turnpike Accounts - 1822-1876
Expand RV - Quarter Sessions (registration): Vagrant Passes and Settlement Examinations - 1649-1879RV - Quarter Sessions (registration): Vagrant Passes and Settlement Examinations - 1649-1879
S - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court in Session - 1558-1971
Expand SB - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Court bundles (indexes available to download) - 1558-1971SB - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Court bundles (indexes available to download) - 1558-1971
Expand SC - Quarter Sessions Court (sessional records): poor rate valuations and assessments - 1729-1836SC - Quarter Sessions Court (sessional records): poor rate valuations and assessments - 1729-1836
Expand SD - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Tithes, particularly corn rents - 1801-1958SD - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Tithes, particularly corn rents - 1801-1958
Expand SM - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Minutes - 1711-1888SM - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Minutes - 1711-1888
Expand SO - Order Books and associated documents - 1682-1971SO - Order Books and associated documents - 1682-1971
Expand SP - Calendars of Prisoners - 1729-1971SP - Calendars of Prisoners - 1729-1971
Expand SS - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Coroners' inquests - 1877-1890SS - Quarter Sessions (sessional records): Coroners' inquests - 1877-1890
Expand UL - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Unlisted records - 17th-20th centUL - Derbyshire Quarter Sessions Court: Unlisted records - 17th-20th cent