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Collapse NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994
Expand A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972
Expand B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967
Expand C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989
Expand D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990
Expand E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994
Expand F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994
Expand G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981
Collapse H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976
Collapse AGR - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board - 1875-1976AGR - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board - 1875-1976
Collapse 1 - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board for East Midland Division Area 5, with related papers - 1916-19661 - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board for East Midland Division Area 5, with related papers - 1916-1966
1 - Correspondence on contract agreements of Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd with W & T Avery Limited of Birmingham and Nottingham for maintenance of weighing apparatuts - Sep 1937-Mar 1944
2 - Copy of contract agreement of Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd with the Phonotas Company Limited of London for cleaning and disinfecting telephone instruments at Denby Colliery - 21 Feb 1944
3 - Counterpart agreement of Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd with Captain John Alfred Edwin Drury-Lowe relating to telephone poles and stays at Denby Colliery, with plan - 14 Feb 1946
4 - Hire agreement of Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd with the London Computator Corporation Ltd for calculating machines, with correspondence - Mar 1942-May 1947
5 - Agreements of Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd with the Concordia Electric Safety Lamp Co Ltd, for installation of miners' safety lamps and equipment, with related correespondence - Dec 1946-Mar 1948
6 - Agreements of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Automatic Telephone and Electric Co Ltd, for maintenance and service of telephone installations, with related correspondence - Jul 1939-Sep 1961
7 - Agreements of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the National Cash Register Co Ltd, for maintenance of accounting machines, with related correspondence - May 1945-Oct 1947
8 - Agreements of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Nottingham Agency of the Burroughs Adding Machine Ltd, for service of accounting machines - Jan 1933-Jan 1937
9 - Agreement of Shipley Collieries Ltd with Addressograph-Multigraph Ltd of London, for maintenance of machine, with accompanying letter - Apr 1945-Apr 1946
10 - Correspondence of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Derbyshire Carriage and Wagon Co Ltd of New Whittington, on indemnity for employees inspecting wagons - Feb 1938
11 - Letter of Shipley Collieries Ltd from the Central Wagon Co Ltd of Wigan, on indemnity for employees inspecting and repairing wagons - 15 Mar 1938
12 - Agreements of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the London Computator Corporation Ltd for maintenance of calculating machines, with notes - Feb 1944-Feb 1947
13 - Agreement of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Post Office for provision of telephons service, with related correspondence - Jul 1945
14 - Correspondence of Shipley Collieries Ltd with Messrs Stevco Ltd of Oxford for renting of office at Oxford - Dec 1941- Apr 1944
15 - Contract of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Pooley and Son Ltd of Birmingham for repair of weighing machines - 6 Apr 1938
16 - Wayleave agreement of Mapperley Colliery Co Ltd with Derbyshire County Council for underground electric cable at Stanley Common - 22 Feb 1916
17 - Wayleave agreement of Mapperley Company Colliery Ltd with Shardlow Rural District Council for underground electric cable at crossing West Hallam and Stanley Road in the parishes of Stanton and Dale - Jan 1917-Jan 1964
18 - Agreements of Messrs FB Cameron and Co Ltd and Mapperley Company Colliery Ltd with Sam E Stevens for repair of wagons - May 1935-Apr 1941
19 - Agreements of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Charles Roberts and Co Ltd for letting of wagons, with related correspondence - Oct 1936-Mar 1941
20 - Service contract of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Underwood Elliott Fisher Ltd for inspection of adding machine at 39 London road, Leicester - 11 Oct 1937
21 - Contract of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Henry Pooley and Son Ltd for maintenance of weighing machine apparatus, with related correspondence - Jan 1937-Feb 1937
22 - Agreements of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with William Rigley and Sons Ltd, of Bulwell Forest, Nottingham, for hire and letting of wagons, with related correspondence - Feb 1936-Feb 1941
23 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with George Edward Horsley, for renting of wooden shed on company land at Mapperley, with plan - 27 Apr 1938
24 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Charles Amos Martin, for renting of wooden shed on company land at Mapperley, with plan - 28 Apr 1938
25 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with John Hewitt Ltd, for tenancy by the company of Stanley House, Station Rad, West Hallam - Jul 1938-Jun 1941
26 - Agreements of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Francis T Wright Ltd, for letting of wagons, with related correspondence - Jul 1938-Jun 1941
27 - Agreements of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd and the National Coal Board with the Derbyshire and Nottinghmshire Electric Power Company and East Midlands Electricity Borad, for electricity supply - Nov 1945-Sep 1951
28 - Undertaking of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with the Welfare Commission for the installation and maintenance of canteen equipment at Mapperley Colliery - 9 Sep 1942
29 - Undertaking of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with the Welfare Commission for the installation and maintenance of canteen equipment at Shipley Colliery - 9 Sep 1942
30 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with the London Computator Corporation Ltd for maintenance of calculating machine - 18 Aug 1942
31 - Wayleave agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company, for electricity supply at Stanley Common, with related correspondence and plans - Oct 1931-May 1940
32 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Stuart Barber for service as Agent and Collieries General Manager - 8 Nov 1943
33 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Stuart Barber varying agreement for service as Agent and Collieries General Manager - 1 Nov 1944
34 - Agreement of Mapperley Colliery Company Ltd with Stuart Barber varying agreement for service as Agent and Collieries General Manager - 4 Jul 1945
35 - Agreements of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Vacuum Oil Company Ltd of Westminster, for supply of lubrication oil - Mar 1937-Mar 1940
36 - Agreement of Shipley Collieries Ltd with the Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Traction Company, on use of trolley vehicles in Pit Lane and Hassock Lane, Shipleyl - 27 Apr 1933
37 - Licence agreement of West Hallam Colliery Co Ltd to Ilkeston Collieries Ltd, to use pumping machinery in premises to prevent inflow of water into Lodge and Manners Collieries - 9 May 1933
38 - Correspondence on agreement of Ilkeston Collieriee Ltd with the London and North Eastern Railway Company, on the loading of slurry at sidings of Manners Colliery - Nov 1941-Mar 1943
39 - Loan agreement of Ilkeston Collieries Ltd with Shell-Mex and BP Ltd, for storage container for lubricants, with accompanying letter - 24 Jan 1939
40 - Loan agreement of Ilkeston Collieries Ltd with Shell-Mex and BP Ltd, for oil storage tanks - 7 May 1937
41 - Agreements of Ilkeston Collieries Ltd with Henry Pooley and Son Ltd, for maintenance of weighing machine apparatus, with related correspondence - Jul 1933-Aug 1940
42 - Licence agreement of West Hallam Colliery Co Ltd to Ilkeston Collieries Ltd, to use pumping machinery in premises to prevent inflow of water into Lodge and Manners Collieries - 9 May 1933
43 - Agreement of Ilkeston Collieries Ltd with the Miners Welfare Commission, for a new canteen to be erected, equipped and maintained at Manners Colliery - 9 Mar 1944
44 - Agreement of Oakwood Grange Colliery Company Ltd with the Ilkeston Haulage Company of Cossall, for the delivery of coal at Cossall Colliery - 10 Jul 1945
45 - Agreement of Oakwood Grange Colliery Company Ltd with Tom Dudley Eyre, for the sale and distribution of coal, with related papers - Apr 1945-Jul 1951
46 - Agreement of Oakwood Grange Colliery Company Ltd with the Concordia Electric Safety Lamp Co Ltd, for the installation of miners' safety lamps and equipment, with related papers - Nov 1942-Nov 1948
47 - Agreement of Oakwood Grange Colliery Company Ltd with the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company, for the supply of electricity to Cossall Collienry, with related papers - Nov 1943-Mar 1959
48 - Wayleave agreement of the Butterley Company with the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company, for the Heanor-Kirkby transmission line, with related papers - Aug 1934-Sep 1934
49 - Counterpart lease of the Butterley Company with the Heanor Urban District Council, for allotment gardens on two closes of land at Langley Mill - 1 Jan 1919
50 - Wayleave agreement of the Butterley Company with Joseph Redford, for overland cable and telephone wire over Mr Radford's property at Hartshay for Upper Hartshay Colliery - 24 Jul 1924
51 - Wayleave agreement of the Butterley Company with Joseph Alton, for overland cable and telephone wire over Mr Radford's property at Heage for Upper Hartshay Colliery - 24 Jul 1924
52 - Wayleave agreement of the Butterley Company with Arthur Henshaw, for underground electric cable under Mr Henshaw's property at Ripley for Upper Hartshay Colliery - 15 Jul 1924
53 - Agreement of the Butterley Company with Nife Batteries Ltd of Redditch, Worcestershire, for the hire of electric lamps and apparatus at Langley Colliery, with related letters - Oct 1944-Jan 1946
54 - Agreement of the Butterley Company with the Miners Welfare Commission, for a new canteen to be erected, equipped and maintained at New Langley Colliery - 14 Jul 1944
55 - Agreement of the Butterley Company with the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Company, for the supply of electricity to the Coal Washery at Denby Hall Colliery, with related correspondence - Sep 1943-Jan 1959
56 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the construction of a conveyor bridge across the Park Hall Lane, Denby for Denby Drury-Lowe Colliery, with related correspondence - Mar 1955-Aug 1970
57 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with the British Transport Commission, for a cable under railway at Mapperley for Mapperley Colliery, with related correspondence - Mar 1948-Apr 1958
58 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with the British Transport Commission, for a cable under bridge near Denby Hall Colliery, with related correspondence - Nov 1948-Jan 1963
59 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the British Transport Commission, for the tenancy of land (6025 square yards) at Loscoe - 23 Feb 1951
60 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the British Transport Commission, for the construction of a conveyor bridge over the railway at Langley Mill - 2 Feb 1955
61 - Memorandum of the National Coal Board for the tenancy by Neville Harris of land (1056 square yard) at Kilburn Colliery, with plan and correspondence - Sep 1948-Oct 1960
62 - Correspondence on permission by the National Coal Board for the tenancy by SE Clarke of land in the old Marehay Colliery yard for the purpose of pig-keeping, with plan - Feb 1949-Jun 1958
63 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Derbyshire Agricultural Executive Committee for the destruction of rats at Shipley Colliery - 4 Oct 1949
64 - Consents by the Post Office to the National Coal Board for an electric light pole at the railway crossing at Mapperley Colliery - Jul 1950-Sep 1950
65 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the East Midlands Electricity Board, for electricity poles near Bailey Brook in the Heanor Urban District - 2 Feb 1955
66 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Derbyshire Agricultural Executive Committee for the destruction of rats at Shipley Colliery - 12 Oct 1950
67 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Midland Tunnelling Company Ltd, for driving the Manners Return Drift - 11 Aug 1951
68 - Agreement of the Butterley Company with their deputies at their Derbyshire Collieries, with amended agreement - Jul 1942-Dec1951
69 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the East Midlands Electricity Board, for electricity poles near the Fall Road near Heanor - 2 Feb 1955
70 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr NT Snowball, for the tenancy of a piece of land (450 square yards) off Heanor Road at Shipley Wood - 7 Jul 1952
71 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at the Vicarage Office, Ironville - 1 Jul 1952
72 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Woodside Colliery, Shipley - 1 Jul 1952
73 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Stanley Colliery - 1 Jul 1952
74 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Denby Hall Colliery - 1 Jul 1952
75 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Coppice Colliery, Shipley - 1 Jul 1952
76 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Denby (Drury-Lowe) Colliery - 1 Jul 1952
77 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for the attaching an air raid warning siren at Ormonde Colliery, Loscoe - 1 Jul 1952
78 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derbyshire County Council, for opening and breaking up Station Road, West Hallam to lay an underground pipe - 7 Nov 1952
79 - Permission of the National Coal Board for Mr E Chapman to graze a horse on land adjoining Manners Colliery - Nov 1952
80 - Permission of the National Coal Board for Mr P Johnson to graze a pony in Powder Magazine Field at Manners Colliery - Nov 1952
81 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr NT Snowball, for the tenancy of a piece of land (450 square yards) off Heanor Road at Shipley Wood - 23 Feb 1953
82 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Ilkeston Rugby Football Club, for the tenancy of a building at Manners Colliery for use as a changing room, with related correspondence - Mar 1953-Apr 1961
83 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr Herbert FA Smith, for the tenancy of land (1.276 acres) at Station Road, Stanley, with related correspondence - Mar 1953-Dec 1963
84 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr Herbert FA Smith, for grazing rights on land (0.673 acres) at Denby Drury-Lowe Colliery, with related correspondence - Jun 1953-Oct 1954
85 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Telefusion Ltd of Derby, for cable at Church Street, Waingroves, with related correspondence - Sep 1953-Jun 1967
86 - Correspondence on agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr G Clifton, for garage accommodation at Shipley - Oct 1953
87 - Lease by Messrs SGK and JA Bentley to the National Coal Board of a piece of land (0.32 acres) at Hopewell Farm, Cotmanhay, Ilkeston, with related correspondence - Mar 1944-Sep 1960
88 - Lease by Messrs Cooke's Explosives Ltd to the National Coal Board of lands (0.38 acres) and buildings at Pentrich Colliery, with related correspondence - Mar 1944-May 1963
89 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Telefusion Ltd of Derby, for two wooden poles at a field north of Peasehill, Ripley - 2 Apr 1954
90 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Telefusion Ltd of Derby, for light cable attached to wall under eaves at 10 houses at Nottingham Road, Ripley, with related correspondence - Oct 1954-Jun 1967
91 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Peter Nicklin, for tenancy of a building at Ripley Colliery for use as agarage - 8 Feb 1955
92 - Letter on ending of agreements of the National Coal Board with the East Midlands Electricity Board, for wayleaves at Manners Colliery - 7 Dec 1967
93 - Wayleave agreement of the National Coal Board with Telefusion Ltd of Derby, for light pole and cables near canteen at the old Ripley Colliery, with related correspondence - Feb 1955-Jun 1967
94 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Haywood Hosiery Ltd of Codnor, for tenancy of the canteen at Ripley Colliery - 19 Mar 1955
95 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Albert Ernest Hope, for tenancy of the old colliery offices at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston - 17 May 1955
96 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Cementation Company of London, for tenancy of two buildings and land at Ripley Colliery - 18 May 1955
97 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with William Arthur Coates, for tenancy of buildings previously used as a colliery lamp room at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston - 23 Jun 1955
98 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Geoffrey Walter Wragg, for tenancy of a piece of land on site of the disused Whiteley Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 20 Oct 1955
99 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Herbert Hoyes, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 4 Nov 1955
100 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Robert Laurence Fletcher, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 21 Nov 1955
101 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Albert Victor Brown, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 22 Nov 1955
102 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Laurence Chamberlain, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 24 Dec 1955
103 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derek Royston Liggett, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 13 Dec 1955
104 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derek Royston Liggett, for tenancy of a piece of land at Manners Colliery, for puepose of caravan builfding and garage, with related correspondence - Jan 1956-Jan 1959
105 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Gordon Howard Poole, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 21 Dec 1955
106 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Alfred Edward Sharpe, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 16 Dec 1955
107 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Ripley Urban District Council, for the construction of a drain for the disposal of effluent from the pithead baths at Denby Hall Colliery - Dec 1955-Feb 1963
108 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the East Midlands Electricity Board, for electricity underground cable at New Langley Colliery in the Heanor Urban District - 4 Jan 1956
109 - Correspondence on agreement of the National Coal Board with Messrs Adam Eastwood and Son Ltd, civil engineers, of Warsop, Nottinghamshire, for rent of land at Cromford Road, Langley Mill - Feb 1956
110 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Joseph Alfred Westwood, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Whiteley Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 16 Dec 1955
111 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Alan Beresford, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Whiteley Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 2 Apr 1956
112 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Alan Beresford, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 4 May 1956
113 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Walker Richards Ltd, for tenancy of a building on land (112 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, for office and storage accommodation - 18 May 1956
114 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derek Lancashire, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Whiteley Colliery, parish of Ripley to erect a garage - 24 Jan 1956
115 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Internationcl Bible Society Inc, of Ripley, for tenancy of a piece of land (50 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a Mission Hall - 15 Jun 1956
116 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Melvin Graser, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 9 Jul 1956
117 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Ilkeston and Heanor Water Board, for the supply of water to Ripley Colliery and the indirect supply to certain premises at Codnor Park - 5 Jul 1956
118 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Harry Hibbert, for tenancy of a piece of land (240 square yards) with buildings on site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to use for motor engineering - 22 Aug 1956
119 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Reginald Roy Stainwright, for tenancy of a piece of land (28 square yards) adjoining 59 Station Road, Langley Mill - 17 Sep 1956
120 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Kenneth Southern, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of the disused Whiteley Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 24 Jan 1957
121 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Walker Richards Ltd, for tenancy of a building on land (165 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, for office and storage accommodation - 20 May 1957
122 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Walker Richards Ltd, for tenancy of a building on land (112 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, for office and storage accommodation - 17 Jun 1957
123 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Anthony Haynes, for lease of right of way for the Board along the entrance between 95 Station Road and Ashstead House, Station Road, West Hallam - 1 Jul 1957
124 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Harry Kirkby, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 20 Sep 1957
125 - Correspondence of the National Coal Board with the Post Office, on consent for placing of arms on poles at the entrance of Denby Hall Colliery - Oct 1957-Nov 1957
126 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Harold Stevens, for tenancy of a piece of land (1.13 acres) in Aldreds Lane, Heanor, for a garden or rearing of poultry - 22 Oct 1957
127 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Golden Valley Old Peoples Welfare, for tenancy of building formerly used as a working men's institute at Golden Valley, Riddings, parish of Alfreton, for use by the Association - 25 Nov 1957
128 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Robert Henry Ottewell, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 19 Nov 1957
129 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Roland Herbert Atkin, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 13 Dec 1957
130 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Albert Walker, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 30 Jan 1958
131 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Alfred Holmes junior, for tenancy of a piece of land (1280 square yards) with building on site of Manners Colliery, for use as workshop for manufacture of precast concrete products - 14 Feb 1958
132 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Joseph Sansome, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Whiteley Colliery, to erect a garage - 6 Feb 1958
133 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Cementation Company Ltd, for tenancy of a building on land (50 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, for office and storage accommodation - 4 Jun 1958
134 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with James John Fallows, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 4 Jun 1958
135 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with David Gilbert Rees, for tenancy of a building adjoining 7-13 Lacey Fields Road, Langley near New Langley Colliery, to erect a garage - 23 Jun 1958
136 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Arthur Henshaw, for tenancy of a gargae at Ripley Colliery - 24 Jun 1958
137 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Peter Frith, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 20 Aug 1958
138 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Robert Smith, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 22 Aug 1958
139 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Charles William Wigginton, for tenancy of a piece of land (1410 square yards) at Manners Colliery, parish of Ilkeston, to store timber - 1 Oct 1958
140 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with George Cooper, for tenancy of a piece of land (36 square yards) on south side of Grandfield Street, Loscoe, to erect a garage - 21 Oct 1958
141 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Thomas Arthur Chapman, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 27 Oct 1958
142 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Reginald Frank Pickering, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 12 Nov 1958
143 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Ripley Engineering Co Ltd, for tenancy of a piece of land (2900 square yards) and building on site of Ripley Colliery, to use premises for business of mining engineering contractors and storage of machniery plant and materials - 17 Nov 1958
144 - Counterpart agreement of the National Coal Board with Thomas Wright, to shoot and sport over lands at Shipley - 26 Nov 1958
145 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Reginald Frank Pickering, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on west side of Spencer Street, Stanley, to erect a garage - 13 Jan 1959
146 - Correspondence of the National Coal Board with the Butterley Company Limited, on telephone bracket at Lyncroft Avenue, Ripley - Feb 1959-Jan 1961
147 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Charles William Wigginton, for tenancy of a piece of land (2810 square yards) and buildings on site of Manners Colliery, Ilkeston, to use premises for purposes of a saw mill and storage of timber - 6 Apr 1959
148 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Alfred Edward Sharpe, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 28 Apr 1959
149 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Isaac McEwen Train, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of old mineral railway adjoining Peasehill, Ripley, to erect a garage - 24 Mar 1959
150 - Letter from the National Coal Board to Mr C Sisson, on application for tenancy of garage at the old stable block at Shipley Hall near Home Farm - 29 May 1959
151 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the East Midlands Electricity Board, for electricity underground cable off Plumptre Road, Langley Mill in the parish of Heanor - 15 Jul 1959
152 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Riley, for tenancy of a building on site of Ripley Colliery, to use premises for storage of building materials and equipment - 21 Jul 1959
153 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Thomas Dent Baines, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 7 Aug 1959
154 - Correspondence of the National Coal Board with Mr GR Travis on the shotting of vermin at Salterwood Dirt Tip - 18-24 Aug 1959
155 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Sydney Raymond Spencer, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 1 Sep 1959
156 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Mr RO Malin, for construction of dyke and fencing by the Board for a proposed coal stocking site at Street Lane Farm, Denby - 21 Sep 1959
157 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Ripley Engineering Co Ltd, for tenancy of a building on a piece of land (50 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, for the purpose of an office - 29 Sep 1959
158 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Richard Henry James, for tenancy of a piece of land (75 square yards) at Hartshay Colliery, for the purpose of storing and cutting up wood for sale as firewood - 29 Sep 1959
159 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Turner, for tenancy of a garage at Ripley Colliery - 9 Oct 1959
160 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with James John Steeples of Purdy House Farm, Shipley, for tenancy of 27.63 acres in the parish of Shipley - 19 Oct 1959
161 - Form of indemnity of the National Coal Board for AT Hill of AT Hill (Metals) Ltd of Chesterfield, to enter premises at Coppice and Mapperley Collieries to burn and break down old steam locomotives - 25 Feb 1965
162 - Memorandum of the National Coal Board on termination of tenancy by Miss NJM Sutton of a field at Park Hall Lane, West Hallam - 8 Dec 1964
163 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with William Henry Oldfield, for tenancy of a piece of land (1950 square yards) at Woodside Colliery, parish of Shipley - 10 Dec 1964
164 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Reverend Gordon Charles Craig Spencer, relating to subsidence damage to Holy Trinity Church, Mapperley - 23 Feb 1963
165 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Barry Herrett, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 12 May 1965
166 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Ronald Melrose, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 12 May 1965
167 - Correspondence of the National Coal Board with Mr W Roper, for tenancy of building and adjoining land previously used as a timber store at Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 23 Aug 1965-1 Sep 1965
168 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Burrows & Sherratt (Builders) Ltd, for tenancy of a building and piece of land (100 square yards) at Egreaves House, Denby Lane, Loscoe, for use as garages and store rooms - 28 Sep 1965
169 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Stanley Gordon Rice, for tenancy of a garage/stable and piece of land (40 square yards) at Egreaves House, Denby Lane, Loscoe - 16 Jan 1966
170 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Frederick George Adams, for tenancy of 40.27 acres of land in the parish of Shipley - 19 Oct 1959
171 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Saxton Bros. of Heanor, for tenancy of buildings and land (265 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, for business of builders and contractors and storage of building materials and plant - 20 Oct 1959
172 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Thomas William Mills, for tenancy of building and land (92 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to use premises for coal haulage purposes - 3 Nov 1959
173 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with M Vaughan, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the north side of Ford Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 17 Nov 1959
174 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Haywood Hosiery Ltd, for tenancy of a building at Ripley Colliery, to use premises for the business of hosiery and garment manufacturing and storage of materials and plant - 17 Nov 1959
175 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with W Else, for tenancy of a piece of land (30 square yards) and building at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston, to use premises as an office for the business of a coal merchnat - 22 Nov 1959
176 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with E Holmes, for tenancy of a piece of land (80 square yards) on the site of the disused Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 2 Feb 1960
177 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Keith Fairbrother, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 1 Mar 1960
178 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with William Smith, for tenancy of a garage adjoining 7 and 13 Laceyfields, Langley - 25 Mar 1960
179 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with William Ernest Roberts, for tenancy of buildings previously used as a colliery lamp room at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston, to use the premises for the machining of light machine tool csstings - 11 Apr 1960
180 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Dennis Allen, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 6 May 1960
181 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Messrs Burrows & Sherratt of Heanor, for tenancy of a garage, part of the old workshops in the parish of Shipley - 8 Jun 1960
182 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with William Smith, for tenancy of a piece of land (40 square yards) adjoining garden of 7 Laceyfields, Langley, to erect a garage - 22 Jun 1960
183 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Messrs Burrows & Sherratt of Heanor, for tenancy of a garage and land at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston - 5 Jul 1960
184 - Copy letter of H England to the National Coal Board on formation of a new company called Craft Engineering, relating to tenancy of premises at Manners Colliery, Ilkeston - 1 Jul 1963
185 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Edward Holmes, for tenancy of a piece of land (25 square yards) at Cotes Row, Peasehill, Ripley, to erect a garage - 8 Jul 1960
186 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Herbert Brown, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 8 Feb 1961
187 - Letter of agreement of the National Coal Board with Herbert Brown, for tenancy of a piece of land (0. 33 acres) at Parkhall Lane, Denby, for use as a garden or to rear poultry - 18 Feb 1961
188 - Form of indemnity of the National Coal Board to the British Transport Commission, to enter premises at The Field, Shipley - 2 Aug 1961
189 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Arthur Wheatcroft, for tenancy of a piece of land at Greenhill Aveune on the south side of Ripley Colliery, for use of keeping poultry - 13 Jul 1961
190 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with George William Evans, for tenancy of Denby Old Hall Farm - 6 Sep 1961
191 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Derek Hedley Williams, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the site of Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 21 Dec 1961
192 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Florence Dorothy Wright, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) on the northern side of the access road to Fords Colliery, Marehay, to erect a garage - 1 Jan 1962
193 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Imperial Tobacco Company (of Great Britain and Ireland0 Ltd, relating to the deposit of tobacco offal in the Forty Horse Shaft near Codnor Gate - 14 May 1962
194 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Walker Richards Ltd, for tenancy of land (2900 square yards) and buildings at Ripley Colliery, for the business of mining engineering contractors and teh storage of machinery and plant - 10 Sep 1962
195 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Messrs Burrows & Sherratt, for tenancy of "The Bungalow" and adjoining piece of land (500 square yards) at Shipley, for use as office, stores and workshop - 3 Oct 1962
196 - Licence of the National Coal Board to the Nottingham Tornado Motor Club, for use of land (4.6 acres) at Upper Hartshay for the purpose of conducting motor vehicle trials and scambles - 8 Oct 1962
197 - Undertaking of the Postmaster General to the National Coal Board to store cable drums in the Stores Compound at Denby Hall Colliery - 29 Aug 1963
198 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Raymond Taylor, for tenancy of a garage at Ripley Colliery - 20 Sep 1963
199 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Richard Owen Malin, for tenancy of land (9.991 acres) on the east side of Street Lane, Denby - 18 Nov 1963
200 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with H Knowlson and Sons Lld, for tenancy of a building and land (100 square yards) at Egreaves House, Denby Lane, Loscoe, for use as garages and storerooms - 10 Jan 1964
201 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Maurice Beastall, for tenancy of a building and land (92 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to use the premises for coal haulage purposes - 2 Apr 1964
202 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Maurice Beastall, for tenancy of a piece of land (137 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to use the premises for the stocking of coal, coke and fuel manufactured from coal or coke and parking - 29 Sep 1964
203 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with David Jackson Baird, for tenancy of a garage on land (20 square yards) at Loscoe Fields Flats - 20 Sep 1963
204 - Agreement of the National Coal Board for AJ Hill of AJ Hill (Metals) Ltd of Sheffield, for tenancy of a piece of land (2132 square yards) with building at Woodside Colliery, Shipley, to stock new and second hand metals as in a scrapyard - 22 Jul 1964
205 - Undertaking to the National Coal Board from WO Roberts to make good any damages and indemnify the Board regarding facilities granted for the carrying out of experiments at the spoil heap at New Winnings Colliery - 1 Aug 1964
206 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Stanley Nathaniel Hooper, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) at Stanley Common, to erect a garage - 11 Sep 1964
207 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with the Territorial and Auxiliary Forces Association of the County of Derby, for tenancy of land and buildings known as Parkfields Offices (170 square yards) at Ripley Common, for the premises to be used for the training of members of the Air Training Corps - 11 Sep 1964
208 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Brian Thomas Brentnall, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 15 Sep 1963
209 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Raymond Taylor, for tenancy of a piece of land (20 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to erect a garage - 28 Sep 1963
210 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with John Maurice Beastall, for tenancy of a building and land (92 square yards) at Ripley Colliery, to use the premises for coal haulage purposes - 5 Oct 1964
211 - Agreement of the National Coal Board with Messrs L & WJ Tooby of Codnor, for tenancy of a piece of land (1230 square yards) at Woodside Colliery, Shipley, to use the premises for the stocking of coal, coke and fuel manufactured from coal or coke and parking of lorries - 27 Nov 1964
212 - Tenancy agreement of the National Coal Board with Michael Jaykmelen, for tenancy of a piece of land (483 square yards) on the north side of Primrose Hill, Blackwell - 3 Aug 1962
213 - Tenancy agreement of the National Coal Board with Harry Newbold, for tenancy of a piece of land (970 square yards) on the north side of Primrose Hill, Blackwell - 16 Nov 1962
214 - Tenancy agreement of the National Coal Board with Edward Golding, for tenancy of a piece of land (482 square yards) on the north side of Primrose Hill, Blackwell - 28 Sep 1962
Expand 2 - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board, with related papers - 1875-19762 - Agreements inherited from predecessor companies or initiated by the National Coal Board, with related papers - 1875-1976
Expand BAB - Title deeds and related documents of the Babbington Coal Company - 1867-1942BAB - Title deeds and related documents of the Babbington Coal Company - 1867-1942
Expand BLA - Copy deed books, title deeds and related documents of the Blackwell Colliery Company - 1867-1942BLA - Copy deed books, title deeds and related documents of the Blackwell Colliery Company - 1867-1942
Expand BOL - Title deeds and related documents of the Bolsover Colliery Company - 1894-1976BOL - Title deeds and related documents of the Bolsover Colliery Company - 1894-1976
Expand BUT - Title deeds and related documents of the Butterley Company - 1703-1945BUT - Title deeds and related documents of the Butterley Company - 1703-1945
Expand CLX - Title deeds and related documents of the Clay Cross Company - 1828-1950CLX - Title deeds and related documents of the Clay Cross Company - 1828-1950
Expand DDL - Title deed of the Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd - 1946DDL - Title deed of the Denby Colliery (Drury-Lowe) Ltd - 1946
Expand GRS - Title deeds and related documents of the Grassmoor Colliery Company Limited - 1690-1942GRS - Title deeds and related documents of the Grassmoor Colliery Company Limited - 1690-1942
Expand GRV - Title deeds and related documents of the Granville Colliery Company Limited - 1731-1949GRV - Title deeds and related documents of the Granville Colliery Company Limited - 1731-1949
Expand HAL - Title deeds of Hall's Collieries Limited for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1884-1956HAL - Title deeds of Hall's Collieries Limited for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1884-1956
Expand HAR - Title deeds and related documents of the Hardwick Colliery Company Limited - 1784-1953HAR - Title deeds and related documents of the Hardwick Colliery Company Limited - 1784-1953
Expand ILK - Title deed of the Ilkeston Colliery Company Limited - 1908ILK - Title deed of the Ilkeston Colliery Company Limited - 1908
Expand JGW - Title deeds and related documents of J. and G. Wells Limited - 1720-1950JGW - Title deeds and related documents of J. and G. Wells Limited - 1720-1950
Expand JOC - Title deed of Messrs James Oakes and Co (Riddings Collieries) Ltd - 1938JOC - Title deed of Messrs James Oakes and Co (Riddings Collieries) Ltd - 1938
Expand MAP - Copy title deeds of the Mapperley Colliery Company - 1921-1944MAP - Copy title deeds of the Mapperley Colliery Company - 1921-1944
Expand NAD - Title deeds of Messrs J and N Nadin and Company for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1770-1963NAD - Title deeds of Messrs J and N Nadin and Company for mining rights and properties in the Swadlincote area - 1770-1963
Expand NOW - Title deeds of properties in the Heath and North Wingfield area (colliery company unknown) - 1574-1850NOW - Title deeds of properties in the Heath and North Wingfield area (colliery company unknown) - 1574-1850
Expand OXC - Title deeds and related documents of the Oxcroft Colliery Company - 1805-1959OXC - Title deeds and related documents of the Oxcroft Colliery Company - 1805-1959
Expand PEN - Title deeds and related documents of the Pentrich Colliery Company - 1915-1945PEN - Title deeds and related documents of the Pentrich Colliery Company - 1915-1945
Expand PIL - Title deeds and related documents of the Pilsley Colliery Company - 1865-1940PIL - Title deeds and related documents of the Pilsley Colliery Company - 1865-1940
Expand PIN - Title deeds and related documents of Pinxton Collieries - 1748-1901PIN - Title deeds and related documents of Pinxton Collieries - 1748-1901
Expand SHE - Title deeds and related documents of the Sheepridge Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1877-1943SHE - Title deeds and related documents of the Sheepridge Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1877-1943
Expand SHO - Title deeds and related documents of the Shireoaks Colliery Company - 1801-1946SHO - Title deeds and related documents of the Shireoaks Colliery Company - 1801-1946
Expand SHY - Title deeds and related documents of Shipley Collieries Limited - 1927-1937SHY - Title deeds and related documents of Shipley Collieries Limited - 1927-1937
Expand STN - Title deed of Stanton Ironworks Company - [1919]STN - Title deed of Stanton Ironworks Company - [1919]
Expand STV - Title deeds and related documents of the Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1810-1936STV - Title deeds and related documents of the Staveley Coal and Iron Company Limited - 1810-1936