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Collapse NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994NCB - National Coal Board, later British Coal Corporation - 1574-1994
Expand A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972A - Pre-Vesting Colliery Companies superseded by the National Coal Board - [1672]-1972
Collapse B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967B - National Coal Board East Midlands Division - 1948-1967
Expand AMN - East Midlands Division management reports - 1947-1967AMN - East Midlands Division management reports - 1947-1967
Expand ASS - Est Midlands Division records on registration of assets of colliery companies following the nationalisation of the coal industry and on the award of compensation  - 1933-1952ASS - Est Midlands Division records on registration of assets of colliery companies following the nationalisation of the coal industry and on the award of compensation - 1933-1952
Expand EST - East Midlands Division estate records - 1950-1968EST - East Midlands Division estate records - 1950-1968
Expand FIN - East Midlands Division financial records - 1947-1962FIN - East Midlands Division financial records - 1947-1962
Expand IND - East Midlands Divison records on industrial relations with regard to wage agreements - 1946-1965IND - East Midlands Divison records on industrial relations with regard to wage agreements - 1946-1965
Expand MED - East Midlands Division Medical Services  - 1932-1967MED - East Midlands Division Medical Services - 1932-1967
Collapse MIN - East Midlands Division mining and production records - 1947-1962MIN - East Midlands Division mining and production records - 1947-1962
1 - Colliery seam output figures forms for East Midlands Division - 1947
2 - File of projected seam plans and outputs for the collieries of the Hardwick Colliery Company for the period 1947-1966 - 10 Jan 1948
Expand 3 - East Midlands Division No. 1 Area Mining Department records - 1947-19553 - East Midlands Division No. 1 Area Mining Department records - 1947-1955
Expand 4 - East Midlands Division Area No.3 output records - 1947-19624 - East Midlands Division Area No.3 output records - 1947-1962
Collapse 5 - Copies of annual returns for Nottinghamshire Collieries in East Midlands Division Area 5, sent to the Ministry of Fuel and Power according to the provisions of the Coal Mines Act 1911  - 19475 - Copies of annual returns for Nottinghamshire Collieries in East Midlands Division Area 5, sent to the Ministry of Fuel and Power according to the provisions of the Coal Mines Act 1911 - 1947
Expand SUR - East Midlands Division surveying plans and files - 1947-1960SUR - East Midlands Division surveying plans and files - 1947-1960
Expand C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989C - National Coal Board North Derbyshire Area - 1956-1989
Expand D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990D - National Coal Board South Derbyshire Area - [mid 20th cent]-1990
Expand E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994E - Individual collieries post-vesting - [mid 19th cent]-1994
Expand F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994F - Opencast Executive - 1948-1994
Expand G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981G - Coal Products Division - 1930-1981
Expand H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976H - Title deeds and agreements of the National Coal Board - 1574-1976