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DCC - Derbyshire County Council - [18th cent]-2022
CA - Council and Councillors - 1889-2011
CC - Chief Executive's Department (formerly Clerks, later Directors) - 1904-1990
CD - Civil Defence, Emergency Planning and Community Safety - 20th cent
CL - Communities, Culture and Heritage - 1875-21st cent
1 - Library Service - 20th-21st cent
2 - Derbyshire Record Office - 1906-2014
1 - Collections - 1949-2012
2 - Management - 1962-2011
3 - Accommodation - 1956-2013
4 - Visitors - 1952-2003
5 - Projects - 2007-2013
6 - Photographic Material - [1960s-2000s]
1 - Black and white photographs of researchers and/or volunteers and/or staff members including Miss Joan Sinar, County Archivist - [1960s]
2 - Black and white photographs of Derbyshire Record Office, July 1978: search room, repair room and main strongroom - 1978
3 - Colour photographs of the Ernest Bailey building prior to external building work - 1980s
4 - Mounted colour photographs of unidentified event attended by Margaret O'Sullivan (County Archivist) and Judith Phillips (Senior Archivist), mid-1990s - 1990s
5 - Mounted colour photographs of unidentified event at the record office - [1990s]
6 - Photograph of Dr Margaret O'Sullivan (County Archivist) and Marie Ware (Assistant Conservator) - 1991
7 - Colour photographs of staff at work and events in the record office (including in the search room) - [1990s]
8 - Colour photographs of record office staff, mid-1990s - [1990s]
9 - Black and white photographs of event at the record office - [c1994]
10 - Colour photographs of archivist, taken by Derby Evening Telegraph - [c2000s]
10 - Copies of photographs of the public search room during an open day event, c2000s - [c2000s]
11 - Copies of photographs showing advisory sessions given on the Radio Derby Bus - [c2003-c2004]
12 - Other - [c1990s]
7 - Publications - 1967-2012
8 - Promotion of heritage societies and initiatives - 1969-1982
9 - Public relations - 1968-2011
10 - Records Management service - 2005-2008
UL - Derbyshire Record Office: unlisted records
3 - Arts Service - 2003
4 - School Library Service - 20th cent
5 - Derwent Valley Mills World Heritage Site - see D7719
6 - "Picture the Past": records of the North East Midland Photographic Archive - 2002-2016
7 - Peakland Heritage website - 2001-2017
8 - Countryside Service - see D6518
9 - Museums
DM - Democratic Services and Leadership Support - 21st cent
ED - Education and Learning - c1895-c2005
EV - Environment and Infrastructure - c1921-2019
FN - Finance - 19th cent-1986
HE - Health - 1889-2017
IT - Information and Communication Technology - 21st cent
LG - Legal - 1889-2023
MR - Media and Public Relations - 1969-2013
PD - Planning and Development - 18th-21st cent
PL - Personnel and Staffing - 1911-2013
PP - Public Protection and Consumer Affairs - 1928-1991
PR - Property and Estates - 18th-21st cent
RG - Registration Services - c1913-1992
RI - Research and Policy Information - 1970s-2000s
SA - Social Care: Adults - 1912-2003
SC - Social Care: Children and Families - 1912-2016
SS - Social Care: Department of Social Services - 1970-2005
SV - Surveyors Department - 1909-1999
UL - Derbyshire County Council: unlisted records - 19th-20th cent
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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Strutt family of Belper
Florence Nightingale
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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