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Collapse D935 - Parish of Chesterfield Holy TrinityD935 - Parish of Chesterfield Holy Trinity
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Expand PC - Parochial Church CouncilPC - Parochial Church Council
Expand PEF - National SchoolsPEF - National Schools
Expand PF - CharitiesPF - Charities
Collapse PI - Registers and Incumbent RecordsPI - Registers and Incumbent Records
Expand 1 - Baptism registers1 - Baptism registers
Expand 2 - Marriage registers2 - Marriage registers
Expand 3 - Banns registers - 1963-19893 - Banns registers - 1963-1989
Expand 4 - Burial registers4 - Burial registers
5 - Stonegravels district church register
6 - Confirmation registers
7 - Licences
8 - Service registers
9-21 - Numbers not used
22 - Order of Service for the unveiling and dedication of the memorial tablet, 17 Jul 1921 - 1921
23 - Order of Service for a civic commemoration to mark the George Stephenson centenary, 15 Aug 1948 - 1948
24 - Instrument for solemnising marriages and assigning fees, 10 Nov - 1853
25-26 - Certificate for the celebration of marriages, 12 Nov - 1853
27-29 - Correspondence regarding fees in Trinity district - 1867-1868
30 - Table of fees
31 - Copy stipendiary curate's licence - 1972
32 - Order in Council and map for pastoral scheme - 1976
33-37 - Numbers not used
Expand 38 - Parish magazines - 1891-197738 - Parish magazines - 1891-1977
Expand 39 - Faculties39 - Faculties
40 - Architect's drawings
41 - Summary of account for building the church - [c. 1838]
42 - Petition by the choir regarding the relative positions of the choir and the organ - [c. 1850]
43-59 - Bills for organ, windows, redecorating, etc. - 1868-1872
60 - Notes on the alterations and Poole memorial window
61 - Notes and recommendations by the Lichfield Diocesan Church Extension Society relating to the aid for building parsonage houses
62-63 - Architects bills relating to the restoration of Holy Trinity Church - 1889
64-73 - Correspondence, etc. relating to the church organ - 1889-1909
74 - Correspondence regarding proposed chancel and choir vestry - 1918
75 - Agreement with the Chesterfield Corporation for laying of electrical wires to synchronise the Holy Trinity Church clock - 1924
76-87 - Correspondence, etc. relating to alterations in the church, especially those to the chancel - 1928-1931
88-100 - Correspondence, bills etc relating to organ, vestry roof, etc. - 1935-1950
101 - Repair fund account book - 1838-1892
102 - Alteration fund bank book - 1888-1892
103 - Organ repair fund bank book - 1910-1925
104 - Cleaning account bank book - 1915-1921
105 - Organ fund account book - 1921-1923
106 - War memorial fund account book - 1919-1921
107 - Fund for cleaning and redecoration of Church and Institute, with accounts of sales of work - 1946-1958
108 - Grave register - 1856-1864
109 - An Act to make further provision for the burial of the dead in England beyond the limits of the metropolis - 1854
110 - Regulations for conducting interments in burial grounds provided under the Burial Acts of 15 and 16 Victoria c85 and 16 and 17 Victoria c134
111-116 - Copy Order in Council relating to closure of churchyard, with correspondence - 1863
117-121 - Correspondence regarding burials in family vaults - 1865-1869
122-127 - Correspondence etc regarding the proposed purchase of land for a burial ground in Newbold - 1869
128-143 - Correspondence etc relating to maintenance, burials, etc. - 1917-1918
144-170 - Further correspondence regarding maintenance and burials - 1922-1933
171-180 - Correspondence regarding trees, walls, etc. - 1942-1948
181 - Sketch plan of the church and churchyard
182-185 - Correspondence regarding the repair of a wall between Holy Trinity churchyard and St Helen's House - 1951
186-188 - Map and description of the new parish of Holy Trinity - c1838
189 - Copy of Lord Blandford's Act, as it affects Chesterfield and Brampton - 1856
190-191 - Case and opinion regarding the repair of St Thomas Brampton - 1853
192-194 - London Gazette relating to boundary of Newbold parish 8 Feb, with typescript and letter - 1861
195 - Sentence of consecration of Holy Trinity Church extracted from the register book of the Bishop of Lichfield - 1867
196-197 - Correspondence regarding Holy Trinity parish - 1867-1869
198 - Further letter regarding the status of Holy Trinity parish - 1888
199 - Letter regarding the dedication of Holy Trinity Church - 1903
200 - Copies of Orders in Council relating to the boundaries of St Thomas, Brampton, Holy Trinity and St John Newbold with Dunston, with covering letter - 1908
201-204 - Correspondence and Order in Council relating to the separation of Christ Church parish from Holy Trinity - 1914
205 - Correspondence relating to a map of Holy Trinity parish - 1920
206 - Appeal for funds for building the new St Augustine's church - 1929
207 - Letter with map accompanying relating to the boundary between Holy Trinity and Newbold at Brockwell Lane - 1953
208 - OS 6" map 2nd edition showing proposed changes in parish boundaries - [c.1900]
209-210 - Glebe terriers for 1841 (copy), and 1888 - 1841-1888
211 - Abstract of deeds for the Duke of Portland's Derbyshire estate referred to in indenture of settlement, 10 Dec 1776 - [c.1837]
212 - Abstract of title of the Duke of Devonshire to estate in Chesterfield in exchange from the Duke of Portland - 1837
213 - Copy deed of endowment of Holy Trinity Church extracted from the Bishop of Lichfield's registry - 1838
214 - Copy grant of augmentation to the minister of Trinity District Church, 14 Jan - 1850
215 - Houses and persons in the Ecclesiastical District District of Trinity Church divided into groups of streets, giving number of houses inhabited and uninhabited and number of occupants, for religious census ?, 31 Mar - 1851
216-217 - Ecclesiastical Commissioners' questionnaire giving details of Holy Trinity parish - 1858
218-219 - Order in Council for grant of perpetual annuity with covering letter, 3 Jul - 1866
220-223 - Order in Council for grant of an annual stipend with letters, 15 Feb - 1867
224 - Order in Council constituting the living of Holy Trinity a rectory, 29 Mar - 1867
225 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission regarding a receipt - 1870
226-228 - Correspondence regarding applying funds for heating the church - 1871
229 - Order in Council for grant of capital sum towards improving the rectory - 1883
230-236 - Land Values Duties returns - 1910-1914
237-238 - Papers concerning stock, dated 1920 and 1922 - 1920-1922
239 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission regarding the grant of a stipend for an assistant curate - 1923
240-241 - Application for redemption of tithe rentcharge - 1923
242 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission, regarding the curate's house, and draft conveyance of 87 Newbold Road (the curate's house) to the Southwell Diocesan Finance association - 1924
243 - Summary of payments made by Ecclesiastical Commissioners in respect of Holy Trinity Rectory - 1928
244-257 - Correspondence, etc. relating to tithe redemption, income tax, etc. - 1928-1931
258 - Letter from the Church Pastoral Aid Society offering the benefice of Holy Trinity to Rev E W Platt - 1931
259 - Summary of payments made by Ecclesiastical Commissioners in respect of Holy Trinity rectory - 1931
260-261 - Half year's tithe rentcharge due - 1930-1931
262 - Notes on the benefice of Holy Trinity - 1931
263-288 - Correspondence, etc. relating to income, tithe, etc. - 1931-1936
289-291 - Correspondence relating to Coal Act, 1938 - 1938-1939
292-294 - Bills for repairs at rectory - 1941
295 - Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measure - ordinary assessment - 1941
296-311 - Correspondence, etc. relating to bills, income, stock, etc. - 1946-1948
312-316 - Correspondence regarding the bequest of H H Turner of £500 for the endowment of the benefice - 1952-1953
317 - Letter from the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance with reply regarding the PCCs - 1953
318-337 - Correspondence, etc. relating to triennial returns, bills, etc. - 1955-1961
338 - Rural Deanery of Chesterfield - average yearly receipts and special expenditure
339 - Curate's crown fund bank book - 1919-1924
340 - Bazaar account bank book - 1921-1924
341 - Rector's stipend account - 1929-1930
342 - Thanksgiving fund bank book - 1946-1958
343 - Thanksgiving fund bank book - 1953-1959
344 - Correspondence largely concerned with the resignation of Rev W S Brownless in 1931, the subsequent approaches to possible replacements, sequestion accounts in the interregnum and the appointment and induction of Rev E W Platt in 1932 - 1931-1933
345-358 - Church Assembly parochial statistics - 1923-1940
359-365 - Correspondence with the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association and the Ecclesiastical Commissioners regarding the purchase of 87 Newbold Road, for a curate's house - 1924
359-365 - Curate's House
366-385 - Correspondence regarding the setting up of the Stephenson Memorial fund, with the intention of raising £10,000 to extend the chancel of Holy Trinity Church to put Stephenson's gravestones in a more prominent position - 1929-1930
366-396 - Stephenson Memorial Fund
386-392 - Correspondence regarding contributions to the fund - 1945-1949
393-396 - Circular letters giving details of modified Memorial Scheme - 1952-1955
397 - Correspondence relating mainly to the Holy Trinity Institute beginning with conveyance of the Institute to the trustees in 1918, with particular reference to the building and opening of the extension to the Institute 1924 - 1918-1929
398 - Holy Trinity Institute accounts - 1924-1931
399 - Holy Trinity Institute accounts - 1932-1941
400 - Copy deed of covenants between the purchasers of land on the Newbold Road Estate and R F Mills, 23 Jul - 1891
401 - Sale particulars and plan of 8400 sq yds of freehold building land in Newbold Road, Chesterfield, 4 Feb - 1893
402 - Conveyance by R F Mills to H S Gratton in consideration of £280, of a piece or parcel of land known as Lot 32 of the Newbold Road Building Estate situate in Chesterfield (plan inset) 3 May - 1897
403-405 - Conveyance by H S Gratton to Rev Charles Howard and Trustees of Holy Trinity Institute, 31 Jan - 1918
406 - Receipt for Trinity Institute deeds - 1918
407 - List of original trustees
408-411 - Copies of Charity Commission Scheme for the Institute - 1923
412-434 - Correspondence, etc. relating to extension, bills, etc. - 1923-1957
435-436 - Two copies of tenancy agreement for Brockwell Mission Room between Charles Roy Saunders and Miss Jane Ruth Saunders and others - 2 Dec 1926
437-439 - Tenancy agreements for Swallowpit Close dated 1910 and 1916 (D935 A/PI 437, 439), and for rooms in Institute dated 1911 (D935 A/PI 438) - 1910-1916
440 - Minute book (mainly extracts from parish magazine) - 1918-1927
441 - Young People's Union bank book - 1918-1926
442 - General account book - 1918-1928
443 - Mothers' Union minute book - 1933-1943
443-488 - Mothers' Union
444 - Mothers' Union branch register - 1933-1942
445 - Mothers' Union branch register - 1933-1949
446 - Mothers' Union branch register - 1949-1951
447-455 - Mothers' Union - enrolling member's reports - 1942-1951
456 - Mothers' Union - list of speakers and subjects - 1954-1955
457 - Mothers' Union Preparation card
458-473 - Circulars, general publications, etc. for national and diocesan Mothers' Union - 1936-1955
474-488 - Correspondence acknowledging donations to the Mothers' Union - 1941-1961
489 - Report of the Metropolitan Poor Law Chaplain's Association
490 - Appointment of leader, teacher and trainer of the choir - 1886
491 - Appointment of organist at Holy Trinity Church - 1891
493-494 - 'Laying the foundation stone 60 years ago' - souvenir booklet on Holy Trinity Church, Chesterfield - 1897
495 - Holy Trinity Church and Rectory
496 - Revd C W Howard's bank book - 1909-1922
497 - Burkitt Samaritan Fund bank book - 1919-1924
498 - Souvenir booklet for Grand Bazaar - 1922
499 - Diocese of Southwell reports and accounts - 1922
500 - Card advertising prayer meetings at the Ragged School, Markham Road - 1927
501 - Parish magazine, Mar 1947 - 1947
502 - Derby Diocesan News, Apr 1957 - 1957
503 - Bishop of Derby's Ten Years Plan - list of contributions for Archdeaconry of Chesterfield - [c. 1956]
504 - Report of the Church Commissioners - 1958
505 - Interior of a church (not thought to be Holy Trinity, Chesterfield)
506-516 - Series of photographs of rectors of Holy Trinity - [c. 1865-1945]
517-523 - Various inventories of records - 1924-1946
524 - Memorial inscriptions - 1973
525 - Order of Service at the funeral of Mr. Councillor Rollinson, late Churchwarden of Holy Trinity, Chesterfield, 21st Apr 1891 - 1891
Expand PV - VestryPV - Vestry
Expand PW - ChurchwardensPW - Churchwardens
Expand UL - Parish of Chesterfield Holy Trinity: unlisted recordsUL - Parish of Chesterfield Holy Trinity: unlisted records