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D919 - Derbyshire County Council - 19th-20th cent
C - Derbyshire County Council records - 1889-1974
1 - Derbyshire County Council minutes - 1889-1974
1 - Derbyshire County Council Meetings - 1889-1974
2 - Finance Committee Minute Books - 1889-1974
3 - General purposes Committee Minute Books - 1889-1968
4 - Boundaries Committee Minute Books - 1889-1968
5 - Bridges and Highways Committee Minute Books - 1889-1974
6 - Standing joint Committee Minute Books - 1889-1965
7 - Buildings Committee Minute Books - 1877-1930
8 - Buildings Committee Minute Books - 1889
9 - Executive Committee Minute Books - 1885-1947
10 - Weights and Measures Committee Minute Books - 1889-1968
11 - Reformatory Committee Minute Books - 1889-1922
12 - Parliamentary Committee Minute Books - 1889-1948
13 - Public Health Committee Minute Books - 1890-1948
14 - Smallholdings (and allotments) Committee Minute Books - 1892-1974
15 - Asylum Visiting Committee Minute Books - 1895-1938
16 - Technical Education Committee Minute Books - 1898-1902
17 - Education Committee Minute Books - 1903-1990
18 - Education district committees Minute books - 1904-1915
19 - Old Age Pensions Committee Minute books - 1908-1948
20 - Old Age Pensions (Shirebrook) - 1908-1926
21 - Local Taxation Committee Minute Books - 1909-1967
22 - Salaries Committee Minute Books - 1910-1923
23 - Asylum building Committee Minute Books - 1911-1915
24 - Library Committee Minute Books - 1913-1914
25 - Tuberculosis Committee Minute Books - 1913-1948
26 - Mental Deficiency Act Committee Minute Books - 1914-1948
27 - Executive and Derbyshire Relief Committee Minute Books - 1914-1935
28 - Sanatorium house Committee Minute Books - 1915-1948
29 - Joint Consultative Committee on Tuberculosis Minute books - 1915-1921
30 - Maternity and Child Welfare Committee Minute Books - 1918-1948
31 - Maternity and Child Welfare sub-committee Minute Books - 1918-1929
32 - Agricultural Committee Minute Books - 1920-1947
33 - Blind Persons Act Committee Minute Books - 1921-1948
1 - Derbyshire County Council Blind Persons Act Committee Minutes, Mar 1921-Jun 1948 - 1921-1948
34 - Voluntary Hospital Joint Committee - 1921-1925
35 - Valuation committee Minute Books - 1926-1947
36 - Probation and After Care committee Minute Books - 1926-1974
37 - Occasional committees Minute Books - 1928-1957
38 - Registration Committee Minute Books - 1930-1948
39 - Architectural Services committee Minute Books - 1930-1967
40 - County Offices (Administration) Committee Minute books - 1931-1968
41 - Dog Tracks and Pool Betting Committee Minute Books - 1935-1967
42 - Civil Defence Committee Minute books - 1938-1968
43 - Civil Defence (Derby Borough) committee Minute Books - 1945-1968
44 - Joint Medical Services committee Minute Books - 1946-1968
45 - Salaries and Establishment Committee Minute Books - 1946-1968
46 - Town Planning sub- committee Minute Books - 1946-1948
47 - Health Committee Minute Books - 1946-1974
48 - Fire Services Committee Minute Books - 1947-1974
49 - Planning Committee Minute Books - 1947-1977
50 - Children's Committee Minute Books - 1948-1970
51 - Children (Derby borough) Committee Minute Books - 1948-1967
52 - Welfare Committee Minute books - 1948-1970
53 - Welfare (Derby borough) Committee Minute Books - 1948-1963
54 - Magistrates Courts Committee Minute Books - 1952-1974
55 - Works Committee Minute Books - 1954-1968
56 - East Midlands Airport Committee Minute Books - 1963-1974
57 - Library Committee Minute Books - 1965-1974
58 - Police Committee Minute Books - 1965-1974
59 - Planning: area sub-committees Minute Books - 1966-1974
60 - Planning: countryside sub-committee Minute Books - 1966-1974
61 - Local Government reorganisation: steering committee Minute Books - 1968-1973
62 - Co-ordinating Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
63 - Estates Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
64 - Parliamentary and General Purposes Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
65 - Management Services Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
66 - Development Control sub-committee Minute Books - 1968-1969
67 - Elvaston Castle Joint Management committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
68 - Staff Joint Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
69 - Industrial Development Committee Minute Books - 1968-1974
70 - Public Protection committee Minute Books - 1969-1974
71 - Social Services Committee Minute Books - 1970-1974
72 - Capital Programme Committee Minute Books - 1970-1973
73 - North West Conservation Area Advisory Committee Minute Books - 1972-1974
74 - Probation Hostel Management committee Minute Books - 1973-1974
75 - Chesterfield Buildings sub-committee Minute Books - 1914-1915
76 - County Roads advisory sub -committees Minute books - 1930-1968
77 - Post-1974 Minutes of Derbyshire County Council meetings - 1974-1989
77 - Post-1974 Minutes of Derbyshire County Council meetings - 1974-1989
78 - County Planning committee circulated papers - 1958-1969
79 - County Conservation Area advisory committee Minute Books - 1972-1974
80 - Planning and Transportation Sub-Committee Minute Books - 1977-1981
81 - Technical Services and Peak Planning Board Joint Advisory Committee Minute Books and papers - 1975-1977
82 - Welfare Committee Copies of reports, drafts and other papers circulated to committee members, related to minutes covering 1948-Jun 1959 - 1949-1959
83 - Common Services Committee minute books - 1977-1979
84 - Traffic Standing Joint Sub-Committee Minute Books - 1971-1974
85 - County Road Safety Sub-Committee Minute books - 1967-1974
2 - County Council Reports pre-1974 - 20th cent
3 - County Council Orders pre-1974 - 1892- 1972
4 - Deeds - 18th-20th cent
5 - Reports of proceedings - 1889-1904
6 - Proceedings of the County Council - 1889-1976
7 - Indexes to Derbyshire County Council records - 20th cent
8 - Newscuttings - 1913-1936
9 - Proceedings - 1889-1892
10 - Registers of mortgages by Derbyshire County Council and transfers of mortgages - 1894-1969
11 - Loans registers, giving purpose of loan, school/ building etc - 1917-1953
12 - Salaries book - 1911-1912
13 - Insurance - c1931
14 - Register of houses - 1926-1929
15 - Register of nursing homes - 1928-1965
16 - Register of disabled persons' or old persons' homes - 1950-1976
17 - Record of War Memorials - 1927-1929
18 - North Derbyshire Hospital Committee - 1917-1935
19 - County Clerk's file on libraries - 1910-1921
20 - Indexes to Education Committee Minutes - 1903-1952
21 - Indexes to Education Special Services Minutes - 1965-1973
22 - Miscellaneous - 1895-1928
23 - Education Committee Circulars - 1908-1932
24 - Education Journal - 1903
25 - Year Books - 1889-1976
26 - Mortgages to raise Money for public buildings - 19th-20th cent
CE - Deeds and other papers relating to County Council property in Derby, formerly bundles nos. 256, 542, 541 and 258. - 18th-20th cent
CT - Deeds and other papers relating to County Council property in Derby, formerly bundles nos. 256, 542, 541 and 258. - 18th-20th cent
UL - Derbyshire County Council: unlisted records - 20th-21st cent
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
Florence Nightingale
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
Harpur Crewe family of Calke
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