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Collapse D886 - Parish of Morton Holy Cross - 1576-1984D886 - Parish of Morton Holy Cross - 1576-1984
Collapse A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]
Expand PC - Parochial Church CouncilPC - Parochial Church Council
Collapse PI - Records of the parish incumbent - [16th-20th cent]PI - Records of the parish incumbent - [16th-20th cent]
Expand 11
1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1576-1812
1-7 - Registers
Expand 2 - Baptism registers2 - Baptism registers
Expand 3 - Marriage registers3 - Marriage registers
Expand 4 - Banns registers4 - Banns registers
Expand 5 - Burial registers5 - Burial registers
Expand 6 - Loose papers found in Church registers6 - Loose papers found in Church registers
Collapse 7 - Service registers - 1954-19787 - Service registers - 1954-1978
Expand 88
8 - Churchyard
8-103 - Incumbent
9-22 - Correspondence regarding Church bells - 1923
9-22, 81 - Bells
23 - Lease for Edward Sacheverell Wilmot-Sitwell of Stainsby House, esq to the rector and Churchwardens of Morton of a piece of land fronting the Matlock - Sutton in Ashfield road (50 feet x 80 feet) for 21 years at 1s a year with provison that any building erected upon the same is to be used for religious, educational or recreation purposes only, 14 Mar - 1921
23-28 - Church Hall
24-28 - Letters from E S Wilmot-Sitwell and Messrs Taylor, Simpson and Mosley to Rev Prior regarding a lease for a piece of land fronting the Matlock to Sutton in Ashfield road, letter dated Feb - Mar 1921 - 1921
Expand 29 - Terrier - 172229 - Terrier - 1722
30 - Letter - Ecclesiastical Commission to Rev Maltby regarding the lease of glebe coal to Clay Cross Company, 25 Jun - 1869
30-39 - Glebe
31 - Letter - Ecclesiastical Commission to Rev Maltby regarding his bill of costs in the matter of the coal lease, 17 Mar - 1876
32 - Letter - Rev James W Maltby to Ecclesiastical Commissioners re arrears of rental of glebe minerals leased to Clay Cross Company, now in their hands - complains that the rents have not been properly invested by the Commission and asks to be paid his out-of-pocket expenses in the matter of the coal lease, 11 Apr - 1876
33 - Letter - Ecclesiastical Commission to Rev Maltby - the former regret that they cannot pay the latter the £75 suggested in his letter, 9 May - 1876
34 - Copy deed between Rev W L Latham and the Clay Cross Company, supplemental to a lease of 1875, whereby the company are empowered to work all the ungotton coal for 21 years at a minimum rent of £10 a year, 14 Jul - 1927
35-37 - Plan of headings through reserved minerals beneath Morton with covering letter from Clay Cross Company to Rev Maltby - 1903
38-39 - Legal expenses of Ecclesiastical Commission regarding the sale of glebe land to Chesterfield Sanitary Authority, with covering letter - 1900
40-42 - Extracts from terriers regarding tithes payable to the rector of Morton, dated 1698, 1722, 1832 - 1698-1832
40-45 - Tithes
43-45 - Letters from John Mott of Lichfield (Staffordshire) to Rev Thomas Lund concerning the mention of tithes in Morton terriers - 1841
46-47 - Insurance
46-47 - Letters from the Ecclesiastical Insurance Office to Rev F Crosse regarding fire insurance of the church, May - 1952
48 - Lease by Nicholas, Earl of Scarsdale to Rev Ralph Heathcote of a little cottage and Smithy with a croft known as Bushy Croft (2 acres) for so long as he shall remain at Morton at 20s a year, 26 Oct - 1717
48-59 - Endowment
49-59 - Letters from Ecclesiastical Commission to Rev J W Maltby regarding endowments, stocks etc. - 1867-1877
60 - Conveyance by Edward Degge Sitwell of Stainsby, esq Lord of the manor of Morton to the rector of Morton and his successors under the Act of 5 Vic to facilitate the conveyance and endowment of school sites of part of the unenclosed waste and part of the site of the pinfold, bounded on the south by the churchyard wall for the purpose of erecting a school for the education of children and adults, or children only, of the labouring and other poor classes to be conducted on the principles of the Established Church, 13 Aug - 1860
60-61 - School
61 - Morton school minute book - 1898-1903
Expand 62 - Incumbent62 - Incumbent
63 - Burial Committee rate book - 1928
63, 82 - Burial Committee
Expand 64 - Enclosure64 - Enclosure
65 - A volume containing the following: - [20th cent]
65-71 - Assorted Incumbent papers
66 - Flag staff fund balance sheet - 1897
67 - Land values duties valuation upon a gardener's cottage by the rectory, the parish church and the reading room - 1915
68 - Table of fees - [c. 1900]
69 - Memorandum that the Thirty-Nine Articles have been read in the church - 1951
70 - Marriage licence - 1927
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72-80 - Parish Magazines - 1859-1958
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83-103 - Fabric, etc
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85 - Correspondence regarding the Church organ, 1962 & 1976 - 1962-1976
86 - Fabric Fund receipts and payments - 1966
87 - Circular letter from Derby County and Borough Constablulary regarding crime prevention (security in places of Divine Worship), Aug - 1968
88 - Drawing of renovation to stone arch of nave, Wilcockson and Cutts, architects, Chesterfield - Oct 1970
89 - Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures - Ordinary Assessments, 1958 & 1968 - 1958-1968
90 - Papers regarding the rectory, including notes on its history, trees planted in the garden, repairs, etc. - 1949-1977
91 - Papers regarding sale of part of Parsonage House Grounds (tithe barn area) as site for church hall. Benefice of Morton to Parochial Church Council. - 1964-1966
92 - Papers regarding allotment, sale of glebe, etc. 1911, and 1953-1978 - 1911-1978
Expand 9393
94 - Correspondence regarding working of coal under the church - 1943
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Expand 9696
97 - Pastoral Measure 1968 - inclusion of part of the parish of Morton in the parish of Clay Cross - 1981
98 - Report of incumbent as part-time Anglican chaplain at Morton Hospital , Apr - 1962
99 - Statistical return of parochial work - 1914
100 - Garden fete income and expenditure account - 1929
101 - Report on red velvet fringed frontal - 1968
102 - Map showing "numbered parts of Morton Holy Cross Ecclesiastical Parish contained in the civil parish of North Wingfield". - 1961
103 - Plan of land belonging to the parish. - [19th cent]
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Expand PO - Overseers of the poor - 1692-1777PO - Overseers of the poor - 1692-1777
Expand PV - VestryPV - Vestry
Expand PW - ChurchwardensPW - Churchwardens
Expand PZ - Assorted parish papersPZ - Assorted parish papers