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Collapse D8760 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1714-1994D8760 - Gell family of Hopton Hall, Wirksworth - 1714-1994
Expand E - Estate records of the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1794-1863E - Estate records of the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1794-1863
Collapse F - Family records of the extended Franklin family and the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1714-1994F - Family records of the extended Franklin family and the Gell family of Hopton Hall - 1714-1994
Collapse FBO - Records of the Booth family of Lincolnshire, related to Sir John Franklin  - 1817-1838FBO - Records of the Booth family of Lincolnshire, related to Sir John Franklin - 1817-1838
Collapse 1 - Correspondence of the Booth family of Lincolnshire - 1817-18381 - Correspondence of the Booth family of Lincolnshire - 1817-1838
Collapse 1 - Letters from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth  - 1817-18381 - Letters from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth - 1817-1838
1 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, prior to his appointment on the expedition to the North Pole - 20 Dec 1817
2 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, prior to his appointment on the expedition to the North Pole - 27 Dec 1817
3 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, prior to the sailing of H.M.S. Trent on the expedition to the North Pole - 18 Apr 1818
4 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on his return to Britain after his first Arctic land expedition - 10 Oct 1822
5 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on the imminent departure of his second Arctic land expedition, including hopes on his wife's recovery - 16 Feb 1825
6 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on his second Arctic land expedition, following the death of his first wife, Eleanor - 2-3 Jun 1825
7 - Letter from John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on his second Arctic land expedition, following the death of his first wife, Eleanor - 6 Feb 1826
8 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, while he is on Malta, on the marriage of John Richardson and Mary Booth, his opinions on members of the Kay family, and news of Lady Franklin's travels: with envelope - 5 Apr 1833
9 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, prior to the journey to Tasmania - 17 Aug 1836
10 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on stop at Cape Town on the journey to Tasmania - 28 Nov 1836
11 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on his arrival in Tasmania and the reception from locals - 29 Jan 1837
12 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, reporting on how the Franklin family are faring after the past year in Tasmania - 21 Dec 1837
13 - Letter from Sir John Franklin to his sister Hannah Booth, on the death of Henry Booth and assorted other family matters - 25 Feb 1838
Expand 2 - Letters from Eleanor Isabella Franklin to her aunt Hannah Booth - 1837-18382 - Letters from Eleanor Isabella Franklin to her aunt Hannah Booth - 1837-1838
Expand 3 - Letters from Lady Franklin to her sister-in-law Hannah Booth  - 1831-18363 - Letters from Lady Franklin to her sister-in-law Hannah Booth - 1831-1836
Expand 4 - Letters from Emily Sellwood to her aunt Hannah Booth  - 18374 - Letters from Emily Sellwood to her aunt Hannah Booth - 1837
Expand 5 - Letters from Sir John Franklin to his brother-in-law John Booth  - 18355 - Letters from Sir John Franklin to his brother-in-law John Booth - 1835
Expand FEG - Records of Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, daughter of Sir John and Eleanor Franklin and wife of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1828-[early 20th cent]FEG - Records of Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, daughter of Sir John and Eleanor Franklin and wife of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1828-[early 20th cent]
Expand FEP - Records of Eleanor Anne Porden, first wife of Sir John Franklin - 1800-1828FEP - Records of Eleanor Anne Porden, first wife of Sir John Franklin - 1800-1828
Expand FJR - Records of John Richardson, colleague, friend and later relative of John Franklin - 1820-1861FJR - Records of John Richardson, colleague, friend and later relative of John Franklin - 1820-1861
Expand FKA - Records of the Kay family, related to Sir John Franklin by his marriage to his first wife, Eleanor - 1797-1860FKA - Records of the Kay family, related to Sir John Franklin by his marriage to his first wife, Eleanor - 1797-1860
Expand FLJ - Records of Jane, Lady Franklin nee Griffin, second wife of Sir John Franklin - 1841-1871FLJ - Records of Jane, Lady Franklin nee Griffin, second wife of Sir John Franklin - 1841-1871
Expand FSJ - Records of Sir John Franklin  - 1810-[early 20th cent]FSJ - Records of Sir John Franklin - 1810-[early 20th cent]
Expand FWP - Records of William Porden, father-in-law of Sir John Franklin - 1754-1822FWP - Records of William Porden, father-in-law of Sir John Franklin - 1754-1822
GAD - Records of Arthur Daniel Gell (1822-1848), son of Rev Philip Gell - 1834-1849
Expand GBM - Records of Boyd Pollen Manningham - 1823-1830GBM - Records of Boyd Pollen Manningham - 1823-1830
Expand GEL - Records of Edith Lyttelton Gell (1860-1944), wife of Philip Lyttelton Gell - 1880-1937GEL - Records of Edith Lyttelton Gell (1860-1944), wife of Philip Lyttelton Gell - 1880-1937
Expand GFK - Records of Frederick Gell - 1840-1869GFK - Records of Frederick Gell - 1840-1869
Expand GHW - Records of Henry Willingham Gell - 1855-1938GHW - Records of Henry Willingham Gell - 1855-1938
Expand GJF - Records of John Franklin Gell - 1872-1873GJF - Records of John Franklin Gell - 1872-1873
Expand GJP - Records of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1836-1897GJP - Records of Reverend John Philip Gell - 1836-1897
GKP - Records of Katherine Gell (1624-1671), wife of Sir John Gell 2nd baronet
Expand GMF - Records of Mary Frances Gell, grand-daughter of Sir John Franklin - 1930-1940GMF - Records of Mary Frances Gell, grand-daughter of Sir John Franklin - 1930-1940
Expand GPH - Records of Reverend Philip Gell - 1844-1870GPH - Records of Reverend Philip Gell - 1844-1870
Expand GPL - Records of Philip Lyttelton Gell, son of John Philip and Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, grandson of Sir John Franklin  - 1873-1922GPL - Records of Philip Lyttelton Gell, son of John Philip and Eleanor Isabella Gell nee Franklin, grandson of Sir John Franklin - 1873-1922
Expand GPV - Records of Colonel Philip Victor Willingham Gell and his wife Aileen Edith Pauline Gell nee Maunsell - 1896-1976GPV - Records of Colonel Philip Victor Willingham Gell and his wife Aileen Edith Pauline Gell nee Maunsell - 1896-1976
Expand LIB - Printed volumes and other printed material, mostly on Sir John Franklin and related topics - 1714-1994LIB - Printed volumes and other printed material, mostly on Sir John Franklin and related topics - 1714-1994
Expand OBJ - Objects collected by members of the Franklin and Gell families - [c350-c1900]OBJ - Objects collected by members of the Franklin and Gell families - [c350-c1900]