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Collapse D858 - Drabble family of Tansley - 1749-1937D858 - Drabble family of Tansley - 1749-1937
Expand E - Estate - 1835-1937E - Estate - 1835-1937
Expand P - Maps and plans - 1761-1906P - Maps and plans - 1761-1906
Collapse T - Title deeds - 1749-1928T - Title deeds - 1749-1928
1 - Lease by Elizabeth Richardson of Smalley, widow, Philip Hutchinson of Carsington, gentleman, Peter Nightingale of Lea, lead merchant, Robert Greensmith, John Sowter, John Woolley, Joseph Hodgkinson and Stephen Wall of Matlock (lords of the manor of Matlock) to George Wall of Wensley, gentleman, John Wall the younger of Riber, gentleman, and John Twigg of Ashover, gentleman, (partners for the smelting of lead ore), in consideration of 5s, of 1a. of the common or waste know as the East Moor between the uppermost and nethermost Lumbs Mill, bounded by the Lumbs Brook on the north, with power to inclose the same and erect cupolas etc., for 999 years at 2s 6d. p.a. - 1749
2 - Assignment by John Wall the younger of Wensley (surviving lessee), on the direction of Mary Wall of Wensley, widow of George Wall, Lydia Twigg of Bonsall, widow of John Twigg and Nicholas Twigg the younger of Wirksworth, gentleman, to Matthew Sparke Whitfield of Bower's Mill, Ashover, gentleman, Joseph Book of Highham, gentleman, and Lydia Woodward of Matlock Bridge, widow, in consideration of £250, of the above lease of the 1a. on East Moor with the smelting mills and other buildings erected there upon, subject to the above rent. - 1758
3-4 - Assignment (and counterpart), by Whitfield, Boot and Woodward, to George Norman of Winster, lead merchant, in consideration of £92 2s., of the cupola at Lumbs Hill with the building erected as two ore houses and an accounting house on the north, and a small building to the west called the smithy, as is shown on a plan (1r. 9p) and 31p. land the south of the premises, as it set out on a plan (see P1), for the remainder of the term, subject to a rent of 1s 3d. to the lords of the manor. - 1762
5 - Deed between Mathew Sparke Whitfield of Ford, p.North Wingfield, gentleman, Lydia Woodward of Matlock Bridge, widow and Joseph Whitfield of Bower's Mill, p.Ashover (administrator of the will of Joseph Boot) to ascertain their respective shares in the Lumbs Cupola, reciting assignment to the parties (see T2) of the cupola etc. described as a building called a case for two furnaces, two long chimneys cramped with iron, 4 ore houses, a counting house and smithy, a furnace with the bottom and utensils, 1 1/2 cwt of new unwrought iron, an anvil in the smithy, 12 1/2 cwt lead weights, some new bricks and a pair of slag mill bellows and whereas the purchase money for the same was paid half by Whitfield and a quarter each by Woodward and Boot - Boot died in November 1766 and the parties being desirous the vest his share in Joseph Whitfield, Mathew Whitfield and Lydia Woodward therefore assign a quarter share in the partnership to Joseph Whitfield. - 1769
6 - Assignment by Lydia Woodward and Ann Wragg of Milltown p.Ashover, widow (administrators of the estate of Sybilla Boote of Highham deceased, and of Joseph Boote deceased her father) to Joseph Whitfield, in consideration of £93 9s. 6d. paid to Lydia and of £93 9s. 6d. paid to Lydia and Ann, of two quarter shares in the cupola being the south end of the building called a case for two furnaces, at Lumbs Mill, with all working tools etc., and of 2 ore houses with chamber over and the land on which the buildings stand (2r.) with 49 pieces of lead, 1 ton. 12 cwt. lead ore, a pair of slag bellows, all the slag and waste lead iron barrows, weigh beams, weights and working tools. - 1771
7 - Assignment by Joseph Whitfield and Matthew Sparke Whitfield to William Longsdon of Eyam, lead merchant, in consideration of £350, of the cupola as above, for the remainder of the term, subject to an annual rent of 1s. 3d. to the lords of the manor. - 1771
8 - Assignment by George White, late of Winster but now of Everton (Lancs), gentleman and John Swettenham of Winster, gentleman to William Milnes of Ashover, gentleman, reciting T1 and T3-4 and reciting that George Norman devised his cupola at Lumbs Mills to White and Swettenham (1770), in consideration of £30, of the cupola etc as T3-4, for the remainder of the term, subject to an annual rent of 1s. 3d. to the lords of the manor - 1789
9 - Assignment by William Longsdon to William Milnes, in consideration of £30, of the cupola etc. as T7 - 1790
10 - Feoffment by Peter Nightingale of Lea, p. Ashover, esq., to Ann Hursthouse of Matlock, widow, in consideration of 1s, of a small piece of land (1r. 6p) adjoining to the east a farm of Nightingale's at Matlock, known as Hasker Farm and adjoining Ann's house. - 1792
11 - Admission in Matlock manor court, of Mary Elizabeth Radford of Tansley Wood, parish of Crich, widow, to 2r 25p. land near Matlock Mill, part of Broomy Lea, Oxspring Close and Smithy Close - 27 Sep 1897
12 - Admission in Matlock Manor Court of Rev. Edmund Baddeley of Marston Rectory (Yk)., clerk, and Hugh Stephen Thompson of Vine Cottage Merstham (Sy.) to lands as D858/T/11, being devisees in trust for sale under the will of Mary Elizabeth Radford - 29 Nov 1912
13 - Conveyance by Henry Ellis of Charters House Bournemouth (Hants)., esq., Hugh Stephen Thompson and Rev. Edmund Baddeley, with the consent of Anna Eliza Thompson of "Holmecroft", Churchdown (Glos)., widow to Frederick Henry Drabble of Tansley Wood Mills, manufacturer - 29 Sep 1912
14 - Lease by Hugh Stephen Thompson of Inverness, esq., to Frederick Kincaid of Matlock, medical practitioner, of the residence known as Tansley Wood and lands (scheduled), for 7 years at £75 p.a. with option to purchase the fee simple for £1,500. With plan 1:2500. - 1918
15 - Mortgage by Frederick Kincaid of Tansley Wood, physician, to William Deacon's Bank. - 1921
16 - Surrender in Matlock manor court by Rev. Edmund Baddeley and Hugh Stephen Thompson, of a parcel of land (2r 25p) as T11, to the use of Frederick Kincaid, in consideration of £27. - 1921
17 - Copy order of exchange between the Trustees of Bonsall School and John Garton of Lumsdale, bleacher - Garton to have Land Slate Hillock (12p), Rough adjoining the brook (2r. 10p), and a piece adjoining the brook (1r.) - trustees to have Horse Pasture (1a. 4p) With plan 6 chains to 1 inch. - 1859
18 - Copy probate of John Garton of Lumsdale, bleacher (Will dated 19 April 1860) - 1862
19 - Conveyance by John William Wildgoose of Matlock, builder and contractor, to John Walter Marriott, M.C. of Holme Villas, Brunswood Road, Matlock Bath, captain in the army, and Mary Elizabeth his wife, of a plot of garden at Lumsdale, ten closes with farmyard and buildings in the tenure of Samuel Briddon and the messuage, with assignment of 6 cottages at Lumshill with a small piece of garden (1r 3p) and another cottage at Lumshill - 22 May 1919
20 - Mortgage by John Walter Marriott and Mary Elizabeth his wife to the Derbyshire Permanent Benefit Building Society, in consideration of £550, of premises as T19. - 1919
21 - Statutory declaration by William Staley concerning land as T , stating that the land was formerly the property of Edward Radford, were conveyed to him by the will of Edward Radford and that he has been in receipt of the rent therefore since 1912. - 20th cent
22 - Conveyance by William Staley of "The Grove", Tansley, gentleman to Samuel Twigg of Tansley, farmer, in consideration of £45, of 2 closes at Tansley (3a. 18p. and 3r. 24p.). With plan 1:2500. - 1923
23 - Copy letters of administration granted to William Twigg for the estate of his father Samuel Twigg of Calton Lees, near Bakewell, who died 29 March 1927, with copy of will devising all his property to be divided between his sons Charles, W. Samuel and Benjamin. - 1928
24 - Conveyance by Charles William Twigg of 34 Rhodesia Road, Brampton, mechanic, to John Walter Marriott, M.D of Rose Villa, Torpoint Antony (Cornwall), retired captain in the Sherwood Foresters, in consideration of £45, of two closes as D858/T/22. - 1928
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - 1921Z - Miscellaneous - 1921