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D829 - Scargill’s Educational Foundation, West Hallam - [early 14th cent]-20th cent
F - School foundation records - [14th-20th cent]
Ae - School Administration - 17th-20th cent
Am - Minutes of meetings of trustees of the Scargill Charity/Foundation - 1832-1979
As - Schemes for the administration of the charity - 1830-1959
E - Scargill’s Schools Foundation Accounts - 18th-20th cent
P - Maps and Plans - 19th-20th cent
T - Title Deeds - [14th-20th cent]
1-3 - Copies of the will of John Scargill of West Hallam, clerk, by which he bequeathed to the poor of West Hallam 20/-, to the poor of Dale Abbey 10/-, to the poor of Stanley 10/-, to the poor of Ilkeston 20/-, to the poor of Kirk Hallam and Mapperley 20/-, also £450 for the purchase of a farm in Eastwood in the possession of Widow Cooke for the founding and erecting of a free school – school house to be erected within two years of his decease and to be placed at West Hallam; to be 24ft. in length with a proportionable wideness: to be 12 pensioners at the school, 6 from West Hallam and 2 each from Dale Abbey, Mapperley and Stanley, to be out of “the poorer sort” and to stay at the school for 6 years. 10 Jan - 1662
4 - Gift by Matilda widow of John de Neutorp (Newthorpe) to Roger de Breidisall (Breadsall) of a bovate of land with appurtenances in the territory of Neutorp, namely that which Colbein once held along with a messuage and croft. Witnesses: Gilbert de Brunnisley (Brinsley), Ralph de Wannsley, Robert de Watinshou (Watnall), Stephen Ruffy of the same place, Robert de Kennerley, William de Bella Aqua (Belle Eau), Geoffrey de Derley, Robert son of Hugh de Watinshou, Thomas, doctor, of Neutorp, Henry de Watinshou and many others. - [early 14th cent]
5 - Gift by William, son of Richard, son of William le clerk of Newetorp to John de Stapilford, vicar of the church of the Blessed Mary at Nottingham and William de Sandiak(e)r chaplain, their heirs and assigns of a cottage and croft adjacent in Neuthorp lying between the tenement which was once of Ralph de Neuthorp and the tenement formerly of Thomas son of William Le Clerk, and the croft extends in width from the garden of the said Thomas and the croft of the said Ralph towards the croft of the said Thomas, and half an acre of land of William de Hicling and the land of Robert son of John, a head of which abuts the path, and a certain parcel of land on which a room of his cottage is built, extending 7 feet in width and 37 feet in length from the way between the said cottage and a tenement of the said Thomas. - 1369
6 - Quitclaim by John Blande, clerk to John Hanson of Newthorpe of a messuage with a croft adjacent containing five selions of land and a bovate of land and a bovate of meadow with their appurtenances in the mill, fields and meadows of Newthorpe, which he formerly held by gift of the said John Hanson. 10 Dec - 1432
7 - Family settlement between John Hanson of Newthorpe and Elizabeth his wife, John Blande, clerk, and Richard Gregore son of Nicholas Gregore and Agnes his wife, by which Hanson and Blande have granted to Gregore, a messuage and croft adjacent containing 5 selions of land, also a bovate of land and a bovate of meadow with appurtenances in the fields of Newthorpe, which messuage and land John Hanson formerly held by gift and feoffment of Thomas Clerk and William Mason, and if it happens that Richard Gregore dies without lawful male issue then the remainder to John Gregore his brother and his lawful male heirs, then in default of issue to remainder to Henry Gregore his brother and his lawful male heirs, then in default of issue, to Thomas Gregore, his brother and his lawful male heirs, then in default of issue to Christopher Gregore his brother and his lawful male heirs, then in default of issue to William Jan, son of John Jan, and Joana his wife and their lawful male heirs, then in default of issue to Richard Jan, brother of John Jan, and his lawful male heirs, then then in default of issue to Richard Herthorne son of William Herthorne and his lawful male heirs, then, in default of issue to Robert Herthorne his brother and his lawful male heirs, then, in default of issue to William Herthorne his brother and his lawful male heirs, then in default of issue, to John Herthorne, his brother and his lawful male heirs. - 1432
8 - Deed of gift by Thomas Clerk of Newthorp to John Hanson - 1447
9 - Gift by John Hanson of Newethorp to Thomas wolley, Prior of Lenton, Thomas Deken, chaplain, John Leycestr, chaplain, John Blande, chaplain and Elisabeth his wife, of all his lands and tenements in Newethorp which he held by gift and feoffment of Thomas Clarke and William Mason. Witnesses: William Worthyngton, William Spondon of Watnow (Watnall), William Mellor de Newethorp, John Baker of Allesbouh, John Baker of Newthorp and others 7 Apr - 1426
10 - Indenture between John Gregory, alderman of the Borough of Nottingham and Robert Hyll of Newthorpe, husbandman, in consideration of £36, by which Gregory has bargained and sold to Hyll, a messuage or tenement in Newthorpe with all barns, stables, orchards, gardens, lands, meadows and pastures belonging in Newthorpe. 6 Nov - 1567
11 - Gift by John Gregory, alderman of the Borough of Nottingham to Robert Hyll of Newthorpe, husbandman, of property as above. 8 Nov 1567 - 1567
12 - Quitclaim by Robert Hyll of Newthorpe yeoman, to Richard Plowwright of West Bridgforde, husbandman, of a messuage or tenement with all buildings, barns, orchards, gardens, lands, pastures and pasturage belonging, situate in Newthorpe, now or late in the tenure of the said Robert Hyll. 9 Jan 1594/5 - [1595]
13 - Quitclaim by Thomas trowel of West Bridgeforde,yeoman, to Richard Plowright, of West Bridgeforde, yeaoman, of all that messuage or tenement with all buildings, orchards, gardens, tofts and crofts situate at Newthorpe, with all lands, meadows, pastures, pasturages, woods, underwoods etc, belonging now or late in the tenure of Robert hill deceased. 20 Dec - 1602
14 - Feoffment by William Flamstead, son and heir of John Flamstead of Little Hallam, gentleman, and Robert Mellor, gentleman, and John Ault, clerk, executors of the will of John Scargill, clerk, deceased to William Wheelwright of West Hallam, yeoman, John Hunt of Dale Abbey, yeoman, John Pyne of Mapperley, yeoman, trustees of the Scargill charity in consideration of £540, of a messuage, farm or tenement in Eastwood in the tenure or holding of Isabell Cooke, widow, now in the tenure of James croftes, gentleman, and all land belonging to be held in trust to build a new school house at or near West Hallam. 23 Mar - 1663
15 - Release by William Geatley of Castle Donington, yeoman, and Alice his wife and Thomas Geatley son and heir apparent to William Wheelwright of West Hallam, yeoman, William Osborne of Dale Abbey, yeoman, Joseph Viccars of Stanley, yeoman, and John Pyn of Sawley, clerk, feoffees of the free school at West Hallam, in consideration of £360, of a messuage or tenement or cottage within the town, fields and territories of Newthorpe with all land belonging, late in the tenure of George Lane and William Farneworth: to be held in trust for the maintenance of the “pensioners” at the free school at West Hallam at the rate of 9d per week. 22 Sep - 1682
16 - Deed of exchange between John Pime of Sawley, clerk, William Osborne of dale Abbey, yeoman, Joseph Viccars of Stanley, yeoman, William Wheelwright of West Hallam, yeoman, feoffees of the Scargill charity, and John Hanford of Eastwood, gentleman, by which Hanford has granted to the feoffees 3 lands in Langley Mill Field abutting on the meadow gate of John Hanford, 0a 2r 20p. and one land at Lowsiethorne in Langley Mill Field, 0a 0r 19p. 2 lands in the Middle Field of Eastwood at the top of the Dunfitts, 0a 1r 35p in exchange for 2 lands in the Dunfitts, 0a 1r 23p, and 3 lands in Pease Croft 0a 2r 14p, and 1 land in Pease Croft under Mareflatt Hedge 0a 1r 01p. 13 Nov - 1683
17 - Deed to levy a fine between John Plumptre of Nottingham, esq, John Nevill of Nottingham, gentleman, the feoffees of the Scargill Charity (Francis Handley of West Hallam, yeoman Edward Gregory of West Hallam, yeoman, John Hancock of Dale Abbey, yeoman, Michael Kilbourne of Stanley, husbandman) John Hanford of Eastwood, gentleman, George Oldfield of Nottingham, framework knotter, John Platts, of Cossall, gentleman, John Pinckney of Trowell, yeoman, and John Flamstead of Little Hallam, gentleman, by which in consideration of an enclosure of certain lands in Eastwood, Plumptre, nevill, the feoffees, Hanford, Oldfield, Platts, and Pinckney agree to levy to Flamstead a fine of all those lands in the Nether field of Eastwood 27a 0r 19p also two leas and half a balk in Hobcroft, 0a 3r 00p, 3 lees in the New Intack, 0a 3r 00p, a parcel of meadow 1and a half acres in meadow close called Little William start: to be held to several uses. The South part of the Nether field, now divided into three small parcels to be held to the use of the trustees of the free school at West Hallam. 17 Apr - 1711
18 - Deed to create new trustees by which Thomas Wheelwright of Rotherbye, Leics., yeoman son and heir of William wheelwright, late of West Hallam, yeoman, has released to Thomas Hague of West Hallam, yeoman, Samuel Hancock of Dale, yeoman, Thomas Scattergood of Stanley, yeoman, and Zachery Wathey of Mapperley, yeoman, (new trustees), of a messuage or farm in Eastwood and a messuage tenement or cottage in Newthorpe: to be held in trust upon uses declared in Scargill’s will. 2/3 Oct - 1729
19 - Agreement for division of lands in Eastwood between John Plumptre of Nottingham, esq., Gilbert Nevill of Nottingham, esq., Samuel Roc of Ilkeston, gentleman, Thomas Howett of [omitted], John Handford of Eastwood and the trustees of the Scargill Charity (Thomas Hague, William Cook, Thomas Scattergood and Zachariah Wathey): whereas the above are owners of land in a certain open field in Eastwood called the Great Field, Big field or Langley Mill Field and all mines and minerals lying and being there and whereas Thomas Oldknow of Nottingham has been appointed to survey, value and exchange the land, now Oldknow has allotted to the trustees of West Hallam school a parcel of land in Langley Mill field adjoining the highroad from Eastwood to Langley Mill on the South and the brook called Gin Dyke on the North, 6a 0r 06p. 5 Feb - 1765
20 - Deed to create new trustees by which Thomas Scattergood the elder of Stanley, yeoman, has released to John Hague of West Hallam, yeoman, William Cooke of Dale Abbey, yeoman, Thomas Scattergood the younger of Stanley, yeoman, and Zachary Wathey of Mapperley, yeoman (new trustees), of a farm in Eastwood and a messuage or cottage in Newthorpe, to be held to the uses declared in Scargill’s will. 2 Jan - 1766
21-22 - Lease for possession and deed of exchange between John Handford of Eastwood, farmer, and the trustees of West Hallam School (Thomas Cooke of Dale abbey, yeoman and Willliam Barton of Stanley, yeoman) by which Handford has released to the trustees, all that close or parcel of ancient enclosed land 2a 2r 19p, in Eastwood Middle Field, number 93 on the plan made upon the survey of Eastwood, in exchange for a close or parcel of ancient enclosed land in Eastwood called Hob croft, 2a 0r 03p, number 44 on the plan. 1/2 Sep - 1819
23 - Deed of exchange between Francis Newdigate of West Hallam, esq, and the trustees of Scargill Charity (Rev Pelly Parker, MA Rector of West Hallam, Edward Miller Mundy of Shipley Hall, esq., John Milnes of West Hallam, farmer, Thomas Coxon of Stanley, farmer, and Thomas Martin of Mapperley, farmer) by which Newdigate has granted to trustees a parcel of ground in West Hallam 0a 0r 27p., 0a 0r 071/4p., of which is the site of the new charity school with the house erected for the schoolmaster, in exchange for a parcel of ground at West Hallam being the site of the old schoolhouse and school master’s house. 0a 0r 181/2p. 20 Dec - 1833
24 - Conveyance by Rt Hon George Henry, Earl of Stamford and Warrington to the trustees of the Scargill Charity, in consideration of £1,256 8s 0d of all those several closes, pieces or parcels of land in Newthorpe, Newfield Close 4a 3r 37p in the occupation of George Grundy, Field Close 5a 3r 33p. in the occupation of John Cooper, Middle Field Close, 3a. 0r. 27p., Little Field Close 1a. 3r. 35p., in the occupation of John Cooper, a close of arable land Upper Newfield 5a. 0r. 31p., and Newfield Close 3a. 2r. 11p., in the occupation of George Grundy. Mineral rights reserved, to be held on the trusts declared in Scargill’s will. 18 Dec - 1851
25 - Copy conveyance by the trustees of Scargill Charity to James Davidson of Sneithon, esq., and Thomas Barber the younger of Eastwood esq., in consideration of £2100, of a close called Top Field, 5a. 1r. 14p., and Bottom Field 3a 04. 01p., reserving mineral rights. 16 Jun - 1873
26 - Conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School foundation, West Hallam, to the Butterley Co Ltd, in consideration of £65, of all those two mines of coal known as the Lower Hard Coal and the Main soft Coal lying under the pieces of land marked 1 and 2 on the plan. 31 Dec - 1908
27 - Conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation, West Hallam, to the Manners Colliery Company, in consideration of £135, of a seam of coal known as the Kilburn Coal Seam underlying a freehold pasture field, railway and canal on the Western boundary of the borough of Ilkeston/ (Moorbridge Close), 1a. 2r. 00p Plan attached. 3 Dec - 1910
28 - Conveyance by the Official Trustee and the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to Herbert William Hains and Ernest Cyril Harris, in consideration of £1250 of a strip or parcel of land at the junction of Nottingham road and Pinfold Lane, Newthorpe, containing 0a. 1r. 02p., and also all that parcel of land adjoining 5a. 0r. 03p., reserving all minerals, plan attached. 16 May - 1933
29 - Conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation Frederick Smith of 249 Nottingham road, Newthorpe, builder, for £750 of all that piece of land situate and having a frontage of 356ft. to Baker Lane, Newthorpe, containing 8.945 acres, parcel number 698 on the 25” OS 1915 edition 6 Jul (+ copy) - 1939
30 - Conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation, and Official Trustee to George Wharton Green of 397 Nottingham Road, Newthorpe, in consideration of £180, of a parcel of land containing 1 acre on the North East side of Pinfold Lane, Newthorpe, parcel number 658 on the 25” OS 1938 edition: plan attached 13 Jul (+ copy)" - 1949
31 - Copy Conveyance by the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to Jack Hill of 64 Almswood Road, Tadley, nr Basingstoke, Hampshire, in consideration of £50, of OS parcel numbers 990 and part of 1050 in Newthorpe containing .433 acres. Not dated. - 1962
32 - Conveyance by the Official Custodian for charities and the Governors of the Scargill’s School Foundation to Charlie Barlow of 99 Main street, Awsworth, master butcher, in consideration of £7150, of a parcel of land with a frontage to Main Street, Newthorpe, containing 1 acre and also all that dwelling-house with slaughterhouse, saleshop, paddock, croft or orchard and outbuildings known as 195 Main Street, Newthorpe (remainder of Holly Farm). 25 Jan 1964 - 1964
Z - Miscellaneous - 1904-1989
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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