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Collapse D829 - Scargill’s Educational Foundation, West Hallam - [early 14th cent]-20th centD829 - Scargill’s Educational Foundation, West Hallam - [early 14th cent]-20th cent
Collapse F - School foundation records - [14th-20th cent]F - School foundation records - [14th-20th cent]
Expand Ae - School Administration - 17th-20th centAe - School Administration - 17th-20th cent
Expand Am - Minutes of meetings of trustees of the Scargill Charity/Foundation - 1832-1979Am - Minutes of meetings of trustees of the Scargill Charity/Foundation - 1832-1979
Expand As - Schemes for the administration of the charity - 1830-1959As - Schemes for the administration of the charity - 1830-1959
Expand E - Scargill’s Schools Foundation Accounts - 18th-20th centE - Scargill’s Schools Foundation Accounts - 18th-20th cent
Collapse P - Maps and Plans - 19th-20th centP - Maps and Plans - 19th-20th cent
1 - Plan of Scargill property in Newthorpe and Eastwood, with terrier - C1850
2 - OS 2nd Edition, 6-inch scale map: Derbyshire 46 NW - 1921
3 - Plan of land at Newthorpe - c1907
4 - Plan of Scargill property at Eastwood and Newthorpe, with terrier. - 1908
5 - OS 2nd Edition, 6-inch scale map: Derbyshire 46 NW - 1921
6-8 - Maps of land at Newthorpe adjoining the Erewash and and Nottingham canals - c1926
9 - Plan of land to be sold for building land. - c1954
10 - Opencast coal mining plan. - c1954
11 - Part of SK map of Newthorpe - 1963
12 - Plan of Scargill land off Nottingham road, Eastwood with house plots and line of streets indicated. - 1854
13 - As above but more detailed - 1854
14 - As above but drains and names of shop-keepers and owners on the main road added. - 1854
15-17 - Draft plan (not completed) and two tracings. - 1854
18 - Copy of the 1793 enclosure map.
19 - Three copies of a sketch layout of Dovecote Lane Devlopment. - 1953
20-21 - Two plans of West Hallam School - 1931
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23 - Plans of additions to conveniences at West Hallam School. - 1935
24 - Digby colliery Company workings in the Tupton seam - 1923
25 - Two copies of a plan of Smith Meadow - c1923
26 - Plan of Smithy Meadow - 1924
27 - Plan of Manners Colliery Company workings under Smithy Meadow - 1928
28 - Further plan of Smithy Meadow - c1930
29 - Plan of coal under Scargill property at Newthorpe. - c1930
30 - Map related to boring for coal at Newthorpe. 24 Feb - 1950
31-33 - Plans of the “City” opencast coal mining site. - 1954
34-44 - Plans of Beech Lane school site developments - c1970
45-57 - Plans for proposed Scargill House Youth Project - 1961-c1970
Expand T - Title Deeds - [14th-20th cent]T - Title Deeds - [14th-20th cent]
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - 1904-1989Z - Miscellaneous - 1904-1989