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Collapse D8003 - Colonel Victor Owen Robinson of Chesterfield (1891-1972), chairman of Robinson and Sons - c1925-c1965D8003 - Colonel Victor Owen Robinson of Chesterfield (1891-1972), chairman of Robinson and Sons - c1925-c1965
Collapse 1 - Stephenson Chancel and Memorial Funds - 1927-19651 - Stephenson Chancel and Memorial Funds - 1927-1965
Expand 1 - Stephenson Chancel Fund Accounts - 1938-19651 - Stephenson Chancel Fund Accounts - 1938-1965
Expand 2 - Stephenson Chancel Fund Minutes - 1937-19382 - Stephenson Chancel Fund Minutes - 1937-1938
Expand 3 - George Stephenson Memorial Fund Committee minutes - 1938-19603 - George Stephenson Memorial Fund Committee minutes - 1938-1960
Collapse 4 - Correspondence and other papers concerning donations to and management of the Stephenson Chancel and Memorial Funds - 1927-19614 - Correspondence and other papers concerning donations to and management of the Stephenson Chancel and Memorial Funds - 1927-1961
1 - Receipt issued by Mr S W Holland per V Robinson Esquire for gift of £1.1.0 - 6 Sep 1927
2 - Notes for Honourable Treasurer Mr J T Goodwin - [c1938]
3 - List of persons to whom draft copy of biography of George Stephenson was sent - [c1938]
4 - Stephenson Chancel Fund list of donations from members of the Committee - [c1938]
5 - List of donors and amounts of Stephenson Chancel Fund - [c1938]
6 - List of persons to be asked to become patron of the Stephenson Memorial Chancel Fund - [c1938]
7 - Donations from members of the Stephenson Chancel Fund Committee - [c1938]
8 - List of names and addresses of Railway Staff to whom invitations to George Stephenson Memorial Fund Raising Event were to be sent - [c1938]
9 - Acknowledgement of the receipt of letter of 20 June 1938 from Secretary of Stephenson Chancel Committee to Hewitt Pitt, Clerk, Armourers Hall, London - 1938
10 - Newspaper cuttings of Stephenson Chancel - [c1938]
11 - Stephenson Chancel Fund list of donations up to 15 August 1938 - 1938
12 - Receipt from Brayshaw & Bateman regarding 15x10 Manilla envelopes for Stephenson Memorial Fund for 4/2 - 13 Jan 1938
13 - List of donations received for Stephenson Chancel Fund - 6 Apr 1938
14 - Receipt issued by Clerk of Grocers Company, Grocers Hall, Princess Street EC2, for Communication from College Appeal - 2 Jun 1938
15 - List of donations - 2 Jun 1938
16 - General Statement of Accounts for Stephenson Memorial Fund - 15 Aug 1938
17 - List of postages and expenses for Stephenson Memorial Fund - 13 Sep 1938-20 Nov 1938
18 - Stephenson Memorial Fund list of postage and expenses - 30 Aug 1938-21 Nov 1938
19 - Stephenson Memorial Fund list of postage and expenses - 13 Dec 1938-6 Apr 1939
20 - Invoice from Don Newton, printer and stationer, regarding 250 triplicate leaves made up in books of 50 for Stephenson Chancel Fund costing 13/6 - Sep 1938
21 - George Stephenson Memorial Fund list of donations from members, associate members and associates. - 25 Oct 1938
22 - Acknowledgement slips for donations - 5 Nov 1938-13 Dec 1939
23 - Invoice from Ellams Duplicator Co Ltd Nottingham for a quire of foolscap EDC Com/Bond Vevam 2 reams foolscap, No 2 dup. paper & 2 reams quarto No 2 dup. paper, costing 16/- - 30 Dec 1938
24 - Receipt from Don Newton, printer and stationer, regarding 1,000 foolscap envelopes for Stephenson Memorial Fund for £21.2.6 - Jan 1939
25 - Invoice from R W Proctor & Sons, Nurserymen, Seedsmen and Florists for a wreath costing 15/- - 27 Mar 1939
26 - Folder with approval slips for modified Memorial Scheme - Jan 1952
27 - List of donors who have given to George Stephenson Memorial Fund - 28 Jan 1953
28 - Letter from Blakesley & Rooth, solicitors, concerning the George Stephenson Memorial Fund. - 16 Feb 1953
29 - Invoice from Don Newton, printer and stationer, for 250 printed envelopes and 250 circulars, costing £3.14.0 - Jul 1953
30 - Invoice from Daily Telegraph to B Hollinworth, 1 Hampton Street, Hasland, for an advertisement in the newspaper costing £8 - 25 Sep 1953
31 - Statement of accounts form for Charities Act 1960 - 1960?
32 - List of firms, societies and personal donators: money to Stephenson Memorial Fund - 1960
33 - Draft invitations to VIP's, Firms and Societies, and individual donors for stone laying ceremony at Holy Trinity Church, Chesterfield on 22 May 1960 - 1960
34 - Receipt fron Wilcockson & Cutts, Architects, Surveyors & Valuers for £75.15.0 in payment of professional fees regarding Stephenson Memorial, Trinity Church - 1961
35 - Correspondence for the George Stephenson Memorial Fund
36 - Charity Registration forms for George Stephenson Memorial Fund
37 - Borough of Chesterfield George Stephenson Memorial Appeal leaflet
38 - Progress report 'Stephenson Memorial, Holy Trinity Church', from K W Proctor for Wilcockson & Cutts, Architects, Chesterfield
39 - George Stephenson Memorial Fund, leaflet including letter from Chairman Victor O Robinson
Expand 5 - The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Journal - 1937-19385 - The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Journal - 1937-1938
Expand 2 - Stephenson Centenary Sub-Committee - 1947-19482 - Stephenson Centenary Sub-Committee - 1947-1948
Expand 3 - Second World War ephemera - [c1938-c1945]3 - Second World War ephemera - [c1938-c1945]
Expand 4 - Chesterfield Borough Council - 1926-19374 - Chesterfield Borough Council - 1926-1937
Expand 5 - Derbyshire Playing Fields Association - 1927-19335 - Derbyshire Playing Fields Association - 1927-1933