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Collapse D799 - Papers relating to Derbyshire collected and created by a local historian, including items relating to the Miller Mundy family, Shipley Hall, the Shipley estate and Shipley Colliery - 19th-20th centD799 - Papers relating to Derbyshire collected and created by a local historian, including items relating to the Miller Mundy family, Shipley Hall, the Shipley estate and Shipley Colliery - 19th-20th cent
Expand 1 - Shipley estate - 1863-18651 - Shipley estate - 1863-1865
Collapse 2 - Mining at Shipley - 19th-20th cent2 - Mining at Shipley - 19th-20th cent
1 - Shipley Colliery Company annual profit and loss accounts 1893 and 1899 - 1893-1899
2 - Inventory of Shipley Colleries - 1895
3 - Copy price list for Shippley and Peacock Collieries - 1895
4 - Lease of Kilburn Coal Seam for 42 years at £300 per year (Miller Mundy - Manners Colliery Co.) - 1896
5 - Letter (/1) and typescript (/2) about calculating royalty on Kilburn coal seam under Shipley Hall - 1902
6 - Woodside Colliery wages book, 5 Aug 1903, 2 Dec 1908 - 1903, 1908
7 - Return of coal worked at Shipley Colliery - 1916-1917
8 - Wagon-owners insurance policy with Shipley Colleries, giving names, firm and proportions of ownership - 1931
9 - Coppice Pit pithead baths opening programme - 1948
10 - Report of inspection on behalf of workmen at Woodside - 1966
11 - Report on pre-shift inspection at Woodside - 1967
12 - 'Shipley Then Shipley Now' poem about pit, mentions strike; printed to raise money - [early-mid 20th cent.]
13 - Newscutting about Cecil Raikes' steam engine used at Coppice 1903-1955 - [20th cent.]
Collapse 14 - Engineering drawings - 1894-20th cent14 - Engineering drawings - 1894-20th cent
15 - Vertical sections of seams in shafts at Woodside and Coppice Pits (Shipley Collieries) and at Manners and Lodge Pits (Ilkeston Collieries) - [20th cent]
Expand 3 - Further colliery papers - 19th cent3 - Further colliery papers - 19th cent
Expand 4 - Transport papers - 19th-20th cent4 - Transport papers - 19th-20th cent
Expand 5 - Churches - 19th-20th cent5 - Churches - 19th-20th cent
Expand 6 - Schools - 20th cent6 - Schools - 20th cent
Expand 7 - Leisure activities - 20th cent7 - Leisure activities - 20th cent
Expand 8 - Livestock sales particulars - 19678 - Livestock sales particulars - 1967
Expand 9 - Postcards and photographs - 20th cent9 - Postcards and photographs - 20th cent
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous - 19th-20th cent10 - Miscellaneous - 19th-20th cent
Expand UL - Derbyshire research papers: unlisted - 19th-20th centUL - Derbyshire research papers: unlisted - 19th-20th cent