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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Collapse 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
1 - Copy from Aston [Enclosure] Award of allotment to John ? of parcel of land in Alderslade Field containing 2 acres 1r 27p.
Expand 2 - Deeds of the Northern half of the Old Close, Weston - 1722-17522 - Deeds of the Northern half of the Old Close, Weston - 1722-1752
Expand 3 - Deeds of the Southern half of the Old Close Weston - 1745-17743 - Deeds of the Southern half of the Old Close Weston - 1745-1774
Collapse 4 - Documents relating to the Old Closes, Weston (1778-9) and to the exchange of the Old Closes for a plot of land in Windmill Field 1786 and proposed sale of the Weston Close 1805-6 - c1778-18064 - Documents relating to the Old Closes, Weston (1778-9) and to the exchange of the Old Closes for a plot of land in Windmill Field 1786 and proposed sale of the Weston Close 1805-6 - c1778-1806
1 - Extract from the will of Joseph Bostock of Weston yeoman: messuage or farmhouse and outbuildings, closes, in the liberty of Aston, in tenure of Joseph Adams, and 2 closes in the liberty of Weston called the Old Closes, in tenure of son Jonathan, to son Jonathan, subject to payment of legacies to Joseph's daughters, or so much thereof as the moneys he has now placed out on securities shall fall short or be deficient to pay the same. To eldest daughter Sarah Spur £160, having already paid her £200 as part of her fortune, to daughters Ann, Catherine and Mary £360 each; to son Jonathan cottage with garden etc, closes, in possession of Richard Ault, cottage called the Drift House with barn and croft in the tenure of Wm Coop' and a tenement in tenure of John Hackett, all at Blackforby parish Ashby de la Zouch, county Leicester. Son Jonathan named executor. Will dated 30 May 1778.
2-3 - Extracts of legacy receipts relating to will D 779B/T 1149 (14 April, 20 Oct 1783)
4 - Agreement between 1. Jonathan Bostock of Weston farmer and 2. Stephen Dummelow of Weston farmer and innkeeper for Bostock to convey to Dummelow, the Weston Close in Weston containing 10 acres, for which Dummelow would pay £800. Dated 25 Oct - 1805
5 - Final Concord made between Thomas Cockayne plaintiff and James Bailey, Rebecca his wife, Jonathan Bostock and Mary his wife defendants, concerning 1 messuage, 15 acres each of land, meadow and pasture, and common of pasture in parishes of Etwall and Weston on Trent, and tithes of premises in Weston. £60. Dated All Souls 46 GIII - [1806]
6 - Abstract of title of Jonathan Bostock to Weston Close and New Close in Weston, reciting deeds above and D 779B/T 1156 below (1722-1779) and undated [1786] Endorsed with note dated 16 March - 1806
7 - Copy of appointment of exchange referred to in D 779B/T 1157
8 - Certificate that lands exchanged under an Act for enclosing the lordship of Weston, 29 September 1786 are of equal value, reciting that 2 closes called the Old Closes containing 8 acres 2r 36p then late the property of Jonathan Bostock and given up by him to the Reverend William Dawson Rector of Weston, had been allotted to Dawson, that Bostock had given them up in exchange for a plot called number 14 in the Windmill Field containing 9 acres 3r in Weston, and that the consent of the Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry to the exchange was necessary but could not be found, and that Bostock wishes to sell the allotment piece. 9 May 1806. Approved by Bishop 14 May, registered in Bishops Registry at Lichfield 15 May and approved by Robert Wilmot as patron of the Rectory. Dated 25 May - 1806
9 - Attested copy of marriage settlement dated 10 Feb 1779 of Jonathan Bostock of Weston farmer, eldest son and heir of Joseph late of Weston farmer deceased and Mary Bates of Hop Johns Hill, parish Swepstone, county Leicester spinster, eldest daughter of Thomas Bates farmer late of same place deceased, for her portion of £450 and £50, settling messuage, outbuildings, homestead, Cow Close and garden in Blackforby, county Leicester, in the tenure of Richard Ault, Santop Close containing 3 acres, the little meadow 1 acre, Cockpitts Close one rood, Cots Close divided into the Great and Little Cow Closes 11 acres, given to Jonathan's mother Sarah by her father Thomas Bostock late of Blackforby husbandman deceased, Bowthorpe Close 3 acres, Small ?ans Close 4 acres, in possession of Richard Ault, messuage called the Drift House with Croft or Lane Close to the Drift House adjoining, containing 1 acre in Blackforby, in tenure of Nathan Cooper and John Haskett, 2 closes in Weston upon Trent called the Old Closes 9 acres in possession of Jonathan Bostock one of which was purchased by Samuel Bostock late uncle of Jonathan, from George Gilbert of Weston schoolmaster and heir of Thomas Gilbert of Weston yeoman deceased and the other was purchased by Joseph deceased father of Jonathan from Abijah Gilbert of Cotsbich, county Leicester, grazier. Dated 26 May - 1806
Expand 5 - Sale of the Aston Estate by Edward Charles Shuttleworth Holden to William Dickson Winterbottom in 18985 - Sale of the Aston Estate by Edward Charles Shuttleworth Holden to William Dickson Winterbottom in 1898
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895