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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Collapse 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 1 - Recovery of estate - 17701 - Recovery of estate - 1770
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-18282 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-1828
Expand 3 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-18333 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-1833
Expand 4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)
Collapse 5 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 18345 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1834
1 - Feoffment made between 1. Jonathan Bostock of Weston farmer only son and heir at law of Joseph Bostock late of Weston farmer deceased and a devisee in fee simple of premises conveyed below 2. Joseph Spor of Foremark farmer and Sarah his wife formerly Sarah Bostock spinster and Mary Massey of Swarkestone widow, formerly Mary Bostock spinster, executrix of John Massey of Swarkestone farmer deceased 3. Richard Jowett of Aston butcher and 4. Joseph Garner of Weston farmer and his trustee Stephen Dumelow of Weston yeoman whereby for £1,600 paid by Garner and 10s by Dumelow to Bostock, the latter conveyed messuage with outbuildings, homestead etc containing 2 acres 1r 34p, closes (number not specified) called containing 18 acres 1r 2p in Aston, late in the tenure of Samuel Storer, on the inclosure of the open fields in Aston allotted to Joseph Bostock deceased in lieu of part of an estate by him and by Jonathan Bostock deceased purchased from Elizabeth, John and Joseph Burton - 25 Mar 1806
2 - Copy of release dated 7 January 1675/6 by 1. David Jackson of Derby maltster to 2. Francis Gough alias Gaigh and Richard Gough alias Gaigh of Aston yeomen for £259 15s of messuage, farm or tenement in Aston, the inheritance of David formerly purchased by Henry Jackson his father deceased from Sir John Harpur of Swarkestone and theretofore in the possession of Francis and Margaret Gough alias Gaigh, both deceased, parents of Francis and Richard, and then in tenure of Francis and Richard Examined 16 April - 1806
3 - [Copy of] Copy of will of Richard Goffe of Aston yeoman dated 1 March 1684/5: to brother Thomas £10; to Mary, daughter of brother Thomas £20; to Goffe's man Samuel Clarke -; house and lands in Aston to `cousin' Eliza Goffe daughter of brother John Goffe, and to her heirs for ever, with remainder to heirs of brother Thomas; rest of goods and chattels to the said Elizabeth (sic) Goffe to pay debts and legacies; she is named executrix. First copy examined 28 March 1719/20
4-5 - Copy of mortgage by lease and release dated 18, 19 March 1714/15 by 1. John Burton of Bulcote, county Nottingham, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to 2. Henry Richards of East Bridgford, county Nottingham, ironmonger for £100 of messuage, farm or tenement in Aston late in tenure of Francis and Margaret Gough alias Gaigh, now of Mary Farebrother widow Examined 16 April - 1806
6-7 - Copy of assignment dated 29, 30 July 1726 of mortgage by lease and release by 1. Thomas Cotes of Nottingham gentleman, Elizabeth his wife a daughter and co-heir of Henry Richards late of East Bridgford, county Nottingham, ironmonger deceased, and John Burton of Bagthorpe, county Nottingham, yeoman and Elizabeth his wife to 2. Elizabeth Hickling of Nottingham widow for £210 paid to Cotes and his wife and £10 to Burton and his wife, of premises as in D 779B/T 754-5, but in the occupation of Joseph Adams, reciting mortgage of 18, 19 March 1714/5 and further charge on premises of £25, that Richards the mortgagee died leaving his 3 daughters his co-heiresses, who settled the mortgaged premises `to' Elizabeth Richards spinster now Elizabeth wife of Thomas Cotes; further charge of £55 lent by Elizabeth Richards, making a total of £210 now due (principal and interest) Examined 16 April - 1806
8-9 - Copies of lease and release dated 1, 2 May 1733 to make a tenant to the precipe and deed to lead the uses of a recovery made between 1. Elizabeth Hickling of Nottingham widow 2. Elizabeth Burton of Bagthorpe, county Nottingham widow and John her son and heir 3. Orlando Hamlyn of St Clement Danes, Middlesex gentleman and 4. Jonathan Bostock of Weston yeoman, whereby for £246 paid to 1. at 2.'s direction, by 4. for principal and interest of a mortgage and for a further £24 paid to 2. by 4. and for 5s paid by 3. to 1. and 2., a messuage farm or tenement in Aston heretofore in the tenure of Francis and Margaret Gough, then of Mary Fairebrother, now of Joseph Adams were conveyed by 1. and 2. to 3. to be a tenant to the precipe for suffering a recovery to the use of Bostock (party 4) Examined 16 April - 1806
10 - Copy of exemplification of recovery dated 13 June 7 GII [1733] relating to a messuage, 24 acres land, 3 acres meadow, 4 acres pasture and common of pasture, as in D 779B/T 757-8
11-12 - Copies of lease and release dated 19, 20 January 1711/12 by 1. John Pryor of Aston yeoman and Frances his wife and 2. Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow ent, to 3. Joseph Burton of Derby whittawer for £213 paid to Pryor and 5s to Fosbrooke, of several pieces of meadow or pasture ground and beast pastures and several pieces of arable land dispersed in fields belonging to Aston containing 27 acres and 50 sheep pastures in liberty of Aston (the properties are described in detail) mentioning John deceased, father of John Pryor and Nicholas deceased, grandfather of latter John Examined 16 April - 1806
13-14 - Copies of lease and release dated 27, 28 March 1735 by 1. Joseph Burton of Derby whittawer to 2. Joseph Bostock of Weston yeoman for £230 of several pieces of meadow or pasture ground and beast gates in Aston (described in detail), several pieces of arable lying dispersed in fields in Aston containing 27 acres, 50 sheep pastures through the common pastures, fields and commonable places in Aston, all in the tenure of Hugh Gascoigne and reputed to be one yardland and conveyed to Joseph Burton by John Pryor of Aston yeoman and Frances his wife and Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow gentleman on 19, 20 Jan 10 Anne [1712] Examined 16 April - 1806
15 - Abstract of title of Jonathan Bostock to a messuage and lands in Aston (1675/6-1779) - 1806
16-17 - Lease and release by 1. John and James Cowlishaw of Shardlow merchants, devisees in trust for sale and executors named in the will of Joseph Garner late of Aston farmer deceased, with the consent of 3. Elizabeth Garner of Weston widow devisee for life named in the will of Joseph Garner and 3. Mary, John, Stephen and Joseph Garner niece and nephews of Joseph deceased (further details given) and residuary legatees named in his will to 4. Robert Garner of Aston farmer another of Joseph's nephews and 5. his trustee William Whiston the younger of Derby gentleman reciting in part Joseph Garner's will dated 28 October 1825 By which he gave his brother Robert an annuity of £30 for life in case he should not survive his sister in law Elizabeth Garner, charged on premises which were given in the will to Elizabeth Garner for life then to the Cowlishaws in trust to sell, that Joseph Garner died 13 February 1826, and that parties 2. and 3. wished to sell the premises concerned and witnessing that for £2,800 1. with consent of 2. and 3. sold to 4. and 5. his trustee messuage with outbuildings, garden, homestead containing 2 acres 1r 34p and closes called First, Middle and Top Closes containing 18 acres 1r 2p In Aston, purchased by Joseph Garner from Jonathan Bostock of Weston farmer, formerly in the occupation of Samuel Storer, late of Joseph Garner deceased, now of Robert Garner (4. above) 17, 18 April - 1828
18 - Bond by John and James Cowlishaw of Shardlow merchants and Elizabeth Garner of Weston widow to Robert Garner of Aston farmer in £2,600 to indemnify Robert Garner against payment of annuity of £30 charged on a messuage and lands at Aston by Joseph Garner in his will (as in lease and release above) and against payment of legacies bequeathed in the will - 18 Apr 1828
19-20 - Mortgage by lease and release by 1. Robert Garner of Aston farmer to 2. John and James Cowlishaw of Shardlow merchants for £1,400 of premises as in D779/T/6/5/15 - 21-22 Apr 1828
21 - Conveyance by 1. Robert Garner of Aston farmer to 2. John Garner of Weston farmer, Robert's brother and 3. William Whiston the younger of Derby gentleman John's trustee, for the love Robert has for John, and for John's advancement and for 10s of premises as in D779/T/6/5/15 subject to the payment of £1,400 due to John and James Cowlishaw under mortgage of 21, 22 April 1828 (see D779/T/6/5/19-20) and bargain and sale likewise of household goods, furniture etc farming stock and implements of husbandry, money and securities for money etc and all goods, chattels, cattle etc and covenant by John to pay the £1,400 as above, Robert's debts, and to provide Robert with meat, drink, washing, lodging, wearing apparel and other necessaries suitable to his situation in life - 19 Mar 1833
22-23 - Mortgage by lease and release by 1. Robert Garner of Aston farmer to 2. William Whiston of Derby gentleman for £600 of premises as in D779/T/6/5/19-20 - 3-4 Apr 1833
24 - Particulars and conditions of sale by auction of messuage with homestead or croft, garden, orchard, carriage house, stable etc containing 2 acres 1r 34p at Aston in the possession of Robert Garner the owner, and First, Middle and Top Closes containing 18 acres 1r 2p, to be sold by Mr Brearey at the house of Mrs Whitmore, the Coach and Horses at Aston on 12 June 1833 - 1833-1834
25 - Printed advertisement for sale by auction of same premises to be sold by Eyre and Son at the house of Mr Hoone, the King's Head Inn, Derby, on 14 Feb 1834 (pinned to D779/T/6/5/24) - 1834
26 - Particulars and conditions of sale by auction of premises as above in D779/T/6/5/24 with memorandum of agreement between Robert Garner and John Curzon of Derby gentleman as agent for Edward Anthony Holden of Aston esquire, for purchase by private contract of the property for £2,400 - 4 Mar 1834
27 - Copy of D779/T/6/5/26 - [19th cent]
28 - Abstract of title of Robert Garner to estate in Aston (1806-1833) - 1834
29-30 - Lease and release made between 1. Robert Garner of Aston, farmer 2. William Whiston the younger of Derby gentleman. 3. John Garner of Weston farmer 4. William Whiston the younger of Derby gentleman (sic) 5. John and James Cowlishaw of Aston gentlemen. 6. William Whiston the elder of Derby gentleman and 7. Edward Anthony Holden of Aston Hall, Aston esquire - 1-2 Apr 1834
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-18386 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-1838
Expand 7 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-18397 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-1839
Expand 8 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-18398 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-1839
Expand 9 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 18419 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 1841
Expand 10 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 184110 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 1841
Expand 11 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-184211 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-1842
Expand 12 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-184412 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-1844
Expand 13 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-184413 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-1844
Expand 14 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-184514 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-1845
Expand 15 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-184915 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-1849
Expand 16 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 184716 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 1847
Expand 17 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-184917 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-1849
Expand 18 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-184918 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-1849
Expand 19 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-184919 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 20 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-184920 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 21 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 185321 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 1853
Expand 22 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-185722 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-1857
Expand 23 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-185723 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-1857
Expand 24 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-185924 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-1859
Expand 25 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 185825 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 1858
Expand 26 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-185826 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-1858
Expand 27 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-186227 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-1862
Expand 28 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-186228 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-1862
Expand 29 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-186329 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-1863
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-187030 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-1870
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895