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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Collapse 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 1 - Recovery of estate - 17701 - Recovery of estate - 1770
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-18282 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-1828
Collapse 3 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-18333 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-1833
Expand 1 - Deeds of the Water Furrows Doles and the Flagg or Flaggy Leys in Aston, purchase by William Hickinbotham in 1802 - 1763-18021 - Deeds of the Water Furrows Doles and the Flagg or Flaggy Leys in Aston, purchase by William Hickinbotham in 1802 - 1763-1802
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage and closes in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1809 - 1706-18092 - Deeds of messuage and closes in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1809 - 1706-1809
Collapse 3 - Deeds of the Upper and Lower Cramlands and the Hunckley Stile in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 18113 - Deeds of the Upper and Lower Cramlands and the Hunckley Stile in Aston purchased by William Hickinbotham in 1811
1 - Copy of mortgage dated 23 November 1717 by 1. John Williamson the elder of Weston yeoman and John his son and heir to 2. John Gery Doctor of Laws and Archdeacon of Bucks (sic) for £120 of messuage and cottage in Aston and 1½ yard land of arable in the fields of Aston, in the tenure of Thomas Ward - 1717
2 - Copy of further charge dated 28 January 1718/19 of £80 on same premises and made between same persons as in D779/T/6/3/3/1 - 28 Jan 1719 (4 Jul 1811)
3 - Copy of assignment dated 2 April 1723 of mortgage of 1717 (D779/T/6/3/3/1) by Joseph Smith of Corley, county Warwick gentleman the executor of Dr John Gery's will, to John Wright of Aston yeoman - 2 Apr 1723 (4 Jul 1811)
4 - Copy of post nuptial settlement by lease and release in trust dated 24, 25 February 1725/6 of John Meakin alias Williamson of Aston yeoman and wife Mary, made between 1. John and Mary Meakin alias Williamson and 2. Joseph Bostock of Weston yeoman and Samual Mather of Aston cordwainer of messuage and cottage in tenures of Edward Meakin alias Williamson, Gervase Sheldon and Robert Clifford, 1½ yardland of arable in tenures of Edward Meakin alias Williamson and Gervase Sheldon - Feb 1726 (4 Jul 1811)
5 - Copy of assignment dated 25 February 1725/6 of mortgage term by John Wright of Aston yeoman, in consideration of £200 paid him by John Meakin alias Williamson, the money due on mortgage of 1717 (D779/T/6/3/3/1), to Jacob Botham of Weston husbandman in trust to attend upon the purposes of settlement (D779/T/6/3/3/4) - 25 Feb 1726 (4 Jul 1811)
6 - Copy of will dated 13 May 1741 of John Williamson of Aston yeoman - 13 May 1741
7 - Copy of grant of administration of goods dated 26 April 1751 of John William late of Aston yeoman to son John, his executors having renounced their right of probate - 26 Apr 1751
8 - Final concord relating to deed to declare uses of fine under D779/T/6/3/3/9 - [1762]
9 - Copy of deed dated 28 January 1763 to declare the uses of a fine levied to William Wild of Aston yeoman, by 1. Mary Meakin alias Williamson of Normanton near Derby, widow of John Meakin alias Williamson late of Aston yeoman and 2. John of Normanton, only son of deceased John and Mary Meakin alias Williamson, concerning 2 messuages in possessions of Jacob Botham and William Foster, close of meadow and pasture called the Horse Doles containing 9 acres, 2 closes of meadow or pasture land called Home Closes 9 acres, several pieces of arable in the Cross Field 27 acres, lately inclosed, all in possession of Jacob Botham, and all premises in Aston, which were declared to be to the successive uses of 1. for her life, 2. for his life, Gervase son of Gervase Bancroft of Normanton yeoman, nephew of 2., and his heirs, and Thomas Meakin alias Williamson of Diseworth, county Leicester, yeoman and Benjamin Meakin alias Williamson of Ockbrook yeoman jointly - 28 Jan 1763 (4 Jul 1811)
10 - Extract from "the Aston Award" as it relates to allotments thereby made to Mary Williamson, award dated 22 March 1763. Refers to parcel of land in Crossfield containing 27 acres 39p and parcel of land in Nether Field adjoining containing 9 acres 1r 13p together 36 acres 2r 12p
11 - Copy of lease and release in trust to sell dated 5, 6 April 1811 made by 1. Benjamin Meakin or Williamson of Spondon yeoman eldest son and heir of Thomas formerly of Diseworth, county Leicester, yeoman deceased, to 2. John Meakin or Williamson of Thurlaston, county Leicester, eldest surviving son and heir of Benjamin formerly of Ockbrook yeoman deceased to 3. William Jeffery Lockett and Bryan Thomas Balguy of Derby gentlemen trustees - Apr 1811 (4 Jul 1811)
12 - Copy of deed dated 6 April 1811 for the levying of a fine in connection with lease and release of 5, 6 April 1811 - 1811
13 - Final concord levied in pursuance of D779/T/6/3/3/12 - [1811]
14-15 - Lease and release by 1. Lockett and Balguy as in 1718, trustees for sale 2. Benjamin Meakin of Williamson of Spondon yeoman and as in D779/T/6/3/3/11, and 3. John Meakin or Williamson of Thurlaston, county Leicester, yeoman and as in D779/T/6/3/3/11 to 4. William Hickinbotham of Weston gentleman, for £1,936 7s 6d, of closes called the Upper and Lower Cramlands and Hunckley Stile lying in part of the late open fields in Aston called the Cross Field, and containing 27 acres 2r 26p, awarded to Mary Meakin or Williamson widow upon inclosure, now in the possession of Joseph Botham - 23-24 Jun 1811
16 - Covenant for the production of title deeds by 1. James Sutton of Shardlow gentleman to 2. William Hickinbotham of Weston gentleman relating to lands of which Sutton had become the largest purchaser, with schedule of deeds dated 1648-1811 - 24 Jun 1811
17 - Assignment of term of 500 years to attend the inheritance made between 1. Joseph Botham of Aston farmer, executor of will of Jacob Botham formerly of Aston farmer his father, who was executor of Jacob Botham formerly of Aston farmer, Joseph's grandfather 2. Benjamin Meakin alias Williamson of Spondon yeoman and John Meakin alias Williamson of Thurlaston, county Leicester, yeoman 3. Lockett and Balguy as in D779/T/6/3/3/11 4. William Hickinbotham of Weston gentleman and 5. Francis Radford of Derby butcher, by which Botham assigned to Radford in trust for Hickinbotham, the 500 year term created in D779/T/6/3/3/1 (now vested in Botham) - 24 Jun 1811
Expand 4 - E A Holden's purchase of properties in D 779B/T 667-7244 - E A Holden's purchase of properties in D 779B/T 667-724
Expand 4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)
Expand 5 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 18345 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1834
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-18386 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-1838
Expand 7 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-18397 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-1839
Expand 8 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-18398 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-1839
Expand 9 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 18419 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 1841
Expand 10 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 184110 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 1841
Expand 11 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-184211 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-1842
Expand 12 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-184412 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-1844
Expand 13 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-184413 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-1844
Expand 14 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-184514 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-1845
Expand 15 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-184915 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-1849
Expand 16 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 184716 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 1847
Expand 17 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-184917 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-1849
Expand 18 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-184918 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-1849
Expand 19 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-184919 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 20 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-184920 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 21 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 185321 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 1853
Expand 22 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-185722 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-1857
Expand 23 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-185723 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-1857
Expand 24 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-185924 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-1859
Expand 25 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 185825 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 1858
Expand 26 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-185826 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-1858
Expand 27 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-186227 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-1862
Expand 28 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-186228 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-1862
Expand 29 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-186329 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-1863
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-187030 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-1870
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895