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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Collapse 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 1 - Recovery of estate - 17701 - Recovery of estate - 1770
Expand 2 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-18282 - Deeds of messuage etc. wellyard in Aston - 1820-1828
Expand 3 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-18333 - Deeds concerning messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1833 - 1706-1833
Expand 4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)4 - Messuages in Aston purchased by E A Holden - (1763-1833)
Expand 5 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 18345 - Deeds of Garner's Farm (a messuage and 3 closes) in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1834
Expand 6 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-18386 - Bundle of deeds concerning messuage and closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1838 from Joseph Botham - 1793-1838
Expand 7 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-18397 - Deeds of messuage in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1838 - 1800-1839
Expand 8 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-18398 - Deeds of 5 houses in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1839 - [1778]-1839
Expand 9 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 18419 - Deeds and papers of Moor Dyke Close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1841 - 1841
Expand 10 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 184110 - Documents concerning 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1841 - 1841
Expand 11 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-184211 - Documents concerning parcel of ground in Wet Close or Scroggy Nook, Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1842. - 1820-1842
Expand 12 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-184412 - Deeds and papers of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1843 - 1843-1844
Expand 13 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-184413 - Deeds concerning 9 cottages and schoolroom in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1844 - [1661]-1844
Expand 14 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-184514 - Bundle of deeds of the 'Coach and Horses' in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1845 - 1646-1845
Expand 15 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-184915 - Deeds of messuage and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in May and June 1847 and in March 1849 - 1717-1849
Expand 16 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 184716 - Exchange made in September 1847 - 1847
Collapse 17 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-184917 - Deeds etc of 2 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1849 - 1756-1849
1-2 - Lease and release by 1. Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow esquire to 2. William Smedley of Aston butcher, for £170, of cottage, house or tenement and barn, stable and orchard or garden, in Aston in Smedley's tenure, piece of meadow in Wilne and Shardlow called Calver or Cover Pleck containing 1½ acres in the tenure of Thomas Hickingbotham. Dated 23, 24 April Endorsement on D 779B/T 976 that Calver or Cover Pleck has been sold to the Company of Proprietors of the Navigation from the Trent to the Mersey Dated 6 Dec - 1756-1770
3 - Attested copy of covenant to levy a fine and deed to the uses of the fine, made between 1. Thomas Dakin of Aston blacksmith and Mary his wife, the only child and heir at law of William Smedley late of Aston butcher deceased, who died intestate and 2. the Reverend Charles Shuttleworth clerk, Rector of Aston - 1803
4 - Copy of will of Mary Daykin of Aston widow of Thomas Daykin blacksmith to son Robert the house, yard and garden where she lives, with household furniture, and the Moor Close; to son William the house and garden where Thomas Winfield (sic) now lives and the house where Stephen Brown and John Barton now live; to son William the striped bed with furniture belonging out of son Robert's property above, to daughters Sarah Slater and Elizabeth Roberts each £5 to be paid by Robert out of his property above, to son George £20, daughters Sarah Salter and Elizabeth Roberts and granddaughter Sarah Slater £5 each to be paid out of William's property above. Son William to be trustee for granddaughter Sarah Slater and sons William and Robert to be executors (14 April 1803) with copy of probate (26 April 1803)
5 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years, made between 1. Robert Dakin of Aston blacksmith (eldest son and heir of Thomas Dakin late of Aston blacksmith who died intestate by Mary his wife, also dead, the only child and heiress of William Smedley of Aston butcher, who died intestate), and devisee in fee simple of premises below, named in will of Mary Dakin, and Katherine his wife 2. Thomas Cockayne of Derby gentleman and 3. George Taylor of Derby innkeeper, for £100 paid by 3. to 1., of messuage with barn, yard, garden in Aston, formerly in possession of William Smedley, after of Thomas Dakin, and since of Mary Dakin, but now of Robert Dakin, purchased by William Smedley from Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow esquire, with covenant to levy fine for more effectual demise and for exstinguishing rights of Katherine to dower in the premises to which she would be entitled if she survived her husband Dated 24 June - 1803
6 - Abstract of mortgage D779/T/6/17/5 - [19th cent]
7-8 - Two parts of final concord, referred to in mortgage D 779B/T 979 Dated Hilary Term 44 GIII - [1804]
9 - Deed of further charge on premises in previous deed made by Robert Dakin to George Taylor, for £70 Dated 9 November - 1804
10 - With note pinned on D 779B/T 983
11-12 - Lease and release made between 1. Robert Dakin of Aston blacksmith 2. Thomas Cockayne of Derby, Robert's trustee 3. George Taylor of Derby innkeeper and 4. William Dakin of the same place blacksmith reciting that £170 was owed by 1. to 3. on mortgages with interest making up the sum due to £188 1s 3d, and witnessing for £188 1s 3d paid to 3. by 4. and £118 18s 9d paid to 1. by 4. (making £307 purchase money) and for 5s paid to 2. by 4., the premises as in 1803 mortgage were conveyed to 4., and in consideration of the £188 1s 3d paid to 3. he demised to 4. the 500 year mortgage term in order that it might be merged in the freehold Dated 28, 29 Dec - 1808
13 - Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years by 1. William Dakin of Derby blacksmith to 2. Richard Birch of Smalley gentleman for £300 of messuage with barn, yard, garden in Aston, formerly in the possession of William Smedley, then of Thomas Dakin, since of Mary Dakin, then of Robert Dakin, purchased by William Smedley from Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow, said to have been conveyed to William Dakin by Robert Dakin and Thomas Cockayne his trustee, and of 2 messuages and garden at Aston near or adjoining last mentioned messuage, built by Mary Dakin widow deceased and late in tenures of Stephen Browne and John Barton but now of Alexander Gaskin and the said John Barton, and of a messuage, yard, garden at Moorside heretofore in the tenure of Thomas Winfield, now of Stephen Browne, the last 3 messuages having been late the estate of Mary Dakin and left to William in her will Dated 30 December - 1808
14 - Bond in £600 to pay £300 with interest, in performance of mortgage of even date, William Dakin to Richard Birch as D 779B/T 987 Dated 30 December - 1808
15-16 - Lease and release made between 1. William Daykin of Derby blacksmith 2. Richard William Birch of Smalley gentleman 3. William Dawson of Aston gentleman and 4. William Whiston of Derby gent., Dawson's trustee, reciting mortgage dated 30 Dec 1808 made by Daykin to Birch for £300 by a demise for 1,000 years (see D 779B/T 987) and witnessing that for £300 paid by Dawson to Birch at Daykin's request, in repayment of the mortgage, and for £50 paid to Daykin by Dawson, making £350 purchase money for the premises, property as in 1808 mortgage, was conveyed by Daykin to Dawson and Whiston, and for 5s paid by them to Birch, he, at Daykin's direction, conveyed to Dawson and Whiston the 1,000 year mortgage term so that it might be extinguished. Dated 2, 3 Feb - 1811
17-19 - Memorandum of deposit of deeds dated 1811 by John Sellick Dawson of Aston with Leonard Fosbrooke of Shardlow Hall esquire, as a security for £249 lent to Dawson by Fosbrooke, 29 September 1826; promissory note for the payment of the £249, same date as memorandum, endorsed with receipt for repayment of same by the Reverend William Heycock, 24 June 1830; promissory note for payment of £50 to Mr J B Simpson by J S Dawson, 31 January 1827, endorsed with receipt for repayment of same by Reverend William Heycock, 24 June 1830 - 1826-1830
20 - Letter concerning the Simpson loan, R Fosbrooke to Simpson Dated 27 January - 1827
21 - Authorisation by J S Dawson to executors of his father's estate to retain possession of title deeds to a house at Aston which the executors of Leonard Fosbrooke esquire have delivered to the Reverend William Heacock, who, as an executor of the late William Dawson, J S Dawson's father, has advanced out of William Dawson's estate £299 to pay to Fosbrooke's executors, and the Dawson executors are to retain them as security for payment of the £299 and interest, and Dawson charged his estate with payment of the same Dated 24 June - 1830
22 - Promissory note for payment of the £299, same date (pinned to D 779B/T 995)
23 - Receipt from Jos ?Sale to Messrs Simpson and Frear, for the Reverend William Heacock, trustee for Mrs Dawson, for a bond from the late Mr Hickinbotham of Aston to Mrs Dawson dated 28 October 1814, for £800 Dated 19 June - 1833
24 - Notice that by lease and release of 27, 28 July instant John Sellick Dawson of ?Thavie Inn in the City of London gentleman eldest son of William Dawson late of Aston esquire deceased conveyed to John William Thomas Carter of Upper Stamford Street, Surrey, surgeon, a messuage, cottage or dwelling house with yard, garden and stable (formerly a garden house) at Aston, formerly purchased by William Dawson from Mr Wright, lately occupied by Mrs Dawson widow and now by Mrs Peach, the title deeds of which are held by you, and giving notice not to give up the deeds to anyone without notice to Carter. Signed by Carter Dated 29 July - 1829
25-28 - Bundle of papers
29 - Letter to Simpson and Frear, Derby, solicitors, that Mr Dawson has made a conveyance of the cottage at Aston to a client, Mr Carter, subject to Fosbrooke's lien, and enclosing notices of the conveyance, one to be returned with a memorandum accepting service for Mr Fosbrooke, from Chr Crouch at London Dated 30 July - 1829
30 - Copy of letter concerning Carter and Dawson written by Chr Crouch (4 April 1846) with covering letter to Messrs Simpson, Frear and Simpson, Solicitors, Derby, from W G Taylor at John Street Dated 30 May - 1848
31 - Certificate of marriage of William Dawson of Weston (sic) and Catherine Fisher of St Philip, Birmingham, married at St Philip's by licence on 20 April 1804 Extracted 15 July - 1848
32 - Conveyance made between 1. Joseph Dawson of Derby chemist and druggist 2. William Heacock of Etwall clerk 3. Edward Anthony Holden of Aston esquire and 4. Reverend James Richard Holden of Pleasley clerk, reciting 1811 purchase of premises, the death of William Dawson, March 1811, intestate, leaving John Sellick Dawson his eldest son and heir, who by promissory note of 30 June 1830 promised to pay Heacock £299, that J S Dawson died January 1845, intestate and unmarried leaving Joseph Dawson his brother and heir at law, and there is due to Heacock £299 and interest of £56 1s, and witnessing that for £355 1s paid to Heacock by Holden out of the purchase money of £400 at Dawson's request, and for £44 19s paid to Dawson by Holden, Dawson conveyed to Holden 2 messuages with barn, yard, garden in Aston in the occupation of Miss Johnson and William Whyman, formerly one messuage in possession of William Smedley, after Thomas Dakin deceased, since of Mary Dakin widow, also deceased, but now or late of Robert Dakin (sic) - 3 Feb 1849
Expand 18 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-184918 - Deeds of messuage, close etc in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden, 24 March 1849 - 1712-1849
Expand 19 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-184919 - Bundle of deeds of messuage, close and tithes of close in Aston, purchased by Edward Anthony Holden on 28 Mar 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 20 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-184920 - Deeds of 2 messuages and lands in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in November 1849 - 1788-1849
Expand 21 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 185321 - Purchase by Edward Anthony Holden of messuage with blacksmith's shop in Aston in 1853 - 1853
Expand 22 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-185722 - Deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1857 - 1828-1857
Expand 23 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-185723 - Bundle of deeds of 3 messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in July 1857 - 1652-1857
Expand 24 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-185924 - Bundle of deeds of 2 cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in December 1857 and February 1859 - 1765-1859
Expand 25 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 185825 - Purchase of a messuage in Aston by Edward Anthony Holden in February 1858 - 1858
Expand 26 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-185826 - Deeds and papers of messuages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in June 1858 - 1823-1858
Expand 27 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-186227 - Deeds of three cottages in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in January 1862 - (1729)-1862
Expand 28 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-186228 - Deeds of 2 messuages at Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in August 1862 - 1836-1862
Expand 29 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-186329 - Deeds of Sikes Big and Little Moor Closes in Aston purchased by Edward Anthony Holden in 1863 - 1857-1863
Expand 30 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-187030 - Miscellaneous documents relating, or probably relating to title to property - 1863-1870
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895