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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Expand 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Expand 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
Expand 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
Collapse 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
1 - Mortgage by lease for 41 years by 1. Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman to 2. Gilbert Coke of Trusley esquire, for £70, of cottage, close belonging in the occupation of Robert Moreley, 2 yardlands in the same occupation, all in Aston. Dated 9 July Endorsed with memorandum that William Mundy of Darley esquire has received £80 19s from Joseph Parker and that Mundy, by virtue of an assignment made to him by Gilbert Coke esquire his father, assigns all his and his late father's title herein to the said Joseph Parker, 1 February 1664/5. - 1657
2-3 - Assignment of term by 1. Christopher Wright of Eastwell, county Leicester, clerk, and Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman to 2. William Statham of Burrowash innholder - 3 Feb [1674]
4 - Mortgage by lease for 100 years by 1. Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman to 2. Margaret Parker of Derby widow, for £300, of messuage in which Thomas Bontsall lives, with lands etc usually enjoyed with it, close called - in occupation of William Smith, arable lands in fields of Aston in Smith's occupation, arable lands and pastures in occupation of Robert Watson, arable lands in occupation of Robert Clarke, parcels of meadow in occupation of William Wood and Thomas Lockoe, all in Aston, all Wright's lands in Shardlow in occupation of George Sowter, John Clarke, John Whyman, - Wood, Simon Cripple, John Tate, Thomas Clifford and Christopher Wright, the Towne Close in occupation of Ellen Wright widow, 3 acres land or meadow ground in Shardlow in occupation of John Bryan - 31 Jan [1665]
5 - Assignment of term in trust made between 1. Richard Palfreyman of Weston yeoman 2. Roger Stathum of Wilne Mills millwright and 3. William Stathum of "Burrowes ash" yeoman, reciting that on 2 March 23 Charles I [1648] Joseph Wright late of Shardlow yeoman deceased mortgaged to Nicholas Willymott of Grays Inn esquire for £400, a messuage and 2½ yardlands in Shardlow and Wilne, by demise for 100 years, and by assignment the demise has come to Palfreyman, and witnessing that by William Stathum's appointment and for 12d paid by him to Palfreyman, Palfreyman assigned to Roger Stathum in trust for William Stathum, 2 closes in Shardlow called the Towne Close and Burrowes Close and a cottage lately built thereon (which are parcel of the above mortgaged premises and the inheritance of which closes and cottage are now owned by William Stathum) for the remainder of the 100-year term. Dated 26 May - 1673
6-7 - Assignment of term made between 1. Christopher Wright of Eastwell, county Leicester, clerk, Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman and 2. William Statham of Burrowash innholder - 3 Feb [1674]
8-9 - Two rough terriers of some of the lands in annexed terrier - 1673-1674
10-11 - Assignment of term made between 1. Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman, Christopher Wright of Eastwell clerk and 2. William Statham of Burrowash innholder, reciting Margaret Parker's deed dated 20 March 20 Charles II [1668] (recited in D 779B/T 436) and witnessing that for £15 Christopher Wright with Joseph's consent, assigned to William Statham, a piece of meadow containing 1 acre in Smeath Meadow in possession of John Clarke, arable lands in fields of Wilne and Shardlow set out in annexed terrier, 2 cow or horse pastures in pasture belonging to Wilne and Shardlow, in the tenure of Joseph Wright, all in parish or liberties of Wilne and Shardlow, and parcel of lands in the recited deeds of [1668] and [1665] (the latter was recited in deed of [1668]) for the remainder of the term of 100 years created in the earlier deed (see above D 779B/T 436), reserving 99 year lease of 12 May 15 Charles II [1663] made by Joseph Wright to William Webster of Thrussington, county Leicester clerk. Dated 21 September 1676 - 1676
12 - Assignment of term made between 1. Christopher Wright of Eastwell clerk, Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman and 2. Stephen Flamstead of Derby gentleman, reciting demise by Joseph father of above Joseph Wright to Gilbert Coke, dated 9 July 1657 (see above D 779B/T 431) of cottage and 2 yardlands in Aston for 41 years, the residue of which term has come to Christopher Wright and witnessing that for £66 Christopher, with Joseph's consent, assigned to Flamstead, Riden-hill-close, Mapperley - peice lying near Horneditche - poole, the Flaxpeice lying or abutting on a furlong called Whitdraught, 6 leas or parcels of arable (2 abutting upon Riden-hill-close, 2 on the Flaxpeice and 2 on Whitdraught and abutting into or towards the Trent) all in Aston Netherfield in Aston parish, and part of the lands in the recited demise. Dated 2 October - 1678
13 - Christopher Wright's receipt for the £66 paid him by Flamstead, same date as D779/T/3/9/12 - 1678
14 - Assignment of term made between 1. Christopher Wright of Eastwell clerk, Joseph Wright of Mapperley yeoman and 2. Stephen Flamstead of Derby gentleman - 2 Oct 1678
15 - Christopher Wright's receipt for the £64 paid him by Flamstead - 2 Oct 1678
16-18 - Assignment of mortgage by lease and release (both parts of release) made between 1. Francis Willughby of the Middle Temple esquire, Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman and 2. William Stathum of Burrowash yeoman - 5-6 Jan [1683]
19 - Mortgage by (lease - missing -) and release by 1. Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman to 2. William Statham of Burrowash [Borrowash] yeoman, for £260, of premises as per D779/T/39/16-18 - 6 Jan [1683]
20 - Assignment of terms in trust, made between 1. Stephen Flamstead of Derby gentleman and Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman and 2. William Statham of Burrowash yeoman and William Gilbert of Derby gentleman trustee for Statham - 7 Jan [1685]
21 - Bond in £500 by Stephen Statham of `Burrowesash' [Burrowash] yeoman to Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman for the performance of an award by John Lord and Joseph Parker of Derby gentlemen concerning matters in variance between Statham and Wright provided that the award is made by 8 July, and if it is not, for the performance of the `umperidge' of John Horsley of Leek, county Stafford, gentleman, so long as it is perfected by 5 August. Dated 21 June - 1693
22 - Award of John Lord gentleman Mayor of Derby and Joseph Parker of Derby gentleman, reciting that differences have arisen between Joseph Wright and Steven Statham about the `dismortgageing' of a messuage and lands in Wilne, Shardlow and Aston, formerly the inheritance of Joseph Wright, mortgaged to Francis Willoughby, who conveyed the premises to William Statham since deceased, and that William Statham's estate is now vested in Stephen Statham and awarding that William and Stephen have received £14 17s 0 3/4d over and above the principal, interest and charges, by receipt of rents etc. from the premises, and are ordered to repay that sum, and to convey the premises by lease and release, to Parker, and the parties will upon this payment and conveyance seal to each other a general release of all actions before 21 June last. Dated 4 July - 1693
23 - Probate copy of will of Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman dated 14 May 1694: to Sarah Burgin, sister, £10 and to her son John, Joseph's godson, £40, if either dies before payment, the money is to be equally divided amongst the rest of Sarah's children; to sister Mary Oakes £30 or to her children; to sister Ellin £30, or if she is dead before payment, it is to be distributed amongst the rest of the sisters' children equally; to sister Esther and her children £30; to brother John £20 but if dead before payment, to be distributed to sisters' children equally; to brother William Is if demanded; to Christian Dodson £3; to Robert Wood of Ockbrook the mare he has in his possession which is Wright's; to brother Robert all the rest of his lands, goods and chattels together with the title to his estate in liberty Shardlow and Aston; brother Robert is named executor. Dated 21 May - 1694
24-26 - Lease and both parts of release and confirmation by 1. Stephen Statham of Burrowash yeoman, brother and heir of William Statham late of same yeoman deceased to 2. Robert Wright of Toton, Nottinghamshire, yeoman, executor and devisee of Joseph Wright of Shardlow yeoman deceased - 20-21 Mar [1695]
27 - Quitclaim by William Wright of Stebbington, county Northampton, gentleman brother and heir of Joseph Wright, late of Shardlow gentleman deceased, for 5s paid him by his brother Robert of Toton, county Nottingham, yeoman of all his right to premises as in D 779B/T 446-448. Dated 15 November - 1697
28 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by 1. Robert Wright of Toton, county Nottingham, yeoman to 2. Joseph Parker of Derby gentleman, for £80, of premises as in D 779B/T 446-T 448 in the occupation of Robert Wright. Dated 15 November - 1697
29-30 - Mortgage by lease and release in trust made between 1. Christopher Wright of Toton, county Nottingham, yeoman, Anne his wife 2. Alpheus Burgin of Shardlow gentleman, Hannah his wife and 3. Odingsells White of Mansfield, county Nottingham, gentleman, reciting that Henry Clempson of Woodborough, county Nottingham, yeoman deceased, late father of Hannah Burgin, bequeathed £300 to White in trust for Hannah's children as she should direct, and made Alpheus Burgin his sole executor, and witnessing that for £300 paid by White to Wright, premises as in D 779B/T 446-448 in the occupation of Henry Powson, were mortgaged to White in trust to the uses of Henry Clempson's will, reserving mortgage to Joseph Parker of Derby deceased gentleman made by Christopher Wright's father Robert on 15 November 1697, which Christopher now covenanted to assign to whomever White should appoint as further security. Dated 4, 5 December - 1723
31 - Assignment of mortgage term in trust made between 1. Benjamin Parker of `Chaddesdaine' esquire, and Mary Parker of Derby widow, executors of the will of Joseph Parker late of Derby gentleman, Benjamin's father 2. Christopher Wright of Toton, county Nottingham, yeoman 3. Odingsells White of Mansfield, county Nottingham, gentleman, and 4. Thomas Hynde of Sawley gentleman by which for 5s paid by Hynde to the Parkers, the latter assigned to Hynde in trust for White, and at the request of Wright, the mortgage term in the deed of 15 November 1697 (see D 779B/T 458), the equity of redemption of which is now vested in Wright, at whose request White has paid the Parkers £80 and advanced a further £220 to Wright, who has mortgaged the premises to White (D 779B/T 459-60). Dated 6 December - 1723
32-34 - 3 papers pinned together memorandum of agreement between Christopher Wright and Joseph Greaves, on behalf of Robert Holden esquire, that Wright will convey before midsummer day a messuage in Shardlow and several closes in Shardlow and Aston, late in tenure of Henry Poulson, to Holden, who will pay £500 and enter upon premises as from Lady Day last. Received £5 5s. 18 April, £144 15s 2 May and £30 25 August. Dated 18 April 2) Agreement, reciting that Holden has contracted to buy an estate from Christopher Wright, which was mortgaged to Odingsells White, now deceased, and the legal estate is now vested in his son John White, an infant of 19, by reason of whose infancy Holden cannot have a proper conveyance made to him; nevertheless, Holden has advanced £150 to Wright, in consideration of which Wright and Alpheus Burgin, on behalf of his children, agree that Holden shall immediately enter the premises, take rents etc. out of which he will pay Burgin the interest on £200, the remaining principal due on the mortgage, and to himself the interest due on the £150 advanced to Wright, until Holden has a good title, paying the surplus rents to Wright, Holden retaining the rest of the purchase money interest free. Dated 2 May 3) Receipt for £40 borrowed by Wright from Holden. Dated 29 October - 1729
35 - Account between Mr Holden and Christopher Wright, 3 April. - 1732
36 - Undated account of what is due to Mr Burgin and of a sum to be paid to Christopher Wright - [? 18th cent]
37-38 - Lease and release and assignment of term in trust to attend the inheritance made between 1. John White of Mansfield, county Nottingham son and heir of Odingsells White of Mansfield gentleman, deceased, Christopher Wright of Toton, county Nottingham, yeoman and Anne his wife 2. Alpheus Burgin of Shardlow gentleman and Hannah his wife 3. Thomas Hynde of Sawley gentleman 4. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire and 5. Joseph Greaves of Foremark by which for £278 6s paid to John White and £226 19s paid to Wright by Holden, White, by the direction of the Burgins and of Christopher Wright, released to Holden, messuage in Shardlow, close on north of messuage and near adjoining, close called Well Yard on west of messuage, Shuck Thorne Flatt, the Little Flatt adjoining Sympson Close, 8 horse or cow pastures: in cow pasture belonging to Wilne and Shardlow, all in Wilne and Shardlow, Riden Hill Close, Mapperley peice near Hornditch pool, Flax peice abutting upon a furlong called Whit draught, 6 leyes or parcels of arable (2 abutting on Riden Hill Close, 2 on Flax peice, 2 on Whitdraught and shooting into or towards the Trent) all in Aston Nether Field; in parish of Aston; all premises late in tenure of Henry Powson, and for 5s. paid by Greaves to Hynde, the latter, by the direction of White, Wright, the Burgins and Holden, assigned the premises for remainder of 500-year term (assigned to Hynde in deed of 6 December 1723) to Greaves in trust for Holden to attend the inheritance. Dated 3, 4 April (the 3rd April lease is dated 1731 in error) - 1732
Expand 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Expand 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895