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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Expand 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Expand 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
Collapse 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
1-2 - Lease and release, and assignment of mortgage term in trust to attend the inheritance made between 1. John Hardinge of Kings Newton esquire son and heir of Robert Hardinge late of the same place esquire deceased, Rebecca Holden widow of Edward Holden late of Weston clerk, Robert Holden of Weston clerk son and heir of Edward 2. Robert Cooper of Aston yeoman, John Sleigh of Weston yeoman 3. Robert Brian of Weston yeoman, reciting mortgage dated 25 March 1709, by which Rebecca Holden, for the advance of £500 towards the discharge of Robert Holden's debts, and Robert Holden, mortgaged to Robert Hardinge, the Old Close, Dean Leas, the Gorstey Closes and the Middle Close in Weston, in occupations of John Rose, John Henshaw, Francis Henshaw, George Barker, George Domelow, Thomas Fewkes and Thomas Gilbert; that John Hardinge is his father's executor, and witnessing that for £140 paid by Brian and 5s. by Cooper and Sleigh to Hardinge, Hardinge assigned, with the consent of Rebecca and Robert Holden, the residue of the mortgage term of 500 years in the Gorstey Closes containing 9 acres in Weston in occupation of Thomas Fewkes and George Barker, to Cooper and Sleigh in trust for Brian to attend the inheritance, and Rebecca Holden for 10s. paid her by Brian and Robert Holden for £130 paid him by Brian, conveyed the Gorstey Closes to him. Dated 3, 4 April - 1711
3-4 - Declaration of trust (2 parts) by Robert Brian of Weston yeoman, that whereas Thomas Brian late of Weston yeoman, Robert's brother, contracted last December with Rebecca Holden widow and Robert Holden, for the purchase of the Gorstey Closes in Weston and died before the conveyance, but had devised the closes to be purchased in his will, the Nether Gorstey close in Thomas Fewkes holding to his nephew Robert Brian and the Upper Gorstey Close in the holding of George Barker and George Domelow to his nephew Thomas Brian, and he made Robert his brother his sole executor, and the Holdens conveyed the premises to Robert, who declares that the purchase money was his late brother's money and that his name was used for the performance of Thomas Brian's will and for the benefits of Thomas Brian's nephews, Robert and Thomas. Dated 4 April - 1711
5 - Final concord between Robert Bryan, Samuel Brown, Thomas Gilbert and Richard Brown querent and Robert Holden clerk, Rebecca Holden widow defendants concernings 40 acres each of land, meadow and pasture and common of pasture in Weston. £200. Dated Trinity 10 Anne - [1711]
6-7 - Lease and release by 1. Thomas Bryan of Kettlethorpe, county Lincoln, yeoman to 2. Robert Bryan of 'Wesson upon Trent', [Thomas's] brother, yeoman for £130, of the Gossy Close in Weston containing 6 acres in tenure of Elizabeth Dumilaw - 23-24 Feb [1723]
8 - Marriage settlement by (lease - missing - and) release in trust by 1. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman to 2. Robert Bonsall of Long Eaton gentleman, and John Trowell of the same place gentleman - 9 Jan [1724]
9 - Mortgage by demise for 1,000 years by 1. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman, Mary his wife to 2. John Bower of Repton gentleman, for £65, of Gossey Close in Weston containing 6 acres in the tenure of Robert Bryan. Dated 20 December - 1727
10 - Final concord between John Bower gentleman querent and Robert Bryan and Mary his wife defendants concerning 6 acres land and 6 acres pasture in Weston upon Trent. £60. Dated Octave of Hilary, 1 George II - [1728]
11 - Declaration by Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman and Mary his wife that Robert has borrowed £15 from John Bower of Repton gentleman in addition to £65 borrowed before, and that the above deed of mortgage is a security for the £15. Dated 11 April - 1728
12 - Agreement to attorn tenants to Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, by John Fewkes and Elizabeth Domilow widow, holding the Gorstey Close in Weston of Robert Bryan at a rent of £6, and by Richard Browne of Weston wheelwright for the New Close in Weston at rent of £7 10s. Dated 16 October - 1728
13 - Assignment of mortgage made between 1. John Bower of Repton gentleman 2. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman and 3. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire by which for £84 paid by Holden to Bower and by direction of Bryan, Bower assigned mortgage term demised in mortgage of 20 December 1727 to Robert Holden. Dated 22 October Endorsed with receipt for £20 paid by Holden to Brian, who charged the premises with the repayment of this sum in addition to £84, 31 March 1729. - 1728
14-15 - Lease and release in trust made between 1. Robert Bryan now or late of Weston yeoman 2. Alexander Holden of Newark upon Trent, county Nottingham esquire, Joseph Greaves of Foremark and 3. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, by which for £125 11s now due to Robert Holden from Bryan for principal and interest on 2 mortgages, both dated 22 October 1708 (sic), one of the Gostey Close in Weston, and the other of the New Close in Weston and for £6 9s paid to Bryan by Robert Holden and 5s paid Bryan by Alexander Holden and Greaves, the Gostey Close in the tenure of John Fewks and Elizabeth Domilow, was conveyed to Alexander Holden and Greaves in trust for Robert Holden. Dated 24, 25 October - 1729
Expand 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
Expand 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Expand 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895