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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Expand 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Collapse 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
1 - Marriage and family settlement by [missing lease and] release in trust made between 1. John Holden of Wilne gentleman, Frances his wife, Robert his son and heir apparent 2. Charles Farnham of Quorndon, Leicestershire, esquire and Edward Holden of Weston clerk 3. Mary Chamberlain of Quorndon spinster one of the daughters and co-heirs of George Chamberlain late of Thrumpton, Nottinghamshire, gentleman deceased - 28 Apr 1693
2 - Undated copy of release to make tenant to precipe and covenant to levy fine of 11 June 1720 made between 1. Charles Farnham of Quorndon, Leicestershire esquire, Robert Holden the elder of Wilne gentleman, Mary his wife, Robert the younger, their eldest son and heir apparent 2. William Robinson of New Inn, London, gentleman, 3. James Halsall of New Inn, gentleman - 11 Jun 1720 (mid-18th cent)
3 - Deed to declare the uses of a fine and recovery made between 1. Robert Holden the elder of Wilne gentleman, Mary his wife and Robert the younger their son and heir and 2. Thomas Holden of Aston clerk and Richard Sheppard of 'Swerkeston' gentleman - 30 Aug 1720
4-5 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years (2 parts) by 1. Mary Holden of Wilne widow and relict of Robert Holden gentleman late of Wilne, Charles Holden of Wilne son and heir of Robert to 2 Henry Swindell of Tonge, Leicestershire, gentleman, for £350, of 3 yardlands of arable, meadow and pasture usually enjoyed with the messuage in which the Holdens live - 23 Jan [1725]
6 - Bond in £700 by Mary Holden of Wilne widow and Charles Holden of the same gentleman to Henry Swindell of Tonge, Leicestershire, gentleman for the performance of indentures of mortgage of even date - 23 Jan [1725]
7 - Bond in £300 by Mary and Charles Holden to Henry Swindell, all described as in bond above, for the payment of £150 and interest. Cancelled. Endorsed with notes concerning money - 22 Apr 1727
8 - Receipt for ?£100 borrowed from Henry Swindell by ? Charles [Holden]. This name is torn through. Dated 21 September - 1727
9 - Bargain and sale of goods, and lease for 99 years or one life by 1. Mary Holden widow and relict of Robert Holden of Wilne gentleman to 2. Charles Holden, Robert's son and heir, in consideration that Charles has undertaken payment of a considerable sum of money before borrowed by Mary and himself, of which the greatest part has been spent on the purchase of a stock of cattle, implements of husbandry and other things for the management of the farm at Wilne now in their possession, and for 5s. Mary sells to Charles all the household goods and furniture belonging to the messuage in which they live, all wagons, carts, ploughs, harrows, gears, other implements of husbandry, horses, mares, colts, fillies, foals, cows, heifers, stirks, calves, sheep, corn, grain and hay, all other live and dead stock belonging to the farm and lands at Wilne, and her part share in the said household goods and stock, and for the aforesaid consideration and the rents reserved below, she leased a messuage and 3 yardlands of arable, meadow and pasture in Wilne belonging to the messuage, cottage once in tenure of John Blatherwick and now of William Kirk, and Chappell, Over and Nether Closes in Wilne for 99 years or her life, all to Charles, at a rent of £6 so long as she lives with Charles or £15 if she does not; he is to provide meat, drink, washing and lodging whilst she lives with him; if she leaves him she may have the cottage mentioned without making any allowance to him for it and may take sufficient household goods from the messuage sufficient to furnish the cottage and one cow from Charles' stock at her choice. Dated 1 November - 1727
10 - Assignment of mortgage term and mortgage by demise for 500 years of further lands as additional security made between 1. Henry Swindell of Tonge, county Leicester, gentleman 2. Mary and Charles Holden described as in deed above 3. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, reciting mortgage dated 23 January 1724/5 (see D 779B/T 395-396) that the borrowed money has not been repaid, that 2. on 22 April last borrowed a further £150 from 1. secured on a bond, and witnessing that 1., for £522 11s. paid by 3. to him and £27 9s. paid by 3. to 2. , with 2.'s consent, assigned the premises as in recited mortgage to Robert Holden, and that 2. demised to 3. a messuage in Wilne where they live, cottage in Wilne in tenure of William Kirk, parcel of ground and buildings on it on south side of River Trent in tenure of Charles Greaves, for term of 500 years. Dated 2 November Endorsed with receipt for £35 paid by Robert Holden to Charles Holden which is to be a further change on the mortgaged premises, 28 September 1728. - 1727
11 - Assignment of term of 500 years made between 1. Richard Sheppard of `Swerkeston' gentleman 2. Mary and Charles Holden described as above, but Charles called `gent', 3. John Hartstone* of Long Whatton, county Leicester, sleemaker and Susanna his wife, a daughter of Robert Holden deceased, and Henry a younger son of the same 4. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, reciting deed dated 30 August 1720 whereby the Chappell, Over and Nether Closes were limited to Thomas Holden since deceased and Shepperd for 500 years upon trust to sell or mortgage to raise £200 for the portions of Robert and Mary Holden ' s younger children, that there are 4 younger children (Susanna Hartstone, John, Henry and Mary Holden) and no appointment of the £200 having been made, Shepperd, with Mary Holden 's approbation, appointed that the £200 be raised and divided equally between the 4 younger children, and John and Susanna Hartstone and Henry Holden needing their portions, Robert Holden has agreed to advance them and for £50 paid to the Hartstones and to Henry Holden by Robert Holden, and to secure to him the £550 he lent to Charles Holden, for 5s. paid to 1. by 4., 1. with the consent of 2. and 3. assigned to 4. the remainder of the above mentioned term for 500 years, subject to the payment of Mary and John Holden 's portions of £50 apiece, provided that if Charles Holden should pay Robert Holden (party 4) £550 and interest, £105 and the portions of John and Mary Holden, then the premises will be assigned to Charles Holden as he directs. Dated 2 November - 1727
12 - Undated scrap of paper with calculations - [18th cent]
13 - Letter from John to Robert Holden esquire, at `Farmake' , saying the debt of £9 15s is due to Capt. Ashbey for necessaries John had of him when he came to the Troop, and John desires Robert to pay him, which with the 5 guineas John has already had will make up the sum of £15 John has given Robert a 'note' for; the captain says Robert agreed to give him £5 for John's coming into the Troop, of which the latter knows nothing. Dated Warwick, 28 October - 1728
14 - Receipt for £9 15s from John Holden to Major Ashby, paid to John in money and linen, 15 January 1727/8, with receipt from Ashby to Robert Holden esquire for the same - 3 Feb [1730]
15 - Agreement between Charles Holden of Wilne gentleman and Robert Holden of Foremark esquire - 10 Jan [1729]
16-17 - Lease and release in trust made between 1. Charles Holden of Wilne gentleman, 2. Samuel Pole of Muggington clerk, Joseph Greaves of Foremark 3. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, for £731 10s due from Charles Holden to Robert Holden, secured on 2 mortgages dated 2 November 1727, for Robert's undertaking to pay John, Charles' brother £25, the remaining part of his portion, and Mary, Charles Holden's sister, £50 in full payment of her portion and for £443 10s paid to Charles by Robert Holden (in all £1,250), Charles conveyed premises as in agreement above of 10 January 1728/9, with the addition of a parcel of ground and buildings on it situated on the south side of the River Trent in the tenure of Charles Greaves, to Pole and Joseph Greaves in trust for Robert Holden. Dated 12, 13 May - 1729
18 - Promissory note to pay John Holden £20, from R. Holden. Dated 16 July - 1729
19 - Receipt from John Holden for £20, which with £30 formerly paid him by Robert Holden, is in full of all portions intended for him and charged on the lands of John's late father. Dated 24 May - 1730
20-21 - Agreement (two parts) made between Robert and Charles Holden, that Robert may retain £300 of the purchase money for the property he has bought from Charles, during the life of Charles' mother Mary, to indemnify himself against the annuity payable to her; Robert will pay interest at 4½% on money retained whilst Mary makes no claim on him; the £300 will be paid Charles on her death; Charles will hold the premises for rent of £50. Dated 12 May One of the copies is endorsed with receipts for £60 and £240 paid to Charles by Robert after Mary's death, 14 April 1731 and 24 April 1733. - 1729
22-24 - Three papers of accounts between [Robert Holden] and Charles Holden, which also involve Henry Holden [Charles' younger brother] who appears to have leased property from Robert. D 779B/T 420 includes notes of cost of leading brick to Shardlow and for lime. Account settled 24 April 1733. - 1730-1733
Expand 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
Expand 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
Expand 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Expand 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895