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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Collapse 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
1 - 1708 copy of feoffment dated 14 April 1648 by 1. Robert Houlden of Shardlow gentleman, Henry Houlden, Robert's son and heir apparent, Richard Lewis of Risley yeoman, Thomas Roe of London mercer to 2. Thomas Clementson of Aston husbandman, for £200, of messuage in Aston in Clementson's possession, with buildings, gardens, lands belonging, with yardland and a half of land, arable, meadow and pasture in Aston belonging to the messuage, common of pasture for as many animals as the occupiers of the premies have had for the most part of the last 20 years - 14 Apr 1648 (1 Apr 1708)
2 - Undated copy of will of Thomas Clemenson of Aston husbandman dated 23 March 1680/1 - 23 Mar [1681] (?late 17th cent)
3 - Partition between 1. John Holland of Ockbrook framework knitter and Dorothy his wife and 2. John Harrison of Wilson, Leicestershire, yeoman and Sarah his wife - 17 Oct 1697
4 - 'An Account' of the lands in Aston laid to the messuage house in the possession of Thomas Williamson which fell to the lot of Thomas Holland by a division lately made of the same - [? late 17th cent]
5 - Final concord between William Cowlishawe querent and John Harryson, Sara his wife, John Holland and Dorothy his wife, concerning 1 messuage, 1 cottage, 1 orchard, 34 acres land, 5 acres meadow, 5 acres pasture, pasture for 8 beasts and 85 sheep, common of pasture for all animals in Aston - [1698]
6-7 - Lease and release by 1. John Holland of Aston framework knitter and wife Dorothy to 2. John Hodgkinson of Derby gentleman for £160 of messuage in Aston in which Holland and Hugh Gaskin live, croft, orchard and backside belonging containing 1½ acres in Hugh Gaskin's possession, several pieces of arable, meadow, beast gates, sheep gates (described in detail) - 15-16 Nov 1699
8 - Final concord between John Richardson gentleman, Samuel Richardson gentleman, John Jogdkinson (also spelt Hodgkinson) gentleman and Samuel Locker querent and Richard Dunnidge, Elizabeth his wife, John Holland and Dorothy his wife defendants concerning 3 messuages, 1 cottage, 1 malt mill, 1 garden, 1 orchard, 17 acres land, 4 acres meadow, 2 acres pasture, pasture for 4 beasts and 38 sheep in Derby and Aston - [2 Feb 1700]
9-10 - Lease and release by 1. John Hodgkinson of Derby gentleman, Elizabeth his wife to 2. Thomas Bryan of Weston yeoman, of property as D779/T/3/5/6-7 (i.e. messuage in Aston, croft, orchard and backside belonging containing 1½ acres in Hugh Gaskin's possession, several pieces of arable, meadow, beast gates, sheep gates) - 2-3 Jun 1701
11 - Bond in £200 by John Hodgkinson of Derby to Thomas Bryan of Weston, yeoman for the observance of deed of even date - 3 Jun 1701
12 - Quitclaim by Elizabeth Hodgkinson of Derby widow to Thomas Bryon of Weston of all actions etc and dower in the estate Bryan purchased from her husband deceased in Aston - 11 Jun 1702
13 - Articles of agreement between 1. Robert Wilmot of Osmaston esquire and 2. William Shardlow of Makeney yeoman - 28 Jun 1704
14 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years made between 1. Robert Wilmot of Osmaston esquire 2. William Shardlow the elder of Makeney yeoman and William Shardlow junior of Makeney yeoman his son and heir and 3. Robert Revell of Carnefield esquire and Hugh Bateman of Derby gentleman - 17 Mar [1705]
15 - Bond in £800 by William Shardlow junior and William Shardlow senior as in mortgage above to Robert Wilmot of Osmaston iuxta Derby [Osmaston-by-Derby] esquire for the payment of £420 - 17 Mar [1705]
16-17 - Lease and release by 1. Robert Wilmot of Osmaston esquire to 2. William Shardlow the younger of Makeney yeoman, for the £400, of 2 messuages with 2 yardlands in Aston as in D779/T/3/5/20, the first described as in the tenure of Thomas Cowper and Thomas Fairbrother - 13-14 Apr 1705
18 - Bond in £800 by Robert Wilmot of Osmaston iuxta Derby esquire to William Shardlow jun. of Makeney yeoman to observe indentures of even date - 14 Apr 1705
19 - Lease and release by 1. William Shardlow the younger of Aston yeoman to 2. Thomas Bryan of Weston yeoman, for £200, of messuage and lands belonging, esteemed to be a yardland, in Aston, in the tenure of William Shardlow, and all other lands of Shardlow in Aston - 9-10 Jul 1707
21 - Assignment of term in trust to attend the inheritance made between 1. William Shardlow the younger of Aston yeoman 2. Robert Wilmot of Osmaston esquire, Robert Revell of Carnefield esquire, and Hugh Bateman of Derby gentleman 3. John Bryan of Weston husbandman 4. Thomas Bryan of Weston yeoman - 10 Jul 1707
22 - Assignment of term as security for payment of rent, made between 1. William Shardlow the younger of Aston yeoman 2. Robert Wilmot of Osmaston esquire, Robert Revell of Carnefield esquire, Hugh Bateman of Derby gentleman and 3. Thomas Bryan of Weston yeoman - 14 Jul 1707
23 - Probate copy of the will of Thomas Bryan of Weston husbandman, made 18 Feb 1710/11 - 29 Mar 1711
24 - Counterpart lease for 12 years from Lady Day next by 1. Thomas Bryan of Aston husbandman to 2. Hugh Gascoine of Aston husbandman, of messuage in Aston in which William Eggleston lives and yardland belonging, with buildings, orchard, garden yard and backside belonging to messuage, ¾ yardland within liberty of Aston and in possession of Gascoine as tenant to Bryan - 26 Jan [1721]
25-26 - Marriage settlement by lease and release to make tenant to the precipe and to lead the uses of a recovery made between 1. Thomas Bryan of Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, yeoman 2. Mary Hall of same place spinster 3. William Morland of Inner Temple, London, gentleman 4. Thomas Hall clerk rector of Long Owersby, Lincolnshire and Charles Hall clerk rector of Harrington, Lincolnshire - 20-21 May 1725
27 - Exemplification of common recovery dated Trinity Term 11 George [1725], Thomas Hall clerk and Charles Hall clerk pets., William Morland gentleman defendant, concerning 2 messuages, 60 acres each of land, meadow and pasture in Aston. Vouchee Thomas Bryan - 16 Jun [1725]
28 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years, by 1. Thomas Bryan of Stainfield, county Lincoln, yeoman, and wife Mary to 2. Henry Revell of Gainsborough, county Lincoln mercer, for £200, of messuage in Aston or Ashton upon Trent, meadow or pasture called Homestead Close (sometimes divided into 2), 2½ yardlands in fields of Aston, toftstead where a cottage formerly stood adjoining to south side of messuage and now enjoyed with the messuage, in occupation of Hugh Gascoyn - 5 Jun 1727
29 - Covenant to levy fine, deed to lead the uses of the fine, made between 1. Thomas Bryan of Stainfield, county Lincoln, yeoman, Mary his wife 2. Henry Revell of Gainsborough, county Lincoln mercer 3. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe, Lincolnshire, clerk, and Richard Hazlewood of the same grazier - 6 Jun 1727
30-31 - Final concord (2 parts) between Henry Revell querent and Thomas Bryan and Mary his wife defendants, concerning 2 messuages, 60 acres each of land, meadow and pasture in 'Ashton' [Aston] upon Trent - [1727]
32 - Abstract of Mr Bryan's title 1710-1727 - [c1727]
33-34 - Lease and release, and assignment of mortgage term in trust to attend the inheritance made between 1. Henry Revell of Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, mercer 2. Gilbert Hall of Kettlethorpe, county Lincoln clerk and Richard Haslewood of same place grazier 3. Thomas Bryan of Stainfield, Lincolnshire, yeoman and wife Mary 4. Joseph Greaves of Foremark - 5. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire - 18-19 Sep 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Expand 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
Expand 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
Expand 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
Expand 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Expand 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895