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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Expand 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Expand 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
Expand 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
Expand 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
Expand 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Collapse 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
1 - Undated copy of will of Thomas Bryan of Weston husbandman, will dated 18 February 1710/11 - 18 Feb [1711] (? mid-18th cent)
2-3 - Marriage settlement by lease and release in trust made between 1. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman, son and heir of William Bryan late of Weston yeoman deceased, 2. Henry Heb of Keyworth county Nottingham yeoman and Mary Heb spinster one of Henry's daughters and 3. Robert Holden of Weston clerk and Gervas Wyld of Nottingham haberdasher of hats; in consideration of the marriage between Robert Bryan and Mary Heb and of £150 paid or to be paid to Bryan by Henry Heb for Mary's marriage portion and for making a jointure in bar of dower and a provision of maintenance for Mary if she survives Robert, and for 5s. paid to Bryan by Holden and Wyld, Bryan conveyed to Holden and Wyld, his share of the Gostey Close lately purchased from the said Robert Holden now in Bryan's possession, in trust until the marriage for Bryan and his heirs, and after the marriage to the use of Bryan for life, then to Holden and Wyld during Bryan's life upon trust to preserve the contingent uses but allowing Bryan to receive the rents, with successive remainders to Mary Heb for her life as part of her jointure, the heirs of Bryan and Mary, and the right heirs of Bryan; providing also that when £100 of the portion is paid in 2 years, £80 of the £100 is to be paid to Holden and Wyld to be spent in purchasing land which is to be conveyed to Holden and Wyld to the use of Bryan for life, then to the trustees to support contingent remainders, with remainders to Mary Heb for life for increase of jointure, Bryan and Mary's heirs, and Bryan's right heirs, successively. Endorsed with receipt of £50 part of the £150, by Robert Holden. Dated 22, 23 April - 1717
4 - Mortgage by demise for 500 years by 1. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman to 2. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire, for £16 and for securing the sum of £84 intended to be secured by indenture tripartite bearing even date, made between 1. John Bower of Repton gentleman, 2. Robert Bryan and 3. Robert Holden - (see D 779B/T 428) - of close in Weston called the New Close in Robert Bryan's possession, containing 7 acres. Dated 22 October - 1728
5 - Counterpart lease for 21 years by 1. Robert Bryan of Weston yeoman to 2. George Bark of same husbandman, of New Close being pasture ground and containing 7 acres in Weston now in the tenure of William Barker - 22 Mar [1731]
6 - Bargain and sale for 99 years or life of lessor by 1. Robert Bryan of the City of London yeoman to 2. Robert Hoe of Nether Broughton, Leicestershire, weaver, for the love Bryan bears to Hoe and Elizabeth his wife, the only daughter of Bryan - 14 Nov 1738
7-8 - Lease and release to make tenant to the precipe and to lead the users of a recovery made between 1. Robert Bryan heretofore of Weston and now of the City of London yeoman, Robert Hoe of Nether Broughton, Leicestershire, weaver, and Elizabeth his wife, the only child of Robert Bryan and his first wife Mary deceased, 2. John Wakelin of Inner Temple, London, gentleman, 3. Foot Gregg of the 6 Clerks Office, Chancery Lane, London, gentleman and 4. Robert Holden of Aston esquire - 25-26 Jan [1740]
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895