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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Collapse 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow1 - Newclose or Hollowclose or Weston Hollow
Expand 2 - ?Trust Deeds2 - ?Trust Deeds
Expand 3 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/73 - Purchase from Robert Lown in 1726/7
Expand 4 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 17284 - Purchase of property in Long Eaton, May 1728 - 1728
Expand 5 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 17285 - Purchase from Thomas Bryan in September 1728
Expand 6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]6 - Rent and cottages in Shardlow and Wilne - [18th cent]
Expand 7 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 17297 - Deeds for property in Wilne and Shardlow, purchased from Charles Holden in May 1729
Expand 8 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 17298 - Deeds for Gostey Close in Weston, purchased from Robert Bryan in October 1729
Expand 9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)9 - Deeds for messuage in Shardlow and lands in Shardlow, Wilne, etc. purchased from Christopher Wright (completed in 1732)
Collapse 10 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/310 - Purchase of Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, the Chantry House in Sawley, and lands, and the lease of the prebend etc of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne from the Leche family in March 1732/3
1 - Exemplification of common recovery dated Trinity 2 Henry VIII [1510]: William Strete clerk, Richard Strete clerk and Ralph Edmondson pets. Thomas Tykhyll gentleman defendant concerning 3 acres land covered with water and 20 acres meadow in Aston upon Trent - 28 Jun [1510]
2 - Surrender by Alice Edmondeson widow of Edward Edmondeson late of Sallow [Sawley] to Edward's son Gefferey, his heirs and assigns for ever, of parcel of meadow called Mythom, 3 doles of meadow and 3 acres land covered with water in Wilne and Shardlow, in parish of Aston, and all lands in Aston, and her right for life in them - 16 Jun [1553]
3 - Counterpart bargain and sale by 1. Charles Pagett of West Drayton, Middlesex esquire to 2. Edward Edmonson of `Sallowe' [Sawley] gentleman, for £50, of 2 parcels of land lying in pasture ground or close called the Holme, parish of Wilne; the one called West holme lying between Mill Field on west, Turne Holme on east, Gosholme on north, and the said field and a little parcel of ground there called Mylne yard on south; the other called Goose grene between tholde Milne dame on south, Turne holme on north; containing in all 11 acres 24p. and in Edmonson' s tenure - 14 Sep [1570]
4 - Counterpart confirmation parties named as in D779/T/3/10/3, reciting deed of 14 September 12 Elizabeth I as above and saying that the parish was utterly mistaken because the premises lie in the parish of Aston and there is no parish of Wilne, therefore for the better accomplishing of the former bargain and sale, Paget confirmed the 2 parcels of land in Wilne in the parish of Aston to Edmonson. Dated 22 September 14 Elizabeth I. - [1572]
5 - Lease for 90 years by 1. William Viscount Mansfield, surviving executor of the will of Gilbert late earl of Shrewsbury to 2. Sir Edward Leche one of the masters of High Court of Chancery, for £250, of parcels of ground called West Holme and Goose greene containing 10 acres in parish of Aston near Sawley, parcel of ground called Mythe Holme or Mythome lying upon the `Darwent' and in the townships of Aston, Shardlow, Wilne and Sawley and in the parish of Aston or Sawley, containing 6 acres, messuage, garden and orchard in Little Wilne in lordship of Sawley, late in the occupation of Francis Lassells gentleman Rent 12d. Dated 27 April 2 Charles - [1626]
6-8 - 3 papers concerning Westholme and Goosegreene 1) description of property and acreage (11 acres 34p.) 2) a scrap describing premises as in a deed or other legal document 3) ?draft bargain and sale, by William Viscount Mansfield, surviving executor of Gilbert late Earl of Shrewsbury, to Robert Holden of Shardlow, for - money, of parcel called Westholme and Goosegreene, parcel of Charles Paget 's possessions and late parcel of possessions of Gilbert late Earl of Shrewsbury; with convenant by Holden to make all fences between the parcel and the lands adjoining called Torneholme, being lands of the prebend of Sawley, and to maintain them, although formerly they were to have been made by the Prebendary. - [17th cent]
9 - Bargain and sale by 1. Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to 2. William Leche of Shipley esquire, for a competent sum, of enclosed ground called Mytholme, being meadow or pasture, within precints of Sawley, with fishing place within Trent River called Mytholme Draught, meadow or pasture grounds called Goose Greene and Westholme in Wilne and Shardlow, all reputed to be parcel of the manor of Weston and in Leche's possession. Dated 1 July Endorsed with enrolment on Close Rolls, 4 July. - 1653
10 - Bargain and sale by 1. Francis Needham of Melbourne esquire to 2. John Hacker of Bridgford upon the Hill, county Nottingham, esquire and Edward Langley of Rotherham, county York gentleman, for a competent sum, of messuage or tenement in Little Wilne with 2 acres, late in tenure of Nicholas Williamson gentleman deceased, with buildings, yards, gardens, orchards, poles or fences of sawn boards and other implements of household and household stuff - 15-16 Oct [1604]
11 - Declaration of trust by William Viscount Mansfield reciting that he, with consent of the Earls of Arundel and Pembroke, sold the Rectory of Hartington and lands in and near Sawley for £550, to Sir Edward Leche, that Leche wishes the inheritance of the Sawley lands to rest in Mansfield and trustees, and declaring that the inheritance will be passed to Leche on demand, that Mansfield and any others standing possessed of terms or estates of inheritance in the Rectory or in Sawley lands in trust for Mansfield as executor to the late Gilbert Earl of Shrewbury, will stand seised in trust for Sir Edward Leche. Dated 27 April 2 Charles - [1626]
12-13 - Lease for one month and bargain and sale by 1. Francis Hacker of Colston Bassett, county Nottingham, esquire son and heir of John Hacker as in [1604] deed above deceased to 2. Sir Edward Leche of Shipley and William esquire his son and heir apparent, at the request of William Viscount Mansfield, surviving executor of Gilbert late Earl of Shrewsbury, in performance of trust reposed in Hacker by the Earl, and for a competent sum, of premises as in D 779B/T 478, sometime in the occupation of Nicholas Williamson gentleman deceased and now in tenure of Thomas Benskin gentleman. Dated 20, 23 July 3 Charles - [1627]
14 - Undated copy of lease for 3 lives dated 11 June 1627 by 1. Richard Pilkington D.D. treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and prebendary of Sallow [Sawley] prebend, annexed to the treasureship, to 2. Sir Edward Leech of Shipley, of prebend or rectory, parsonages or churches of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne, with the mansion place, all other housings, edifices, glebe lands etc., for the lives of William son and heir of Leech, Dorothy his daughter and Richard of Gray's Inn gentleman son and heir of Leech's late brother William - 11 Jun 1627 (17th cent)
15 - Undated copy of will of William Leche of Squerries, Kent, knight - 18 Aug 1673 (late 17th cent)
16 - Copy of case and judgement Monday, 22 February 27 Charles II [1675]: Jane relict of William Leche knight deceased, Thomazina daughter of Leche, aged 21, William son of Sir William, Jane and 6 other younger daughters of Sir William, plaintiffs, Edward son and heir of Sir William, John and Philip two younger sons of Sir William by George Combes their guardian, George Evelyn of Wootton esquire, George Evelyn of Nutfield esquire, Edward Smith esquire, Thomas Dawleing gentleman, Ambrose Phillips senior, Ambrose Phillips junior, Paul Jodrell and the aforesaid George Combes, administrator of Sir William's will defendants: the scope of the will being that Sir William being seised in fee of the manor of Squerryes, Kent, and manors and lands in Derbyshire, and being seised of the prebend and rectories of Sawley and Wilne for the lives of himself, Sir Robert Leche and Dame Dorothy Long, his brother and sister, demised the same about 1 February 1655/6 to the defendant Ambrose Phillips the father and others since dead, to hold the fee simple lands for 99 years from his death and the prebend for 80 years or the remaining lives from his death, upon trust that Lady Leche enjoy Squerryes manor house for life, the lessees to receive the profits of the other lands and sell the Derbyshire estate to pay the rents, and then to pay Lady Jane £80 per annum, the residue for performance of his will; after by lease and release dated 15, 16 August 1673, he conveyed part of the Derbyshire estate to the defendant Combes upon trust to sell in Sir William's life to pay his debts; recital of will (for which see above D 779B/T 483); Sir William died leaving "no considerable personal estate": the bill complains that the defendant Edward Leche pretends that his father made no such estate in 1655/6 nor any such will, or if he did, he was only tenant in tail of the freehold Derbyshire lands and that the prebend and rectories do not pass by his will but come to the defendant as special occupant, and that he has entered upon both the fee simple and the leasehold lands and has received their profits, for which he should account and he should join in sales for the satisfaction of purchasers and that the defendants John and William Leche pretend the personal estate and lands devised to be sold ought to be used to ease the lands devised to them of the mortgages with which they are charged and to be disburdened of the £80 per annum payment, although the personal estate and all the lands appointed by the will to be sold will not pay the money legacies: answers are given in detail, mentioning the Duffield lands: judgement that the 1655/6 deed was a good deed, Lady Leche is to enjoy the manor house of Squerryes and the £80 per annum is to be chargeable upon all the lands mentioned in the deed; a master of the court is to appoint how this may be done and to take accounts of rents and profits of the Derbyshire properties Edward Leche has received since his father's death; the lease of the prebend is to be renewed, etc. Not dated At foot, receipt from Jane Leche to Mr Combes for the necklace of pearl in the order, pursuant to this order, 4 May 1675. - [1675]
17 - Lease for 3 lives by 1. Edmund Diggle D.D. Treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and Prebendary of the Prebend of `Sallowe' [Sawley], which is annexed to the Treasurership to 2. Edward Smyth of Nibley, county Gloucester, esquire of the prebend of `Sallow' and Wilne with the mansion place, all other housings, glebe lands, rents, tithes etc. within the prebend and parishes of Sallow and Wilne, for the lives of John, Hester and Rose Leech, children of Sir William Leech of Shipley knight. Rent £66 13s 4d, the leasee to find at own cost ministers to take services etc. paying them at least £34 per annum for maintenance and to maintain in repair the chancels of the churches and other buildings. Endorsed that Hester Whitlocke widow, Dorothy, Anne and Mary Leche, daughters of Sir William Leche deceased surrender their interest in the lease to Robert Pugh of the Middle Temple, in indenture of even date, as security for the payment to Pugh of £500 and interest at 5%, 11 August 1693. - 1682
18 - Letter, John Leche at Hollingbourne [Kent] to Paul Jodrell at his chamber in Symmons Inn, Chancery Lane, saying Leche has had only £500 or so of the ? £600 or so due to him and that his sisters say Jodrell has told them the estate "will suddenly" [?soon] be sold. Dated 28 September - 1689
19-20 - Mortgage (and copy) made between 1. Sir Philip Leche son of Sir William Leche late of Squerryes, Kent, deceased 2. Rose Leche, Sir William's daughter and 3. Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane, esquire, reciting in part the will of Sir William Leche, dated 28 August 1673, which made inter alia the lease of Sawley or Sallow and Wilne prebend subject to the payment of legacies; that the lease was renewed in the name of Edward Smith, an overseer of the will, for the lives of John, Hester and Rose Leche; that William Leche the younger after reaching his majority, in 1687 granted to Paul Jodrell £1,350 out of his legacy of £3,000 and all his interest in legacies of brothers and sisters after their deaths; Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William is dead; Philip (party 1. above) reached his majority; William Leche the younger died; Philip Leche wishing to settle his £1,000 legacy, so that he should receive the interest for life and his sister Rose the principal at his death, by indenture dated 8 July 1697 gave her his £1,000 and his claim to the prebend and leased premises by virtue of his father's will, but the interest was to go to Philip during his life; Jane Leche daughter of Sir William has not married and witnessing that for £150 paid by Jodrell and for money lent before to Philip Leche by Jodrell, Leche assigned to Jodrell his share of the £1,000 given to Jane Leche which he may be entitled to on her death before marriage, and in the leased premises by virtue of the £1,000, and, if Jane marries, the £1,000 assigned to Rose and the premises charged with its payment, will stand charged as security for the £150. Dated 25 June - 1700
21 - Undated copy of bond in £1,000, dated 20 June 1700, (sic) from Philip Leche esquire of St Martin's in the Fields to Rose Leche spinster of St Paul's, Covent Garden, to observe indentures of 25 June made between Philip and Rose, and Paul Jodrell - 20 Jun 1700 (18th cent)
22 - Declaration, reciting deed of 25 June above, and saying that no provision was made in case any question should arise as to whether Philip Leche's interest in the £1,000 devised to his sister Jane, in case of her death before marriage, shall vest in Philip if he dies before the marriage or death of Jane, it is declared between Philip Leche, Rose Leche and Paul Jodrell that the security of the £1,000 mentioned to have been given to Philip Leche and assigned to Rose Leche shall extend to the paying to Paul Jodrell as much money as Philip would be entitled to of Jane's £1,000 by her death un-married, in case Philip were then living [? as though he were then living], and the £1,000 so bargained and sold to Rose Leche shall stand charged with such payment. Dated 26 June - 1700
23 - Bond in £1,000 from Philip Leche esquire and Rose Leche spinster to Paul Jodrell of the Inner Temple esquire to observe indenture of 25 June 1700 (see D 779B/T 487) and the agreement signed and sealed by Philip and Rose Leche of even date. Dated 26 June - 1700
24 - Undated memorandum of Mr Jodrell's claims out of the Sawley estate - [?early 18th cent]
25 - Assignment of mortgage made between 1. Hester Whitelock of St Martin in the Fields, widow of Stephen Whitelock late of Chancery Lane gentleman, Dorothy Leche of Barton St Malherb, Kent, Anne and Mary Leche of Boxley, Kent, all daughters of Sir William Leche of `Squirryes' [Squerryes] Kent deceased 2. Anne Pugh relict and administratrix of the goods etc. of Robert Pugh late of Middle Temple esquire and 3. William Perris of St Dunstan in the West, London, gentleman reciting inter alia that Mary, Dorothy and Anne Leche have reached the age of 21 and that the legacies of £1,000, £500, £500 and £500 left to party 1. (above) by their father have not been paid, and that on 11 August 1693 they mortgaged their legacies to Robert Pugh deceased and all their interest in the trust estate mentioned in their father's will, for £500 and interest, and that the mortgage is now vested in Anne Pugh, Robert's widow and witnessing that, for £500, Anne Pugh assigned the mortgage to William Perris, by the appointment of party 1. Dated 21 August Endorsed with assignment of the mortgage by Perris to Sir Richard Holford of Lincolns Inn, for £500, 13 February 1700/1. - 1700
26 - Assignment of bond by William Perris of St Dunstan in the West, London, gentleman to Sir Richard Holford of Lincolns Inn, Master of Chancery - 13 Feb [1701]
27-28 - 2 Surrenders of lease (dated 21 April 1682) by Sir Richard Holford of Lincolns Inn to Job Grace clerk, treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and Prebendary of Sallow [Sawley] in trust that Grace will grant a new lease for lives to George Smith of Nibley esquire, son and heir of Edward Smith deceased, which shall be a security to Holford for £500, and will immediately be assigned to him, reciting that John Leech, one of the lives in the lease of 1682 is dead and the lease is vested in Holford as security for £500. Dated 11 May - 1710
29 - Mortgage by lease for 99 years or 3 lives made between 1. Philip Leche of St Martins in the Fields, Middlesex, esquire, Jane Leche spinster, Hester Whitlocke widow, Benjamin Griffin of `Colarn' Somerset [? Colerne in Wiltshire] clerk, Rose his wife, Dorothy Leche spinster, Anne Leche spinster, all, except Griffin, children of Sir William Leche deceased, Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane esquire 2. George Smith of Nibley, county Gloucester, esquire son and heir of Edward Smith of Nibley esquire deceased, and 3. Sir Richard Holford of Lincolns Inn reciting lease from Job Grace clerk, described as in deed of 1710 above, to George Smith, dated 22 May, of the prebend of Sallow [Sawley] and Wilne with the mansion place, other buildings, glebe lands, rents, tithes etc. for the lives of Sir James Long of Draycott Cerne, Wiltshire, bart., Henry son of Paul Jodrell and Henry Burwell curate of Boxley, Kent, in trust for party 1. above and witnessing that for 5s paid by Holford to Smith and £500 paid by Holford to party 1., Smith, at 1.'s direction, granted the prebend etc. as recited, to Holford for 99 years or 3 lives as in the recited lease, in mortgage. Dated 12 August - 1710
30 - Counterpart assignment of mortgage made between 1. Sir Richard Holford of Lincolns Inn. 2. As party 1. in mortgage of 12 August 1710 above, and 3. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, by which, for £29 6s 3d paid by party 2. to Holford and for £500 paid by Crompton to Holford, the latter, with the consent of party 2., assigned to Crompton the mortgage term in deed of 12 August 1710 above. Dated 14 October - 1713
31 - Bond in £1,000 by Philip, Jane, Dorothy and Anne Leech, Hester Whitlock, Benjamin and Rose Griffin and Paul Jodrell to Abraham Crompton for performances of indenture tripartite of even date. Dated 14 October - 1713
32 - Undated abstract of title to the freehold and leasehold in Sawley, the estate of Sir William Leche deceased (Trinity 2 Henry VIII [1510] - October 1713) - [early-mid 18th cent]
33 - Assignment of mortgage by 1. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, to 2. James Lane of Muggington, yeoman, for £500, by which mortgage by assignment of lease dated 12 August 1710 (recited) which was assigned to Crompton on 14 October 12 Anne [1713], was assigned to Lane. Dated 20 April Endorsed with Crompton's receipt for the £500 paid by Lane, same date. - 1715
34-35 - Assignment of term for 99 years (and counterpart) by 1. Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane esquire, executor of the will of Ambrose Phillips, formerly of Grays Inn gentleman, to 2. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, for £450, in capital messuage called Wilne Hall with buildings, gardens etc. in Little Wilne, messuage in Sawley called the Chantry House, 5 acres meadow or pasture in Sawley in inclosure called the Forty Acres, meadow or pasture grounds called Mytholme, Goose Greene, Westholme and Lowholme in Sawley and Wilne, Shardlow and Aston, fishing in Trent called Mytholme Draught adjoining Mytholme, reciting that Jodrell, as Phillips' executor (Phillips suriving Sir John Evelyn late of Godstone, Surrey, Richard Chaworth late of Richmond, Surrey, Doctor of Laws, and Robert Cole late of the Middle Temple esquire) is possessed for the remainder of term of 99 years beginning at death of Sir William Leeche who died June 1674, in the premises, which were demised to Evelyn, Phillips, Cole and Chaworth on 1 Feb. 1655/6 by Sir William Leeche, and that by decree of Chancery dated 22 Feb. 27 Charles II [1675] the said term is subservient to raising portions for Leeche's younger children and that £450 is needed to renew a lease of the prebend and rectories of Sawley and Wilne, which is also subject to raising the said portions, and that Crompton has agreed to lend the £450. Dated 21 April - 1710
36-38 - Mortgage by lease and release in trust (and counterpart of the release) made between 1. Philip Leche of parish of St Martins, Middlesex, esquire, Jane Leche spinster, Hester Whitlocke widow, Benjamin Griffin of `Colarne, Somerset' clerk [Colerne, Wiltshire] clerk, wife Rose, Dorothy Leche and Anne Leche spinsters, Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane esquire, all, except Benjamin Griffin and Jodrell, children of Sir William Leche, 2. Richard Bateman of Aldermanbury, London, merchant and 3. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, reciting that all the above children of Sir William Leche and William, another of his children, in whose name Paul Jodrell claims, were entitled to money charged upon premises below and in order to renew a lease of manors and rectories of Sawley and Wilne, also charged with their portions and legacies, borrowed £450 from Abraham Crompton, upon the security of lease for 99 years from Paul Jodrell executor of Ambrose Phillips gentleman, deceased of the same premises, the inheritance of which is here conveyed, and witnessing that for £450 paid by Crompton to party 1., the latter conveyed to Bateman in trust for Crompton, premises as in assignment of term of 99 years above. Dated 20, 21 April - 1710
39 - Bond in £900 by Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane esquire, to Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, for the performance of release in trust above. Dated 21 April - 1710
40-41 - Two papers pinned to D779/T/3/10/39 containing calculations of interest etc. - [early-mid 18th cent]
42 - Lease for year [for possession, release missing] by 1. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, Richard Bateman of Aldermanbury, London, Merchant, to 2. Samuel Fox of Derby, woollen draper, George Harrison of Champion, Duffield, yeoman, for 5s., of premises as in mortgage above of 20, 21 April 1710. Endorsed that Bateman is Crompton's trustee and Fox and Harrison are James Lane's trustees. Dated 19 April - 1715
43 - Assignment of term of 99 years by 1. Abraham Crompton of Derby gentleman, to 2. James Lane of Muggington yeoman, for £450, in premises as in assignment of term dated 21 April 1710 above, reciting said assignment. Dated 20 April Wilne Hall, Chantry House in Sawley etc. and Prebend of Sawley and Wilne 1715 - 1715
44 - Deed to unite two securities made between 1. Philip Leche esquire, Jane Leche spinster, Hester Whitlocke widow, Benjamin Griffin late of 'Colarne, Somerset' [Colarne, Wiltshire - see bond below] clerk, Rose his wife, Dorothy and Anne Leche, Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane esquire and 2. James Lane of Muggington yeoman witnessing that the term of 99 years in, and the inheritance of, Wilne Hall and the other properties described in deeds immediately above, mortgaged for £450, shall be a security for the sum of £500 for which the Prebend of Sawley and Wilne is mortgaged, and that likewise the term of 99 years in the Prebend of Sawley and Wilne in mortgage for £500 shall be a security for the £450 for which the Wilne Hall property is mortgaged. Dated 10 August - 1715
45 - Bond in £1900 by Philip Leche esquire, Jane Leche spinster, Hester Whitlock widow, Benjamin Griffin recently of 'Colarne', Wiltshire clerk, Dorothy Leche, Anne Leche, and Paul Jodrell of Chancery Lane, esquire (all except Griffin and Jodrell children of Sir William Leche of 'Squirryes' Kent deceased) to James Lane of Muggington yeoman, for the repayment of £950 and interest. Dated 10 August - 1715
46 - Authorisation to raise money for renewal of lease, by Philip Leech esquire, Dorothy and Ann Leech, Paul Jodrell of Lincolns Inn esquire on behalf of himself and Hester Whitlock of Bath widow, to John Burton of Derby gentleman, who is to raise £180 to be used with £184 5s 4d, the balance of his account, to renew the lease of the Sawley estate i.e. to pay the Reverend Higgs £350, using the remainder for expenses, the estate to be security for the £180. Dated 24 October - 1730
47 - Receipt from Jo Burton to Thomas Jackson, executor of James Lane deceased, for original lease dated 22 May 9 Anne [1710] by Job Grace prebendary of Sallow [Sawley] to George Smith of Nibley, Gloucestershire esquire of the prebend of Sallow and Wilne, which by assignment came to James Lane and on his death to Jackson, as his executor, in mortgage, for which lease Burton promises to be answerable to Jackson - 16 Jan [1731]
48 - Undated surrender of lease dated 22 May 1710, by George son and heir of George Smith late of Nibley, county Gloucester esquire to William Higgs M.A. clerk, so that a new lease may be taken, as Sir James Long is dead - [early-mid 18th cent]
49 - Appointment by Edward Mundy of Allestree esquire and Zachary Hamlyn of Lincolns Inn gentleman of Samuel Heathcott of Derby gentleman and John Burton of Derby gentleman as attornies to take seisin of the Rectory and Church of Sawley alias Sallow and lands comprised or to be comprised in indenture between 1. William Higgs and 2. Edward Mundy and Zachary Hamlyn, dated - 1730. - 25 Feb [1731]
50 - Copy of lease for 3 lives, dated 25 February 1730/1 by 1. William Higgs M.A. clerk and treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and prebendary of the prebend of Sallow [Sawley], which is annexed to the treasureship, to 2. Edward Mundy of Allestree esquire and Zachary Hamlyn of Lincolns Inn gentleman, of the prebend, rectories, parsonages and churches of Sallow and Wilne with mansion place, houses. glebe land, rents, tithes etc. (excepting nomination of curate (s) and the ecclesiastical jurisdiction) - 7 Nov [?1731]
51 - Surrender by George Wallis of Thulston yeoman to Edward Mundy of Allestree esquire, and Zachary Hamlyn of Lincolns Inn gentleman, of his estate in Wilne or Wildon Hall with buildings, gardens etc. containing 3 acres, 4 closes called Wilne Upper Grounds, Wilne Nether Ground with pingle belonging, containing 60 acres - 26 Feb [1731]
52-58 - Bundle of papers relating to Sawley and Wilne estate - 1720-1732
59 - Memorandum of agreement that Robert Holden of Foremark esquire shall purchase the prebend and rectories of Sawley and Wilne, and the freehold lands late of Sir William Leche deceased in Sawley, Wilne, Shardlow and Aston, for £7,000. Detailed arrangements. Dated 14 December - 1732
60 - Surrender by Edward Mundy of Allestree esquire and Zachary Hamlyn of Lincolns Inn gentleman to William Higgs described as in lease of 25 Feb. 1730/1 above, so that he may make a new lease for the same 3 lives, reciting that Mundy and Hamlyn's names were used only in trust for Philip Leche esquire, Hester Whitelock, Charles Bave, wife Rose, and Dorothy Leche, all, except Bave, younger children of Sir William Leche deceased, and for Paul Jodrell of Lincolns Inn esquire and that Robert Holden, who has contracted to purchase the premises, wishes to renew the lease in his own, or trustee's, name. Dated 16 December - 1732
61 - Lease for a year (for possession) by 1. Samuel Fox of Derby woollen draper, surviving trustee of James Lane late of Muggington yeoman deceased to 2. Alexander Holden of Newark esquire and James Greaves of Ingleby gentleman, for 5s, of Wilne Hall and other premises as in D779/T/3/10/71, but with less detail - 4 Jan [1733]
62-63 - Both parts of assignment of mortgage by 1. Thomas Jackson of Newlands, parish Muggington, gentleman, sole executor and residuary legatee of James Lane of Muggington yeoman to 2. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire - 5 Jan [1733]
64 - Letter from John Wakelin to Robert Holden esquire at Foremark, acknowledging receipt of letter and thanking Holden for a present of turkey and chine - 9 Jan [1733]
65 - Letter from Paul Jodrell at Chancery Lane, recipient unidentified - 1733
66 - A cover to Robert Holden esquire at Foremark, undated - [early-mid 18th cent]
67 - Letter from R Dowdeswell at Forthampton [Gloucestershire] to Robert Holden esquire at Foremark - 17 Jan [1733]
68 - Assignment of mortgage term, in trust to wait upon the inheritance, by 1. Robert Holden of Foremark esquire to 2. Lancelot Rolleston of Watnall, Nottinghamshire, esquire, for 5s., in premises as in assignment dated 5 January 1732/3 above - 3 Mar [1733]
69 - Surrender by 1: George Smith an infant aged 19, son and heir of George Smith late of Nibley esquire, for 5s in pursuance of a decree of Chancery (recited) and at the appointment of 2. Robert Holden of the Inner Temple, London esquire, to 3. William Higgs clerk M.A., Treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and Prebendary of the Prebend of Sawley, of the prebend of 'Sallow' [Sawley] and Wilne with mansion place etc. - 5 Mar [1733]
70 - Unexecuted lease for a year, by George Smith an infant to Robert Holden, John Wakelin and Joseph Greaves, of the premises comprised in lease of 22 May 1710 by Job Grace to George Smith - 1730s
71 - Release of freehold premises, and assignment of leasehold premises, in trust made between 1. Philip Leche of Westerham, Kent, esquire surviving younger son of Sir William Leche late of Squerries, Kent, deceased, and surviving devisee of the residuum of the lands described below, Hester Whitelock of Bath, Somerset, widow, Francis Bave of Bath apothecary, Rose his wife, Dorothy Leche of St Clements Danes, Middlesex, spinster (Hester Rose and Dorothy being the surviving daughters of Sir William) and Paul Jodrell of Lincolns Inn, son and heir and executor of Paul Jodrell late of Chancery Lane esquire deceased, 2. Robert Holden of the Inner Temple esquire and 3. John Wakelin of the Inner Temple gentleman, and Joseph Greaves of Ingleby - 6 Mar [1733]
72 - Surrender by Edward Mundy of Allestree esquire for good considerations to William Higgs M.A. clerk, and treasurer of Lichfield Cathedral and prebendary of the prebend of 'Sallow' [Sawley], of half the prebends, rectories, parsonages and churches of Sallow and Wilne, and of mansion place and other houses etc. glebe lands, tenements, tithes etc. belonging and which were demised on 25 February 1730/1 by Higgs to Edward Mundy and Zachary Hamlyn for the lives of Henry Burvile, Henry Jodrell and - Davis, to hold to Higgs that he may make a new lease thereof - 10 Mar [1733]
73 - With cover annotated 'Mr Mundy's & Mr Hamlyn 's surrender ...... 1732' - 1732
74 - 1733 copy of bargain and sale dated 1 October 1655, by 1. William Leche of 'Squirryes', Kent, esquire to 2. Ambrose Phillipps of Grays Inn gentleman, for 5s., of the manors of Duffield, Beaureper [Belper], Southwood, Holland [Hulland], Edrichey [Idridgehay] and Biggin, piece of pasture or meadow called - * in Duffield, messuage in Beawreper [Belper] called Broadholme, ground in Beawreper called Milneholme, fulling mill lately erected on Milneholme with the stream, all lands, messuages etc. in said manors, Beawreper Parke, Bradley Land in or near Beawreper with buildings, capital messuage called Wilne Hall in Little Wilne, messuage in Sawley called Channtrey House, 5 acres meadow in enclosure called the 40 acres, meadows or pastures called Mytholme, Goose Green, Westholme and Lowholme, in Sawley and Wilne and in Shardlow and Aston, fishing in Trent called Mitholme Draught adjoining Mytholme - 1 Oct 1655 (16 Mar [1733])
75 - 1733 copy of covenant to suffer a recovery and deed to lead the uses of the recovery, dated 10 January 1655/6 and made between 1. William Leche of `Squirryes', Kent, esquire, 2. Sir John Evelyn of Godstone, Surrey, knight, and 3. Ambrose Phillips of Grays Inn gentleman - 10 Jan [1656] (16 Mar [1733])
76 - 1733 copy of exemplification of recovery (Hilary Term 1655/6) dated 12 February 1655/6, John Evelyn knight pet. against Ambrose Phillips gentleman defendant for the manors of Duffield, Beaureper [Belper], Holland [Hulland], Southwood, Edrichey [Idridgehay] and Biggin, the park of Beaureper [Belper], 10 messuages, 10 gardens, 200 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 200 acres pasture and 50? s rent in Duffield, Belper, Sawley, Shardlow, Wilne, Aston and Weston - 12 Feb [1656] (16 Mar [1733])
Expand 11 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 173411 - Deeds for messuages and oxgangs in Long Eaton purchased in 1734 - 1734
Expand 12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.12 - Bundle of deeds in wrapping marked `Gorstey Closes in Weston given to Rector for Tythe on the Inclosure' and relating to property purchased by Robert Holden in January 1739/40 - March 1739/40.
Expand 13 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 174513 - Renewal of lease of Sallow or Sawley and Wilne prebend - 1745
Expand 14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]14 - Robert Holden's Will - [18th cent]
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895