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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Collapse 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 1 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-16171 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-1617
Expand 2 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-16332 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-1633
Expand 3 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-16323 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-1632
Expand 4 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-16394 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-1639
Expand 5 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-16425 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-1642
Expand 6 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-16476 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-1647
Expand 7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]
Expand 8 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 16488 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 1648
Collapse 9 - Manor of Weston - 1215-16489 - Manor of Weston - 1215-1648
1 - Royal charter to the Abbot of Saint Werburgh, Chester - [1215]
2 - A second charter as above but with some spelling differences : Saint Gwerburge instead of Saint Wereburge; soc and sac instead of Soka and Saka; Trithing' is spelt in full. The order of words is sometimes different from D 779B/T 123. In witnesses, last witness is William de Cantilupe Seal is green - [c.1215]
3 - Quitclaim by Ranulph Earl of Chester and Lincoln, for the salvation of his soul and of his ancestors and successors, in pure and perpetual alms, for himself and his heirs, to God and Saint Werburgh of Chester and the abbot and monks there, of the fencing (Latin 'clausura') of the park of Quarndon, of Weston and of Aston and of all lands to them pertaining in Derbyshire, wishing and commanding that the said abbot and monks and all their men and land in Derbyshire be quit for ever of the said fencing and of all exaction by reason of it Witnesses, Philip de Orreby, then Justiciar of Chester, Lord Henry de Audithel [Audley/Alderley] Walter Dayvill, Richard Fitton, William de Vernon, Alured [Ailred] de Solney, Warin de Vernon, William de Venables, Hugh Dispenser, Master Hugh, Richard de Arden, and many others Not dated Small part of seal and tag - [1217-1232]
4 - Reissue of charter by which King Henry granted to the Abbot and Convent of Saint Werburgh of Chester, a market at Aston within their manor of Weston in the county of Derby on Tuesday each week and one fair there each year for 3 days, the eve, the day and the morrow of the feast of St Peter ad Vincula [31 July-2 August], and which was witnessed by William de Valencia 'our brother'. Roger le Bygod, Earl of Norfolk, & Marshal Hugh de Vere, Earl of Oxford. Johanne de Plessetis Comite Warrewyk'. Ph'o Basset. Joh'e filio' Galfrido. John'e de Grey. Rog'o de monte Alto. Rob'to Waleraund. Will'o de Grey. Nich'o de s'to mauro, Rad'o de Bakepus. Barth'o le Bygot, Will'mo Gernum et aliis" [William de Valencia our brother, Roger le Bygod Earl of Norfolk and marshall of England, Hugh de Ver eEarl of Oxford, John de Plessy Earl of Warwick, Philip Basset, John son of Geoffrey, John de Grey, Roger deHighlow ', Robert Walerand, William de Grey, Nicholas de St Maur [Seymour], Ralph de Bakepuz, Bartholomew le Bygot, William Gernun and others] and dated at Chester, 15 September 41 Henry [III 1257], which was issued under the King's former seal but because this was afterwards changed [in 1259] this present charter is sealed with the seal now used. Witnesses, "Rob `to Waleraund. Rob'to Aguillon. Will'mo de Wynterishull, Will'mo de Aete. Rad'o de Bakepuz. Rog'o de Wautone, William de Faukham et aliis" [Robert Walerand, Robert Aguillon, William de Wynterishull, William de Aete, Ralph de Bakepuz, Roger de Wautone, William de Faukham and others] Dated at Westminster]15 July 54 Henry III ¾ - [1270]
5 - Grant and quitclaim by Ranulph son of Richard de Weston to God and the holy church of Saint Werburgh of Chester and his chief lords Abbot Simon and the convent of Chester, their successors and assigns, of entry and pasture for the maintenance of six animals which Ranulph had in their pasture of Couholm at the time of pasture excepting pasture for two animals, the dower of Agnes, Ranulph's mother, for her life; for which the Abbot and convent have given 60s of silver. Witnesses, Sir Walter de Stirchley, then sheriff of Derby, Hubert de Frescheville, Ranulf de Stanton, Ralph Sacheverell, Ernald de Verdon, William de Shardlow, William de Thulston, Simon de Clifton, Hugh de Aston, Henry de Weston, Siward de Aston and others. Not dated Seal on tag. - [?1275-1279]
6 - Quitclaim by Simon Abbot of St Werburgh of Chester and the convent there, with the consent of the whole chapter to Ralph son of Richard de Dalby, Agnes Boydin his wife, John son of John de Dalby, Agnes daughter of William Boydin his wife, and their heirs and assigns, to suit of court pertaining to the capital manor of Weston [arising] out of four bovates of land in Aston which the said Agnes Boydin holds of the abbot and convent in her widowhood, saving two appearances annually at the view of frankpledge; for which Ralph and Agnes his wife have given 100s of silver. Witnesses, Master John de Stanley,then rector of the church of Astbury [in Cheshire], Sir William de Dalby then rector of the church of Humbreston [?Humberstone in Leicestershire], Ralph de Sacheverell Arnald de Verdon, Hugh de Aston, William de Thulston, William de Shardlow, Hugh de Wilne, Henry de Weston, Peter, clerk of Aston, Simon de Clifton, Sweet or Siward de Aston and others Not dated 2 seal tags, one with cloth bag for seal (missing) - [late 13th cent]
7 - Quitclaim by Gunnilda daughter of Robert son of Jordan of Aston of her right in one fifth part of two and a half bovates of land and of two tofts in the vill of Aston which Richard son of Gilbert held of her, of her inheritance of the land of Robert son of Jordan once her father and Anketill her uncle which she claimed to hold of the Lord Abbot of Chester and William de Verdun, to the said Richard and his heirs from her and her heirs paying annually to her at easter one pair of white gloves for all secular service and demand. Witnesses, Thomas Hauselin, Sir Hugh de Shardlow, Hugh de Breaston, Ranulph de Weston, William then servant of the Lord Abbot of Chester, Elias son of Thomas de Weston, Robert son of William de Shardelow, Hugh Gurney and many others. Not dated Seal tag. - [13th cent]
8 - Royal charter granting to the venerable father Walter de Langton Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield , the King's Treasurer and to his successors, in all the lands of his Episcopate, the return of all the King's writs, pleas of prevention of distress and chattels of felons and fugitives and that they may levy fines and amendments of all their men and tenants. Witnesses, "venerabilis patribus A. Dunolmen' R. Londonien' et J Wyntonien' Ep'is. Joh'ne de Warenna Comite Surr'. Henrico de Lacy Comite Lincoln'. Thoma Comite Lancastr'. Aymero de Valencia. G. Comite Warr'. Rob'ti filio Walt'i. Hugone le Despenser. Walt'o de Bello Campo Senescallo hospicii nostri Petro de Chavent et aliis" [The venerable fathers Bishops Anthony of Durham, Richard of London and John of Winchester, John de Warenne, Earl of Surrey, Henry de Lacy Earl of Lincoln, Thomas Earl of Lancaster, Aymer de Valencia, Guy, Earl of Warwick, Robert son of Walter, Hugh le Despenser, Walter de Beauchamp Steward of our household, Peter de Chavent ,and others. Dated 18 April 27 Edward About half of green seal, on plaited tag - [1299]
9 - Indented settlement of disputes between the Earl of Lincoln and the Abbot and convent of the Abbey of Saint Werburgh, Chester - [1310]
10 - Letters patent of licence to Henry Abbot of St Werburgh of Chester and the convent there to give and assign the advowson of the Church of Denford in the county of Northampton which is part of the foundation of the Abbey, to Richard Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and of licence to the Bishop to receive and hold to him and his successors for ever the aforesaid advowson notwithstanding that it is parcel of the Abbey's foundation, and of licence to the Abbot and convent to appropriate the churches of Aston and Weston, which are of their own advowson, and hold to their own and their successors' use, the statute of mortmain notwithstanding. A competent sum of silver from the fruits and profits of the churches shall be paid and distributed to the poor of the same parishes by the Abbot and convent and the vicars of the parishes shall be sufficiently endowed according to the ordination of the diocese and the form of the statute recently declared. - 11 Aug [1394]
11 - Indented lease for 61 years in reversion, made by 1. Thomas Abbot of the exempt monastery of St Werburgh in Chester]and the convent there to 2. William Legh gentleman in the county of Cumberland reciting that the late Abbot and convent demised to Christopher Ayer of Knipton in county of Leycester gentleman and to Helen Farebarne of Weston upon Trent widow and their assigns, their manor place of Weston upon Trent and all the houses, lands, customs belonging with herbage of the park there, conygree, blakpole, arneford, bradford and all other pools, ayways and waters to the manor pertaining, as Richard Farebarne had occupied the same, from Michaelmas next ensuing the 5th February 21 Henry VIII [1530] for 41 years, at rent of £16 19s 4d, and witnessing that the reversion of above premises was leased to 2. for term of 61 years at same rent Legh covenanted to maintain and make yearly at his own cost all "thakkynges and dalbynges" [ thatchings and daubings] belonging to the manor and houses, the Abbot and convent to do other repairs at their cost, except that Legh is to find the workmen, meat and drink during the repairs, and cost of carriage of timber, slate, tile, plaster, so long as the carriage is within 6 or 7 miles of the manor. When the Abbot comes to the manor, he shall occupy the hall, chambers and houses of office at his pleasure. Legh will occupy the office of bailiwickof Weston and its members and will gather rents, reliefs, waifs, strays, felons' goods, estreats, perquisites, casualties and issues of all manner of courts there, taking for his labour 40 shillings, and will account annually at Michaelmas; Legh will give horsemeat and mansmeat to a brother of the Abbot or any other called his steward and to his servants up to 3 or 4 or any other of the servants of the Abbot up to that number, the said brother not coming more than twice a year when he comes to hold the great leet and court at Weston for 2 or 3 days at the uttermost; when Legh comes to Chester to make account, the Abbot will find horsemeat and mansmeat for him and for one or two servants. The Abbey had right of distraint if Legh's rent was unpaid for 6 weeks and right of re-entry if it was unpaid for a quarter of a year. Dated 4 October 30 Henry VIII Part of convent seal on tag. In English [Cancelled by cuts.] - [1538]
12 - Indented lease for 61 years made by 1. Thomas Abbot of St Werburge in Chestr' and the convent there to 2. Christopher Eyre of ?Knypton, Leycestr' [Knipton in Leicestershire] gentleman and now of Weston upon Trent gentleman, of the 'harbage and panage' of their wood of Morley called Morley Parke, now in Eyre's occupation, the water, streams and courses of the waters of the Trent and Derwent, pasture called Dobholmeshrobbes in Wylne in Eyre's occupation, close in Weston called Westwellclause now in the holding of Richard ?Pyyoce clerk; at rent of 37s 4d i.e. for pannage and herbage 13s 4d, the waters 6s 8d, Dobholmeshrobbes 13s 4d, Westwellclause 4s. Whereas a former abbot by lease to Eyre and to Elyn' Fairbarn widow deceased, granted to Eyre the office of bailywike of Weston, the Abbot and convent now grant to Eyre and his assigns being tenants of the manor of Weston, the exercise of the office of bailliwike of Weston for the term of this lease, taking 40s for his labour and a livery to the value of 13s 4d or else 13s 4d in money of the profits thereof, and because Eyre is paying rent for Dobholmeshrobbes for which rent was not heretofore paid and rent for the waters for which rent had not been paid for a long time, whereas Eyre by the former indenture was bound to find workmen for the repair of the manor of Weston, meat and drink during the repairs and costs of carriage of timber, slate, tile, plaster within 6 or 7 miles, and to allow the Abbot to use the hall, chambers and houses of office at his pleasure on his visits, as in lease of 5 Feb 21 Henry VIII [1530], now Eyre is discharged from these burdens which the Abbot will bear, except `thacke and dalbe' Dated 20 October ?30 Henry VIII Portion of seal on tag In English Enrolled by John Wyseman auditor - [1538]
13 - Lease for 51 years by 1. Lord Thomas Abbot of St Werburge Cestr' [Werburgh of Chester] and the convent there to 2. John Placiden of Weston sup[er] Trent, of one messuage with all lands belonging, in Weston sup[er] Trent - [1538]
14 - Bond in 400 marks from John Bishop of Chester to William Paget Lord Paget of Beaudesert, for the fulfilment of a pair of indentures of even date made between the Bishop and Lord Paget Dated 14 March 4 Edward VI - [1550]
15 - Quitclaim by John Bishop of Chester to King Edward VI, to an annuity of £83 9s 9½d, reciting that by indentures dated 3 January 38 Henry VIII [1547], Henry VIII gave to the Bishop and his successors an annuity of £83 9s 9½d until certain rectories given by the King to the Bishop and his successors by the said indentures, in full recompense of the manor of Weston upon Trent and other manors, lands etc in the same county, or as many of the rectories as are worth £83 9s 9½d annually, should become vacant or fall into the hands of the Bishop or his successors. Annexed is the consent to, and ratification of, the quitclaim above, by the dean, William Clyff doctor of laws, and Chapter, of the Cathedral Church of Chester, 6 August 4 Edward VI Dated 20 June 4 Edward VI [1550] - [1550]
16 - Writ of commission to Richard Hough esquire, Robert Fletcher and William Glasyer gentlemen to take the acknowledgment which the Bishop of Chester may wish to make concerning a writing by which the Bishop, with the consent of the dean and chapter, has quitclaimed to the King an annuity of £83 9s 9½d (reciting as the recital in D 779B/T 137) Dated 26 June 4 Edward VI - [1550]
17 - Annexed to D 779B/T 138 is certicate from Fletcher and Glaseor that on 4 August they received John Bishop of Chester's acknowledgment as to a release specified in the writ (T 138) and the Bishop acknowledged the writing to be under his seal and wished it to be enrolled on the Chancery rolls, and that on 6th August the Dean and Chapter acknowledged their confirmation of the writing likewise and wished their confirmation to be enrolled likewise. - [1550]
18 - Assignment of reversionary lease by 1. William Leygh of London gentleman to 2. John Sex of `Ryckmersworth' [Rickmansworth], county Hertford, yeoman and Agnes his wife, reciting that Thomas sometime Abbot of St Werburgh in Chester, leased to Christopher Ayer of Knipton, county Leicester, gentleman and Helen (also called Ellen) Fayrebarn of Weston widow, the manor of Weston, all houses, lands, customs, belonging with the herbage of the park, their `connyngrye', Blacke poole, Arneford, Bradford and all other pools, ayeways and waters belonging to the manor, as Richard Fayrbarn had occupied the same, from Michaelmas after 5 Feb 21 Henry VIII [1530] for 41 years, at rent of £16 19s 4d, and that the Abbot and convent on 4 October 30 Henry VIII [1538] granted the reversion from the end of the 41 year term for 61 years, at same rent, to William Leigh, and witnessing that the reversionary lease was assigned to 2 on condition that Sex shall save Leigh harmless from all payments and covenants in the 1538 lease and shall find Leigh and his wife (when he marries) during Leygh's life, meat and drink and 2 chambers with a chimney in one of them and a house of office thereto pertaining, a green coat in summer, a `fryze' coat in winter, a stable and the free keeping of 2 geldings, and that William shall have all the warrens, waters, connyngryes and grounds pertaining, both to the farm of Lynsters where Sex now lives and to the manor of Weston in which of those places or anywhere else where John and Agnes shall fortune to dwell, to fish, take fowls, conies, and to make the most profit of them, giving Sex one fish, one fowl and one cony in ten, and William is to have a dovecote at his pleasure, wood for his chamber and fire; if any of the farm grounds are let William shall have first chance of them; he shall have a featherbed and all things belonging, and all meet necessaries for his chamber, and one acre for his garden and orchard; otherwise William shall have his old lease again, paying to Sex 20d for every week's board that then shall be unpaid. Dated 7 March 2 Elizabeth Endorsed with a memorandum that John Sex, as by virtue of a Statute of 31 Henry VIII. [1539] for the assuring of Abbey lands to the King, the lease dated 4 October 30 Henry VIII [1538] is void, has surrendered the premises to William Paget, Lord Paget of Beaudersert, to whom the inheritance and reversion appertain. 8 Dec 3 Elizabeth [1560] - [1560]
19 - Assignment by William Naylor esquire, Edward Ensor and Richard Ensor gentlemen to Charles Pagett esquire of an annuity of £50, granted by Pagett to Naylor, Ensor and Ensor in a deed dated 14 December last, by which the annuity was to issue from the manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley, Smalley and Kiddesley, from Morley Park and from lands in above-named places, and to be payable from 9 June before 14 December for 11 years if Pagett or the lawful heirs male of his body so long lived. Dated 22 March 10 Elizabeth - [1568]
20 - Convenant to suffer a recovery and deed to lead the uses of the recovery, made between, 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, and 2. Robert Bell and William Whetley esquire, by which Pagett covenanted to suffer Bell and Whetley to recover against him, before Pentecost, the manors of Aston, Weston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, Morley Park, lands etc, in above-named places and in Kiddesley, and the advowsons of Weston, Aston and Morley, of which he is seised to the use of himself and the lawful heirs male of his body with divers remainders, and he will vouch the common vouchee, and the recovery will be to the use of Pagett and his heirs and assigns for ever. Dated 6 April 10 Elizabeth - [1568]
21 - Counterpart of lease in reversion by 1. Henry Lord Paget of "Beawdesarte" [county Stafford] to 2. Edmond Eyre of Little Hodsock, county Nottingham, gentleman - 21 Oct [1568]
22-23 - Mortgage by bargain and sale (with counterpart) by 1. Henry Pagett knight lord Pagett of "Beawdes't" [county Stafford] to 2. Thomas Pagett esquire, Henry's brother, Richard Cupper esquire, for £200, of the manors of Weston and Aston and all messuages, lands, rents etc in Weston, Aston, Shardlow, Wilne, Morley, Smalley and Kiddesley. The money is to be repaid on feast of St Andrew the Apostle [30 November] at capital mansion house of Henry Lord Pagett called Pagett place, parish of St Clement without the Temple Bars, London. Dated 12 December 11 Elizabeth - [1568]
24 - Annexed to the counterpart (T 145) is: Lease until feast of St Andrew the Apostle [30 November] to 1. Henry Pagett by 2. Thomas Pagett and Richard Cupper, all as in D 779B/T 144-145, of premises as in D 779B/T 144-145, for rent of one red rose. Dated 13 December 11 Elizabeth - [1568]
25 - Release to 1. Thomas Pagett esquire by 2. Richard Cupper esquire, reciting D 779B/T 144-5, and witnessing that for divers reasons Cupper released the premises as in D 779B/T 144-145 to Pagett, and his interest in th sums of money to be received by reason of the recited deed. Dated 19 December 11 Elizabeth - [1568]
26 - Discharge, quitclaim and grant by Lady Katherine Paget widow of Henry Paget knight late Lord Paget of Beaudesert [county Stafford] deceased, and executrix of his last will, reciting deed of 12 December last (T 144-145) between 1. Henry late lord Paget and 2. Thomas now lord Paget of Beaudesert, by the name of Thomas Paget esquire Henry's brother, and Richard Cupper esquire and witnessing that for £40 paid by Thomas Lord Paget, Lady Katherine discharged the proviso of the recited deed, quitclaimed her right to the premises and undertook to save him and Cupper harmless from all her former deeds etc (£25 due to Charles Pagett esquire brother to Thomas, and issuing out of the premises, excepted); in recompense of the £25 she granted rents, arrears of rents and profits due to her from the premises to Thomas (£30 already received by her excepted) Dated 22 October 11 Elizabeth D 779B/T 149-157 leases and assignments of leases [1569-1600] with one document relating to Morley. - [1568]
27 - Counterpart of lease for 21 years in reversion by 1. Charles Pagett of London esquire to 2. Henry Holden of Wilne husbandman, for £14 fine, of messuage and 2 yards lande belonging in Wilne in Henry's tenure and late in tenure of William Wilson deceased, and messuage and yarde lande belonging in Wilne late in tenure of William Horden and before of Robert Wilson deceased, to hold from 9 June 1578 at rent of 56s and heriot of best beast or 56s. Dated 2 May 11 Elizabeth * The only "signature" is a cross without a name, but the lease is sealed and witnessed. - [1569]
28 - Assignment by 1. William Warde servant to Thomas lord Pagett to 2. Charles Pagett esquire for £6 13s 4d paid by Charles Pagett, of lease dated 24 November 11 Elizabeth I [1568] and made by Henry Lord Pagett to Warde then his servant, of a messuage, 3 cottages and 5 yards of land in Shardlow and Aston, in the tenure of Richard Hall, for 9½ years from the feast of St Andrew the Apostle [30 November] next from date of lease. Dated 11 April 13 Elizabeth - [1571]
29 - Receipt and quittance from James Walker clerk to Charles Paget esquire for payment by Paget of half year's rent issuing out of the parsonage of Morley and due at Michaelmas last - £4 Dated 18 October 22 Elizabeth See D 779B/T 231 for copy of letters patent appointing commissioners to enquire into and seize lands held by Thomas Lord Paget and Charles Paget, and copy of inquisition concerning manors of Weston, Aston etc [1584] and D 779B/T 233 for copy of letters patent leasing capital messuage of Weston and Aston and lands to Sir Thomas Manners 31 January [1587]. - [1580]
30 - Letters patent of lease for 21 years to John Williamson, for £3 8s paid by Williamson of messuage and 2½ virgates in Weston, in Williamson 's tenure, parcel of the manor of Weston and recently parcel of the possessions of Charles Paget attainted of high treason, with house, hedge, fire, plough and cartboots, paying rent 30s. 4d, rendering customary services and suit of court, maintaining premises. Dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth See D 779B/T 233 for copy of letters patent leasing the capital messuage of Weston and Aston and named lands, parcels of the manor of Weston and Aston, to Edward Stanhopp esquire, in [1594]. - [1587]
31 - Letters patent of lease for 3 lives to John, Thomas and Richard Smyth, in consideration of the surrender of a former lease and of payment of 54s, of a messuage and 2 virgates in Weston in John Smyth 's tenure, parcel of the manor of Weston and recently of the possessions of Charles Pagett attainted of high treason, for the lives of John Smyth and his sons Thomas and Richard successively at rent 27s, herriett 27s, rendering customary services and suit of court, maintaining premises with "boots" as in D 779B/T 152. Recites former lease by letters patent to John Smyth, which was dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587] and was for 21 years, rent 27s. Dated 5 March 37 Elizabeth - [1595]
32 - Assignment of lease by 1. Ellys Wynne of London gentleman to 2. Richard Tomlyns of London gentleman for a certain sum, reciting that the Queen by letters patent dated 12 June 38 Elizabeth I [1596] leased to Ellys Wynne messuages and 2 yarde lands in Shardlow, then or late in the tenure of Stephen Pyme, part of the manor of Weston and parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett attainted of high treason (and before granted to Pyme by letters patent dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587] for 21 years beginning at Annunciation [25 March] before, at rent of 41s), to hold from Annunciation 1609 for 40 years, at rent of 41s., and witnessing that the estate of 40 years in reversion was assigned by Wynne to Tomlyns. Dated 13 June 38 Elizabeth - [1596]
33 - Letters patent of lease for 3 lives, to John Rolleston senior, Christopher and John his sons, in consideration of the surrender of a former lease and of the payment of a sum of money, of messuage and lands belonging in Wilne in John Rolleston senior's tenure, parcel of the manor of Weston and recently parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett attainted of high treason, for the lives of John senior, Christopher and John junior successively, at rent 31s, herriett 31s., rendering customary services, suit of court, maintaining premises and with "boots" as in D 779B/T 152. Recites former lease by letters patent dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587], for 21 years, at same rent. Dated 5 November 38 Elizabeth - [1596]
34 - Assignment by 1. William Bromley of London gentleman to 2. John Williamson of Weston yeoman of a lease by letters patent dated 28 January 38 Elizabeth I [1596] to Richard Wigmore esquire, later assigned to Bromley, of a messuage and 2 ½ yards land in Weston, in the tenure of Williamson, parcel of the manor of Weston and late parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett attainted of high treason (and before leased by letters patent dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587] to John Williamson - see D779/T/1/9/30) for 31 years from 1608, at rent 30s 4d - 31 Jan [1597]
35 - Assignment by Henry Handley of St Dunstans in the West, London, gentleman to John Watkis of London gentleman in consideration of a sum of money, of a lease to Handley granted by letters patent dated 15 March 40 Elizabeth I [1598] of a close or closes of pasture called Dobholme Shrubbes in Wilne, parcel of the manor of Weston and late the possession Charles Pagett esquire attainted, to hold from Michaelmas before for 21 years (rent not specified). Dated 14 September 42 Elizabeth - [1600]
36 - Letters patent of pardon and restoration of estates, reciting that whereas Charles Pagett recently of London esquire, was indicted of high treason against Queen Elizabeth, was attainted by Act of Parliament of 29 Elizabeth I [1586-7] and forfeited all his estate, now he was pardoned and granted his former lands, the manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, Morley Park, the advowsons of Aston, Weston and Morley, and all appurtenances, lands etc in above-named places and Kiddesley. Dated at Westminster, 14 July I James Sealed with great seal of Elizabeth I (part missing). - [1603]
37 - Counterpart of covenant to stand seised to uses made between 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, and 2. the right honourable William Lord Paget of `Beawdesart' [in county Stafford] by which Charles covenanted, for the affection he bore to Lord Paget, his lawful heirs, and to Mary Gerard, Charles' niece, widow of William Gerard of Trent [in Somerset] esquire, and the heirs of her body, and the heirs of the body of Mary Coles deceased, late niece of Charles, that he shall stand seised of the manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, Morley Park, the advowsons of Aston, Weston and Morley and all his hereditaments in the fields, parishes, hamlets etc of the above-named places and of Kiddesley, to the use of himself for life without impeachment of waste, then to the use of Mary Gerard and the lawful heirs of her body, with remainder to William Lord Paget and the lawful heirs of his body, provided that if Lord Paget shall, after Charles' death, pay to Mary Gerard £1,000 her interest shall determine and the premises shall be held to the use of Lord Paget and the lawful heirs of his body, with successive remainders to Mary Gerard and the lawful heirs of her body, the lawful heirs of the body of Mary Colles deceased, and the right heirs of Lord Paget. Charles Paget may cancel this deed. Dated 23 May 2 James Cancelled by cuts. - [1604]
38 - Ratification by 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, son of William sometime Lord Pagett, William now Lord Pagett son and heir of Thomas late Lord Pagett to 2. Richard Shelton the elder of Weston husbandman, for payment of £21 10s of lease by letters patent dated 3 June 29 Elizabeth I [1587] to Richard Shelton the elder, Luce his wife and Richard their son, of a messuage in Richard Shelton' s occupation with lands, buildings etc belonging, parcel of the manor of Weston, at rent of 21s 6d, harriott of best beast, rendering customary works and suit of court and maintaining the premises, to hold for the lives of Richard the elder, Luce his wife and Richard their son, and reciting that the reversion of the premises has come to Charles Pagett by letters patent dated 8 July 1 James I [1603]. Dated 20 September 3 James - [1605]
39 - Letters of attorney from Charles Paget of Weston esquire to Richard Sale of Weston clerk for Sale to take seisin of a messuage and lands belonging in Aston, now or late in the tenure of Margaret Sheppie widow, and then in Paget 's name to sell a demise of the premises to Thomas Comberford of Burton-upon-Trent, county Stafford, gentleman, for a term of 5 years. Dated 10 December 3 James - [1605]
40 - Lease for 5 years by Charles Paget to Thomas Comberford, for good causes, of the premises in D 779B/T 161, with the proviso that if Comberford pays Paget 12d the lease is terminated. Not signed. Dated 10 December 3 James Endorsed that Richard Sale has taken seisin of the premises and sealed this deed as the deed of Paget, 11 January 3 James [1606] - [1605]
41 - Letters of attorney as D 779B/T 161, except that the premises were a messuage in Weston late in the tenure of William Doxie and lands belonging Dated 10 December 3 James - [1605]
42 - Lease for 5 years of premises in D 779B/T 163, as in D 779B/T 162. Not signed. Dated 10 December 3 James Endorsed as D 779B/T 162, 11 January 3 James [1606] - [1605]
43 - Ratification by 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, younger son of the late William sometime Lord Pagett and William now Lord Pagett to 2. John Wright the elder of Aston husbandman, for good causes, of a lease by letters patent dated 15 November 38 Elizabeth I [1596] to John Wright the elder, Helen his wife and John his son of a messuage and 2 yard land in Aston, parcel of the manor of Weston, and in the occupation of John Wright the elder, for the lives of John, Helen and John, at rent of 32s and harriot of 32s. Dated 25 March 4 James - [1606]
44 - Surrender by John Watkis of London gentleman for £15 paid by Charles Paget of Weston esquire, of his estate in a close or closes of pasture called Dobholme Shrubbes in Wilne, reciting letters patent leasing the premises to Henry Handley and Handley's assignments to Watkis (see D 779B/T 157) Dated 29 July - 1606
45 - Counterpart confirmation of leases by 1. William Lord Pageatt of 'Beaudesarte', county Stafford, and Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, to 2. Anthony Hunton of Newark-upon-Trent, county Nottingham, doctor in physic and William Meryan of Wilford county Nottingham yeoman, reciting letters patent dated 12 June 38 Elizabeth I [1596] demising to Ellize Wynne of London gentleman for 40 years from Annunciation [25 March] 1609, messuages and 2 yarde land in Shardlow late in Stephen Pyme's tenure and before demised to Pyme by letters patent dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587] for 21 years (see D 779B/T 154 for further detail) and reciting that letters patent dated 21 August 38 Elizabeth I [1596] demised to John Wynyarde yeoman of the Wardrobe of her Highness' Beds, for £50 years from Annunciation [25 March] 1608, messuage and lands belonging in Shardlow in James Pyme's tenure, late parcel of Charles Pagett's possessions and before demised to James Pyme by letters patent dated 4 July 29 Elizabeth I [1587] for 21 years at rent of 40s, and reciting that Wynne and Wynyarde's estates have been assigned to Hunton and Meryan, and confirming, for £80, the recited terms to Hunton and Meryan. Dated 9 February 7 James - [1610]
46 - Undated certified copy of D 779B/T 167
47-48 - Deeds of revocation by which Charles Paget of Weston esquire revoked an indenture dated 23 May 2 James [1604] - See D 779B/T 159 - which is recited. Immediately before the sealing of the revocation Paget gave to Mary Gerard the younger, for the use of William Lord Paget, gold worth 10s, to void the recited indenture. Dated 29 April 9 James - [1611]
49 - Provisional demise by 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire, to 2. Sir Walter Leveson of Wolverhampton, county Stafford and John Bearde of London gentleman, for 10s, of site or capital messuage of the manor of Weston and Aston, barn, orchard, garden, closes called the Parke 24 acres, Poole Yarde 3 acres, Gorsie Close 3 acres, the Hall Orchard 2 acres, Newclose or Hallow heretofore enclosed out of the common 40 acres, Cote Close la, in Shardlow, and Caldwell Hill late enclosed out of the common fields 40 acres, the first vesture of 3 parcels of meadow in the common meadow of Weston 20 acres, parcels of meadow called Lakeholme -a in Aston meadow and Comholme 5 acres, in townships of Wilne and Shardlow, pieces of meadow called Gill meadowe 2 acres, in Aston meadow and Allsommer meadow 3 acres in Aston, 3 yard of arable in common fields of Aston and Weston, 3 little closes called Deane Leasow, middle close and Olde Close, parcels of meadow called Reddy pitt, Forke medow and hall greene together 3 acres, in Aston, all in tenure of Thomas Wrighte the elder and parcel of the manor of Weston and Aston, to hold to 2. from the death of Charles Pagett for 99 years, with the proviso that if he pays Mary Gerrard the younger, daughter of Paget's niece Mary Gerrard the elder £1,500, or gives to her or to 2. for her use, sufficient security for payment of £2,000 to her within 12 months of Charles' death, then this deed is void. Dated 30 April 9 James - 1611
50 - Covenant to convey to uses expressed made between 1. Charles Pagett of Weston esquire third son of William late Lord Pagett of Beaudsert [county Stafford] and 2. Thomas Lord Arundell of Wardour, Henry Spiller of Latham, Middlesex, esquire and Thomas Banckroft of London gentleman, by which for the love and affection Charles Pagett bears towards Mary Gerard widow his niece, one of the daughters of Sir Christopher Allen and Dame Etheldred his wife deceased, sister of Charles, and towards Mary daughter of Mary and towards the heirs of Mary Colles deceased, another of Charles' nieces, for their advancement and the continuance of the premises in Charles Paget's blood and kindred, Charles covenanted with 2. that he would before Pentecost convey to 2. the manors of Weston Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, Morley Park, the advowsons of Weston, Aston and Morley, and all lands etc in the fields, parishes and hamlets of the places named above and in Kiddesley, and 2. were to be seised of the premises to the use of Charles Pagett for his life without impeachment of waste, then to the use of Mary Gerard the elder until Mary the younger should pay to Mary the elder £600 and, from the expiration of Mary the elder's estate, to the use of Mary the younger and the lawful heirs of her body, with successive remainders to the heirs of Mary Colles's body and to the use of Mary Gerard the elder, her heirs and assigns for ever. With proviso that Charles Pagett may revoke these uses and that 2. will then hold to such uses as Charles may appoint. Dated 1 May 9 James - 1611
51 - Exemplification of final concord dated morrow of Ascension 9 James [1611] made between Thomas Lord Arundell of Wardour, Henry Spiller esquire, and Thomas Banckrofte gentleman, querent and Charles Paget esquire defendant concerning the manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, the park of Morley, 60 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 tofts, 2 mills, 2 dovecotes, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 2,000 acres of land, 100 acres meadow, 1,000 acres pasture, 500 acres heath and furze, £10 rents, rent of 11b pepper, free fishing in Trent and "Darwent", free warren, view of frankpledge, in above named places and Kiddesley, advowsons of Weston, Aston, Morley. £2,200 Dated 6 May 9 James D 779B/T 174 - 191 Deeds of Anthony Roper, who married Mary Gerard to 1623. - [1611]
52 - Bargain and sale to make a tenant to the precipe, by 1. Anthony Rooper esquire, and Mary his wife to 2. John Gage of Fyrle, Sussex, esquire and William Steedes gentleman, for 10s, of manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley and Smalley, the advowsons of Weston, Aston and Morley, and all other their manors, lands tenements etc in the county of Derby, for the purpose that 2. may suffer a recovery in which they will vouch 1. to warranty and 1. will vouch the common vouchee, the recovery to enure to uses declared in another indenture. Dated 11 June 10 James - [1612]
53 - Covenant for the suffering of a recovery and deed to lead the uses of the recovery, made between 1. Anthony Roper esquire, Mary his wife, John Gage of Firle, Sussex, esquire and William Steedes gentleman, and 2. Richard Tufton esquire, and Richard Midlemore gentleman, for the settling of premises as in D 779B/T 174, it was covenanted that a common recovery should be suffered of the premises, by force of which Tufton and Midlemore should be seised of the premises to the use of Anthony Roper until Michaelmas next, until the end of the feast day, then to the use of Francis Wallis of London gentleman for 40 years, then to the use of Anthony for life without impeachment of waste, then to the use of Anthony, his executors and assigns for 50 years, remainder to Mary, her heirs and assigns for ever, provided that if Anthony and Mary pay Wallis £700 in one payment, then Wallis's term shall cease and that if Mary pays to Anthony's executors and assigns £800 in one payment, then the 50 year term will be void. It will be lawful for Anthony to make leases of the premises, after the expiration of Wallis's term. Dated 2 June 10 James (The year 1614 is given at the end of this deed, but June 10 James was 1612) - [1612]
54 - Assignment of lease by 1. William Stanhope of Elvaston esquire, third son of Sir John Stanhope deceased and executor of the last will of Dame Katherine Stanhope widow, late wife of Sir John, and Katherine, Dorothy and Jane daughters of Dame Katherine and Sir John and sisters of William to 2. John Gage of Firle, Sussex, esquire and Thomas Stich of London gentleman, reciting that Queen Elizabeth by letters patent dated 20 July 36 Elizabeth I [1594] demised to Sir Edward Stanhope, Thomas Wright and William Mansfield (nominated in trust to the use of Sir Edward), the site or capital messuage of the manor of Weston and Aston, barn, orchard, garden and one close called the Parke 20 acres, Poole yeard 3 acres, Gorsey Close 3 acres, Hall Orchard 2 acres, Newe Close alias Hallow Close lately inclosed out of the Common 40 acres, Cote close la in Shardlow, Caldwell Hill lately inclosed out of the common fields 40 acres, first moth or crop of 3 parcels of meadow in common meadow of Weston 20 acres, parcels of meadow called Lakeholme in Aston Meadow, Comholme in Wilne and Shardlow 5 acres, Gill Meadow in Aston Meadow 2 acres, and Alsomer meadow in Aston 3 acres, 3 yards of arable in the common fields of Weston and Aston, 3 little closes called the Deane Leasowe, Middle Close and the old close, parcels of meadow called Reddy pitt, Forke Meadow, Hall Grene also containing 3 acres in Aston, all lands etc, in Weston, Aston, Shardlow and Wilne belonging to the site of the manor, late in the occupation of Thomas ? Mannors and late parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett esquire, fishings, mines, quarries, courts, perquisites of courts, goods of felons etc, advowsons of the churches and chapels belonging to the manor, to hold for their lives successively, and reciting that after, Wright and Mansfield assigned their estates to Sir Edward Stanhope according to their trust; Mansfield died; Sir Edward by his will dated 28 Feb 1602/3 devised to Sir John Stanhope his nephew the said lease under a proviso; Sir Edward died and Sir John performed his trust and by his will dated 19 July 1610 bequeathed the lease to Katherine, Dorothy and Jane Stanhope, his daughters; Katherine and Dorothy assigned their parts in the premises to Dame Katherine by deed dated 24 Feb 16 James [1619] for 80 years if Thomas Wright should live so long; Lady Katherine, intending the advancement of her youngest daughter Jane, by her will dated 7 Sep 17 James [1619] empowered her executors to sell the lease of Weston and all her interest in it and to pay Jane £1,000 and Jane to convey her interest in the lease to the executors of the will, who were her sons Sir John and William, and Sir Thomas Delves and Thomas Levinge gentleman; all except William Stanhope refused administration of Lady Katherine's will; and witnessing that William by virtue of the executorship of Dame Katherine's will and for £800 paid by Gage and Stich assigned to them the two parts of the premises had by assignment from Katherine and Dorothy for the remainder of the term of 80 years or the life of Thomas Wright and that Katherine, Dorothy and Jane assigned their estates to Gage and Stich, Katherine and Dorothy the reversion dependent on the lease of 80 years and Jane her estate for the life of Thomas Wright. Attornies for livery of seisin : John Porter of Aston clerk, John Holden of "Wildney" [Wilne] yeoman. Dated 22 June 19 James Endorsed with livery of seisin 4 September 1621 - 1621
55 - Bond in £800 from William Stanhope to John Gage and Thomas Stich for the execution of D 779B/T 176. Dated 22 June 19 James - [1621]
56 - Surrender by 1. Robert Holden of Wilne yeoman to 2. Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire, for good causes, of Holden's estate in yardland in Wilne and all his other lands in Wilne, Shardlow and Aston, now in his tenure and late parcel of the possessions of Charles Pagett attainted, for the life of Richard Tayler of Wilne, provided that if Roper does not pay £10,000 to Holden on 1 August next, Holden may reenter the premises and provided that Holden may enjoy the premises until 1 August. Dated 12 September 19 James - [1621]
57 - Feoffment by Anthony Roper of Etham, Kent esquire to John Holden of Wilne and Thomas Preston of London yeoman, of premises as in D 779B/T 180-182 below. Attornies for livery of seisin : John Hunt of Aston gentleman, John Porter of Aston clerk. Dated 1 November 19 James Endorsed with : livery of seisin 7 November 1621 that in case in chancery between Robert Houlden gentleman querent and Nicholas Willymott esquire defendant the deed was shown to Robert Bingham, Henry Houlden and Edward Houlden 7 April 1649 To Gervase Wheeldon, Robert Bingham and Edward Houlden 7 April 1649 To John Presbury clerk and William Cowper 8 August 1654 Undated note that this was shown to Thomas Stich, Thomas Preston and John Holden. - [1621]
58-60 - Covenant for suffering a recovery and deed to lead the uses of the recovery made between 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham esquire, Mary his wife 2. Henry Weare and Edmund Halman of London gentleman, and 3. John Holden of Wilne and Thomas Preston of London yeomen, reciting that whereas Mary has an estate in tail right to her and the heirs of her body with divers remainders over in the properties below, and in consideration of barring the estate tail and the remainders thereupon depending and for settling an absolute estate of inheritance in fee simple in Anthony Rooper and Mary and their heirs forever, Holden and Preston will suffer a writ of entry sur disseisin in le post to be prosecuted against them by Weare and Halman, of the manor of Weston and Aston, the advowsons of Aston, Weston and Morley, and all hereditaments to the manor belonging in Weston, Aston, Shardlow, Wilne, Morley, Kiddesley and Smalley, the site or capital messuage of the manor of Weston and Aston, orchards, gardens etc belonging, closes of meadow or pasture called the Parke containing 50 acres, the Poole yeard 5 acres, the Gorese Close 6 acres, Hall Orchard 4 acres, the Newe Close alias Hallowe Close lately inclosed out of the common of Weston 100 acres, Cotte Close la, Caldwell Hill lately enclosed out of the common field of Weston 5 acres, the first moath or crop of 3 parcels of meadow in the common meadow of Weston containing 20 acres and the said meadow, a parcel of meadow in Aston meadow called Lackeholme alias Lockeholme 20 acres, parcel of meadow called Comeholme or Coweholme 9 acres, close of meadow called Gill meadow 4 acres, Allsomer meadow 6 acres, 3 yard of arable with their meares, banks, furrows and hades in the common fields of Aston and Weston, 3 closes of pasture called Deane Leasowe, the Middle Close and the Olde Close 24 acres, close of meadow called Reddie Pitte Close 3 acres, parcels of meadow called Forcke Meadowe 2½a, and Hall Greene 3 acres, all in Aston, Weston, "Sharlowe", Wilne, Kiddesley and Smalley, and are or were appertaining to the manor of Aston and Weston or the site or capital messuage of the manor or reputed to be the demesne lands of the manor, late in the possession or occupation of Sir Thomas Manners and parcel of the possessions of Charles Paget esquire, deceased, and which came into the hands of Queen Elizabeth by the attainder of Pagett and were demised by letters patent dated 20 July 36 Elizabeth I [1594] to Sir Edward Stanhope, Thomas Wright and William Mansfield for their lives successively, and Holden and Preston will appear to the writ of entry, and will vouch to warranty Anthony Rooper and Mary, who will vouch to warranty the common vouchee; he will make default whereby a perfect judgment will be made for 2. against 3. for the recovery of the premises; 2. (Weare and Halman) will hold the premises to the use of Anthony Rooper and Mary, their heirs and assigns forever. It is lawful for Anthony and Mary to make leases of the premises. The three parts of this covenant are signed respectively by parties 1. and 2., 1. and 3., and 2. and 3. Dated 1 November 19 James - [1621]
61 - Counterpart of covenant made by 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham esquire to 2. Thomas Stich of London gentleman referring to tripartite indenture of same date (T 180-182) and that in consideration of Mary Roper's settlement of lands in that deed, Roper has agreed to assure £1,000 to Mary to be paid as follows : if Mary predeceases Anthony without issue, then Anthony within one year of her death shall pay £1,000 to such person as Mary shall have directed in writing. Dated 1 November 19 James - [1621]
62 - Exemplification of common recovery by double voucher : Henry Weare gentleman, Edmund Halman gentleman pets. John Holden and Thomas Preston defendants concerning manor of Weston and Aston, 4 messuages, 4 tofts, one mill, one dovehouse, 4 gardens, 300 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 150 acres pasture, 10 acres wood, 300 acres heath and furze, 300 acres moor, 60s rents. 1 Ib pepper, common of pasture for all beasts, free fishing in Trent and "Darwent" free warren, view of frankpledge, in Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley, Smalley and Kiddesley, the advowsons of Weston, Aston and Morley Vouchees to warranty 1) Anthony Rooper esquire and Mary his wife 2) Edward Howse. Dated 28 November 19 James - [1621]
63 - Lease for 97 years by 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham, Kent, esquire and Mary his wife to 2. William Collins yeoman, reciting D 779B/T 180-182 and leasing for payment of £200, closes of meadow or pasture called Gorsey Close 6 acres, and Old Close, occupied by Richard Sales clerk, parson of Weston, Caldwell Hill lately inclosed out of the common fields of Weston 50 acres, and in Robert Houldwen's occupation, Deane Leasow occupied by Richard Palfreman the younger, Middle Close in tenure of Anthony Rooper (Old Close, Deane Leasow and Middle Close containing 24 acres), all in the hamlets, fields etc of Weston, Aston, Shardlow, Wilne, Kiddesley and Smalley and are part of the demesnes of Weston manor. Rent 12d. Dated 18 December 19 James - [1621]
64 - Conditional lease for 96 years 6 months by 1. William Collins of London yeoman to 2. Anthony and Mary Rooper as in D 779B/T 185, for 10s., of premises as in D 779B/T 185. Rooper is to pay £5 at Annunciation next [25 March], then £20 annually, but if this rent is unpaid by 40 days, then he will incur a penalty of £3 6s 8d and Collins may distrain both for the rent and the penalty, provided that if Rooper pays £200 to Collins, then the rent and penalty shall cease, and 2 months after, Collins will redemise and release the premises to Rooper. Dated 21 December 19 James - [1621]
65 - Lease (counterpart) for 97 years by 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham, Kent, esquire, and Mary his wife to 2. James Tailor late of Trent, Somerset, yeoman and Alice Fletcher of London, widow, reciting D 779B/T 180-182, and for £140 leasing close of meadow or pasture called New Close alias Hallow Close, lately inclosed out of the common fields of Weston and containing 100 acres, now in the tenures of William Phipps, Nicholas Slighe and Anthony Rooper, meadow or pasture called Cotte Close containing la., in Rooper's tenure, part of the demesne lands of the manor of Weston and comprised in the recited deed. Rent 12d. The premises are and shall remain of annual value of £14 above reprises. Dated 27 March 20 James Endorsed in contemporary hand `Mortgage' - [1622]
66 - Conditional lease (counterpart) for 96 years 6 months by 1. James Tailor and Alice Flether as in D 779B/T 187 to 2. Anthony and Mary Rooper as in D 779B/T 187, of premises as in D 779B/T 187, for rent of £14, Rooper incurring a penalty of £3 if it is overdue by 40 days, and Tailor and Fletcher may distrain for both rent and penalty; and may reenter the premises if the rent is overdue by 60 days, provided that if Anthony and Mary Rooper pay £ 40 to Tailor and Fletcher the rent and penalty shall cease to be payable, and Tailor and Fletcher will redemise the premises to Anthony and Mary Rooper within 2 months. Dated 2 April 20 James - [1622]
67 - Memorandum that Anthony Rooper of Eltham, Kent, esquire has for £800, purchased a lease of the demesnes of the manor of Weston for the life of one Wright, in the names of John Gage esquire, now Bart, and Thomas Stich gentleman and that this was bought for the advancement of his wife Mary and for the use of Anthony, his wife Mary and the survivor of them. Signed and sealed. Dated 1 June - 1623
68 - Post nuptial settlement by covenant to stand seised to uses, made between 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham (- indicates missing information, due probably to mice damage) - [Kent] - [2. Thomas Holte of ? Aston] iuxta Birmingham knight and baronet, Richard Midlemore of Edgbaston, county Warwick, esquire and Richard Shilton of - esquire, by which Rooper - [?in consideration] of a marriage between Anthony and his wife Dorothy, one of the daughters of Sir Thomas Holte and for part of her jointure, covenanted to stand seised of the manor house of Weston, 3 closes or pasture ground containing 18 acres in Tobias Taylor's occupation, park in the occupation of John Holdinge 50 acres, close or pasture called Cawdwell Hill 50 acres in Robert Holdinge's occupation, pasture called Dean Leyes Close in Richard Pallfreeman's occupation 4 acres, closes of pasture called Gorsey Close and the old Close in Richard Sale's occupation 14 acres, close of meadow called the New Close in John Roleston's and William Dowley's occupation 14 acres, piece of meadow called Mris Eyers Hollowe 24 acres, in the occupations of John Williamson, Richard Shelton and others, close of meadow or pasture called Midle Close in John Williamson's occupation 10 acres, all in Weston parish, late part of the demesne of the manor, parcels of meadow called Lock Holme 14 acres in occupation of Widow Hill, Robert Holdinge, Richard Pallfreeman and others, Allsome medowe 6 acres. in occupation of Christopher Harvye and others, Gill medow and the Hall Greene 6 acres in occupation of Miles Russell and Robert Porter, close of meadow called Cowholme Meadowe 10 acres in occupation of John Sale, John Wright and others, all in Aston parish, parcels of the demesnes of the manor of Weston, to hold to the use of Anthony for life, then to Dorothy for life for part of her jointure, with remainder to Rooper, his heirs and assigns forever. Dated - 1625
69 - Licence to alienate granted to Edmund Colles esquire by which he was enabled to alienate the manors of Weston, Aston, Wilne, Shardlow Morley and Smalley, the park of Morley, 60 messuages, 20 cottages, 20 tofts, 2 mills, 2 dovecotes, 20 gardens, 20 orchards, 2000 acres land, 100 acres meadow, 1000 acres pasture, 500 acres heath and furze, £10 rents, rent of 11b pepper, free fishing in Trent and "Darwent", free warren, view of frankpledge in above places and Kiddesley and the advowsons of Aston, Weston, and Morley, to Thomas Stitch gentleman and William Wym[o]ndsall gentleman Colles paid £13.6s.8d. Dated 1 January 3 Charles - [1628]
70 - Covenant to levy fine made between 1. Edmond Colles late of Lees, county Worcester, esquire heir male of Mary Colles deceased late wife of William Colles esquire and 2. Thomas Stich of London and William Wymondsall of Putney, Surrey, gentlemen - 23 Jan [1628]
71 - Release by 1. Edmond Colles to 2. Thomas Stich and William Wymondsall, all as in D 779B/T 192 reciting D 779B/T 192 and that the fine was levied and default of payment made, and witnessing that for the £100 specified and £50, the premises as in D 779B/T 192 were released by Colles to Stich and Wymondsall. Dated 14 July - 1628
72 - Covenant to convey to uses made by 1. Anthony Rooper [Roper] of Eltham, Kent, esquire, and 2. Sir Henry Spyller of Laleham, Middlesex. Sir Thomas Wiseman of Rivenhall, Essex and Thomas Stych of Newberye, Barking, Essex esquire - 2 Mar [1630]
73 - Revocation by 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham, Kent, esquire to 2. Sir Thomas Wiseman and Thomas Stych as in D 779B/T 194, of D 779B/T 194, Rooper declaring that he now stands seised of the premises to the use of himself, his heirs and assigns for ever Dated 17 May - 1634
74-75 - Two parts of marriage settlement made between 1. Anthony Rooper of Eltham, Kent, esquire and 2. Sir Henry Compton of Brambletye, Sussex and Richard Compton esquire eldest son and heir of Sir Henry, by which, in consideration of the marriage between Roper and Sir Henry's daughter Margaret and for part of a jointure for her, Rooper covenanted with Sir Henry and Richard Compton to stand seised of the manor of Weston and Aston, all lands etc belonging in Weston, Aston, 'Sharlowe', Wilne, Morley, Kiddesley and Smalley, the site or capital messuage of the said manor, closes of meadow or pasture called the Parke 50 acres, the Poole yarde 5 acres, Goress Close 6 acres, Hall Orchard 4 acres, New Close alias Hallowe Close lately enclosed out of the common of Weston 100 acres, Cott Close 1 acres, Caldwell Hill lately enclosed out of common field of Weston 50 acres, first moath or crop of 3 parcels of meadow in common meadow of Weston containing 20 acres, the said meadow, parcels of meadow called Lackeholme alias Lockeholme in Aston meadow 20 acres, and Comeholme or Cowholme 9 acres, close of meadow called Gill meade 4 acres, parcel of meadow called Allsom'er medow 6 acres, 3 yarde of arable land with mears, banks, furrows and hades in common fields of Aston and Weston, 3 closes of pasture called Deane Leasowe, Middle Close and Olde Close, all 24 acres, close or parcel of meadow called Reddy pitte close 3 acres, parcels of meadow called Forke meadowe 2½ acres, and Hall greene 3 acres, all in Weston, Aston, Shardlow, Wilne, Kiddesley and Smalley and reputed to belong to the manor of Weston and Aston or to the site of the capital messuage of the manor or to be the demesne lands of the manor, to the use of himself for life, then to Margaret for part of her jointure, with remainder to his heirs and assigns. Dated 8 July 13 Charles - [1637]
76 - Counterpart of lease by 1. Anthony Ropar of Weston esquire to 2. Robert Bingham of Shardlow ?labourer, for good causes, of close in fields and liberties of Wilne and Shardlow, in Aston parish, adjoining the Coate Greene, and called Coate close containing 1½ acres of inclosed grass ground, parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Weston and in Bingham's occupation, 1 acre of meadow in meadows of Aston between and amongst Mr Sale acres in ?Coverplace and butting east and west, 1 acres of arable rye ground being on Widow Rollston flatt next the hedge on the west, one end butting south on Coate Close, the other on Mr Sale had land, 2 beast pastures in and throughout the beast pastures and common of pastures within fields and liberties of Aston, common for 20 sheep in and throughout the common for sheep and moors within fields and liberties of Aston, being all parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Weston, from Michaelmas for 21 years, at a rent of 39s. Dated 10 June 2 Charles - [1626]
77 - Counterpart of lease by 1. Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire to 2. William Allestry of Grays Inn gentleman, and John Somerfield of Hucklescote, county Leicester, yeoman, for £48, of messuage in Aston and 2 yardland[s] belonging, all in the occupation of William Buckley of Aston, to hold after the death of Buckley (or other determination of his estate in the premises) for 99 years or the lives of Ann his wife and Hugh his son, paying rent of 32s. and harriotts of 32s. on deaths of William, Ann and Hugh Buckley dying tenants of the premises. Dated 29 May 9 Charles - 1633
78 - Lease by 1. Anthony Roper of Weston esquire to 2. Robert Bingham of Shardlow yeoman of dwellinghouse with barn, cowhouse and other outhouses, close within fields and liberties of Shardlow and Wilne, in Aston parish and shooting to the Coate greene and called the Coate close, containing 1½ acres enclosed grass ground and parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Weston in tenure of Bingham, 1 acre of meadow ground in meadow of Aston between and amongst Mr Sales acres in cover place and butting east and west, 1 acre of arable rye ground land upon Widow Rollston' s flat next to the hedge on west, butting north and south against Coate Close, 2 beast pastures in and throughout the common beast pastures and ?prest meadow fields within pastures, liberties and commons of Aston, and common for 20 sheep throughout the common for sheep within fields of Aston, all parcel of the demesnes of the manor of Weston, from last Michaelmas for 21 years at rent of 39s. Dated 19 November - 1634
79 - Lease by 1. Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire to 2. George Pulton of Desborough, county Northampton, esquire, for good considerations of capital messuage or manor house in Weston and all arable lands, closes, meadows, pastures, connywarren and grounds reputed to be the demesnes belonging to the capital messuage, now in the tenures of many persons and in Aston, Weston, Wilne ('Wilney') and Shardlow ('Shorlowe') with free fishing in the Trent and Derwent ('Darwin') belonging to the manor with all commons, common of pasture, profits, customs, work and other services of tenants etc with liberty to make pits, to dig marl, limestone and other stone for building to be used only upon the premises, reserving courts, perquisites of courts, royalties, chief and quit rents, and timber, to hold from April 16th last for 21 years, at rent of £200. Roper will allow Pulton timber for repairs, plough, cart, yate, stile, pale and fence bootes. After 7 years, Roper may give 3 years notice at any time to terminate the lease. Dated 4 May 13 Charles Endorsed with Pulton's surrender of the lease 12 November 1641 - 1637
80 - Counterpart of lease by 1. Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire, to 2. Geoffrey Cashe of Weston yeoman, of messuage and 2 yardland in Weston in Cashe's tenure, parcel of the manor of Weston and heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Lacie, reserving timber, mines and quarries and access to them, for 99 years or the lives of Jane, Elizabeth and Katherine Cashe, daughters of Geoffrey, at rent of £1 9s 8d and paying £1 9s 8d as a harriott at the death or exchange of every tenant. The tenant is to perform customary works, suits of courts of the manor of Weston. Tenant may have house, hedge, fire, plough and cart bootes, and great timber for repairs to buildings by assignment of steward or other officer. Dated 23 May 13 Charles - [1637]
81 - Quitclaim by George Pulton of Desborough, county Northampton esquire to Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire of all actions, accounts etc. Dated 12 November See D 779B/T 48 for counterpart of lease to Pulton of premises as in D 779B/T 201 for 7 years, by Thomas Stych, 12 November 1641 T 204-209 Anthony Roper's will and documents relating to Robert Houlden's purchase of Weston Hall, lands, and the manor of Weston and Aston. - 1641
82-83 - Final concord (two parts) made between Henry son of Robert Houlden, Richard Levis and Thomas Roe querent and Edward Earl of Dorset and Margaret Roper widow defendants, concerning manor of Weston and Aston, 11 messuages, 40 cottages, 11 barns, 11 stables, 40 tofts, 11 gardens, 11 orchards, 1,000 acres land, 200 acres meadow, 400 acres pasture, 100 acres wood, 1,000 acres heath and furze, 500 acres moor, £10 rents, common of pasture, free fishing in the waters of `Darwyn' [Derwent] and Trent, courts leet and baron, perquisites of court etc in Weston and Aston, Wilne, Shardlow, Morley, Smalley and Kiddesley - [1648]
84 - Probate of Will (dated 24 March 1642/3) with copy of will annexed, of Anthony Roper of Eltham, Kent, esquire - 22 Feb [1648]
85 - List of debts owing by Anthony Rooper [Roper] and note of bond for payment of £200, undated - [? mid-17th cent]
86 - Paper of calculations probably relating Robert Houlden's purchase of property in Aston and Weston, formerly Anthony Roper's, undated - [? mid-17th cent]
87 - Bargain and sale made between 1. Edward Earl of Dorset, Sir Henry Compton of Brambletye, Sussex, Margaret Roper widow of Anthony Roper late of Eltham, Kent, esquire and 2. Robert Houlden of Shardlow gentleman, Henry his eldest son, Richard Levis of Risley yeoman and Thomas Roe of London mercer - 6 Mar [1648]
Expand 10 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 164810 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 1648
Expand 11 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 164811 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 1648
Expand 12 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-164812 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-1648
Expand 13 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 164913 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 1649
Expand 14 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 164914 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 1649
Expand 15 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-165915 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-1659
Expand 16 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 165116 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 1651
Expand 17 - Trust deed - 165217 - Trust deed - 1652
Expand 18 - Various purchases - 1653-165718 - Various purchases - 1653-1657
Expand 19 - Settlement deeds - 1657-165819 - Settlement deeds - 1657-1658
Expand 20 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-165920 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-1659
Expand 21 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 165921 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895