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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Collapse 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 1 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-16171 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-1617
Expand 2 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-16332 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-1633
Expand 3 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-16323 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-1632
Expand 4 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-16394 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-1639
Expand 5 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-16425 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-1642
Expand 6 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-16476 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-1647
Collapse 7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]
1 - Gift by William son of Henry "in angul' de astu'"[in the corner of Aston] to William son of Symon "fabri" [smith] of Astu' in full marriage with Angnes, William's daughter of one portion of his toft through the middle as it lies in length towards the field, which portion contains in width 40 feet measured from within (Latin `citra') the embankment (dike or ditch) (Latin `fovea') and one house, that is a barn with all the whole piece (Latin `placea') as it lies between the said embankment (dike or ditch) and the said barn in length and width and 5 acres and 1 rood of arable land and 1 rood of meadow in the township (Latin `villa') and fields of Astu' of which 1 rood lies in the croft next eadmund delehul, one at the head of the township upon flaxlondis next Hugh Styword, one attesalteremere next the said Hugh, one upon middilfurlong next the said Hugh, one upon *Neyercalke?put next the said Hugh, one upon gostylondis next Herbert de Cliftu' one in long teddrifsclade next the said Herbert, one upon none brechys next the said Hugh, one upon le mulnedich, one upon long foxolis next the said Herbert, ½ acre upon ?cornenlondis next the said eadmund, 1 rood upon blodilondis next the said eadmund, ½ acre undiryeclif* next the said eadmund, 1 rood upon Wymu'debury next the said eadmund, one upon stonilondis next the said Hugh, one upon peleworchul next Robert b'car [?shepherd or tanner] of scardelowe, one upon cronkilondis next the said Hugh, one upon derbyweye next the said Herbert, one upon Hondelondis next Symon de yb'nia [ybernia=Ireland], 1 rood of meadow attebrecheanedys next the said Hugh, to hold of William son of Henry, his heirs and assigns, to William and Angnes and the heirs of Angnes conceived in lawful matrimony, in fee and heredity. - [13th cent]
2 - Confirmation by Avicia [Avis] widow of Henry "in angulo man' in Aston" [in the corner living in Aston] in her free widowhood to William son of Robert de Thurlisto' [Thulston] and Matilda his wife, Avicia's daughter, of 5 acres of arable land in the territory of Aston, that is the 5 acres which the said Matilda had by the gift and feoffment of Robert Young, Avicia's brother, of which one rood lies next ?hilemeresiche, one rood upon le Cronkelondes, one rood upon Fultu', one rood next the way from Chellaston, one rood upon Longehaynoth, ½ rood upon hamu'delreschis, one rood upon heythorneborewe, one rood upon Merwisflat, ½ acre upon longecroft, one rood upon Wymnu' debur', one rood at le Portemeris, ½ rood at le Newdoles, ½ rood upon le Flintiklyf, one rood upon sindrilondes, ½ rood upon blodilondes, one rood upon Hengindeclif, ½ acre upon le heth, ½ rood upon de lowe, ½ rood in Podimere, ½ rood in Thurlistonweye, and one rood of meadow at le forthe to hold to William and Matilda and Matilda's legitimate heirs, of Avicia, her heirs and assigns in fee and heredity, paying annually to Avicia her heirs and assigns, one silver penny at the feast of St James the Apostle [25 July], and causing the celebration each year of 13 masses ? at the *preaching brothers of Derb[y] or by any other secular (Latin "ap' fr' es p'dicar' de Derb' v'l ab aliqo seclari") for the souls of Robert, Avicia's brother and of her father and mother and for the souls for which Robert was bound (Latin `debit') for ever, for all secular service, suit of court. Witnesses, Simon de ybernia [Ireland] in Aston, Henry de Weston in Aston, Hugh called steward in Aston, Roger Deyne in the same, Robert le Bernetofte in Thurl' [Thulston], William Smith in the same, Robert clerk and many others. Seal on tag. Not dated. * probably the Dominicans who had a house in Derby by 1292. - [? late 13th cent]
3 - Gift by Isolda, daughter of Henry "in angulo de aston" [in the corner of Aston] in her independent virginity to Henry son of Simon Smith of Aston, of one toft and croft in aston at the head of the township towards Weston next the toft of Alan her brother, 4 acres of arable, 3 roods and 1 rood of meadow in the fields of aston, which toft and croft she had by the gift of her mother Avicia [Avis] and the land and meadow by the gift of Robert ?birn' her uncle, to hold of the chief lord of the fee for his (Henry's) life, paying annually to him the service accustomed as is contained in the original charter, and to Isolda and the legitimate heirs of her body, one rose on the day of St John the Baptist [24 June], for all secular service Witnesses, Sweet de Aston, Henry of the same, William de Shardlow, Ranulph of the same, Simon de Ireland in Aston, Hugh steward, Roger de Shardlow, clerk and others. Seal (poor) on tag. Not dated - [? late 13th cent]
4 - Gift from Henry son of Simon Smith of Aston to Siward de Aston and his heirs and assigns and their heirs, of one toft with messuage in Aston lying at the head of the township towards Weston next the toft of Alan son of Henry "in angulo" [in the corner] of the same, to hold of Henry and his heirs and assigns, paying annually to him one apple at the feast of St James the Apostle [25 July] for all secular service and suit of court. Witnesses, Master Adam de Shardlow, William of the same, Ralph de Dalby, Edmund de Hill of Aston, Simon de Ireland of the same, Herbert de Clifton of the same, Ranulf de Weston, Robert son of Henry de Weston and others. Seal on tag. Not dated. - [? late 13th cent]
5 - Gift by Roger son of Reginald "in angulo de Aston" [in the corner of Aston] with the assent of his wife Agnes to Sweet de Aston, of one toft in the township of Aston next John Whiting on one side and the toft of William Hervy on the other, to hold of Roger and his heirs, paying annually to Roger one apple at the feast of St James the Apostle [25 July], for all secular service. Witnesses, John de Dalby in Aston, Edmund de Hill of the same, Robert de Weston of the same, Simon de Ireland of the same, Henry, steward of the same, Gilbert de Wyssam of the same, Hugh Picard, of the same and many others. 2 seals (poor) on tags. Not dated. - [? late 13th cent]
6 - Gift by Nicholas de Thulston in Aston and Ellen his wife to Robert de Malesover in Weston and Isolda his wife, of 2 roods of arable land lying in the territory of Aston, of which one lies upon Dudelesput between the land of Gilbert de Measham on one part and the land of William de Verdon on the other, and the other upon le Foxholes between the land of Edmund Uppehull on one part and the land of William Smith of Aston on the other part, to hold to them, their heirs and assigns by hereditary right, performing accustomed services to chief lords of the fee. Witnesses, Edmund Uppehull, Sweet de Aston, William de Verdon, John de Dalby, Simon de Ireland, William de Aston clerk and others. Two tags, one seal (poor) Not dated. - [? early 14th cent]
7 - Gift by John le Taylur of Aston chaplain to Master Adam de Amersham and Adam de Shardlow and the legitimate heirs of Adam de Shardelow's body, of one rood of arable land in the territory of Aston, which lies next the Water rune between the land of the Rector of Aston Church and the land of Richard the clerk with remainder to the heirs of Master Adam for ever, to hold from the chief lords of the fee by accustomed services. Witnesses, Edmund de Hul in Aston, William le Verdon, Simon de Ireland, Robert de Weston, John de Wilne and many others. Seal tag. Not dated. - [? early 14th cent]
8 - Quitclaim from Robert son of William "in angulo de Aston" to William Smith of Aston, Agnes his wife, [?and their] heirs and assigns, of his right and claim in 5 roods of arable land and one rood of meadow which Avicia [Avis] daughter of Henry Young of Aston once gave to Alan her son. Witnesses, Edmund Uppehull, William de Derby, William de Verdon, Simon de Ireland, Robert de Weston, Richard the clerk and others. Dated Monday, Annunciation of St Mary [25 March] 1 Edward son of Edward Seal tag. - [1308]
9 - Release and quitclaim by Emma Whiting in her widowhood to Robert son of William le Smith and his heirs and assigns, of 3 roods of land and ¼ roods of arable land lying in the field of Aston of which one rood lies upon Thorn? eberwo next the land of John Sweet on one part and William de Hill on the other, another upon le gosteylondus next the land of Edmund de la Hill on one part and John Couper on the other, and one rood upon lo pezolondus (or ? pezelondus) next Richard le Ward on one part and Robert de Breaston on the other, and the ¼ rood lies upon lo longerodus next William le Steward on one part and Adam de Weston on the other. Witnesses, Adam de Shardlow, John Sweet de Aston, William de Hill, Richard le Verdun, Adam de Weston, Geoffrey de Playsden and others. Dated at Aston, Saturday after ascension of the Lord [19 May] 4 Edward III Seal tag - [1330]
10 - Indenture of lease by Robert le Smith of Aston to Henry son of Richard Deyne of Aston, of one rood of meadow lying upon le Brechehauld?os next the aforesaid Henry to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, from Robert, his heirs and assigns, for 6 years beginning at easter 28 Edward III Witnesses, William atte Barr, Richard son of Simon, John Wildehare , Henry Deyne, Adam de Weston and others. Dated at Aston, Easter 28 Edward III [Easter Day was 13 April, 1354]. Seal tag. - [1354]
11-12 - Indentures of gift by Robert le Smith of Aston to John son of Hugh le Smith of Aston and the heirs of his body, of one messuage and one acre of arable in Aston which messuage lies between the messuage of William de Dalby and the messuage of Richard Natte, and of the acre, one half abuts upon the messuage next the land of John on each side, one rood lies ?within le Ashes extending to Thornberughsiche (in D 779B/T 61 Thorneberuesiche) next the land of the parson of Aston church and one rood lies at Wat' faldych next the land of Thomas Suwet' to hold from the chief lords of the fee for services accustomed, to John and the heirs of his body, with remainder to William, John's brother, and the heirs of his body, remainder to Robert, his heirs and assigns. Witnesses, William atte Barr of Aston, Richard son of Simon of the same, Henry Deyne of the same, Adam de Weston of the same, John Wyldhare of the same and others. Dated at Aston Tuesday after feast of St Katherine the virgin [27 Nov] 32 Edward III T 60 seal on tag, D 779B/T 61 seal tag only. - [1358]
13-14 - Indenture of release and quitclaim by John son of Hugh le Smith of Aston to Robert le Smith for the term of his life, of all John's right and claim to 9d annual rent in Aston which he ought to have from the said Robert for one messuage and one acre of land which Robert gave to John and likewise, John has released and quitclaimed to Robert for the term of Robert's life, his right in 5 roods of arable and 1 rood of meadow which John had by hereditary descent after his father's and mother's death which they had acquired from Robert son of William in le Hyrne. [hyrne is probably the same as hern or hirn meaning corner]. Dated at Aston, Friday after feast of St Katherine the Virgin [30 Nov] 32 Edward III On D 779B/T 62, part of John's seal on tag On D 779B/T 63, Robert's seal on tag. [The two indentures do not fit together]. - [1358]
15 - Feoffment, by William atte Barre of Donington [county Leicester] to William son of Thomas de Tutbury senior, of 3 acres 2½ roods of arable land in Aston upon Trent, which he had of the gift and feoffment of Robert le Smith and which lie, as appears in Robert's charter to William atte Barre, to hold from the chief lords of the fee by services accustomed. Witnesses, Thomas de Verdon of Aston, Henry Deyne of the same, John Wildhare of the same, John de Barow of the same, John de ? B'emen of the same and others. Dated at Aston upon Trent, Monday next after the feast of St George [26 April] 35 Edward III. Seal on tag. - [1361]
16 - Letters of attorney by which Robert Smith of Aston upon Trent had made Alexander le Porter of Aston his attorney to deliver seisin to Richard de Oakley parson of the church of Aston upon Trent, of all his lands and tenements which he had on the day of the deed. Dated at Aston, Thursday after feast of St George [28 April] 36 Edward III. Seal on tongue. - [1362]
17 - Indenture of lease made between 1 Robert le Smith of Aston and Lucy his wife and 2 Roger de Barrow of Aston, testifying that Robert and Lucy have leased to Roger, his heirs and assigns for 20 years, 2 messuages, 4 acres 1 rood of land and 1 acre of meadow in Aston upon Trent, of which 2 roods lie upon Midelfurlonges in the field of Derby, one rood upon overka?Ikput, ½ acre atte Welle, one rood upon Midelfurlonges, one rood upon stonilo'des in the field of Thurleston, one rood upon blodylondes, 2 roods upon Pastlondes, one rood upon ? Peselondes, one rood upon Mordichfulo'g, ½ acre at le Wetecroft, one rood next the road, one rood butting upon ?..ylahadelond, one rood upon heynowe, at a rent of 11s payable in 2 equal portions; Roger is to maintain the messuages. Warranty is against the chief lords of the fee for all rents and services; Robert and Lucy have right of distraint if rent is in arrears; for the greater security of the agreement Robert and Lucy bind themselves, their heirs and executors to Roger, his heirs and assigns, in £20, to pay to Roger should he be ejected or disseised. Witnesses, Thomas de Verdon, Richard son of Simon, Henry Deyne, William le Smith, John son of John, John de Barrow, and others. Dated at Aston, Monday after Michaelmas [30 Sep] 38 Edward III Seal (poor) on tag. - [1364]
18 - Feoffment by Robert le Smith of Aston to John son of William Santcheverell [Sacheverell] , lord of Hopwell, of 5 roods of arable land in the territory of Aston, of which ½ acre lies next le Wetecroftes, one rood next the land of Richard son of Simon butting upon le Wetecroftes, 1 rood upon le Longe ? Rides next Thomas de Verdon butting in Weston Wey, one rood next the land of the lord Rector next le Crossegate, to hold to John, his heirs and assigns of the chief lords of the fee for services accustomed. Witnesses, Sir Richard de Oakley, then Rector of Aston, William de Tutbury of the same, Thomas de Verdon of the same, Richard son of Simon of the same, Thomas de Weston of the same, and others. Dated at Aston, Monday after St Gregory the Pope 41 [15 March] Edward III. Seal (poor) on tag. - [1367]
19 - Feoffment by Robert le Smith of Aston to John son of William Sautcheverell [Sacheverell] lord of Hopwell,, his heirs and assigns, of 26d annual rent issuing from one piece of land next Smyth's messuage in Aston, and from ½ acre at the end of the piece, which piece Joan Dobbe, once wife of John le Fissher of Weston before held from Robert for the aforesaid annual rent, to hold from the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, Sir Richard de Oakley, then Rector of the church of Aston, William de Tutbury of Aston, Thomas de Verdun of the same, Richard son of Simon of the same, Thomas de Weston of the same and others. Dated at Aston, Monday after feast of St Gregory the Pope [15 March] 41 Edward III. Fragment of seal on tag. - [1367]
20 - Indented concession, reciting that whereas Robert le Smith of Aston has given and confirmed by his charter of feoffment to John Sautcheverell [Sacheverell], 5 roods of arable in the fields of Aston to hold for ever, John conceded that if Lucy, wife of Robert, the heirs of Robert or any other by the name of them after Robert's death, should implead John, his heirs or assigns, concerning 26d of silver annual rent issuing from one piece (Latin plac') and ½ acre of land which Joan Dobbe holds in Aston, which rent John had of Robert's feoffment and also if John or his heirs are distrained by ecclesiastical coercion or any other coercion for the maintenance of one lamp in the church of Aston, then the charter of feoffment of 5 roods shall stand, and if not it shall be wholly without force (Latin `et si non om'ino careat robore suo') Witnesses, Sir Richard de Oakely, then Rector of Aston church, William de Tutbury, Thomas de Verdun, Richard son of Simon, Thomas de Weston of Aston and others. Dated at Aston, Sunday before the feast of the Anunciation [21 March] 41 Edward III. Seal tag. - [1367]
21 - Feoffment by John Sauchewerell [Sacheverell] of Hopwell to John Ray chaplain of Aston s [upe]r Trent, his heirs and assigns, of 26d annual rent issuing from one piece next the messuage of Robert Smith in Aston and ½ acre at the end of the piece, which Joan Dobe holds for the said annual rent [?and] before held in Aston, which Sacheverell had by the gift and feoffment of Robert Smith of Aston, to hold from the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Dated at Aston, Saturday after the feast of St James the Apostle [30 July] 3 Richard II. Witnesses, Thomas de Stanton of Aston, Thomas de Weston of the same, John son of Hugh, Alan Porter, John Sweet, of the same and others. Seal on tag. - [1379]
22 - Gift by Richard de Ticknall living in Chellaston and Gunnilda his wife to William son of Walter de Chellaston, his heirs and assigns of one annual halfpenny which they were accustomed to receive annually from the said William for one piece of land in the vill of Chellaston which William bought of Matilda and Avicia [Avis] daughters of William son of Hugh, for which he has given Richard and Gunnilda 6d, and Gunnilda has taken an oath that she will never secure . . . (nu'quam' infirmare and possibly 3 words missing) so that it may remain for ever ratified and secure. Witnesses, William Clarel of Chellaston, Ralph de Bredon, Walter son of Payn de Chellaston, Peter son of Stephen of the same, John de Allestree, of the same, Henry le Simple of the same, Richard the clerk and others. Seal tag.
23 - Feoffment by John Ray chaplain to John Halswayn, Rector of the church of Wolstanton [county Stafford] and Thomas de Ticknall their heirs and assigns, of all the lands, tenements, meadows, feedings (Latin `pascuas') and pastures, rents and services, which he has in the vill and fields of Aston upon Trent, together with the reversion of all lands, tenements and rents from whichever of them arising, to hold from the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, Peter de Melbourne, Thomas Bars, John Warin, Nicholas Seale, John Bonde, William Bonde, Walter Talun and others. Dated at Derby, 1 April 12 Richard II - [1389]
24 - Quitclaim by William Charnes, Rector of the church of Weston, William de Bretby chaplain, Thomas Coup'erof Aston and Henry Plathedeyne of Shardlow to John Hallswayn rector of the church of Wolstanton[ county Stafford] and Thomas de Ticknall of all the right and claim which Henry had or may have in future in all the lands and tenements which John, and Thomas de Ticknall, had by the gift and feoffment of John Ray of Aston chaplain in the vill of Aston uponTrent. Dated at Derby, 20 April 13 Richard II 3 seals and 1 fragment of seal on 4 tags. - [1390]
25 - Feoffment by William de Tutbury of Derby to Thomas de Stanton, his heirs and assigns of all his lands and tenements, meadows, feedings and pastures, fishponds, fisheries, rents, reversions and services which he has in the vill of Aston upon Trent, to hold from the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, John de Chellaston, John Chamberlain of Castle Donington, Thomas Verdon, Richard son of Simon, Henry Deyne and others. Dated at Aston, Sunday after feast of St Michael, [3 October] 41 Edward III. Seal on tag. - [1367]
26 - Feoffment by Thomas de Stanton and Joan his wife to Henry de Coton parson of the church of Aston, Sir William de Bretby and Richard de Adneburgh [Attenborough], chaplains, their heirs and assigns, of all their lands and tenements with meadows, feedings, pastures, rents and services of all their holdings with liberties and appurtenances in Aston next Weston, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by accustomed services, warranting the aforesaid as they lie in Aston and all the lordship of Weston. Witnesses, John Bakepuis, John atte Huchyns of Aston, Thomas de Weston, Roger de Barrow, Thomas Couper and others. Dated at Aston, Monday after feast of St Michael, [5 Oct] 18 Richard II One good and one incomplete seal, on tags. - [1394]
27 - Feoffment by Sir Henry de Coton clerk, William de Bretby and Richard de Adneburgh [Attenborough] chaplain to Thomas de Ticknall and Agnes his wife and their legitimate heirs, with remainder to right heirs of Thomas, of all their lands, tenements, rents, services and reversions, which they had by the gift and feoffment of Thomas de Stanton and Joan his wife in Aston upon Trent, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by accustomed services. Witnesses, John Bakepuys, John Tooke, Thomas Bars, Robert Tyllot, William Bond and others. Dated at Aston, Friday after feast of St Michael, [6 Oct] 20 Richard II. 3 seals on tags. - [1396]
28 - Quitclaim by Thomas de Stanton and Joan his wife for themselves and their heirs to Henry de Coton clerk and Thomas de Ticknall and Agnes his wife, their legitimate heirs, and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of their right in their lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services, which Henry de Coton recently had by the feoffment of Thomas and Joan in the township of Aston upon Trent next Weston Dated at Aston, 9 October 20 Richard II 2 seals on 1 tag. - [1396]
29 - Feoffment by Peter de la Pole, John del Heth chaplain and William Blount of Crich chaplain, to Thomas de Ticknall, his heirs and assigns, of a parcel of meadow called ... ogh [see D 779B/T 80] in Aston sup[er] Trent (a much later hand has written in `ladihal' making ladihalogh), to hold from the chief lords of the fee for acustomed services. Witnesses, John Bakepuz, Ralph Makerell, Thomas Barwe, John Bate, Richard Bate and others. Dated at Aston uponTrent, Monday after feast of St Hilary [16 Jan] 3 Henry IV. 3 seals on tags. - [1402]
30 - Letters of attorney from Peter de la Pole, John del Heth, chaplain and William Blount of Crich, chaplain to John de Chellaston to deliver seisin to Thomas de Ticknall of a parcel of meadow called ladyhalogh in Aston, as in a charter made to Thomas by them. Dated at Radbourne, Thursday after feast of St Hilary [19 Jan] 3 Henry IV 3 seals on 2 tongues. - [1402]
31 - Quitclaim from Peter de la Pole to Thomas de Ticknall and Agnes his wife, for himself and his heirs, of all his right and claim to a parcel of meadow called ladyhalowe in Aston upon Trent. Witnesses, Nicholas Montgomery, knight, Peter de Melbourne, Roger de Bradbourne, John Bakepus, Robert Tyllot and many others. Dated at Aston, Friday after feast of Purification of Mary [3 Feb] 3 Henry IV. Seal on tag. - [1402]
32 - Feoffment by John Hucthins to Thomas Ticknall and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of one messuage, 6 acres of land and ½ acre of meadow in Aston upon Trent to hold from the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, John Daprichescourt, Robert Fraunceys knights, Ralph Shirley, Peter de Melbourne, Ralph Fraunceys, Robert Tyllot and others. Dated 13 April 12 Henry IV Seal with tag. - [1411]
33 - Feoffment by John Hutchins to Thomas Ticknall and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of messuage and 3 acres of land in Aston upon Trent, to hold from the chief lords of the fee for services accustomed. Witnesses, John Daprichescourt, Robert Fraunceys knights, Ralph Shirley, Peter de Melbourne, Ralph Fraunceys, Robert Tyllot and others. Dated 13 April 12 Henry IV Seal on tag. - [1411]
34 - Feoffment by Henry Smith to Thomas Ticknall, Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of 4 acres of land and 1 rood meadow in Aston sup[er] Trent, to hold of chief lords of the fee by services accustomed - [1411]
35 - Feoffment, by Henry Smith to Thomas Ticknall, Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of one messuage and 5 roods of land which once were of John Hucthins in Aston upon Trent, and all those lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services which once were of William de Whitley in the same vill of Aston, to hold of chief lords of the fee by services accustomed. Witnesses, John Daubrigecourt, Robert Fraunceys knights, Peter de Melbourne, Robert Tillot, John Bradshawe, Henry Bothe and others. Dated at Aston, 3 August 12 Henry IV Seal on tag (different seal from that on D 779B/T 83) - [1411]
36 - Feoffment by John Bate to Thomas Ticknall, Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of one toft in Aston upon Trent lying between the tenement once of John Hutchins, now of Thomas, on one part and the toft of the said John Hutchins towards Weston on the other part, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, John Daprichecourt knight, John Bradschawe, William Rolleston, Robert Sower, John Bate and others Dated at Aston, Sunday after feast of Epiphany [9 January] 13 Henry IV Seal on tag. - [1412]
37 - Feoffment by John de Dalby to Thomas de Ticknall and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of all the lands, tenements, rents and services which Dalby has in the vill of Aston upon Trent, which once were of Edward del Hull or William de Dalby, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by services accustomed. Witnesses, Thomas Mawreward, Robert Fraunceys, John Daprichescourt, knights, Ralph Shirley, Ralph Fraunceys, Robert Tyllot and others. Dated at Aston, 14 April 13 Henry IV Seal on tag. - [1412]
38 - Feoffment by Isabel de Dalby to Thomas de Ticknall and Agnes his wife and the heirs and assigns of Thomas, of all her lands, tenements, rents, reversions and services in the vill of Aston upon Trent, once of Edward del Hull or William de Dalby, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, Thomas Maureward, Robert Fraunceys, John Daprichescourt knights, Ralph Shirley, Ralph Fraunceys, Robert Tyllot and others. Dated at Aston, 16 April 13 Henry IV Seal on tag. - [1412]
39 - [? Draft] feoffment by Thomas Ticknall to Thomas Ashby, Henry Wychard, Thomas Bradschawe, Robert Tyllot and Robert Tope clerk, their heirs and assigns, of his manor of Shardlow with all members, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for services accustomed. Dated at Shardlow, 14 March 3 Henry V No witnesses, not sealed. Paper. - [1416]
40 - [? Draft] feoffment by Thomas Ticknall to Thomas Ashby, Henry Wichard, Thomas Bradshaw, Robert Tillot, Ropert Tope, clerk, their heirs and assigns of all his lands and tenements in Aston upon Trent, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Dated at Aston upon Trent, 6 May 7 Henry V No witnesses, not sealed. Paper. - [1419]
41 - Feoffment by Thomas Ticknall to Thomas Ashby, Henry Wychard, Thomas Bradshaw and Thomas Tyllot, their heirs and assigns, of his manor of Shardelow with all members and all lands and tenements in Aston upon Trent to hold of the chief lords of the fee by services accustomed. No witnesses. Dated at Aston upon Trent, 6 May 9 Henry V Seal on tag. - [1421]
42 - Quitclaim from John Statham of Morley to John Ticknall, son and heir of Thomas Ticknall, of all his right and claim to all those lands and tenements, which recently were of John ?Laverok in the vill and territory of Aston upon Trent. Witnesses, John Curzon,, John Bathe, Thomas Bradshaw and others. Dated at Aston upon Trent, Thursday after Annunciation [29 March] 9 Henry VI. Seal on tag. - [1431]
43 - Feoffment by John Statham, son and heir of John Statham recently of Horsley and Eleanor Norwich to William Ticknall , his heirs and assigns, of 2 selions lying within Wete Cloose in Aston, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services. Witnesses, Thomas Norwich, Henry Rolston esquires, John Winter, William Howeton, Richard Halle and many others. Dated at Aston, 12 August 10 Edward IV 2 seals on tags. - [1470]
44 - Feoffment by John Barre of Teversall [county Nottingham] gentleman to Thomas Hunt gentleman, of one messuage and 9½ acres of land in the vill and fields of HucknallTorkard in the County of Nottingham ' which Barre recently had by the gift and feoffment of John Goldehore recently of Hucknall, to hold of the chief lords of the fee by accustomed services. Attornies for livery of seisin, Thomas Neweham and Henry Bythebroke. Witnesses, John Bingham esquire, John Kirton vicar of the church of Hucknall, William Chamberlain of the same, Richard Porter of the same and John Dobbe of the same and others. Dated at Hucknall [Torkard county Nottingham] Tuesday after feast of St Bartholomew the apostle, [29 August] 9 Edward IV. Seal on tag. - [1469]
45 - Indented bargain and sale and agreement between Thomas Tikhill [Ticknall] of Aston gentleman and John Hunt of Ov'ton [Overton in Ashover] gentleman by which Tikhill bargained and sold all his right in the manor of Shardlowe and in all his meases, lands, services, `comyns' etc and all other hereditaments in Shardlowe, Aston and Wilne to Hunt, his heirs and assigns for ever, according to the covenants below: that Tikhill with his wife Elizabeth will assure the premises to Hunt, Roland Babyngton, Henry Bullok clerk, John Bullok, Richard Blakewall and `Rauff' Blakewall to hold to the uses in these Indentures, that Hunt will pay Tikhill £60 ie 20 marks now, £10 at Easter 1514 and so annually at Easter until the £60 is paid, that Hunt with Babyngton, the Bulloks and Blakwalls will, within a month of the lands being assured to them, make an estate in law of the manor of Shardlowe and all lands in Shardlowe to Thomas and Elizabeth his wife for their lives, without impeachment of waste and for the jointure and recompense of dower of Elizabeth, that Hunt and the other recoverers will likewise make an estate in law to Thomas for his life without impeachment of waste, of lands in Wilne and Aston, reserving to the recoverors a rent of 12d. If Tikhill has lawful male issue which lives for one year and within one month of the child becoming one year old pays 20 marks to Hunt and £10 each Easter until Hunt is repaid what he has paid Tikhill, then Hunt will be seised to the use of Thomas, his heirs and assigns. Dated 20 March 4 Henry VIII. Seal tag. In English. - [1513]
46 - Indented lease for lives by John Hunt, Roland Babyngton, Henry Bullok, John Bullok, Richard Blakewall and Ralph Blakewall to Thomas Tykhyll and his wife Elizabeth, of the manor of Shardlow and all land etc in Shardlow which they had recovered against Thomas and Elizabeth, for their 2 lives without impeachment of waste, in full satisfaction of the dower and jointure of Elizabeth. Dated 3 October 5 Henry VIII 6 seal tags, 1 seal, 2 fragments. - [1513]
47 - Letters of attorney from Henry Bullocke clerk and Richard Blackewall gentleman to John Bullocke to be their attorney to seal for them all evidences, feoffments and other writings concerning all lands and other hereditaments in Aston, Shardlowe and Wilne, which they together with Roland Babyngton and others, corecoverors, recovered from Thomas Thykhyll and Elizabeth his wife to the use of John Hunt and his heirs forever. Dated 1 July 6 Henry VIII. 2 signatures, 1 seal on tag. - [1514]
48 - Indented marriage articles made between 1. Sir Thomas Cokayn knight and William Basset of Blore, county Stafford, esquire and 2. John Hunte of Assheover gentleman - 3 Jun [1520]
49 - Indented marriage articles made between 1. William Basset of Blore, county Stafford esquire, Elen his wife, late wife of John Cot[es] late of Wodecote, county `Srosbury' esquire and 2. Christopher Hunt of Aston upon Trent esquire by which Hunt covenants that he will marry Margaret one of the daughters of John and Elen Cot[es] if Margaret consents before the feast of St George [23 April] and 1. covenant likewise for Margaret if Christopher consents, and Christopher covenants that he will before the feast of the Nativity of St John the Baptist [24 June] make a sure estate in law of lands to the clear yearly value of 20 marks over and above all charges, to Anthony Fitzherbert knight one of the Kings Justices of the Common pleas, Edward Littilton esquire, Thomas Basset gentleman, Francis Basset gentleman, Henry Pole gentleman and Robert Bruce clerk, for Margaret's jointure, to the use of Christopher and Margaret and their lawful heirs male, with remainder to Christopher's right heirs, and Hunt grants that he will apparel himself at the marriage day according to his degree and worship and the Bassets that they will at their cost apparel Margaret according to her degree and their worships For which marriage "espousals" William and Elen covenant to pay Christopher 100 marks sterling: £20 on the marriage day, 10 marks at Michaelmas and 10 marks at the Annunciation next, and so annually 10 marks at Michaelmas and at the Annunciation [29 September and 25 March] until the 100 marks are paid. Dated 1 April 23 Henry VIII Signature of William Basset, 2 seals on tags In English - [1532]
50-51 - Two parts of indented post-nuptial settlement by feoffment to uses by which Christopher Hunt of Aston sup[er] Trent esquire in accomplishment of divers agreements in indentures dated 1 April 23 Henry VIII [1532] (see D 779/T/1/7/49) for his marriage with Margaret Coot[es] now solemnised, granted to Anthony Fitzherbert knight one of the Kings justices of the common bench, Edward Littleton esquire, Thomas Basset, Francis Basset, Henry Pole gentlemen and Robert Bruce clerk, the manor or (Latin `sive') capital messuage of Aston sup[er] Trent with all other lands, tenements and hereditaments in Aston, annual rent £6 19s 8d, close or pasture in Shardlowe (Shardelowe in D 779B/T 100) called le Flates in Christopher's tenure, annual value £5, one messuage and all other lands, tenements in Chelaston in the tenure of Thomas Hollyngworth, annual rent 53s 5d, messuage and lands, tenements in Chelaston in tenure of `Elie' Pereson, annual value 40s., together annual value 20 marks above chief rents, to hold of the chief lords of the fee for accustomed services, to the use of Christopher and Margaret for life, with remainders to lawful heirs male of bodies of Christopher and Margaret, and right heirs of Christopher - [1532]
52 - Indented lease by 1. Christopher Hunt of Aston upon Trent esquire to 2. Robert Watt howyse (later called Watterhowyse) of Ashov[er] shoemaker of 2 cottages in Assho'[ver], one called the ov' cottage in 2's holding and the other called the Neyd' howyse in the holding of John Kynder with lands appertaining, to hold to Robert, Margaret his wife, Myles, Thomas, Christopher, Robert and Roger his sons from Annunciation [25 March] next for 56 years, at rent 15s 6d, with right of distress to 1. for nonpayment of rent and right of re-entry if no distress can be found, and with covenant by lessees to maintain the cottages except great timber. Witnesses, William Lawe of Ov'ton [Overton, Ashover], Roger ?Lurmas of the same, William Bunttyg of Shitt'lay [Shooterslea in Ashover] and Thomas Blande of the same with ?more Dated 30 June 25 Henry VIII Seal tag In English - [1533]
53 - Indented lease by 1. Christopher Hunt of Aston esquire to 2. William Bancroft of Chelaston, for 25s and peppercorn rent, of 4½ acres of pasture called leys lying in 2 places in the fields of Aston, called heynall and Sandhyll and 17 roods of arable grounds in the fields of Aston in 2 places called Marshe Flatt and Halomere dumpp, for 9 years from feast of Purification of Mary [2 February]. It is agreed that if Hunt within the term possesses any more acres called leys lying in heynall and Sandhyll, then Bancroft may have them during the term. Dated 2 January 25 Henry VIII Signature of Hunt, seal on tag In English - [1534]
54 - Indented lease by 1. Christopher Hunt of Aston esquire and Margaret his [wife] to 2. William Bancroft of Chelaston, for a peppercorn rent if demanded, of one acre arable in the fields of Aston near grounds called Thornbaro, three leys lying near Whyte lands, 15 roods of arable lands lying near to Marshe Flatt, 3 leys lying near Marshe Flatt domps, 16 leys lying near Heynell, from the feast of the Purification next [2 Feb] for 21 years, with right of access. - 12 Jan [1535]
55 - Indented feoffment to uses by Christopher Hunt of Aston sup[er] Trent esquire to William son and heir of William Bassett knight and John Cotes gentleman, of all his manors, messuages, lands etc. in Aston sup[er] Trent, Chellaston, Shardlow and Wylne, to hold to the uses that they shall within 20 days give the premises to Christopher and his wife Margaret for their lives without impeachment of waste, with successive remainders to the lawful heirs male of their bodies, lawful heirs of Christopher's body and Christopher's right heirs. Attornies for livery of seisin, Nicholas Bawmford and Edward Joylyff Dated 4 February 29 Henry VIII Signature of Hunt, seal tag - [1538]
56 - Indented feoffment by William Bassett son and heir of William Bassett knight and John Cotes gentleman to Christopher Hunt and his wife Margaret in accomplishment of D 779B/T 104 (recited) of premises and to uses as in D 779B/T 104 Attornies for livery of seisin, Thomas Cotes and Robert Wheteley. Signatures and seals on tags of Bassett and Coott[es] ?6 February 29 Henry VIII - [1538]
57 - Post-nuptial settlement by feoffment to uses by which Thomas Hunte gentleman in consideration of his love towards his wife Dorothy and of the money received for the marriage between them conveyed to Kenelme Dygby, William Skevyngton esquires and to George Potchen gentleman all manors, messuages, lands etc in Aston, Chellaston, Shardlow and Wilne, to hold to the use of Thomas and Dorothy for life, with remainders to Thomas's lawful male heirs and to the heirs of the body of Christoper, Thomas's father. Attornies for livery of seisin, Thomas Bendyshe gentleman and Edward Edmu'son. Dated 7 November 1 and 2 Philip and Mary Endorsed with witness of livery by Edward Edmondson, Robert Soer husbandman, Thomas a bonsall husbandman, Robert Shawe smith, George Alan, Thomas Langdall yeoman. - [1554]
58 - Quitclaim by John Ha[r]pur esquire son and heir of Richard Harpur one of the justices of the Common Bench deceased to his friend Thomas Hunte of Est Towne alias Aston gentleman of all right in capital messuage in Shardlow in tenure of Christopher Wryght, lands belonging, messuage there of annual rent 8s in tenure of Thomas Bingham with lands belonging, messuage in Wilne of rent 44s in tenure of Thomas Bownes with lands belonging, messuage in Aston of rent 10s with lands belonging in tenure of Robert Shaw, messuage in Aston of rent 10s with lands belonging in tenure of William Turpin, parcel of land of rent 12d in tenure of Thomas Fallowes, Wood Close, virgate of rent 26s 8d in tenure of Thomas Hunte. Dated 6 February 22 Elizabeth - [1580]
59 - Counterpart assignment of leases by 1. Thomas Hunte of Aston gentleman to 2. Sir George Hastinges of Loughborough, county Leicester, reciting that Henry VIII on 20 March 23 Henry VIII [1532] granted to Robert late prior of the monastery of Holy Trinity of Beavale, the fishing of the haven of the water of Trent, the wear near the ferry there within the lordship of Castle Donington, parcel of the Duchy of Lancaster, as far as the lordship extended, with fishing of dams or ponds there to the fishing of ancient time belonging, the passage of Trent called Willinge Ferrye with the board or barge and chiminage [toll], Ferrie man meadowe of ancient time to the passage belonging with free ingate and owtegate, to hold for 80 years, paying 50s rent for the fishing and for the passage, boat and meadow 61s and that on 21 Sep 30 Henry VIII [1538] the Prior assigned the lease to Christopher Eyre of Weston gentleman decd for 73 years and that Edmund Eyre of Carberton, county Nottingham gentleman had Christopher's term by conveyance and reciting that Thomas Abbot of St Werburge in Chester leased on 20 October 30 Henry VIII [1538] to Christopher Eyre, the water, streams and courses of Trent within the lordship of Weston, for 61 years at rent of 6s 8d, and that Edmund Eyre had this term by conveyance and reciting that Edmund Eyre assigned all the above premises to Thomas Hunte on 3 September 24 Elizabeth I [1582] and witnessing that for £200 Hunte assigned the premises to Hastinges for the remainder of the terms. Warranty was given against all other of Hunte's deeds except an award dated 12 January 1583/4 made by Sir John Zouche late of Codnor deceased between 1) Thomas Graye of Langley, county Leicester esquire and 2) Thomas Hunte, by which Graye was to have the use of the gravel beds as he had been accustomed to, and to plant osiers and willows within 60 yards of the tail of the weir at his pleasure; he was to have annually at Lent one salmon of the best sort of Mr Hunte; if Hunte should damage the osiers or other beds or the weir by his boat or beating with his poles he was to make double satisfaction; Hunte was to enjoy fishing in the Milne deepe as accustomed and in any dispute Zouche 's orders were to be observed. Dated 23 March 31 Elizabeth - [1589]
60-61 - Two parts of marriage settlement by feoffment to uses, made between 1. Robert Hunt of Aston gentleman, 2. John Hunt of Aston, Robert's son and heir apparent and 3. Thomas Blythe and Robert Greaves of Nottingham gentleman in consideration of the marriage between John Hunt and Anne one of the daughters of John Kyme of Nottingham gentleman and to make a jointure for her, by which Robert Hunt conveyed to Blythe and Greaves, capital messuage called Aston Hall with dovecote, garden, 2 orchards, malt mill, 'cunnygrey', and all buildings adjoining, all in the tenure of Robert Hunt, 8 cottages in the several occupations of William Kynderdyne, Miles Russell, Margaret Parker widow, Robert Hall, Hugh Barton, Thomas Cowley, Thomas Raske and Richard Hall, 5 closes lying together called the Flatts, close of meadow called Hall Heye, Weete Close, Wood Close, 5½ yard land of arable containing 140 acres in the several fields of Aston, 20 acres meadow or pasture, all in Aston, all which last recited lands are in Robert Hunt's tenure, with all lands etc of Robert Hunt in Aston, Weston, Wilne or 'Shardley', to hold to uses as follows, ½ the messuage, all the malt mill, dovecote, garden, orchards and cunny grey, ½ Weete Close, all Hall Heye, 2 yard land, close next to Thullston being one of the Flatts, one other close there called the Meadow Close, parcel of the Flatts, and 4 acres meadow, to the use of John Hunt and Anne Kyme for their lives without impeachment of waste with remainders to the lawful heirs of their bodies, the lawful heirs of John Hunt and the right heirs of Robert Hunt, and the rest of the premises to the use of John Hunt and the lawful heirs of his body, with remainder to the right heirs of Robert Hunt. John Hunt covenants with his father to provide him and his wife Katherine for their lives in the messuage (until Robert's debts are paid) with meat, drink, diet, washing and lodging according to the quality of their wonted carriage, £10 annually and the keeping for a house or mare; if they do not live in the messuage (Robert's debts being unpaid) John will pay them £30 annually; when his debts are paid, John will pay £40 yearly if they diet themselves or £20 if they diet with John. Dated 10 August 15 James The deed signed by the Hunts is endorsed with livery of seisin 8 September 1617 - 1617
62-63 - Two parts of supplementary post-nuptial settlement by feoffment to uses made between 1. John Hunte of Aston gentleman, Anne his wife and 2. Thomas Blythe of the town of Nottingham gentleman and John Kyme the younger of the same town gentleman, reciting that John Hunte since his marriage with Anne, with her consent and that of her parents and friends, has sold certain of the lands before assured to trustees for her jointure for the payment of certain debts of Robert Hunt deceased, John's father, and witnessing that for the augmentation of Anne's jointure, John and Anne enfeoffed Blythe and Kyme of a cottage or tenement in Aston with the backside adjoining buildings, orchards, gardens, and one yardland of land, meadow and pasture in several fields of Aston, all lately in the occupation of widow Kenderdine, cottage or tenement in Aston lying in the Flattes with one little close on the backside thereof in the occupation of Miles Russell, close adjoining lying by the ground of Mr Porter on the North and the highway to Derby on the south and in John Hunte's occupation, close in the Flatts lying next to Bellington called the Calfe Close, Mr Porter's land lying on the south, to the use of John and Anne Hunte for their lives, remainders to Anne's heirs by John and Anne's right heirs. Dated 29 October 17 James Endorsed with livery of seisin undated Annexed schedule of lands, detailed - 1619
64 - Receipt from William Newham for 6s 8d due to his majesty...manor of 'Titbyry' [Tutbury] Dated 3 November - 1623
65 - Covenant to convey to uses made between 1. John Hunt of Aston gentleman, Anne his wife 2. John Gregorie of Nottingham gentleman, and 3. Edward Ayscough of Hempsell, county Nottingham esquire and Thomas Jackson of Nottingham gentleman, by which, for £350 paid by Gregorie to Hunt, Hunt covenanted to convey to Ayscough and Jackson, capital messuage called Aston Hall - 5 Oct [1630]
66 - Bargain and sale by John Hunt of Aston gentleman to Edward Ayscough and Thomas Jackson as in D 779B/T 114 in performance of an agreement (see D 779B/T 114) of premises as in D 779B/T 114 to uses, and with reservation of cottage and close, all as in D 779B/T 114 Dated 5 October 6 Charles - 1630
67 - Exemplification of common recovery, Edward Ayscough esquire, Thomas Jackson pets. John Gregory defendant and John Hunt vouchee, concerning 7 messuages, 1 dovecote, 5 gardens, 80 acres land, 12 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 10 acres moor, common of pasture and free warren, in Aston, Weston, Wilne and 'Shardley' [Shardlow] Dated 29 November 6 Charles - [1630]
68 - Exemplification of common recovery Edward Ayscough esquire, Thomas Jackson pets, John Gregorie defendant and John Hunt gentleman vouchee, concerning 10 acres meadow in 'Shardley' [Shardlow] Dated 23 January 7 Charles - [1632]
69 - Bargain and sale by 1. John Gregorie of Nottingham gentleman to 2. Thomas Stich of Newberrye, Barking, Essex, esquire and Henry Stich his son and heir apparent, for £550, of property as in D 779B/T 121, except that 3½ yardlands containing 120 acres are conveyed instead of 5½ yardland containing 240 acres, with covenant by 2. to allow John and Ann Hunt the enjoyment of the premises for their lives as in D 779B/T 114. Dated 2 February 8 Charles Endorsed with enrolment 1 March - [1633]
70 - Final concord made between Thomas Stych esquire, Henry Stych gentleman querent and John Gregorie gentleman and Elizabeth his wife defendants concerning 7 messuages, 1 mill, 1 dovecote, 5 gardens, 1 orchard, 100 acres land, 20 acres meadow, 20 acres pasture, 10 acres moor, common of pasture and free warren in Aston, Weston, Wilne and Shardlow Dated Easter 6 Charles - [1633]
71 - Receipt from William Newham to John Hunt of Aston gentleman and the rest of the inhabitants aforesaid, for 6s 8d due to His Majesty's court of the Honor of 'Titbury' . Dated 2 November - 1637
72 - Bargain and sale made between 1. Edward Earl of Dorset, Sir Henry Compton, Thomas Stich of Newberrye, Barking, Essex, gentleman and Henry Stich his son and heir apparent and 2. Robert Houlden of Shardlow gentleman, Robert his second son and Thomas Wandell citizen and merchant tailor of London - 3 Feb [1648]
Expand 8 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 16488 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 1648
Expand 9 - Manor of Weston - 1215-16489 - Manor of Weston - 1215-1648
Expand 10 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 164810 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 1648
Expand 11 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 164811 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 1648
Expand 12 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-164812 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-1648
Expand 13 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 164913 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 1649
Expand 14 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 164914 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 1649
Expand 15 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-165915 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-1659
Expand 16 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 165116 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 1651
Expand 17 - Trust deed - 165217 - Trust deed - 1652
Expand 18 - Various purchases - 1653-165718 - Various purchases - 1653-1657
Expand 19 - Settlement deeds - 1657-165819 - Settlement deeds - 1657-1658
Expand 20 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-165920 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-1659
Expand 21 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 165921 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895