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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Collapse T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Collapse 1 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-16591 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1594-1660) - 1215-1659
Expand 1 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-16171 - Yardland and Mylne Yard in Wilne - 1605-1617
Expand 2 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-16332 - The Head houses and land, Mapperley - 1631-1633
Expand 3 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-16323 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe and Mapperley - c1631-1632
Expand 4 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-16394 - Humberholme(s) in Osmaston, Alvaston and Boulton - 1610-1639
Expand 5 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-16425 - Copyhold property in Belper - 1392-1642
Expand 6 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-16476 - Lease of Manor of Weston and Aston etc - 1637-1647
Expand 7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]7 - Aston Hall property - [13th cent-1648]
Expand 8 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 16488 - Lease of New or Hallow Close, Weston - 1648
Expand 9 - Manor of Weston - 1215-16489 - Manor of Weston - 1215-1648
Expand 10 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 164810 - Fee farm rents, Broxtowe, county Nottingham - 1648
Expand 11 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 164811 - Transactions between Anne Hunt and Robert Houlden - 1648
Expand 12 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-164812 - Advowson of Weston and Aston - 1634-1648
Expand 13 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 164913 - Weet Close, Aston and Hall Haye, Shardlow and Wilne - 1649
Expand 14 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 164914 - Manor of Weston and Aston - 1649
Collapse 15 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-165915 - Documents which relating to dispute between Robert Houlden and Nicholas Wil(li)mot esquire concerning title to lands purchased by Houlden on 6 March 1647/8 (see D779/T/1/9/87) - 1649-1659
1 - Exemplification of final concord dated Ascension [1611] - 13 Jun 1649
2 - Copy of writ of precipe to John Holden and Thomas Preston, dated 30 October 19 James I [1621] - 1621 (1650)
3 - Abstract of description of premises as in D779/T/1/15/2 - [c1650]
4 - Copy of writ of entry upon disseisin in le post dated 21 Nov 19 James I [1621] - 1621 (1650)
5-6 - Exemplifications of settlement by final concord, Trinity 1 May [1553] between Thomas Carus, George Frevile esquires, Richard Cupper and Robert Fletcher gentlemen quer and William Pagett knight Lord Pagett of Beawdesert and Anne his wife defendants - 16 Apr 1651
7 - Copy made in Nov 1651 of petition from William Pagett esquire only son of Thomas late Lord Pagett, that he may be restored as the son and heir to Thomas, who was attainted of high treason, and to the honour, dignity and style of barony, and to the preeminence which Thomas and before him William Lord Pagett had as Lord Pagett of Beaudesert and to the hereditaments which may descend to him, as if Thomas had never been attainted - [1605] (1651)
8 - Copy of letters patent dated 17 July 26 Elizabeth I [1584] appointing John Manners esquire, John Zouche knight, Francis Rodes sergeant at law, John Harper, John Bullocke and Laurence Brodebanck (later called Broadbent) esquires, as commissioners to enquire into what lands had Thomas Lord Paget of `Bewdezeri' [Beaudesert] and Charles Paget, who have left the country in contempt of the Crown, their title and value, and to seize their lands - 13 Feb [1652]
9 - Signed certificate of Thomas Preston that the deed his master Mr Roop' [Roper] made to Gage and Steede was made in trust to them until he made his first wife a jointure out of his lands at Eltham, Kent - Apr 1652
10 - Letters patent of exemplification - 16 Feb [1655]
11 - Paper: title of the manor of Weston on 'our' part and Mr Willmot's title, undated - [? 17th cent]
12 - Lease for 3 years by Robert Houlden of Shardlow gentleman to Thomas Clementson of Aston yeoman, of close in the lordship of Weston called Oxendoles, late in the possession of Edward Hill, rent 12d - 2 Apr 1649
13 - Lease for 3 years by Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to William Locko of Aston labourer, of closes in Weston called the Middle Close and Deane Leas, and 1½ yardlands, parcel of the demesnes of the manor, late in the possession of Richard Palfreman - 1 Oct 1649
14 - Lease for 5 years by Robert Houlden to William Lockoe as in D779/T/1/15/13 of messuage, farm or tenement where Edward Hill lately dwelt, and 1½ yardland of land - 21 Mar [1650]
15 - Lease for 3 years by Robert Houlden to William Locko as in D 779B/T 236 of the Old Cloase in Weston, parcel of Weston demesnes, lately in the possession of Richard Domelo and William Smith, rent 12d. Memorandum that `Katherine' Domelo was the ejector and put in a bullock and heifer, 8 April and Richard Domelo put in a bullock and heifer 9 Ap Dated 8 April - 1650
16 - Lease for 4 years by Henry Houlden of Aston gentleman, Richard Levis of Beeston, county Nottingham, yeoman and Thomas Rowe of the City of London silkman to William Lockoe of Aston labourer for a competent sum, of messuage, farm or tenement on which Thomas Taberer does or lately did dwell, in Weston, and 1½ yardlands in Weston belonging to the messuage. Dated 12 April Endorsed with memorandum of livery taken by Edward Houlden in the name of the lessors and delivered to Lockoe on 22 April - 1651
17 - Lease for 5 years by Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to William Locko of Aston labourer, of New or Hallow Cloase, parcel of Weston demesnes, rent 12d. With memorandum that the ejectors were John Henshaw of Weston and Gilbert Domelo, 25 October. Dated 25 October - 1651
18 - Lease for 5 years by Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to William Lockoe of Aston yeoman of cottage house in Weston whereon Thomas Allen now or lately did dwell. With memorandum that Anne wife of Thomas Allen was the ejector, 19 Ap. Dated 18 April - 1653
19 - Lease for 5 years by Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to William Lockoe of Aston husbandman of messuages, farms or tenements in possession of Thomas Taberor, Robert Storer, George Gilbert, Alice Henshawe widow, Richard Palfryman and Robert Buckley in Weston and of Edward Hill and Dorothy ? Cantrell widow, in Aston, and of yardland in Weston in possession of Robert Storer and Richard Dumylowe, yardland in Weston in possession of Thomas Taberor, ½ yardland in Aston in possession of Edward Hill, which 2½ yardlands are reputed parcel of the demesnes of Weston, rent 12d. Dated 11 October Endorsed that William Barton was the ejector. - 1653
20 - Letter from Jo. Campion to Robert Holden at Aston, that a writ was taken out against Campion this last [law] term at the suit of Richard Palfreyman, with which Campion acquaints Holden, because the latter's title may be concerned and Campion is unwilling that any suit should be defended in his name - 19 Jan [1654]
21 - Copy of declaration in ejectment of Michaelmas 1655: William Lockoe against Robert Bate of Aston husbandman, for that Robert Houlden gentleman on 20 November 1655 demised to Lockoe 2 acres meadow and 2 acres pasture in Wilne and Shardlow for 3 years, which Locko possessed, but was then dispossessed by Bate on 20 November by force and arms. With note from Bate to Mr Cooke concerning the same. Not dated
22 - Lease for 3 years by Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to William Lockoe of Aston yeoman, of 4 cottages in the parishes of Aston and Weston in tenure of John Boy, Richard Hall, Thomas Allen and Thomas Cowley, rent 20s. Dated 1 May - 1656
23 - Copy of declaration in ejectment, Easter Term 1656; William Lockoe against Edward Siddowne of Aston husbandman, for that Robert Houlden gentleman on 1 May 1656, demised to Lockoe 4 messuages in Aston and Weston for 3 years, Lockoe entered, but on 1 May 1656 was dispossessed by Siddowne by force and arms. With marginal note by Siddowne, 27 May 1656. Not dated
24 - Exemplification of verdict in action of trespass and ejeccione firme, Trinity term 1649, Thomas Clementson complainant against Edward Hill of Aston who, after Robert Houlden gentleman on 4 April 1649 had leased 20 acres pasture in Weston for 3 years to Clementson and Clementson had entered the premises, had dispossessed him. Hill guilty. Endorsed "for Oxendoales" - 12 Feb [1650]
25 - Exemplification of verdict, Hilary term 24 Charles [1649] in case Thomas Swindell against Robert Bate and John Bentley (servants of Robert Holden) that Anthony Roper was seised in fee of the Hollowe in Weston, Bate and Bentley being awarded damages - 12 Feb [1650]
26 - Exemplification of verdict in action of trespass and ejeccione firme, Hilary Term 1650, William Lockoe complainant against Ursula Egleston of Weston widow, who, after Robert Holden gentleman on 1 October 1649, had leased 5 acres pasture in Weston to Lockoe for 3 years and Lockoe had entered the premises, had dispossessed him. Endorsed "for the Cuningree close". Dated 12 June - 1651
27 - Copy of order dated Morrow of St Martin [12 Nov] 1654, in Lockoe and Palfryman, that Mr Willmott shall enjoy all those lands particularly named in his deed dated 1 October 23 Charles [1647] and Holden shall enjoy the rest (except the Hollowe). Further there shall be a trial at the Bar for the Hollowe, that concerning the meane profits and arrears of rent it is referred to be settled by Edward Pegg of Ashbourne and Thomas Newton of Duffield before 20 January. For the possession of the lands now in question, 2 tenements and 99 acres, they are to be delivered to Holden at Lady Day next and rents paid to Holden, and likewise all other lands belonging to Holden but in Willmott's possession, and lands belonging to Willmott but in Holden's possession are to be delivered to Willmott. All actions are to cease except for the Hollowe. Not dated
28 - Copy from Mr Edward Pegg and Mr Thomas Newton `Referees by rule of Court' (See D 779B/T 250). Consists of short list of 5 persons with properties and sums of money (total, over £260) `Taken by them' 19 January 1654/5. Endorsed "A Copy of maine p'fitts proved".
29 - "Notes of" the special verdict between Will Lockow plaintiff and Richard Palfryman and wife Anne defendants.
30 - Paper of legal notes concerning Lockoe and Palfryman and his wife, and Lockow against Domylow from Sir Edward Barnard's and Styles' Reports.
31 - "An abstract of our & Mr Wilmots title to the Hollow".
32-33 - Confirmation (?not executed) and counterpart made between 1. Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman and Richard Levis of Beeston, county Nottingham, yeoman and 2. Thomas Catesbie servant to Nicholas Willimott of Grays Inn esquire reciting that on 6 March 23 Charles [1648], the Earl of Dorset, Sir Henry Compton (both now dead) and Margaret Roper granted to Robert and Henry Houlden, Richard Levis and Thomas Roe inter alia the New or Hollowe Close in Weston, that on 10 May 1649 the Earl of Dorset released his estate in premises to some 4 persons, that Henry Houlden on 24 May 1651 released the premises to Levis and Roe, that Roe on 16 February 1651/2 released the premises to Levis, and witnessing that Levis, by direction of Robert Houlden and for 5s paid by Catesbie, confirmed half of the Hollowe Close lately divided into two, as it is now meared out lying on the east end of the Close next to the River Trent, in Weston, in the tenure of Nicholas Willimott and Robert Houlden, the whole close containing 100 acres. Dated 1 September - 1656
34 - Assignment of term by 1. Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to 2. Robert Storer servant to Nicholas Willimott of Grays Inn esquire, reciting that Anthony Roper demised New or Hollow Close in Weston to Thomas and Henry Stich on 26 May 13 Charles [1637] for 40 years (see D 779B/T 46) and that the term was assigned to Robert Houlden on 12 February 23 Charles [1648] and witnessing that Houlden in pursuance of an award dated 29 August 1655 and for 5s. paid by Robert Storer, assigned half the New or Hollowe Close (described as in D 779B/T 255-6) to Storer for the remainder of the recited term. Dated 1 September - 1656
35 - Counterpart assignment of term by 1. Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman to 2. William Leaper of Osmaston yeoman, reciting as D779B/T 257 and witnessing as D 779B/T 257. Dated 1 September - 1656
36 - Conveyance by 1. Nicholas Willimot of Osmaston to 2. Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman, in pursuance of an award made by Richard Newdegate sergeant at law (see D 779B/T 260) and for 5s., of half Hallowe Close lately divided into two parts as it is now meared out lying on the west end of the said close, heretofore belonging to or accounted part of the manor of Weston and lying in Weston, in the tenure of Willimot and Houlden, the whole containing 100 acres. Dated 1 September Endorsed 1) shown to Samuel Houlden gentleman at his examination on the plaintiffs behalf. In chancery, Robert Houlden plaintiff and Nicholas Willimott defendant, 15 October 1658 2) in pursuance of an order dated 1 February in case between parties as in 1) this conveyance is again allowed and the defendant should execute it. 17 February 1658/9 - 1656
37 - Writ to Nicholas Willimott esquire - 12 Feb [1659]
38 - Sworn deposition by Robert Houlden the plaintiff in a case against Nicholas Willimot esquire defendant - 14 Oct 1659
Expand 16 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 165116 - Marriage of Henry Houlden and Dorothy Parker - 1651
Expand 17 - Trust deed - 165217 - Trust deed - 1652
Expand 18 - Various purchases - 1653-165718 - Various purchases - 1653-1657
Expand 19 - Settlement deeds - 1657-165819 - Settlement deeds - 1657-1658
Expand 20 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-165920 - Hollowe Close and Cotte Close - 1622-1659
Expand 21 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 165921 - Robert Houlden's deeds - 1659
Expand 2 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-16922 - Deeds of Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - c1660-1692
Expand 3 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-17453 - Deeds of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1647-1745
Expand 4 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-17764 - Deeds for properties purchased between 1746 and 1776, with trust deeds - 1562-1776
Expand 5 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-18205 - Reverend Charles Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1791-1820
Expand 6 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-18636 - Deeds of Edward Anthony Holden (c1805-1877) - 1646-1863
Expand 7 - Miscellaneous deeds7 - Miscellaneous deeds
8 - Schedules of contents of 2 boxes, bundle by bundle, headed W D Winterbottom esquire and prepared 29 August 1912 - 1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895