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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Expand E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
Collapse F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
1 - Final concord made between Henry Wandell quer and Robert Newton gentleman and Clera his wife deforciants concerning 20 acres pasture in Derby. £41 - [1611]
Expand 2 - Assignments and leases concerning two messuages and three yardlands in Wilne, Dobham or Dobholme Shrubb(e)s in Aston upon Trent parish - 1639-16512 - Assignments and leases concerning two messuages and three yardlands in Wilne, Dobham or Dobholme Shrubb(e)s in Aston upon Trent parish - 1639-1651
Expand 3 - The Fryers in Derby - 16483 - The Fryers in Derby - 1648
Expand 4 - Mary Holden, daughter of Robert Holden - 16594 - Mary Holden, daughter of Robert Holden - 1659
Expand 5 - Robert Houlden (1594-1660) - 1660-16685 - Robert Houlden (1594-1660) - 1660-1668
Expand 6 - Lathwell Family - 1670-16886 - Lathwell Family - 1670-1688
Expand 7 - Anne Holden, daughter of Robert Holden - [late 17th cent]7 - Anne Holden, daughter of Robert Holden - [late 17th cent]
Expand 8 - Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - [late 17th cent]8 - Samuel Holden (1637-1692) - [late 17th cent]
Expand 9 - Perkins Family - [1661]-16859 - Perkins Family - [1661]-1685
Expand 10 - Mary (nee Holden) and James Shuttleworth, and the Lancashire estate - 1772-178510 - Mary (nee Holden) and James Shuttleworth, and the Lancashire estate - 1772-1785
Collapse 11 - Reverend Charles Edward Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1736-177311 - Reverend Charles Edward Shuttleworth, later Holden (d 1821) - 1736-1773
1 - Letters of ordination as deacon, in the Cathedral in Oxford, of Charles Shuttleworth civilian of Trinity College, Oxford, by Robert Bishop of Oxford - 6 Jun 1773
2 - Letters of ordination as priest in the Chapel of Trinity College, Cambridge, of Charles Shuttleworth by John Bishop of Peterborough - 13 Feb 1774
3 - Letters of dispensation to Charles Edward Shuttleworth clerk bachelor in civil law, Trinity College, Oxford, that he may hold the rectory of Laughton county Leicester, with the rectory of Aston upon Trent. Dated 29 May - 1775
4 - Post-nuptial settlement made between 1. Reverend Charles Shuttleworth clerk Rector of Aston and the Honourable Mary his wife, late Mary Cockburne youngest of the 2 daughters and co-heiresses of Caroline Lady Forester and 2. Wills Earl of Hillsborough, Arthur Hill esquire commonly called Lord Viscount Fairford only son and heir of Wills, by which, in consideration of his marriage and Mary's portion of £3,100 and for securing £1,500 and dealing the trusts thereof as a provision for Mary if widowed and for their children, Charles will pay £1,500 (part of the £3,100) to 2. in trust to place out the money in public stocks, in trust to allow Charles Shuttleworth to receive the interest for life, then to allow Mary to receive it for life, then to hold the stocks in trust for the children in the meantime paying such annual sums for their maintenance as Charles shall appoint, in default of his appointment as Mary shall appoint, in default of appointment, to hold them in trust and for the benefit of all the children equally to be paid them at 21, or if when they are 21 Charles and/or Mary are still alive, to be paid them within 6 months of death of parents, the share of any child dying before 21 being shared equally among the other children; if both Charles and Mary die, the interest is to be used to maintain the children until their principal trust monies be payable to them; if there are no children or they die before 21, the principal is to be held in trust for the survivor of Charles and Mary. Dated 12 June Note: C E Shuttleworth's first wife died in 1777 and he married secondly Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Thomas Whitmore, in 1780. F 59 is her parents' marriage settlement. - 1777
5 - Marriage settlement by (lease-missing-and) release made between 1. Thomas Whitmore of Apley, county Salop esquire, 2. Sir Jonathan Cope of Bruern, county Oxford, bart and Anna his eldest daugher, 3 . Sir Robert Banks Jenkinson of Walcot, county Oxford and John Jones of Chasleton, county Oxford esquire, 4. Henry Arthur Herbert of Oakly Park county Salop esquire and Walter Stubbs of Beckbury, county Salop gent, in consideration of a marriage between Whitmore and Anna Cope, and for £6,000 paid by Sir Jonathan to Whitmore for Anna's marriage portion, Whitmore released to Jenkinson and Jones the hundred of Brimstree, manors or lordships of Stockton Worfield (giving several spellings), Claverle(y) or Clarely, Astly Bridge alias Astley Abbotts, manor, reputed manor or farm called Appley, Apley House with demesne lands, parks etc, advowson of Stockton, donative of free church of Astly Bridge, all lands of Whitmore in above places and Albury, Chatton, Tasley, Morville (giving other spellings), Quatford, Alveley, and in towns and hamlets of Apley, Norton, `Hickford' alias Higford, Worfield, Bromley, Wyken, Hallon, Bradney, Hilton, Newton Winscott, Alscott, Oldington, Rindleford, Catstree, Gatacre, Brantley, Woundale (`Woundwall'), Aston, `Studdeston', alias Ludstone, Heathton, Broughton, Beanbridge alias Beabridge, `Whittimore' [Whitmore], Farmcote and Romsley, county Salop, free chapel or college of St Mary Magdalen in the Castle of Bridgnorth commonly called the Deanery of Bridgnorth with its rights etc in cos Stafford and Salop, tithes etc from Claverley, Gatacre, Whitly Green, `Whitimore', Sutton, Farmcote, Woundale, Beambridge or Beabridge, `Studdestone' or Ludstone, Aston, Hopstone, Shipley and Dalicott or `Dadycott' county Salop, Borington or Bubbington county Stafford, the castle of Bridgnorth and the castle yard, messuages and burgages in Bridgnorth, tithes of parishes of St Leonards and St Mary Magdalen, Bridgnorth, cony burrow and warren within forest of Morffe and liberties of Bridgnorth, all formerly the estate of Sir William Whitmore Bart. deceased; messuage and lands (described in detail) in Astley Abbotts, messuage and lands in Worfield, many messuages in Bridgnorth both in Newtown and Lowtown (positions described in detail, street names, tenants' names, often with their occupations, given) including the Sign of the Crown and the Sign of the Cock, shops, a cave in Holly Bush Lane, lands in fields of Bridgnorth (with detailed positions, field names) messuage in `Olbury' called the Harp and Fiddle, tithes of lands in Astley Abbotts; many of the propeties are said to have been purchased by Thomas Whitmore from Anne Warter widow of Catherine Warter spinster; messuge in Hodnet, messuage in Shakerly, parish Donnington, and messuage in Worfield reserved. Detailed settlement provisions. £700 to be Anna Cope's jointure if widowed. Dated 8 May Note: C E S Holden's second wife Elizabeth died in 1795 and he remarried in April 1796 - 1736
6 - Appointment made between 1. Reverend Charles Holden of Aston and Rosamond Amelia his wife 2. Reverend William Deane of Torrington, Devon, clerk and 3. Sir Charles Turner of Kirkleatham, county York, bart and John Compton of Minsted House, county Hants, esquire reciting settlement of 29, 30 September 1772 (see D 779B/T 637) and in order to provide a jointure of £400 per annum for Rosamond Amelia and in bar of dower, Holden appointed £400 to his wife chargeable on all freehold, leasehold and copyhold property comprised in the recited settlement of 1772, to be payable to her after his death, and witnessing that for 10s paid by Deane to Holden, the latter appointed all the premises in the settlement recited to Deane for 99 years from Holden's death in trust to secure the £400, allowing the surplus of rents etc to be paid to the person entitled to the reversion or remainder of the properties, and for 10s paid by Turner and Compton to Holden, the latter appointed to them all freehold and leasehold properties in settlement recited, for 1,000 years from the day before Holden's death, in trust to raise portions for his children:- £5,000 if there is no son, £6,000 if there is a son and another child or children to be divided as Holden may direct or, in default of direction, equally amongst them at 21 years of age (or at their marriage if earlier, in the case of daughters). Dated 6 September - 1796
7 - Will of Reverend Charles Holden of Aston clerk, to wife Rosamond Amelia £500, household goods and furniture, plate, linen, books, pictures, wines, horses, cows and stock live and dead; to Sophia Deane her sister £50; to servant Jane Burrows annuity of £20; to William Young late butler to Mrs Shuttleworth his mother and Martha Green her late maid annuities of £20 each to be paid as heretofore, pursuant to his mother's desire; residue of money, goods, etc., messuages and real estate in Aston parish to brother Robert Shuttleworth esquire and friend Robert Holden the younger of Spondon esquire in trust to sell them in trust to invest sale money and profits of real estate in the meantime as also residue of personal estate, out of the produce of which they were to pay wife £200 annuity for life, and the residue to her for children's maintenance until they attained their majority, when the residue should be divided equally amongst them; if all children die before 21, to be divided between testator's brother Robert Shuttleworth and wife Rosamond Amelia; daughters may have their share at marriage even if they are not 21, if they marry with their mother's consent; if testator should have a son who succeeds to the estate, of which Charles is tenant for life, in virtue of Robert Holden's will or in virtue of settlement of 1772 (see D 779B/T 560 and D 779B/T 637), he shall not have a share in provision made above. Wife to be guardian of children and executrix. Dated 6 August Codicil reciting that Charles has suffered a recovery of copyhold lands containing 40 acres at Long Eaton and held under prebendal manor and court of Sawley, which have since been surrendered to the use of Richard Murphy of Derby esquire in trust for Holden, and now are given to Robert Shuttleworth and Robert Holden to same uses as the estates devised in will above, 3 February 1804 - 1808
8 - Appointment made by 1. Reverend Charles Holden of Aston clerk to 2. William Legh Clowes of Sutton on the Hill, esquire and Francis Hurt of Alderwasley esquire reciting settlement of 29, 30 September 1772 (see D 779B/T 637) that Mary Shuttleworth is dead, James Holden is dead without issue, leaving William Shuttleworth his brother surviving, that William took the name of Holden and died without issue leaving Charles Shuttleworth (now Holden) his brother surviving; that Charles is in possession of the premises in 1772 settlement and has issue by his late wife Rosamond Amelia, Edward Anthony, his elder son, James Richard, Sophia Elizabeth Rosamond, Antonia Henrietta Clowes, Teresa Amelia, Emma Maria, Rosamond Addelin and Isabel Clara and witnessing that for 10s paid by Clowes and Hurt to Holden, the latter conveyed all the properties comprised in the recited settlement to 2. for 1,000 years from Holden's death in trust to raise £6,000, to be charged upon the lands, for the portions of the younger children. Dated 4 January - 1821
18-19 - Draft will of Charles Holden of Aston clerk with brief note of main provisions - 1821
20 - Copy of will of 1821 of Charles Holden of Aston clerk - 1821 (19th cent)
Expand 12 - Rosamond Amelia Holden, nee Deane - 182212 - Rosamond Amelia Holden, nee Deane - 1822
Expand 13 - The children of Reverend Charles Holden - 1822-183313 - The children of Reverend Charles Holden - 1822-1833
Expand 14 - Edward Anthony Holden (1805-1877) and his wife Susan Drummond Moore - 1832-183414 - Edward Anthony Holden (1805-1877) and his wife Susan Drummond Moore - 1832-1834
Expand 15 - Family papers - 1846-187615 - Family papers - 1846-1876
Expand 16 - Robert Holden of Darley (1722-1808) - 1804-180816 - Robert Holden of Darley (1722-1808) - 1804-1808
Expand 17 - Records of the Holden family acting as trustee or executor, particularly for Larges Hospital, Nuns Green, Derby - 1656-186817 - Records of the Holden family acting as trustee or executor, particularly for Larges Hospital, Nuns Green, Derby - 1656-1868
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Expand T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895