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Collapse D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924D779 - Holden Family of Aston Hall, Aston-upon-Trent - 1215-1924
Expand B - Business records - [1632]-1890B - Business records - [1632]-1890
Collapse E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924E - Aston Estate records - 1623-1924
1 - Survey of property in Aston, headed `Teritoria de Aston', undated - [?late 16th cent]
Collapse 2 - Miscellaneous estate papers - 1623-16702 - Miscellaneous estate papers - 1623-1670
1 - Rental of the demesnes of the Lordship of Weston, for the whole year - 1623
2 - Rental without heading or date, but similar to D779/E/2/1, and endorsed Michaelmas 1624 - 1624
3 - Receipt from Sir John Gell and Nath. Hallowes to Robert Bingham of Shardlow yeoman for 14s 6d (also said to be 14s 10d) a rent due to Mr Rop' [Roper] "who hath contributed nothing to the service of the King & Parliament", the rest being a fourth part is abated according to their warrant, 21 April. - 1643
4 - Acknowledgment by Suzan Williamatt of London widow and Samuel* Williamatt of London gentleman, executors of Edward Williamatt mercer deceased that Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman has settled with them all sums due to Edward or to them. Endorsed "Aunte Williamott & Samuells general release" Dated 24 November * Samuel signs himself as `Williamot' - 1626
5 - Release of actions, by Richard Sale(s) of Shardlow gentleman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman Dated 17 October - 1630
6 - Memorandum by John Houldin of Wilne that he releases brother 'Robart' Houldin of Shardlow from all debts, rents etc. Dated 12 April - 1631
7 - Release by Edmund Newton of Chaddesden yeoman and Mary widow and executrix of Robert Williamot late of Chaddesden gentleman, deceased to Henry Holden and Robert Holden of Shard[low] yeomen, of all actions and accounts etc. Endorsed Ed Newton and his daughter Mary Williamott. Dated 30 September 12 Charles - [1636]
8 - Bond in £22 from John Sale of Shardlow gentleman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman for the payment of £11 on 20 Feb next. Dated 22 December - 1639
9 - Bond in £10 from John Sale of Shardlow gentleman to John Brealsforde citizen and draper of London gentleman for payment of £5 3s on 20 July next (Brealsforde is said to bind himself for the payment, although Sale is indebted). Dated 10 June - 1640
10 - Bond in £18 from John Sale of Shardlow gentleman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman for payment of £9 on 1 August next. Dated 1 July - 1640
11 - Bond in £118 from Robert Terringham of Leicester gentleman and John Sales of Shardlow gentleman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman for payment of £58 on 12 January next. Dated 23 September - 1640
12 - Bond in £32 from William Partridge of Pickwell, county Leicester, yeoman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman for payment of £16 on 10 November next - 9 Oct 1640
13 - Bond in £12 from John Sale of Shardlow gentleman to Robert Houlden of Shardlow yeoman for the payment of £6 12s on 12 June - 8 May 1641
14 - Paper endorsed 'Mr Sales his Account and Fathers', consisting chiefly of a list of 23 sums totalling over £82 - [mid 17th cent]
15 - Note from John Sale to Mr Houldin saying that Sale has been to Houldin's brother Joseph to know how much money was in 'your cousin' Williamotts hand, there is only £13, therefore demand no more of him and Sale will give Houldin the rest, undated - [mid 17th cent]
16 - Receipt from John Houldin to brother Robert Houlden for 4 marks paid in satisfaction of repairs of pimes house in Shardlow. Dated 24 December - 1647
17 - Receipt from Thomas Clemenson of Aston for all sums of money heretofore paid to Henry Houldens (sic) son of Robert for the use of his father, discharging both - 6 Jan [1650]
18 - Letter from Thomas Palmer to 'Sir', that neighbours have met this morning and agreed that Edward Hills recognisance be drawn and in future all lands and goods shall be equally assessed in the 'constablry' for all taxes as also what is in arrears, 'un-sessed' or unpaid in this last levy to be gathered and to go on for payment of the next assessment. But there is a stay by Mr Houlden for the Weet Close which he will refer to the Commissioners .... and if he be adjudged to pay for it, as not a part of his 3 yard lands, he will pay it; it is agreed that the poorer sort of people shall not be assessed. - 7 Jan [1650]
19 - Note signed Thomas Wandell that brother Houlden and he had made an account of moneys received and paid for Houlden and there remains to Wandell ?£8 10s besides cousin Robert's ? shute and some things for cousin Mary, bonds excepted. Endorsed 'Bro. Thomas Wandell release to mee' - 7 Dec 1650
20 - Receipt from Sophia Byron to Robert Holden for £9 5s paid in satisfaction of debts etc relating to a suit between Sophia and Holden, his son and two brothers depending in the Upper Bench - 12 Feb [1651]
21 - Release from Thomas Hill of Brabrooke, county Northampton clerk and Robert Spicer of the same gentleman to Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman, of all actions, accounts etc against him, his heirs, servants or goods. Dated 9 October - 1651
22 - Release from William Smyth of Brabrooke, county Northampton, yeoman to Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman of all errors and erroneous proceedings in the obtaining of a judgment in the Court of Common Bench and an execution thereupon for £26 debt and 40s costs against William Smyth. Dated 11 October - 1651
23 - As D 779B/E 23, but the sums are £340 debt and 80s costs - 1651
24 - Writ to Richard Sheepie, John Pym, Robert Clifford and William Cowper to appear before the assize court at Derby on 3 August to testify in action now depending in Court of upper bench at Westminster undetermined between Robert Houlden [ge]nt plaintiff and Richard Bryan, William Bryan and Ellen his wife defendants in plea of trespass. Dated 7 July - 1652
24 - Writ to Richard Sheepie, John Pym, Robert Clifford and William Cowper to appear before the assize court at Derby on 3 August to testify in action now depending in Court of upper bench at Westminster undetermined between Robert Houlden [ge]nt plaintiff and Richard Bryan, William Bryan and Ellen his wife defendants in plea of trespass. Dated 7 July - 1652
25 - Receipt, Richard Richerson to his late master Robert Houlden of Aston for £8 6s 9d in satisfaction of all debts, wages etc for and about beasts or anything else. Dated 28 March - 1653
27 - Release by Thomas Hill of Braybrooke county Northampton clerk and Robert Spicer of Gretton in same county gentleman to Robert Holden of Aston gentleman of all actions, accounts etc. Dated 5 December - 1653
28 - Paper endorsed 'Cozen porters mans accoumpt & mine' It is headed 'what Cozen porter Rd' [Received], being 2 sums totalling £112 6s 6d with notes of what [Porter] paid out and what remainded in his hands, 1654-1655. - 1655
28 - Release by John Gardiner of Manudon, Essex, yeoman to Robert Holden of Derby gentleman of all actions, accounts etc - 8 Feb [1654]
29 - Paper endorsed 'An accoumpt ab't moneys Cozen porter Rd [Received] & is to rec[eive]' Money in Porter's hands 12 April 1655 £153 with notes of ?payments made by Porter; notes of what he is to pay out; moneys Porter has received for son Henry and notes of payments to be made [?to Porter] and to brother Wandell. - 1655
30 - Writ to sheriff of Leicestershire to take Robert Houlden to appear in court of upper bench at Westminster on Wednesday next after 8 days of St Hilary to satisfy John Ratcliffe of £8 6d which were lately adjudged to John as damages by reason of a trespass done to him by Robert and for costs. Dated 28 November - 1655
30 - Writ to sheriff of Leicestershire to take Robert Houlden to appear in court of upper bench at Westminster on Wednesday next after 8 days of St Hilary to satisfy John Ratcliffe of £8 6d which were lately adjudged to John as damages by reason of a trespass done to him by Robert and for costs. Dated 28 November - 1655
31 - Receipt from Richard Tutell for £100 in full of accounts between Robert Houlden and Richard Tutell. Endorsed 'Mr Tuttyes discharge'. Dated 7 May - 1656
32 - Writ to sheriff of Derbyshire to take Raph Chapman, Richard Palfryman, Alice Hill widow and Richard Clarke gentleman to appear in court of upper bench at Westminster on Saturday next after the Morrow of Ascension to answer Robert Houlden gentleman, reciting that the sheriff of Middlesex had been commanded to take them to appear in the same court to answer Houlden [? in a plea of trespass] but that the sheriff had returned that they were not in his bailwick. Dated 15 April - 1657
32 - Writ to sheriff of Derbyshire to take Raph Chapman, Richard Palfryman, Alice Hill widow and Richard Clarke gentleman to appear in court of upper bench at Westminster on Saturday next after the Morrow of Ascension to answer Robert Houlden gentleman, reciting that the sheriff of Middlesex had been commanded to take them to appear in the same court to answer Houlden [? in a plea of trespass] but that the sheriff had returned that they were not in his bailwick. Dated 15 April - 1657
33 - Writ to sheriff of Leicestershire to levy from the goods and chattels of Robert Houlden gentleman £8 2d which John Ratcliffe has sustained by reason of trespass and ejectment by Robert and for costs in the suit, and to have the money in court of upper bench Saturday after morrow of purification of Mary. Dated 28 November - 1657
34 - Writ of sheriff of Derbyshire to take [Edward...] that he may appear before the court of upper bench at Westminster on Saturday next after morrow of ... virgin Mary to satisfy Fosbrooke of £5 for costs and charges sustained by him in his defence in action of trespass and ejectment in same court. Dated ? 28 November - 1657
35 - Release by William Stoke [Storke] of `Cannudon' [Canewdon] of Rotchford Hundred, Essex gentleman to Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman, of 53 oxen and runts which Stoke [Storke] bought from Houlden at the last Waltham Abbey Fair in Essex, to the value of £285, but has failed payment of the money at London as promised - 6 May 1658
36 - Exemplification of verdict dated Trinity Term 1657 in case in which Thomas Swindell gentleman complained that Henry Houlden late of Weston gentleman on 1 May 1656 at Weston in the Winleholme alias Wilnholme took Swindell's cows and detained them, and in which Houlden was judged not guilty. Dated 30 June - 1658
37 - Writ to sheriff of Nottinghamshire to take John Statchard to appear before [the court of] upper bench Wednesday next after 8 days of St Martin to answer Robert Hope esquire and Robert Houlden gentleman reciting that the sheriff of [Middlesex] had lately been ordered to take him to answer the same persons of a plea of trespass. Dated 28 October - 1658
38 - Release by Henry Davis of Little Chester gentleman to Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman, of all actions, accounts etc. [? 1648 or 1658] - [c1648-1658]
39 - Release by Francis Bourchier citizen and merchant tailor of London to Robert Houlden of Aston gentleman of all actions, accounts etc. - 9 Feb [1659]
40 - Letter to `Brother' that these are to certify that writer has received of his mother Houlden £41 8s all that is due to him for 12 heifers at rate of £3 9s a heifer, from John Buxton - 12 Nov ?1661
41 - Receipt from Thomas Wandell to Samuel and John Houlden for money for cloth purchased from Thos Wandell and Partner, rent, and 4 stea' [?steers] sold by bro[ther] Robert, and interest on £150 due August - 22 Nov 1661
42 - Letter from Henry to Bro[ther] John Houlden desiring him to receive the chief rents belonging to the Royalties of Weston due since father's death until 1 January last, excepting what Henry has received and given acquittance for - 30 Jan [1662]
43 - John Sale's note concerning the date of his entering Cowholme with copy of John Houlden's answer which includes comment that he has otherwise disposed of the cattle he had intended for it (Cowholme) - 18 Mar [1662]
44 - "A note of what money John Clowes has paid since L.D. 1660" i.e. list of small sums chiefly shillings and pence, including moneys due to him for his journeys - [1662]
45 - Moneys laid out of the moneys I brought from Ingerstone [?Ingatestone, Essex] ie sums in 1 and 2 figures, including money paid to brother Samuel and uncle Joseph Houlden - [1660s]
46 - Note to `Cuzon' from uncle Thomas Wandell addressed to Mr John Houlden at the Croune in Harborrow [?Market Harborough, Leicestershire] to pay the bearer, John Southby, for the use of Francis Phelips esquire £100 which Wandell has received of him for your use - Oct 1662
47 - Receipt from John Southby to John Houlden for £100 on the order of Thomas Wandell at the Naked Boy in Fleet Street. Dated 9 October - 1662
48 - Release by Richard ? Lort of ? fosson to John Houlden of Aston from a note of £26 given to Richard. Dated 18 October - 1662
49 - Receipt from Thomas Wandell for £36 19s on account of cloth and coat purchased, Mr Cottons rent and interest on £150. Headed `T Cuss Sam Houlden December 4 1662.' - 26 Nov 1662
50 - A note of what moneys Uncle Wandell received for me 1662 - 1662
51 - Receipt from Thomas Wandell to Thomas Gorstelow by the order of John Houlden, for £50 - 19 Oct 1664
52 - Release from Richard Clarke Rector of Aston clerk to Joseph Houlden of Wilne in parish of Aston gentleman and John Houlden of Shardlow in parish of Aston gentleman, of all actions, accounts etc. Endorsed "for the Tyth". Dated 6 April - 1665
53-4 - Copy releases D 779B/E 54) from Samuel Houlden of Aston gentleman to Roger Lambert citizen and - London, D 779B/E 55) from Roger Lambert to Samuel Houlden, both of accounts, actions etc. Dated 29 November - 1667
55 - Memorandum that Edmund Lathwell of Aston gentleman promises on request to deliver to his son in law Samuel Holden of Aston esquire certain specified bonds, which Samuel has accepted in satisfaction of £200 owing by Lathwell to him, and to execute letters of attorney to better enable Holden to receive the money due on the bonds and on 2 others (details given) already delivered to Samuel, and upon request to assign a mortgage made by Andrew Ellis esquire to Lathwell to secure £400 of which £100 is still remaining, all which sums of principal money amount together to £500. Dated 28 June - 1670
56 - Assignment by Edmund Lathwell to Samuel Holden as in D 779B/E 56, of bonds from John Sale of Shardlow gentleman, Richard Sale and Luke Hutchinson dated 22 March 1668/9, in £100 for payment of £51 10s, from John Soare of Shardlow yeoman, Robert Soare and John Hudson dated 9 September 1669, in £200 for payment of £103, and from Joseph Wakelyn of "Dunisthorpe" county Derby gentleman dated 22 June 1668, in £100 for the repayment of £50. Dated 29 September - 1670
Expand 3 - Estate papers chiefly concerning purchases of cloth - 1656-16643 - Estate papers chiefly concerning purchases of cloth - 1656-1664
Expand 4 - Bonds and related papers - 1655-16634 - Bonds and related papers - 1655-1663
Expand 5 - Miscellaneous - [1688]-16905 - Miscellaneous - [1688]-1690
Expand 6 - Deeds and papers of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1718-17436 - Deeds and papers of Robert Holden (1676-1746) - 1718-1743
Expand 7 - Shardlow leases - 1765-18177 - Shardlow leases - 1765-1817
Expand 8 - Aston leases - 1772-17748 - Aston leases - 1772-1774
Expand 9 - Breaston leases - 17789 - Breaston leases - 1778
Expand 10 - Survey, terrier, maps etc. - late 18th cent-180010 - Survey, terrier, maps etc. - late 18th cent-1800
Expand 11 - Rentals and accounts - 1797-192011 - Rentals and accounts - 1797-1920
Expand 12 - Miscellaneous Receipts - 1780-184412 - Miscellaneous Receipts - 1780-1844
Expand 13 - Papers concerning redemption of land tax in Aston, 1766 and sale of Long Eaton property, 1803-1804, with related earlier material - 1766-180413 - Papers concerning redemption of land tax in Aston, 1766 and sale of Long Eaton property, 1803-1804, with related earlier material - 1766-1804
Expand 14 - Sale of Long Eaton property in 1808 - c180814 - Sale of Long Eaton property in 1808 - c1808
Expand 15 - Maps, plans, tithes - 19th cent15 - Maps, plans, tithes - 19th cent
Expand 16 - Plaster Mine or Quarry and Mill - 1818-191916 - Plaster Mine or Quarry and Mill - 1818-1919
Expand 17 - Sale of Aston Estate - 192417 - Sale of Aston Estate - 1924
Expand F - Holden family - 1611-1876F - Holden family - 1611-1876
Expand M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801M - Manor of Weston - 1659-1801
Expand T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912T - Title Deeds - [c1215]-1912
Expand Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895Z - Miscellaneous - [1484]-1895