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D77 - Gresley family of Drakelow - [12th-20th cent]
1 - Title Deeds
2 - Manorial Records - [14th-19th cent]
3 - Estate Papers
4 - Family and Personal Papers
5 - Official Papers
1 - Sir George Gresley 1st Baronet (1580-1651)
2 - Sir Thomas Gresley 2nd Baronet (1629-1699)
1 - Deputation from the Earl of Northampton to appointment of Sir Thomas Gresley as the Deputy of the Master of the Royal Leash for ten miles around Drakelowe - 23 Jun 1665
2 - Drakelow parish officers' book - May 1661-Sep 1666
3 - The Humble Petition of Thomas Gresley, 12 Nov - [c.1684]
4 - Inventory of Lord Pagett's goods, with associated papers - Aug 1684
5 - Brief declaration of goods formerly belonging to Thomas Pagett - [c.1684]
3 - Sir Thomas Gresley 4th Baronet (1698-1746)
4 - Sir Nigel Gresley 6th Baronet (1726-1787)
5 - Sir Nigel Bowyer Gresley 7th Baronet (1753-1808)
6 - Sir Roger Gresley MP 8th Baronet (1799-1837)
7 - Revd Sir William Nigel Gresley 9th Baronet (1806-1847)
8 - Sir Robert Gresley 11th Baronet (1866-1936)
9 - George Spencer, 4th Duke of Marlborough (1739-1817)
10 - Papers of Edward Repington, Sheriff of Warwickshire
11 - Election papers
6 - Parish and Ecclesiastical Papers - [16th cent]-1914
7 - Legal/Case Papers
8 - Maps and Plans - [18th-19th cent]
9 - Photographs
UL - Gresley Family of Drakelow: unlisted records
Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
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Sir John Franklin (1786-1847), naval officer and arctic explorer
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