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D769 - Taylor Simpson and Mosley, solicitors of Derby - [16th-20th cent]
B - Box Listed Records - 18th-20th cent
1 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: First Deposit - 19th-20th cent
3 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Third Deposit - 1764-1936
5 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Fifth Deposit - 19th cent
6A - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Sixth Deposit (additional)
6B - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Sixth Deposit (additional) - 1794-1955
7 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Seventh Deposit
8A - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors: Eighth Deposit (additional)
1 - Nutbrook Canal - late 19th cent-20th cent
2 - Arkwright / Spilsbury - 19th cent
3 - Orton - Full Street - 17th cent - 19th cent
4 - Lowe / Swingler - 17th cent - 20th cent
5 - Number not used
6 - Holden - 18th cent - 19th cent
7 - Walley Bankruptcy - 1931
8 - Newdigate Shrievalty, 1880, and Miss E Taylor
9 - Number not used
10 - Curzon and Spilsbury
11A - Spilsbury - [16th-19th cent]
11B - Spilsbury - 20th cent
12A - Staples - c.1875-c.1925
12B - Brearey and Clayton
13 - Lynes - 17th cent - 19th cent
14 - Lynes - 18th cent - 19th cent
14A - Barber and Co - 20th cent
15 - Meakin - c.1875-c.1925
16 - Lynes - 20th cent
17 - Harpur Crewe - WITHDRAWN - 18th cent - 19th cent
18 - Harpur Crewe - WITHDRAWN - 18th cent - 19th cent
19 - Meakin - 19th cent - 20th cent
20 - Holden / Scarsdale: Deeds and abstracts Ravensdale Park, Ivonbrook Grange. Some settlements also - 19th cent - 20th cent
21 - Simpson / Meakin - 19th cent
22A - Oxley (Evans) - 19th cent
22B - Barber and Co - 20th cent
23 - Crewe / Mosley - WITHDRAWN - 19th cent
24 - Metcalf / Greaves - 19th cent - 20th cent
25A - Manor of Little Chester - 19th-20th cent
25B - Wilmot, Gresley estate and Lynes - 17th cent - 19th cent
26 - William Smith, deceased - 1920s-1930s
27 - J H Gascoyne deceased
28 - Number not used
29 - Evans and Chappell - 18th cent-19th cent
30 - Simpson - 19th cent
31 - Des Voeux Shrievalty - 1863
32 - Crewe - WITHDRAWN - 18th cent-19th cent
33 - Mary Meakin - 19th cent
34 - Crewe - WITHDRAWN - 19th cent
35 - Orton - 1830s-1840s
36 - Mary Meakin / Spilsbury - 19th cent-20th cent
37 - Warden, Noel and Bingham - 19th cent
38A - Goodall Copestake, Beresford, Richardson, Mosley - 19th cent
38B - Barber and Currey misc
39 - Coalbank and Johnson - 19th cent-1930s
40 - Gisborne - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
41 - John Walker - 19th cent
42 - Captain N W Curzon deceased - 1890s-1920s
43 - Curzon - 19th cent
44 - Curzon - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
45 - Leacroft - 18th cent-19th cent
46 - "Assorted" - 19th cent
47 - Captain N W Curzon, deceased - c.1900-1910
48 - Mosley miscellaneous
49 - Boultham (Lincolnshire) Estate (William Smith) - 20th cent
50 - Boultham Estate - 1910s
51 - William Ashby - Early 19th cent
52 - Rev H Bradshaw
53 - Curzon - 1920s
54 - Barber & Co
55 - A G Taylor - 19th cent
56 - S Wright - 19th cent
57 - Mosley - 18th cent-19th cent
58 - Assorted old deeds - 18th cent - 19th cent
59 - John Shaw - 19th cent - 20th cent
60 - Every - c 1890-1920
61 - Curzon - 19th cent
62 - Curzon - late 19th cent
63 - Holbrook Sitwell - 19th cent
64 - Derby Infirmary / Spilsbury - 19th cent
65 - Taylor, Simpson & Mosley Miscellaneous - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
66 - Number not used
67 - F N Smith - 20th cent
68 - Wallis, Holcombe and Hunt - 19th cent
69 - Cox Bros - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
70 - Trustees of G E Bottomley - 1927-1930
71 - W G Haslam deceased - 1935-1937
72 - Harris - 1908-1922
73 - S J Shore - 20th cent
74 - Ford and Weston - 1930s-1940s
75 - Miscellaneous
76 - G F Meynell - 19th cent-20th cent
77 - Paget of Stuffynwood (Pleasley) - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
78 - T Bingham - 19th cent
79 - Qualcast Ltd (also J W Simpson and Sons) - 20th cent
80 - J and N Curzon - 19th cent-20th cent
81 - Hardy Shrievalty - 1930s-1940s
82 - Tonman Mosley Esquire (Baron Anslow) - 20th cent
83 - Mrs Palmer - 20th cent
84 - Spilsbury
85 - Sitwell
86 - Trustees of Mrs Herbert-Stepneys / Evans of Darley Abbey - Late 19th cent-20th cent
87 - R S Wilmot-Sitwell / Mary Lenty - 20th cent
88 - Miller Mundy - 20th cent
88A - Leacroft - 19th cent-20th cent
88B - Leacroft - 19th cent-20th cent
88C - Leacroft - 1794-1890
89A - Simpson - 19th-20th cent
89B - Newton / Curzon - 19th cent-20th cent
90 - Manor of Holbrook - 1633-19th cent
91 - Sitwell - 18th cent
92 - John Wright - 20th cent
93 - "Old deeds"
94 - Spilsbury - 17th cent-19th cent
95 - Wingerworth and Hardwick Colliery Co - 19th cent
96 - Commander Haden King / Mosley - 19th cent
97 - Old deeds
98 - Boultham Hall estate (London properties) - 20th cent
99 - Wilmot of Chaddesden - 19th cent-early 20th cent
100 - Tempest Trust - 20th cent
101 - Trevor Trust - 19th cent-20th cent
102 - Spilsbury - 18th cent-20th cent
103 - Meakin - 19th cent-20th cent
104 - W K Snow / Meynell - 20th cent
105 - Scarsdale - 19th cent-20th cent
106 - Paget of Stuffynwood - early 20th cent
107 - J A Macdonald - 20th cent
108 - W Mosley - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
109 - E Atkinson - 20th cent
110 - Miscellaneous clients - 19th cent-20th cent
111 - Number not used
112 - Number not used
113A - Canon J Browne - 20th cent
113B - Derby Conservative Association Dramatic Society - 20th cent
114 - F W Canner deceased - early 20th cent
115 - Heygate Trust - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
116 - W Evans and A Evans - 20th cent
117 - W Evans and A Evans - 19th cent
118 - Rev Wilmot - 18th cent-19th cent
119 - Jackson - 20th cent
120 - Samuel Collins deceased - 20th cent
121 - Adsetts / Gisborne - 19th cent
122 - Number not used
123 - H Litherland - 20th cent
124 - Stenson - 20th cent
125 - Number not used
126A - F S Wilmot-Sitwell - 20th cent
126B - Paget of Stuffynwood - 20th cent
127 - Major A R Mosley
128 - Derby and Derbyshire Disabled Soldiers Land Settlement Scheme, Markeaton - 1920s-1960s
129 - Curzon - 1890s-1900s
1 - Curzon Box 1 - N C Curzon of Lockington Hall: executorship accounts
2 - Curzon Box 2 - N C Curzon of Lockington Hall: executorship accounts - 1879-1904
3 - Curzon Box 3 - N C Curzon of Lockington Hall: executorship accounts - 1897-1898
130 - Holden Trusts - 19th cent-20th cent
131 - Col Godfrey Mosley - 20th cent
132 - J Wast / Coke / Middleton - 19th cent-20th cent
133 - Joseph Paget (of Stuffynwood) - late 19th cent-20th cent
134 - Susan Hill / Frith and others
135 - Various
136 - Yeoman and Son 1921 - 20th cent
137A - Shrievalty - 20th cent
137B - Susan Hill, deceased - 1930
138 - Number not used
139A - E E Robson
139B - Mrs M H Chambers / Derbyshire Building Society - 20th cent
140 - Hambling, Grindall and Co - 20th cent
141 - Wingfield Park Estate (Smith) - 19th cent-20th cent
142 - Number not used
143 - W Evans - 19th cent-20th cent
144 - Miscellaneous clients - 20th cent
145 - C E Newton of Etwall and Mickleover - 19th cent-20th cent
146 - R Goodwin of Newark-on-Trent - 20th cent
147 - Craven / Derby Children's Seaside Home / Chancery Land Co - 1890s-1900s
148 - F W Canner - 20th cent
149 - Wilmot-Sitwell - 19th cent-20th cent
150 - Miscellaneous clients (19)
151 - "Old Mundy Deeds" - 17th cent-18th cent
152 - "Sundry old deeds" - WITHDRAWN - 19th cent
153 - Manor of Horsley
154 - Hadley - 19th cent
155 - Paget of Stuffynwood - 19th cent
156 - Barber wills - 19th cent-20th cent
157 - Barber wills - 19th cent
158 - "Derby Town"
159 - Cox - 19th cent
160 - Cox - 19th cent
161A - W Evans - 19th cent-20th cent
161B - Mundy - 17th cent-19th cent
162 - W.S.L. / Wilmot-Sitwell - [16th-20th cent]
163 - Eastwood, Swingler and Frost - 19th cent
164 - Walter Evans
165 - Curzon - 18th cent-19th cent
166 - W Evans - 19th cent
167 - "Old deeds"
168 - Curzon of Lockington
169 - Tempest Trust - 20th cent
170 - Thomas Taylor - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
171 - Richard Goodwin, deceased - early 20th cent
172 - Holden and sundry old deeds
173 - Bemrose and Sons - 20th cent
174 - Countess of Shrewsbury Charity - 20th cent
175 - Derby Housing Co - 20th cent
176 - Norton, Turton and Walters - 20th cent
177 - Curzon of Lockington - 19th cent-20th cent
178 - Miscellaneous 19th century drafts - 19th cent
179 - A Cox, deceased - 20th cent
180 - TSM [Taylor Simpson and Mosley] drafts 1890 - 1890
181 - A Cox - early 20th cent
182 - G Cox - 18th cent-19th cent
183 - Joseph Blank - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
184 - E K W Coke - late 19th cent-20th cent
185 - Blount and Co Ltd - 20th cent
186 - Barber and Currey miscellaneous - 19th cent-early 20th cent
187 - Wilmot of Chaddesden - 19th cent
188 - Various - 19th cent
189 - Number not used
190 - W Evans - late 19th cent-early 20th cent
191 - Number not used
192 - W Evans - 1931
11 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Eleventh Deposit - 1650-1942
12 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Twelfth Deposit - 1526-[20th cent]
13 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Thirteenth Deposit - 18th-20th cent
14 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Fourteenth Deposit
16 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Sixteenth Deposit - 1920s-1930s
17 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Seventeenth Deposit - 1760s-1958
18 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Eighteenth Deposit - 1919
20 - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley: Twentieth Deposit
P - Maps and plans - 18th - 20th cent
UL - Taylor, Simpson and Mosley, Solicitors of Derby: Unlisted records
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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Strutt family of Belper
George M. Woodward (1767-1809), cartoonist
National Coal Board
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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