Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D750 - Parish of Eckington St Peter and St Paul - 1559-2000D750 - Parish of Eckington St Peter and St Paul - 1559-2000
Collapse A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]A - Parish archives - [16th-20th cent]
Expand PB - Burial Boards - 1875-1894PB - Burial Boards - 1875-1894
Expand PF - Charities - 1672-1976PF - Charities - 1672-1976
Collapse PI - parish incumbent's records - [16th-20th cent]PI - parish incumbent's records - [16th-20th cent]
Expand 11
1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1559-1812
1-7 - Registers - 1559-1997
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-19822 - Baptism registers - 1813-1982
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-19873 - Marriage registers - 1754-1987
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1823-19974 - Banns registers - 1823-1997
Collapse 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19715 - Burial registers - 1813-1971
Expand 6 - Confirmation registers - 1903-19336 - Confirmation registers - 1903-1933
Expand 7 - Copy of Register - 1697-17137 - Copy of Register - 1697-1713
Expand 88
8-9 - Office - 1895-1903
8-1205 - Incumbent - 1799-1970
Expand 99
Expand 1010
10-11 - Service registers - 1888-1969
Expand 1111
12-42 - Numbers not used
43 - Order of service - 1856
43-59 - Orders of Service - 1856-1937
44 - Order of Service - 1901
45 - Order of Service - 1902
46 - Order of Service - 1908
47 - Order of Service - 1914
48 - Order of Service - 1914
49 - Order of Service - 1915
50 - Order of Service - 1915-1916
51 - Order of Service - 1918
52 - Order of Service - 1935
53 - Order of Service - 1935
54 - Order of Service - 1935
55-56 - Order of Service - 1936
57 - Order of Service - 1937
58 - Order of Service
59 - Order of Service
60 - Notice of meeting for Sunday School Subscribers - 1809
60-61 - Sunday School - 1809-1836
61 - Invoices for Books purchased for Sunday School - 1836
62-84 - Correspondence concerning a grant to permit the appointment of a second assistant curate - 1916-1940
62-134 - Administration - 1813-1940
85-88 - Regulations regarding the payment of grants for assistant curates - 1938-1939
89 - Curate’s fund account (draft) - 1934-1937
90-102 - Letter of resignation of Ridgeway, curate, grant of pension, sequestration receipts and correspondence - 1909
103 - Marriage certificate for Joseph Dyson and Elizabeth Bingham in Sheffield parish church - 1813
104-113 - Lists of candidates for confirmation - 1827-1848
114 - Act to amend the Place of Worship Sites Act - 1873
115 - Receipt for marriage register - 1893
116 - Ecclesiastical Commission: proposed assignment of district - Mosborough St Mark’s Church - 1894
117-134 - Church Assembly: parochial statistics (numbers baptised, confirmed, voluntary contributions, insurances etc) - 1924-1940
Expand 135 - Archdiocese - 1932135 - Archdiocese - 1932
136-152 - Faculties: - 1833-1931
136-426 - Fabric - 1833-1941
153-160 - Correspondence relating to the reopening of the church - 1834
161 - Bill - linen and woollen drapers, Chesterfield - 1818
162-241 - Correspondence relating to the repairing, repewing and enlargement of the church including notice of a grant from the Incorporated Society for the Enlargement etc. of churches and notes and plans for the repewing - 1827-1834
242 - Letter regarding the Outram family vault - 1845
243 - Agreement for bell ringing - 1850
244 - Subscription list - tuning the organ - 1854
245 - Circular letter by Rev E B Estcourt regarding the erection of a tablet in memory of Rev Eastwood - 1865
246-251 - Papers re dilapidations - 1871-1874
252-253 - Letter and receipts relating to survey charges - 1876
254 - Work done by George Stephenson in restoring the parish church - 1880
255 - Plan of alterations at the rectory - 1895
256 - Plumber’s bill - 1897
257-259 - Correspondence relating to additions to the bells - 1890s
260-262 - Reports of the church - 1899-1904
263 - Specification and estimate for overhauling, repairing and re-piping the organ - 1907
264-309 - Tower and bells restoration - specifications, estimates, plans, bills, receipts and correspondence - 1911-1914
310-318 - Bills for repairs - 1921-1922
319-329 - Correspondence relating to the Sitwell church vault - 1926-1927
330 - Surveyor’s report - 1928
331-345 - File of bills for repairs - 1928-1929
345-354 - Correspondence with Derby Diocesan Board of Finance relating to dilapidations - 1920-1929
355 - Plumber’s bill - 1930
356-357 - Strengthening of the weather vane - 1931
358-364 - Bills for sundry repairs - 1932-1936
365-396 - Papers re dilapidations - 1933-1941
397 - Plan of War Memorial
398-426 - Papers re Insurance Policies with associated correspondence - 1866-1953
427 - Bill for edge stones, step etc - 1823
427-455 - Churchyard - 1823-1941
428 - Enquiry regarding the churchyard - c.1856
429 - Note of the area of the churchyard - 1856
430-432 - Churchyard wall - costs and subscriptions - 1858
433-434 - Sketch and quotation for proposed urinal - 1896
435 - Letter relating to the responsibility of the R.D.C. or Parish Council for the maintenance of the churchyard once burials have been discontinued - 1929
436 - Letter from the Parish Council
437-453 - Bills for seeding the churchyard - restoration of the disused churchyard - 1931-1932
454 - Letter concerning liability for maintenance - 1938
455 - Letter from Burial Committee, Eckington Parish Council, relating to fees - 1941
456 - Undated glebe terrier - mid 18th cent
456-1026 - Endowments - Mid 18th cent-1942
457-461 - Glebe terriers: 1758, 1795, 1845, 1908 - 1758-1908
462-466 - 5 undated plans of glebe - c.1870-1920
467-628 - Glebe rent accounts - 1843-1934
629-631 - Correspondence - 1888-1893
632-671 - Corn rent accounts - 1843-1926
672 - List of arrears - c.1840
673-685 - Correspondence - 1892-1914
686-744 - Q.A.B. correspondence regarding the revision of corn rents and statements of quarterly payments of corn rent - 1927-1937
745 - Letter relating to the collection of corn rents - 1942
746-880 - Statements of stock held in trust by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for the benefice - 1872-1942
881-904 - Papers mainly relating to glebe rents, tenancies and property - c.1840-1856
905-906 - Notes regarding Mosborough Meadow - 1858
907 - Plan of rectory barn - 1859
908-947 - Papers re glebe tenancies, glebe and other properties - 1869-1897
948 - Conveyance of a piece of land for Eckington Institute and Workingmen’s Club and associated papers and accounts - 1893-1898
949-963 - Correspondence and papers relating to coal rents, stock and investments - 1900-1909
964-970 - Papers mainly re stocks and re glebe field from Holbrook and District Football League - 1917-1920
971 - Sale catalogue - portions of glebe (2 copies) - 1921
972 - Receipts from glebe sale - 1922
973-982 - Correspondence and papers re stock, dilapidations, glebe coal etc - 1922-1929
983 - Letter from the Prime Minister - 1929
984-988 - Correspondence regarding the Lord of the Manor’s claim to glebe coal - 1929
989-1008 - Papers re stock, glebe coal and trees on glebe and churchyard - 1930-1940
1009-1016 - Papers including re requisition of land by War Department and glebe coal - 1940-1942
1017 - Income of Eckington living
1018-1026 - Accounts of Rector with J Haywood and Alderson and Dust, collectors of glebe and corn rents - 1844-1879
Expand 1027 - Ridgeway Vicarage - 19441027 - Ridgeway Vicarage - 1944
1081-1090 - Appeal letters and associated correspondence - 1884
1081-1178 - Mosborough Mission Church - 1884-1888
1091-1094 - Suggestions for the conduct of architectural competitions - 1883
1095-1098 - Proposed plans for the church - 1884-1885
1099-1101 - Notice of a Church Building Committee Meeting and minutes of a meeting - 1884
1102-1104 - Incorporated Church Building Society - form of application for aid
1105 - Certificate of the contract for the redemption of land tax - 1886
1106-1159 - Correspondence: donation of site, subscriptions list of title deeds, consecration etc - 1884-1888
1160-1167 - File of bills in connection with the building of the church including solicitors fees - 1885-1887
1168-1170 - Account books for the building of the church - 1884-1887
1171-1173 - Laying of the foundation stone (order of services) - 1886
1174-1175 - Diocese of Southwell - the office for the consecration of a church - 1884
1176 - Order of service for the admission of lay readers - 1885
1177 - Notes of the church
1178 - Declaration by a lay reader - 1887
1179 - Appeal - 1898
1179-1182 - Holbrook Mission Room - 1898-1899
1180-1181 - Solicitor’s bills - 1898
1182 - Bank book - 1898-1899
1183 - Letter regarding the conveyance of a plot of Halfway Mission Room Finance Association - 1898
1183-1186 - Halfway Mission Room - 1898-1941
1184 - Statement of cost
1185 - List of subscriptions
1186 - Enquiry regarding the loan of the Upper Mission Room - 1939-1941
1187-1192 - Church Hall Correspondence - 1937-1942
1193 - Letter regarding a search of parish registers - 1834
1193-1204 - Assorted Incumbents' papers - 1799-1955
1194 - Circular letter to the inhabitants of Eckington regarding public worship in the village - 1845
1195 - John Davis and Son, London, mechanical telephone - trade catalogue - c1883
1196 - Whittington Mission Church Building Fund Account - 1886
1197-1199 - Correspondence regarding Bolsover family pedigree - 1928
1200 - League of Nations - publicity handbill - c.1930
1201 - Newspaper cutting relating to William Tyndale - 1936
1202 - List of registers - c.1940
1203 - Booklet on the parish church by Rev. Branson - c.1955
1204 - Bound volume of original maps of the parish by William Fairbank. Marked in different colours to show tithes and other allotments Size 11" x 9" Scale 9"/1 mile - 1799
Expand 1205 - Parish Magazines - 1957-19701205 - Parish Magazines - 1957-1970
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1667-1901PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1667-1901
Expand PP - Constable - 1704-1836PP - Constable - 1704-1836
Expand PS - Parish Surveyors - 1718-1827PS - Parish Surveyors - 1718-1827
Expand PT - Vestry - 1878-1974PT - Vestry - 1878-1974
Expand PV - Parochial Church Council - 1920-1998PV - Parochial Church Council - 1920-1998
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1699-1939PW - Churchwardens - 1699-1939
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 1751-1952PZ - Miscellaneous - 1751-1952
Expand ZZ - Incumbent - 1903-2000ZZ - Incumbent - 1903-2000