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Collapse D6910 - Harpur-Crewe family of Calke Abbey: Ticknall Estate Office - 19th-20th centD6910 - Harpur-Crewe family of Calke Abbey: Ticknall Estate Office - 19th-20th cent
Expand 1 - Title deeds - c.1810-19621 - Title deeds - c.1810-1962
Expand 2 - Leases and Tenancy Agreements - 1881-19082 - Leases and Tenancy Agreements - 1881-1908
Expand 3 - Railway Company Records 3 - Railway Company Records
Expand 4 - Chellaston Alabaster Co.  - 1909-19234 - Chellaston Alabaster Co. - 1909-1923
Expand 5 - Estate ledgers and rental accounts  - 1787-19685 - Estate ledgers and rental accounts - 1787-1968
Expand 6 - Estate Administration - 1814-19206 - Estate Administration - 1814-1920
Expand 7 - Manor Court records - 1705-18857 - Manor Court records - 1705-1885
Expand 8 - Parishes8 - Parishes
Expand 9 - Schools9 - Schools
Collapse 10 - Charities10 - Charities
1 - Bundle of papers regarding the exchange of lands in the Parish of Ticknall and Repton between Sir John Port's Charity and Sir John Harpur Crewe, Jan - 1868
2 - Copy conveyance of land and buildings at Repton for an elementary school from Sir John Harpur Crewe to the Governing body of Sir John Port's Charity in Etwall and Repton, Dec - 1878
3 - Receipt for the proceeds of the sale of school premises at Repton to the Governors of Sir John Port's Charity from Sir John HArpur Crewe to G A Crewe Esq., and A G Taylor Esq, Dec - 1878
4 - Draft conveyance of several pieces of land at Repton by way of exchange from Sir John Ports Charity to Messrs G A Crewe and A G Taylor, Jun - 1899
5 - Propsed exchange of lands at Ticknall amd Repton between Sir John Port's Charity amd Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe, May. Includes details of land with plan - 1904
6 - Draft conveyance of messuages and pieces of land at Repton by way of exchange from Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe to Sir John Port's Charity, Nov - 1904
7 - Reuisitions on title from Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe to Sir John Port's Charity, Jul - 1907
8 - Draft conveyance of messuages and premises at Repton from Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe to Sir John Port's Charity, Oct - 1907
9 - Bundle of papers relating to the Twyford and Stenson School Charity set up for the benefit of the poor of the parishes for the purpose of sending their children to school. - c1880-1942
10 - Letter to the Secretary of the Board of Education from Taylor, Simpson and Mosely, solicitors, outlining Sir Vauncey Harpur Crewe's objections to proposed changes to the Sir John Port's Charity Scheme in relation to Repton Grammar School - Apr 1905
11 - Letters in relation to the endowment of the Joyce Harpur Charity also known as the 'Bread Charity', set up to pay for and distribute loaves of bread to the poorest families of the parish - 1905
12 - Order for redemption of yearly rentcharge on the Calke Abbey Estate paid to the Ticknall Hospital Charity, Dec - 1957
Expand 11 - Wills and Probate11 - Wills and Probate
Expand 12 - Valuations12 - Valuations
Expand 13 - Sale Particulars13 - Sale Particulars
Expand 14 - Maps and plans14 - Maps and plans
Expand 15 - Miscellaneous15 - Miscellaneous