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D6862 - Deeds relating to Alsop en le Dale and Parwich - c1750-c1850
1 - These regarding properties and land Alsop in the Dale and Parwich. Principally relating to lands in Alsop in the Dale known as Oxdales, Meadowhill and Little Furlong (Smith-Beressford/Port-Smith-Yates-Haughton-Wast-Mart-Tomlinson-Brownson-Brittlebank-Dale-Dakeyne)
1-12 - Including: D6862/1/12 Will of Ann Dakin, 1705 - 1568-1705
13-22 - 1711-1718
23-31 - Including D6862/1/27 Will of Thomas Wast, 1744 - 1719-1752
32-39 - Including: D6862/1/36 Will of James Allsop, 1800 D6862/1/37 Abstract of title (1711-1800) of James Allsop's estate at Alsop in the Dale D6862/1/38 Abstract of title (1744-1800) of James Allsop's estate at Alsop in the Dale, 1800 - 1760-1800
40-48 - Including: D6862/1/44 Will of William Mark, 1809 D6862/1/48 Abstract of the mortgage made by William Tomlinson to Messrs Dowes and Buxton of an estate at Alsop in the Dale for securing £1000 and interest - 1802-1811
49-56 - 1812-1825
57-63 - Including: D6862/1/57 Abstract of title (1711-1827) of John Brownson to certain closes of land called Oxdales in Alsop in the Dale, 1827 D6862/1/60 Will of Thomas Dale, 1839 D6862/1/61 Agreement between Thurston Dale and George Dakeyne for the sale and purchase of lands and hereditaments in Parwich and Alsop en le Dale, 1858 - 1827-1859
3 - Miscellaneous Records relating to Parwich
Horace John Rylands (1886-1961) of Bakewell, First World War soldier
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