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D6847 - University of Derby, formerly Derby College of Art and Technology, and predecessors - 1854-1996
Box1 - Box1
Box2 - Box2
1 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 1, Oct - 1932
2 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 2, Nov - 1932
3 - "Derby School of Art Herald", Issue 4, Jan - 1933
4 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 5, Feb - 1933
5 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 6 - Mar 1933
6 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 7, Apr - 1933
7 - "Derby School of Art Herald", Souvenir edition to mark the April-May exhibition - 1933
8 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 8, May - 1933
9 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 9, Jun - 1933
10 - "Derby School of Art Herald", issue 10, Nov - 1933
11 - Programme for the visit of the Herwald Ramsbotham, M. P., president of the Board of Education, 20 Jun - 1941
11-24 - Staff publications: Folder of in-house publications and publications by staff, including journal offprints - 1941-
12 - A memorial to William Alfred Richardson, presented by the staff of Derby Technical College on his retirement - 1952
13 - "Catering Services in Technical Colleges" by T Heap, Association of Technical of Institutions - 1963
14 - "A Short History of Printing in Derby" written and compiled by first year full time student craft apprentices - 1966
15 - A collection of drawings by John Sandford, graphic design student - c1970s
16 - Dress Show programme - 1967
17 - Report on students' refectory, by A A Cross - 1966
18 - Typefaces available at the School of Printing - c1970
19 - "Work Study in Printing: Results of Practical Exercise Course", prepared in conjunction with Derby and District Productivity Association - 1968
20 - "Technical approach to a geography degree" by Juliet Williams (reprinted from Geography Magazine 46, pp8-18) - 1973
21 - Luncheon programme to mark the retirement of Mr C Middleton, Director of Education, County Borough of Derby - 1973
22 - Dress Show programme - 1972
23 - Order of service to inauguration of new college, 5 Oct - 1977
24 - Helmut Gernsheim master class programme, 11-14 May - 1977
25 - Bundle of reports etc. re student enrolment and employment statistics, use of teaching accommodation, history of the college, etc. - early 1950s
26 - Bundle of correspondence and other papers re proposed regional status for college - 1950s-1960s
27 - Minutes of a meeting re association with Trent Polytechnic, attended by representatives of both institutions, 14 May - 1973
27-41 - Papers re association with Trent Polytechnic and arguments in favour of Polytechnic status for college - 1950s-1970s
28 - Report, "Support for the case for Polytechnic Status" - c1967
29 - Memorandum to heads of department re co-operation with Trent Polytechnic, 5 Feb - 1971
30 - Draft white paper re the future of the college - c1957
31 - Notes created to help in considering the draft report to support the application for polytechnic status, 26 Oct - 1966
32 - Notes and appendix to a report (not included) on Derby's application for polytechnic status - c1970
33 - Questionnaire for Rolls Royce re a possible Derby Polytechnic, including related correspondence - 1967
34 - Report, "Case for the development of a close working relationship with the Trent Polytechnic", 7 Jan - 1970
35 - Report, "A plan for polytechnics and other colleges", Sep - 1966
36 - Report, "Proposed designation as a polytechnic", Sep - 1966
37 - Report, "Designation of polytechnics", 13 Sep - c1966
38 - Report, "The future role and development of the college", 24 Mar - 1972
39 - Report, "Case for Derby and District College of Technology becoming a polytechnic" - c1966
40 - Report, "Case for Derby and District College of Technology having close associate status with the Trent Polytechnic designate" - c1969
41 - Report, "The Case for Derby Polytechnic", presented by Sir Denning Pearson and the deputation of Derby industrialists to the Minister of Education at the Department of Education and Science on 8 Dec - 1966
42 - Management and Business Studies Faculty Board minutes - 1973-1977
43 - Computers Working Party reports - 1970s
44 - Science Faculty Board Meetings - 1974-1977
45 - Engineering Faculty Board Meetings - 1974-1977
46 - Academic development plan, covering all departments - 1967-1968
46-57 - Papers constituting components of the college's Academic Development Plan, and related correspondence - 1970s
47 - Time-table for transfer of course to Derby College of Further Education, 4 Jun - 1969
48 - Discussion paper, "Some problems related to future policy", May - 1976
49 - Faculty of Management and Business Studies, memorandum from A R Syson, head of division, to all staff, re development of the division, 24 Apr - 1975
50 - Letter from Vice Principal to A R Syson re memorandum, 19 May - 1975
51 - Discussion document, "The future of accountancy courses with special reference to Business Education Councils courses", by J Gibson, 24 Nov - 1977
52 - Report, "Implementation of BEC [Business Education Council] policy" - c1978
53 - School of Humanities component within the Academic Development Plan - 1979
54 - School of Art and Design component within the Academic Development Plan, as revised 1 Mar - 1979
55 - School of Education and Social Sciences component within the Academic Development Plan, as revised Jan - 1979
56 - School of Science component within the Academic Development Plan, 23 Jan - 1979
57 - School of Engineering component within the Academic Development Plan - [1979]
Box3 - Box 3
Box4 - Box4 - [1938-1970s]
Box5 - Box5
Box6 - Box6
Box7 - Box7
Box8 - Box8
Box9 - Box9
Box10 - Box 10
Box11 - Box11
Box12 - Box 12
Box13 - Box 13
Box14 - Box14
Box15 - Box15
Box16 - Box16
Box17 - Box17
Box18 - Box18
Box19 - Box19
Box20 - Box20
Box21 - Box21
Box22 - Box22
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