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Collapse D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historianD6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
Expand 1 - Duke Collection1 - Duke Collection
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
Collapse 3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
Expand 1 - Lawson v Buxton Local Board - 1870-18761 - Lawson v Buxton Local Board - 1870-1876
Expand 2 - Lomas - 1877-18802 - Lomas - 1877-1880
Expand 3 - Cheddleton Park Farm, Leek - 1884-19003 - Cheddleton Park Farm, Leek - 1884-1900
Expand 4 - Peak Hydropathic Establishment, Buxton - 1887-19244 - Peak Hydropathic Establishment, Buxton - 1887-1924
Expand 5 - Elizabeth Grindley - 1896-18975 - Elizabeth Grindley - 1896-1897
Expand 6 - Property of Mrs Alsop at Chelmorton - 1914-19246 - Property of Mrs Alsop at Chelmorton - 1914-1924
Expand 7 - Grovensor and Kensington Hotels - 1920-19217 - Grovensor and Kensington Hotels - 1920-1921
Expand 8 - William Tweed Hannah et al of Buxton Labour Society v The Leek and Moorlands Building Society - 19218 - William Tweed Hannah et al of Buxton Labour Society v The Leek and Moorlands Building Society - 1921
Collapse 9 - Probate - 1816-19009 - Probate - 1816-1900
1 - Abstract of the will of James Wheeldon of Buxton, gent. - (18 Apr 1816)
2 - Stamp Office legacy duty forms, and letter from [?] Johnson of Buxton to John Barlow at Queen's Head, Leek, Staffordshire, re William Barlow (d 9 Apr 1828) - May-Aug 1828
3 - Copy Probate of the will of John Finney of Harley, Buxton, 15 Jun 1860. - 1860-1876
4 - Note re Mrs Nightling's account and the widow and six children of the late George William Burgess - [c1852]
5 - Copy wills of Harry Ward and Sarah Astbury 1875-1900 with receipts for Aug 1900, correspondence 1900-1901, and copy mortgage of estates and interests under an indenture of settlement from Harry Ward and Mrs Sarah Astbury to Fredrick James Astbury, 28 Apr 1896 - 1875-1901
6 - Letter from GA [?] re funeral arrangements the late Miss Mary Coke formerly in the care of the Nurses Institution on the corner of Aberdeen Place Street, London - 13 Sep 1884
7 - Will of Edward Shenton Esq. of Corbar Bank, Buxton, gent - 3 Dec 1888
8 - Draft Agreement between the legatees of William Finney of Harley farmer - 4 Apr 1894
9 - Two letters from Letter from GD Goodman at Bennett, Boycott, Orme and Goodman of Buxton, solicitors, to Charles J Blagg solicitor of Cheadle, Staffordshire re John Jukes, deceased - Dec 1899
10 - Bill to Nurse Bestwick from Edward Ash and Son, Architectural and Monumental Carvers of Buxton for headstone for the late Misses Bestwick at the churchyard in Wincle [Macclesfield, Cheshire] - 20 Apr 1901
11 - Probate of the will of Miss Catherine Mary Broomhead of Exeter House, Buxton, spinster - 7 Feb 1908
12 - Correspondence from T Ryan at The Buxton Lime Firms Company Limited and AJH Oram of Bank Chambers, Terrace Road, Buxton to Messrs Challinors & Shaw re JW Wooley deceased - Mar-Jun 1911
13 - Correspondence re the Halcomb family, including Emma Susan Halcomb deceased, died 23 May 1874 - Jan-Apr 1900
14 - Draft account of the executrix of the late Thomas D Goodman, with John Lawson - (1871-1876)
15 - Letter from Emily Goodman of Buxton to Mr Blagg re Walter's will - 18 Jan 1900
Expand 10 - Buxton Law Society - 1895-190410 - Buxton Law Society - 1895-1904
Expand 11 - Other11 - Other
Expand 4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-18654 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
Expand 5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-19135 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
Expand UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted recordsUL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records