Hierarchy Browser

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Collapse D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historianD6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
Expand 1 - Duke Collection1 - Duke Collection
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
Collapse 3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
Expand 4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-18654 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
Expand 5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-19135 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
Expand UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted recordsUL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records