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Collapse D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historianD6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
Expand 1 - Duke Collection1 - Duke Collection
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
Collapse 3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
Collapse 1 - Lawson v Buxton Local Board - 1870-18761 - Lawson v Buxton Local Board - 1870-1876
1 - Correspondence and other papers re matter of arbitration - 1870-1874
2 - 'Sales' notes and calculations re spirits, wines and ale - nd [1870s]
3 - Draft appointment of a messuage and liquor vaults or shop situated in Buxton, Sir Edmund Buckley Bart et al to John Lawson - 21 Apr 1871
4-6 - Letters from John Lawson - Jun-Aug 1873
7 - Notice of claim to be settled by arbitration in case of dispute, with draft - 15 Oct 1873
8 - Appointment of arbitrator by with copies of notice to treat and counter notice annexed, with draft - 27 Dec 1873
9 - Notice by John Lawson of appointment of arbitrator and request to Buxton Local Board to appoint an arbitrator - 27 Dec 1873
10 - Notice of appointment of arbitrator by the Board with copy appointment annexed - 7 Jan 1874
11 - Order for the extension of time - 22 Jan 1874
12 - Letter from [?]Jonah Taylor, clerk to the Buxton Local Board to John Lawson re inspection of trade accounts with the Board accountant - 6 Feb 1874
13-34 - Correspondence from Henry Edge, accountant of Blackburn to Thomas D Goodman Esq.; Messrs Challinor & Co; and William Abrose Esq. of Manchester - Feb 1874-Oct 1875
35-40 - Correspondence from Henry Edge to Messrs Challinor & Co. - 1874-1876
41 - Letter from John Cross to Thomas D Goodman - 19 Mar 1874
42 - Letter from James White to Thomas D Goodman - 25 Mar 1874
43 - Letter from Hugh Hoyland to Mr Goodman - 26 Mar 1874
44 - Valuation by John Cross of the Vaults and premises in Spring Gardens, Buxton belonging to John Lawson - Apr 1874
45-46 - Valuations of Messrs Issac Holden & Sons and Mr Holden - 4 Apr 1874
47 - Notice to admit in the case of Lawson and Buxton Local Board, with draft - 7 Apr 1874
48 - Letter from William Lees to John Lawson re Mr Lawson's shelters on Mr Lees premises, 15 Apr. With letter from Henry Edge to TD Goodman Esq., 1 Jun - 1874
49 - Letter from Hugh Hoyland to Mr Goodman - 30 Apr 1874
50 - Letter from Cawley and Newton for JM Smith to TD Goodman - 30 Apr 1874
51 - Letter from SF Holmes to TD Goodman - 30 Apr 1874
52 - Letter from WA Osborn, clerk of Mr Ambrose, to TD Goodman - 1 May 1874
53-56 - Correspondence from Hugh Hoyland to Thomas D Goodman - May 1874
57 - Letter from WA Osborn, clerk of Mr Ambrose of Manchester to TD Goodman - 23 May 1874
58-59 - Copy correspondence between Henry Edge accountant of Blackburn and The Chief Constable of Birmingham, G Glossop re prosecutions for the selling of spirits below the stipulated strength - May 1874
60 - Letter from H Hoyland to Thomas D Goodman Esq. - 27 May 1874
61 - Bill of Charges from Thomas Lea - 17 Aug 1874
62 - Copy of the award in the case of Lawson and Buxton Local Board, with plan - 25 Sep 1874
63 - Draft order for the extension of time in the case - Sep 1874
64 - Letter from John Lawson re decision not to have a new trial - 15 Dec 1874
65 - Letter from John D Simpson of Clarence Cottage, Fairfield to JD Goodman Esq. of Chapel-en-le-Frith, solicitor re charges - 15 Dec 1874
66 - Letter from JH Lawson to TD Goodman - 19 Dec 1874
67 - Letter from Gregory & Co. of London to TD Goodman re Bagshaw and Lawson - 22 Dec 1874
68 - Bill of John Cross to John Lawson - 1874
69 - Two copies of solicitors fees - 1874
70 - List of charges made by Messrs Holden and Sons - 1874-1875
71 - Letter from Henry Edge to TD Goodman Esq. - 24 Mar 1875
72 - Amount of bills of surveyors, valuers, etc. - Aug 1875
73 - List of bills and costs of witnesses, surveyors etc. - 27 Aug 1875
74 - Letter from AM [?]Bennett Esq. to Mr Challinor re transfer of Mr Lawson's business to Messrs Bennett - 5 Feb 1876
75 - Letter from Issac Holden & Son to Messrs Challinor & Co. - 7 Feb 1876
76 - Letter from JH Lawson of Buxton re Mr Lawson's will previously in the possession of Mr Goodman, deceased - 7 Feb 1876
77 - Letter from JH Lawson re receipt Mr Lawson's will and the employment of Messrs Bennett - 14 Feb 1876
78 - Letter from Henry Edge to Messrs Challinor & Co. re payment of account - 25 Mar 1876
79 - Letter of receipt from Gregory & Co. [?]to Messrs Challinor & Co. - 25 Aug 1876
80 - Letter from John Cross of Manchester to Messrs Challinor and Co of Leek re charges owed - 2 Sep 1876
81 - Letter from Thomas Lea of Milford Haven to Messrs Challinor and Co of Leek re charges owed - 2 Sep 1876
82 - Letter from John Cross to Messrs Challinor & Shaw of Leek confirming receipt of cheque - 19 Oct 1876
83-84 - Two plans of Buxton showing area surrounding Terrace Road and Spring Gardens including The Royal Hotel and The Grove Hotel, showing limit of land to be acquired and line of street improvement
85 - Plan as per D6710/3/1/83-84
86 - Printed Report on Proposed Public Buildings in Buxton made to the Chairman and Members of the Buxton Local Board
Expand 2 - Lomas - 1877-18802 - Lomas - 1877-1880
Expand 3 - Cheddleton Park Farm, Leek - 1884-19003 - Cheddleton Park Farm, Leek - 1884-1900
Expand 4 - Peak Hydropathic Establishment, Buxton - 1887-19244 - Peak Hydropathic Establishment, Buxton - 1887-1924
Expand 5 - Elizabeth Grindley - 1896-18975 - Elizabeth Grindley - 1896-1897
Expand 6 - Property of Mrs Alsop at Chelmorton - 1914-19246 - Property of Mrs Alsop at Chelmorton - 1914-1924
Expand 7 - Grovensor and Kensington Hotels - 1920-19217 - Grovensor and Kensington Hotels - 1920-1921
Expand 8 - William Tweed Hannah et al of Buxton Labour Society v The Leek and Moorlands Building Society - 19218 - William Tweed Hannah et al of Buxton Labour Society v The Leek and Moorlands Building Society - 1921
Expand 9 - Probate - 1816-19009 - Probate - 1816-1900
Expand 10 - Buxton Law Society - 1895-190410 - Buxton Law Society - 1895-1904
Expand 11 - Other11 - Other
Expand 4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-18654 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
Expand 5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-19135 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
Expand UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted recordsUL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records