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Collapse D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historianD6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
Collapse 1 - Duke Collection1 - Duke Collection
Expand 1 - Architectural Practice1 - Architectural Practice
Expand 2 - Devonshire Buxton Estate2 - Devonshire Buxton Estate
Expand 3 - Buxton Improvements Company, later Buxton Gardens Company3 - Buxton Improvements Company, later Buxton Gardens Company
Expand 4 - Devonshire Hospital4 - Devonshire Hospital
Expand 5 - Palace Hotel5 - Palace Hotel
Expand 6 - Buxton Local Board6 - Buxton Local Board
Expand 7 - Buxton, Fairfield and Burbage Mechanics and Literary Institute7 - Buxton, Fairfield and Burbage Mechanics and Literary Institute
Expand 8 - Freemasonry8 - Freemasonry
Collapse 9 - Heraldry9 - Heraldry
1-2 - Speech by R R Duke at presentation of coat of arms to Buxton (one copy signed by Duke), 13 Jun - 1894
3 - Business card of William Doig and Co., art publishers - [19th Cent]
4 - Newspaper cutting from Buxton Advertiser re coat of arms in Devonshire Hospital, 25 Sep - 1901
5 - Pencil sketches [by R R Duke] of Buxton shield - [c1900]
6-8 - Letters from Laura Shaw to R R Duke re coat of arms for Devonshire Hospital - 1900
9 - Notes by R R Duke on design of coat of arms - [c1894]
11 - Copy letters from R R Duke to Laura Shaw re heraldry in Devonshire Hospital, 20 Aug - 1900
12 - Speech by R R Duke to the annual meeting of the Devonshire Hospital including re heraldry and commmorative items he has given to the hospital, 11 May - 1900
13 - Copy letter from R R Duke to A Shaw: the screen in his dining room was worked by his daughter Mrs A Smith; it represents her mother's family impaled with Duke's own; he mistook it for the Rippon family one in the darkness. Dated 29 Aug - 1901
14 - Letter from G A Fernley to R R Duke re invitation to view Buxton coat of arms, 25 Aug - 1901
15-23 - Letters from Culleton's Heraldic Office to R R Duke, with sample letterheads of Buxton Urban District Council showing coat of arms and crest by R R Duke and paper impressions of the Palace Hotel Co. common seal - 1894-1901
24 - Letter from Josiah Taylor of Buxton Urban District Council to R R Duke: regrets he is unable to find any of the notepaper with the coat of arms, 17 Dec - 1903
25 - Letter from Henry Rippon to Mrs [S M ] Smith [of Gadley]: regrets he is unable to supply an impression of the Rippon Crest as he has lost his seal, 28 Aug - 1893
26 - Notes by R R Duke on design of coat of arms design. On reverse: plan of building [? Palace Hotel, Buxton] - [c1894]
27 - Part of speech by R R Duke describing the coat of arms, 13 Jun - 1894
28 - Receipt for oil painting of Buxton's armorial bearings from Culleton's Heraldic Office to R R Duke, 29 May - 1894
29 - Description of Buxton Town Arms by Culleton's Heraldic Office - [c1894]
30-45 - Correspondence between Culleton's Heraldic Office and R R Duke re Buxton Urban District Council's common seal, including sketch of seal design, paper impressions made by the seal, rules for its use and other related papers - 1894-1895
46 - Letter from Josiah Taylor of Buxton Urban District Council to Mrs [S M] Smith of Gadley, 28 Sep - 1898
47 - Photocopy of coat of arms designed by R R Duke held in Buxton Museum - [1990s]
48-50 - Sketches of Buxton Urban District Seal, two on cards (stamped "Culleton" and "Devonshire library on reverse) and one on tracing paper in an inscribed reading case - c1894
51 - Cutting from Buxton Advertiser covering discussion of the Buxton Coat of Arms and new seal - 1895
52 - Mike Langham's notes on variations between different versions of Buxton's coat of arms - [1990s]
Expand 10 - Miscellaneous10 - Miscellaneous
Expand 11 - AW Smith & Sons of Liverpool and Gadley, Buxton, Railway Contractors11 - AW Smith & Sons of Liverpool and Gadley, Buxton, Railway Contractors
Expand 12 - Robert Rippon Duke, Builder and Architect of Hull and Buxton, and family - [c1838]-190912 - Robert Rippon Duke, Builder and Architect of Hull and Buxton, and family - [c1838]-1909
Expand 13 - Sarah Meggitt and AW Smith of Grimsby and Buxton13 - Sarah Meggitt and AW Smith of Grimsby and Buxton
Expand 14 - Family history papers re Duke, Rippon, Smith, Meggitt, Benton and other families - c1889-199614 - Family history papers re Duke, Rippon, Smith, Meggitt, Benton and other families - c1889-1996
Expand 15 - Letterbooks of AW and SM Smith15 - Letterbooks of AW and SM Smith
Expand 16 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - General Correspondence16 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - General Correspondence
Expand 17 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - Family and Family Affairs17 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - Family and Family Affairs
18 - Unlisted: Adelaide Duke Smith - Correspondence
19 - Unlisted: Amy Benton Smith - Correspondence
20 - Unlisted: Aston William Smith - Family Affairs
21 - Unlisted: Bertha Duke Smith - Correspondence
22 - Unlisted: Evelyn Essie Smith - Correspondence
23 - Unlisted: Gilbert Rippon Smith - Correspondence
24 - Unlisted: Harriet Hilda Duke Smith - Correspondence
25 - Unlisted: Mildred Ethel Smith - Correspondence
26 - Unlisted: Harold Duke Smith - Correspondence
27 - Unlisted: Wilfred Duke Smith - Correspondence
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
Expand 3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
Expand 4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-18654 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
Expand 5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-19135 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
Expand 6 - Miscellaneous6 - Miscellaneous
Expand 7 - Photographs7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
Expand UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted recordsUL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records