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D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
1 - Duke Collection
1 - Architectural Practice
2 - Devonshire Buxton Estate
3 - Buxton Improvements Company, later Buxton Gardens Company
4 - Devonshire Hospital
1-2 - Robert Rippon Duke's notebooks on the Devonshire Hospital - 1901-1902
3 - Invitation to the annual meeting of the Buxton District Nursing Association, 10 Jan - 1900
4 - Notice of the dicharge of Fanny Rayner of Huddersfield (Co Yorks) as "recovered" after her having been recommended for treatment by Mrs A W Smith of Buxton, 20 Sep - 1899
5 - Notice of the dicharge of Sarah Malone of Southport (Co Lancs) as "recovered" after her having been recommended for treatment by Mrs A W Smith of Buxton, Nov 9 - 1988
6 - Notice of Hospital Committee meeting, 1 Aug - 1905
7 - Analysis of expenditure for provisions - 1902-1903
8 - Pamphlet on the Devonshire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity by R R Duke - 1897
9 - Pamphlet on the Devonshire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity by R R Duke, 1 Oct - 1902
10 - Draft letter [? from R R Duke] Park House, Buxton, to Mrs Shaw. Her painted ducal coronet and motto have been fixed in the hospital entrance hall over the likeness of the late Duke of Devonshire. 20 Aug - 1900
11 - Untitled pamphlet by R R Duke re the difficulties encountered when try to arrange for the installation of a clock at the Devonshire Hospital, 31 May - 1906
12 - Quarterly statement of the Devonshire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity, 30 Sep - 1900
13 - Copy letter from R R Duke to Mr Drewry re laundry fittings, 9 Jul - 1904
14 - Letter from R R Duke to Mr Drewry. He and the late Dr Lorimer have done their best for the hospital during the last 37 years; he feels the trouble sincerely. Dated 27 Mar. On reverse: letter to the Devonshire Hospital board re death of Dr Lorimer. - 1908
16 - Buxton Herald including articles on p4 re R R Duke and on p5 re donation of the design model of the Devonshire Hospital for display in the boardroom, 23 Jan - 1901
17 - Annual subscription dance ticket, 27 Dec - 1894
18 - Memorandum, "History of the Model" by Mr Alfred Wilkins of Penzance, addressed to Robert R Duke, Park House, Buxton, 25 Oct - 1900
19 - Letter from G Broomhead of Buxton, plumber, donating a glass case [to house the model of the hospital], 27 Nov - 1900
20 - Letter from M Brunswick to R R Duke re state of his health and hope that enlargement of the hospital can be fully carried out, 14 Aug 1880 - 1880
21 - Letter of thanks from Halliday Pearson & Co to R R Duke, 7 Dec - 1888
22 - Note re the gift of the Devonshire Hospital by the Duke of Devonshire - late 19th Cent
23 - Extracts of sermons preached in aid of the Devonshire Hospital, 1877 - [19th Cent]
24 - Letter from Mrs Peat of Bootle, Liverpool, to Mrs Aston Smith requesting a recommendation for hydrotherapy, 18 Jun - 1896
25 - Letter (part missing) from Fred Wilkins, Penzance, to R R Duke re the design model of the hospital, 16 Jul - 1900
26 - Letter from Mrs W Breckon to S M Smith thanking him for his recommendation for her husband [for funded treatment at the Devonshire Hospital] and apologising for not having informed him of her husband's recovery, 27 Jun - 1896
27 - Letter from Sibilla Pettit of Holm Leigh, Buxton, to Mrs Smith, inviting her to a school sports day and asking whether she might use her recommendation ticket to assist a sufferer of rheumatism, 20 Jun - 1896
28 - Letter from Rev A N Keely of St Paul's, Huddersfield, to Mrs Aston Smith requesting a recommendation for a boy suffering , 13 Aug 1903 - 1903
29 - Card from A N Keely to Mrs Aston Smith, thanking her for her assistance, 19 Aug - 1903
30 - Notes by R R Duke [? re mahogany and glass doors for the hospital?] - c1900
31 - Postcard from Florence M Little of The College, Buxton, to S M Smith to ask whether Mr Duke has a recommendation for the hospital which he might bestow on her, 8 Oct - 1898
32 - Note on dimensions of the Devonshire Hospital dome - 19th Cent
33 - Note on the tray for the model of Devonshire Hospital - c1900
34 - Buxton Herald, with wrapper, 16 Jul - 1902
35 - Sketch of Devonshire Hospital dome, including dimensions - late 20th Cent
36 - Devonshire Hospital prospectus, showing extensions - Jul 1880
39-53 - Plans of the Devonshire Hospital, Buxton - [c1880s]
54-61 - Water notes - late 19th Cent
62 - Pages 313-324 of R R Duke's letter book, Mar - 1895
63 - Photocopy report on Burbage reservoir by R R Duke, 28 Aug 1868 - [1990s]
64 - Minutes of the improvements sub-committee of the Devonshire Hospital, 17 Sep - 1896
65 - Rules and regulations dated 25 Jan, submitted for consideration of the committee of management on 9 Feb - 1900
66 - Copy account for making and fixing a frame in the hospital for a large painting - [c1900]
67 - Proposal for the erection of portico and clock tower with appeal for funds, 22 Mar - 1880
68 - Copy letter from R R Duke to James Taylor re proposed hospital lift, 6 Apr - 1895
69 - Devonshire Hospital summary washing account, "particulars and cost" - 1884-1892
70 - Tracing of plan of Devonshire Hospital and Palace Hotel grounds at scale 4.66 feet: 1 inch - [c1900]
71 - Brown paper folder originally containing plans D6710/1/4/72-79 - [c1870s]
72 - Plan and elevation of drinking well and counter. Scale 1 foot: 1 inch - [c1870s]
73 - Floor and roof plans of drinking well area, including plan with timbers visible. Scale 3 feet: 1 includingh - [c1870s]
74 - Drawing of drinking well details, to actual size - [c1870s]
75-76 - Elevations of Charity Hot Baths and drinking well. Scale 8 feet: 1 inch - [c1870s]
77 - Plan and elevation of wall and doors, with traced copy. Scales 4 feet: 1 inch and 1 foot: 1 inch - [c1870s]
78 - Drawing with details of new chimney and addition to tank, with traced copy. Scales 4 feet: 1 inch and 1 foot: 1 inch - [c1870s]
79 - Plan, section and elevation of new engine house, George Street. Scale 4 feet: 1 inch - [c1870s]
80 - Brown paper folder, originally containing D6710/1/4/81-84
81 - Half plan of roof, showing area to be re=slated. Scale 16 feet: 1 inch, 8 Aug - 1882
82 - Sketch plan of ground floor and part of chamber floor, scale not given - [c1882]
83 - Pencil sketch of a serpent from the Devonshire crest - [c1882]
84 - Sketch of a picture frame moulding, full size - [c1882]
85 - Brown paper folder originally containing D6710/1/4/86-89
86 - Plan of new lavatories on first floor at scale 4 feet: 1 inch - [c1882]
87 - Ground plan of portico. Scale 1 foot: ¼ inch, 21 Mar - 1883
88 - Side elevation of portico. Scale 1 foot: ¼ inch, 30 Mar - 1883
89 - Plan of part of ground floor (library, lavatory) and chamber floor (corridor to women's ward) at scale 8 feet: 1 inch - [c1883]
90-102 - Plans of Devonshire Hospital, signed by Samuel Wareburton (builder), Henry Rankin (iron founder) and in some cases by Edward Ashworth (Cotton Districts Convalescent Fund trustee). All at scale 16 feet: 1 inch. Comprising: D6710/1/4/91 Ground plan, with uses of rooms marked on. Dated 6 Apr 1878 D6710/1/4/92 Chamber floor plan, with details on girders D6710/1/4/93 Roof plan D6710/1/4/94 Ground plan of ventilating pipes and shafts D6710/1/4/95 Chamber plan of ventilating pipes and shafts D6710/1/4/96 Section across dome and entablature, with clock tower added pencil D6710/1/4/97 Elevation towards Devonshire Road D6710/1/4/98 Ground and chamber floor plans, showing servants' bedrooms and hall, operating room, accident ward, kitchen, laundry and postmortem room, with details of girders D6710/1/4/99 Roof plan, cellar plan and sections D6710/1/4/100 Elevations of additional buildings towards back road and Manchester Road D6710/1/4/101 Plan and elevation of gardener's tool shed and entrance lodges D6710/1/4/102 Block plan of Devonshire Hospital site and proposed conversion - 1878
103-111 - Further plans of Devonshire Hospital - [1880s]
112 - Brown paper folder, originally containing D6710/1/4/113-117
113 - Plan showing present position of boiler and proposed new location at scale 1 foot: ½ inch - [c1898]
114 - Plan of part of hospital layout, showing men's and women's entrances and wards and galvanic room. Scale 1 foot: 16 inches - [c1898]
115 - Plan of proposed alterations, showing nurses' and steward's rooms and accident wards at scale 8 feet: 1 inch, 19 Aug - 1898
116 - Amended plan of WC to steward's room. Scale 8 feet: 1 inch - [c1898]
117 - Plan of proposed alterations and additions, showing the operating room and adjacent rooms. Scale 8 feet: 1 inch, 19 Aug - 1898
118-119 - Plans of proposed new Charity Natural Baths, with different layouts. Scale 8 feet: 1 inch. 10 Nov - 1871
120 - Plan of modifications to junction of Devonshire Road with Manchester Road. Scale 41.66 feet: 1 inch - early 20th Cent
121 - Plan of outbuildings at St Ann's Hotel showing pipes from the Natural Baths to the Charity Hot Baths in George Street, 29 Jan - 1876
122 - Plan of proposals for a hexagonal set of baths in the centre of the Devonshire Hospital circle. Scale approx 9 feet: 1 inch, dated 30 Nov - 1871
123 - Elevation of proposed hexagonal baths at scale 8 feet: 1 inch, 3 Jan - 1872
124 - Outline plan of hexagonal building. Scale 1 foot: 1 inch - [c1870s]
125 - Label reading "Mr R R Duke, Buxton" - 19th Cent
126-134 - Plans for a library - 1892-1902
135-136 - Photographs of Devonshire Hospital dome under construction 38 x 28 cm - [1882]
137 - Poster advertising the Buxton Bath Charity. Gives names of trustees and patrons and gives rules, dated 1 May - 1853
138 - Cutting from Manchester Guardian re opening of Devonshire Hospital, 12 Oct - 1881
139 - Cutting from Manchester Courier and Lancashire General Advertiser re opening of Devonshire Hospital, 12 Oct - 1881
140 - Comparative statistical notes on Devonshire Hospital - 1889
141 - Report by R R Duke on ventilation to the committee of management of the Devonshire Hospital, 2 Nov - 1895
142 - News cutting re the Devonshire Hospital's large dome roof, from The Engineer, 27 Jan - 1882
143 - Memorandum by R R Duke re Lady Visitors at the Devonshire Hospital, to be read at a board meeting from which he would be absent, 12 Dec - 1902
144 - W Stevenson, Secretary, Devonshire Hospital, to R R Duke, enclosing draft instructions to counsel to advise as to the hospital's legal position if accident cases are admitted, 22 Nov - 1905
145 - Draft instructions to counsel to advise as to the hospital's legal position if accident cases are admitted - [1902]
146 - Statistics re costs of accident case admissions, 1898-1904 - [1904]
147 - R R Duke's proposed supplement to the preface of the Buxton Bath Charity annual report - 1900
148 - Notes on the state of the Devonshire Hospital buildings by F K Dickson and H A Hubbersty, addressed to Chairman Henry Shaw, Buxton, 13 Sep - 1899
149 - Reply from R R Duke to Dickson and Hubbersty's notes on the state of the Devonshire Hospital, addressed to Chairman Henry Shaw, Buxton, 7 Dec - 1899
150 - Notice that R R Duke has been elected Chairman of Governors of Devonshire Hospital and Buxton Bath Charity, Sep - 1900
151 - Photograph of Devonshire Villas - Early 20th cent
5 - Palace Hotel
6 - Buxton Local Board
7 - Buxton, Fairfield and Burbage Mechanics and Literary Institute
8 - Freemasonry
9 - Heraldry
10 - Miscellaneous
11 - AW Smith & Sons of Liverpool and Gadley, Buxton, Railway Contractors
12 - Robert Rippon Duke, Builder and Architect of Hull and Buxton, and family - [c1838]-1909
13 - Sarah Meggitt and AW Smith of Grimsby and Buxton
14 - Family history papers re Duke, Rippon, Smith, Meggitt, Benton and other families - c1889-1996
15 - Letterbooks of AW and SM Smith
16 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - General Correspondence
17 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - Family and Family Affairs
18 - Unlisted: Adelaide Duke Smith - Correspondence
19 - Unlisted: Amy Benton Smith - Correspondence
20 - Unlisted: Aston William Smith - Family Affairs
21 - Unlisted: Bertha Duke Smith - Correspondence
22 - Unlisted: Evelyn Essie Smith - Correspondence
23 - Unlisted: Gilbert Rippon Smith - Correspondence
24 - Unlisted: Harriet Hilda Duke Smith - Correspondence
25 - Unlisted: Mildred Ethel Smith - Correspondence
26 - Unlisted: Harold Duke Smith - Correspondence
27 - Unlisted: Wilfred Duke Smith - Correspondence
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
6 - Miscellaneous
7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records
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