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D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
1 - Duke Collection
1 - Architectural Practice
2 - Devonshire Buxton Estate
3 - Buxton Improvements Company, later Buxton Gardens Company
4 - Devonshire Hospital
5 - Palace Hotel
6 - Buxton Local Board
7 - Buxton, Fairfield and Burbage Mechanics and Literary Institute
8 - Freemasonry
9 - Heraldry
10 - Miscellaneous
11 - AW Smith & Sons of Liverpool and Gadley, Buxton, Railway Contractors
12 - Robert Rippon Duke, Builder and Architect of Hull and Buxton, and family - [c1838]-1909
1-2 - William, son in law - 1867
3-5 - Sally, daughter, and William ,son in law - 1868
6 - Sally, daughter, and William, son on law, regarding the death of Agnes, May - 1871
7 - SM Smith and Amy Smith to Robert Rippon Duke, Sep - 1879
8 - William, son in law, regarding storm of previous evening, Jun - 1871
9 - Note of accounts, Sep - 1871
10-35 - Sally, daughter, and William, son in law - 1872-1876
36-95 - Sally, daughter, and William, son in law - 1876-1896
96 - J W Potter regarding R R Duke's mortgage - 1900
97 - William, son in law, chiefly regarding illnesses, Feb - 1904
98 - CM Cranswick, Feb - 1874
99 - Letter from SM Smith, daughter, May - 1881
100-101 - John Benton, brother in law - 1882
102 - Page of diary for 24-30 Dec with entries by RR Duke - 1885
103-107 - Sally, daughter - 1870s-1890
108 - Ann Flowerday, sister of RR Duke, resident at Bank House & Church View Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock Bank, to SM Smith - 1896
109 - William Flowerday, brother in law of RR Duke, resident at Bank House & Church View Hydropathic Establishment, Matlock Bank, to SM Smith - 1896
110 - Note to AW Smith [overwritten by SM Smith?] - 1895
111-116 - SM Smith, mainly regarding provisions of RR Duke's will - 1905
117 - Flowerday family, Balerat, Australia - 1906
118 - Revd Eayrs to SM Smith regarding RR Duke's funeral - 1909
119 - CM Cranswick - [c1874]
120 - List of books in RR Duke's library - [c1909]
121 - Article 'Roman relics found at Buxton', W Turner, reprinted from The Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, Apr - 1903
122 - Article 'Discovery of bronze axes, ctc., in Buxton', W H Salt, reprinted from the Reliquary and Illustrated Archaeologist, Apr - 1906
123 - Francis Duke of Tuxford Vicarage, Newark - 1879
124-125 - Sarah Brocklehurst, housekeeper, to SM Smith - [c1885]
126 - Notes regarding the behaviour of Sarah Brocklehurst, housekeeper - 1900
127 - Handwritten notes for death notice of Sarah Brocklehurst, housekeeper - 1906
128 - Notes regarding important statesmen in office at the time of RR Duke's birth - [c1900]
129 - Notes by SM Smith regarding RR Duke's move to Gadley in 1908 - 1908
130 - Note entitiled 'copied from diary 1905' re visit of King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra to Buxton in January 1905 - c1905
131 - Working notes for RR Duke's autobiography - c1902
132-133 - Papers from Sydney Taylor, solicitor, regarding work carried our on RR Duke's will, Aug - 1903
134 - Draft will of RR Duke, Aug - 1903
135 - Sarah, RR Duke's housekeeper to SM Smith - 1896
136-137 - Mary Cotterill, Majorca, to RR Duke [Mary Cotterill sister of RR Duke] - 1896-1897
138 - Envelope written on by the Marquis of Westminster and annotated by RR Duke - 1856
139-151 - Correspondence and papers relating to the death of Robert Duke, father of RR Duke - [1838]-1877
152-153 - Sally, daughter - 1877-1879
154 - Notes regarding a dedication for the wreath for Sarah Brocklehurst - 1906
155 - Marriage certificate for Robert Rippon Duke to Sarah Benton, June 1839 - 1990
156-160 - Copy death certificates for members of the Duke family - [1846-1909]
161 - Photograph of CL Benton with notes on reverse by RR Duke[?] - c1890
162 - RR Duke to J C Moore regarding plots of land for his house 'Park House' - 1870
163 - Compliment slip for Colin Jessop, poste booking agent, Buxton - c1980
164 - List of book from the library of RR Duke - c1980
165 - Letters from RR Duke to the Buxton Advertiser - 1891
166-167 - Working copies of RR Duke's autobiography - c1902
168 - File of miscellaneous research papers including copies of Duke family marriage and death certificates [see D6710/1/12/166-160] and street maps of Hull - c1990
13 - Sarah Meggitt and AW Smith of Grimsby and Buxton
14 - Family history papers re Duke, Rippon, Smith, Meggitt, Benton and other families - c1889-1996
15 - Letterbooks of AW and SM Smith
16 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - General Correspondence
17 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - Family and Family Affairs
18 - Unlisted: Adelaide Duke Smith - Correspondence
19 - Unlisted: Amy Benton Smith - Correspondence
20 - Unlisted: Aston William Smith - Family Affairs
21 - Unlisted: Bertha Duke Smith - Correspondence
22 - Unlisted: Evelyn Essie Smith - Correspondence
23 - Unlisted: Gilbert Rippon Smith - Correspondence
24 - Unlisted: Harriet Hilda Duke Smith - Correspondence
25 - Unlisted: Mildred Ethel Smith - Correspondence
26 - Unlisted: Harold Duke Smith - Correspondence
27 - Unlisted: Wilfred Duke Smith - Correspondence
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
6 - Miscellaneous
7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records
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