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D6710 - Dr Mike Langham of Buxton, historian
1 - Duke Collection
1 - Architectural Practice
2 - Notice from Buxton Local Board to Andrew Brittlebank re drainage, 16 Nov - 1860
3 - Front and side elevations of a proposed house for Mr T Dodd behind 31 Spring Gardens, Buxton, by Duke and Bryden, architects. Scale not given - [mid 19th Cent]
4 - Plans of cellar, ground floor, chamber floor and attic of proposed house for Mr T Dodd behind 31 Spring Gardens, Buxton, by Duke and Bryden, architects. Scale 8 feet: 1 inch - [mid 19th Cent]
5 - Mortgage from Robert Rippon Duke of Buxton, Architect and Surveyor, to John Champion Needham of Manchester, gent, and Edward Warburton Coulborn of New Brighton, Co Cheshire, gent, on a dwellinghouse partly used as a shop, in Spring Gardens, Buxton, 1 May. With explanatory note by Mike Langham - 1882
7 - Valuation of 31 Spring Gardens, Buxton, by Josiah Taylor, to J C Needham, 15 Apr - 1882
8 - Receipt from Robert Needham for interest on £1800 at 4½%, 20 Jul - 1899
9 - Statement for completion of sale on 31 Spring Gardens, Buxton - 1899
10 - Tracing showing part of Spring Gardens, Buxton, with names of occupants and notes [probably by R R Duke] - [19th Cent]
13 - Receipt from WIlliam Clayton to R R Duke for one year's rent for the Buxton Wesleyan Day School - 1856
15 - Notes by R R Duke re properties in the quadrant/spring gardens area of Buxton, mentioning plans, deeds and dates of purchases from 1854 to 1899 - [c1899]
16 - Letter from R R Duke to Surveyor of Taxes re Duke's income, 29 Jun - 1900
17 - Note that R R Duke looked after the building of the Royal Hotel for Samuel Worth, Architect - [19th Cent]
18 - Letter from William Holland, architect and surveyor, to R R Duke, thanking him for sending testimonials, 17 Mar - 1905
19 - Letter from J A WIlliamson, architect, Edinburgh, to R R Duke, thanking him for sending a certificate, 20 Mar - 1905
20 - Copy reference by R R Duke, certifying that James A Williamson has completed his articles of pupilage as an architect and surveyor, 1 Jan - 1879
21 - Letter from George Drewry to R R Duke re proposed new Pump Room at Buxton, 28 Jun - 1891
22 - Letter from Frank Drewry to R R Duke, to say that Victor Cavendish would be a proper person to propose a vote of thanks for the bust [of the Duke of Devonshire in the Pump Room], 18 Oct - 1895
23 - Letter from W R Bryden, architect and surveyor, to Mrs Smith, asking for fuller memos and thanking her for the gooseberries, 21 Jul - 1896
24 - Letter from W R Bryden to R R Duke, to say that Charles Wilkinson has decided not to embark upon a project of securing and building on a plot in Hardwick Square, 15 Oct
25 - Account of solicitor's fees re purchase of 31 Spring Gardens, 25 Jul - 1872
26 - Receipt from John Mowbray to R R Duke re stonemasonry of Heacock Memorial, 4 Oct - 1851
27 - List of altitudes of various Buxton buildings with (on reverse) R R Duke's notes on his current work - [19th Cent]
28 - List of altitudes of buildings around Buxton, including properties on Corbar Lane, Hogshawe Lane, Terrace Road, Ashbourne Road, Parks Road, Green Lane, Broad Walk, Hartington Street, Saint James Terrace, Bath Street, Market Street, Trinity Church, Bridge Street, Spring Gardens, Hardwick Street and Square, Quadrant and Station Road, Manchester Road, Gadley Lane, Park Ring Road, Marlborough Road, Crescent Square, Saint Johns Road, Edgemoor Road, Devonshire Road, Dove Holes - [19th Cent]
29 - List of certain years 1870-1887 beside names of Joseph Gurney and William Henry Gurney Salter - [19th Cent]
30 - Copy of inscription on memorial to Edward Woollett Wilmot in St John's Church, Buxton - 19th Cent
31 - Copy of inscription on memorial to Sydney Smithers in St John's Church, Buxton - [19th Cent]
32 - Copy of inscription on memorial to Samuel Turner in St John's Church, Buxton - 19th Cent
33 - Letter from J W Taylor to R R Duke re Samuel Turner's memorial, 30 Oct - 1876
34 - Scrap of drawing cloth with architectural designs in pen - [19th cent]
35 - Robert Rippon Duke's address book with loose pages [?taken from an earlier address book] and five business cards - [19th Cent]
36 - R R Duke's published statements of correspondence and copy circular letter re a dispute between himself and William Bryden - [c1902]
37 - Pen and ink sketches of clock towers, location unspecified - [19th Cent]
38 - Letter on Palace Hotel notepaper from R R Duke to his son-in-law William Smith. Smith's plans have been passed and stamped, 9 Apr - 1872
39 - Letter from William Holland, architect, to R R Duke. Hill of Tideswell will carry out the work on Dr Hannah's house; Holland has nothing further to do with it. - 3 Jan 1903
40 - Death notice of Dr W H Robertson, 16 Jul - 1897
41 - Handbill re proposed formation of Buxton Rifle Corps, 8 Dec - 1860
42 - Rough sketch, depicting front of a building (possibly a church or chapel) with detail of window and archway - [19th Cent]
43 - Envelope from J C Bates, Buxton, containing metal "R R Duke" stencil - [19th Cent]
44 - Outline sketch of memorial stone with note to say Joseph Hadfield of Barmoor, Chapel en le Frith, has ordered it as executor of William Brocklehurst - [19th Cent]
47 - Photocopies of 3 written estimates of the cost of building two cottages and a lecture room at Burbage, 1858 - [1990s]
48 - E W Wilmot to R R Duke re formation of a savings bank, 15 Nov - 1856
49 - Photocopy collage of Robert Rippon Duke letterheads - [1990s]
50 - Advertisement for drawing classes by R R Duke, to start 1 Jan 1849, Hull - 1848
51 - Circular letter to the creditors of Joseph and John Cummings, printers and stationers of Buxton, from Edward Mycock and Robert Rippon Duke, who had been assigned their estates and effects for the benefit of the creditors, Apr. With explanatory note by Mike Langham, referring to the deed of assignment itself (not included) rather than the circular - 1858
52 - Pro-forma receipt of deeds with (on reverse) note by R R Duke re treatment of sewage - [19th Cent]
53 - Statement of number of patients cured or relieved at the Devonshire Hospital, written on the reverse of two pieces of Robert Rippon Duke's billhead - 19th Cent
54 - Brief summary of the career of R R Duke for the Devonshire Estate - [early 20th Cent]
55 - Book of testimonials for Robert Rippon Duke, Surveyor, Buxton - 1862-1863
56 - Conveyance of 31 and 33 Spring Gardens, Buxton, from R R Duke to Frank Dodd of Buxton, draper, 28 Jul - 1899
58 - Letter from R R Duke to Mr Goodsman, Chapel en le Frith. Hopes Mr Lawson has misunderstood Mr Needham and that he only refers to the mortgage deed. 21 Mar - 1871
59 - Photocopy of some 1903 entries from R R Duke's private notebook - [20th Cent]
60 - Newspaper clipping from the Buxton Advertiser, a letter to the editor from R R Duke re Buxton thermal water and its source, 17 Dec - 1904
61 - Notebook of Robert Rippon Duke, with one significant entry, recording a meeting with Wallington and Flint to discuss work at Hallsteads and other matters, 2 Mar - 1905
62 - Invitation from the Palace Hotel to Mike Langham to the opening of the Robert Rippon Duke bar, 23 Jun - 1995
63 - Photocopy of 1904 correspondence of Robert Rippon Duke re analysis of Matlock Bath thermal springs - [1990s]
64 - Photocopies taken from R R Duke's out-letter book, of letters largely concerning building plans, addressed to Mr Parker , Mr Hampion of Buxton and Charles Heathcote of Ilfracombe, Aug 1896 - [1990s]
2 - Devonshire Buxton Estate
3 - Buxton Improvements Company, later Buxton Gardens Company
4 - Devonshire Hospital
5 - Palace Hotel
6 - Buxton Local Board
7 - Buxton, Fairfield and Burbage Mechanics and Literary Institute
8 - Freemasonry
9 - Heraldry
10 - Miscellaneous
11 - AW Smith & Sons of Liverpool and Gadley, Buxton, Railway Contractors
12 - Robert Rippon Duke, Builder and Architect of Hull and Buxton, and family - [c1838]-1909
13 - Sarah Meggitt and AW Smith of Grimsby and Buxton
14 - Family history papers re Duke, Rippon, Smith, Meggitt, Benton and other families - c1889-1996
15 - Letterbooks of AW and SM Smith
16 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - General Correspondence
17 - Sarah Meggitt Smith - Family and Family Affairs
18 - Unlisted: Adelaide Duke Smith - Correspondence
19 - Unlisted: Amy Benton Smith - Correspondence
20 - Unlisted: Aston William Smith - Family Affairs
21 - Unlisted: Bertha Duke Smith - Correspondence
22 - Unlisted: Evelyn Essie Smith - Correspondence
23 - Unlisted: Gilbert Rippon Smith - Correspondence
24 - Unlisted: Harriet Hilda Duke Smith - Correspondence
25 - Unlisted: Mildred Ethel Smith - Correspondence
26 - Unlisted: Harold Duke Smith - Correspondence
27 - Unlisted: Wilfred Duke Smith - Correspondence
2 - Hampson Collection - unlisted
3 - Challinors and Shaw, Solicitors of Leek, Staffordshire and General
4 - Turnpike Papers - 1822-1865
5 - Fairfield Local Board of Health (1858-1872) - 1859-1913
6 - Miscellaneous
7 - Photographs
8 - Maps and Plans - unlisted
UL - Mike Langham: Unlisted records
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