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Collapse D661 - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist - 1558-1999D661 - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist - 1558-1999
Collapse A - Parish Archives - 1558-1999A - Parish Archives - 1558-1999
Expand PD - Staveley St Johns parochial church council  - 1930-1974PD - Staveley St Johns parochial church council - 1930-1974
Expand PF - Charities of the parish of Staveley St John - 18th-20th centPF - Charities of the parish of Staveley St John - 18th-20th cent
Expand PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1558-1999PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1558-1999
Collapse PO - Overseers of the poor Staveley St Johns parish - 1713-1857PO - Overseers of the poor Staveley St Johns parish - 1713-1857
1 - Overseers Accounts, Dec 1713 - Apr 1714 - 1713-1714
2-136 - Settlement certificates - 1694-1829
137-492 - Settlement examinations - 1729-1838
493-636 - Removal orders - 1673-1857
637-641 - Bastardy examinations - 1799-1826
642-650 - Warrants to apprehend putative fathers - 1790-1827
651-708 - Bastardy bonds - 1664-1820
709-713 - Agreements prior to bastardy bonds - 1727-1775
714-768 - Orders of filiation - 1739-1828
769 - Quarter Sessions filiation order - 1816
770 - Quarter Sessions order to the Churchwardens and Overseers in a bastardy case - 1796
771-843 - Apprenticeship indentures - 1684-1818
844 - Register of Staveley parish apprentices - 1802-1817
845-849 - Receipts to Staveley Overseers for annual payments to Chesterfield Union - 1839-1840
850 - Note re settlement of Thomas Bartholomew - 1730
851 - Order addressed to Wm. Marshall of Woodthorpe, Staveley, that he must pay to the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Staveley 10s. 0d. quarterly out of the money due to Peter Cadman out of Woodthorpe Almshouses - 1733
852-856 - Correspondence concerning an appeal by Whittington against a removal order - 1741
857 - Tenancy agreement between Philip Madin of Unstone, maltster, and the Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor of Staveley for a close called Sumerley Field in Dronfield belonging to the poor of Staveley. Rent ,4 10s. 0d. per annum 17 Jun - 1741
858 - Joseph Renshaw's account of money laid out in building on the land of Staveley poor in Barlborough - 1812
859 - Abstract of parish accounts - 1816-1821
860 - Copy of return to the House of Commons of the expense of upkeep of the poor 1816-1819 - 1819
861-864 - Receipts from the High Constable to Overseers of Staveley for payments to the County Rate - 1839-1840
865-866 - Overseers bills - 1839-1840
867 - Manuscript lists from bastardy bonds, settlement certificates and apprenticeship indentures - 17th-18th cent
Expand PP - Constable of Staveley St John parish - 1713PP - Constable of Staveley St John parish - 1713
Expand PS - Staveley St John Parish Surveyor of Highways – accounts and papers - 1713-1858PS - Staveley St John Parish Surveyor of Highways – accounts and papers - 1713-1858
Expand PV - Staveley St Johns Vestry papers - 1812-1938PV - Staveley St Johns Vestry papers - 1812-1938
Expand PW - Staveley Churchwarden papers and accounts - 1713-1899PW - Staveley Churchwarden papers and accounts - 1713-1899
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous records from the parish of Staveley - 1691-1987PZ - Miscellaneous records from the parish of Staveley - 1691-1987
Expand UL - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist: unlisted recordsUL - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist: unlisted records