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Collapse D661 - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist - 1558-[20th cent]D661 - Parish of Staveley St John the Baptist - 1558-[20th cent]
Collapse A - Parish Archives - 1558-1999A - Parish Archives - 1558-1999
Expand PD - Staveley St Johns parochial church council  - 1930-1974PD - Staveley St Johns parochial church council - 1930-1974
Expand PF - Charities of the parish of Staveley St John - 18th-20th centPF - Charities of the parish of Staveley St John - 18th-20th cent
Collapse PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1558-1999PI - Records of the parish incumbent - 1558-1999
Expand 1 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1558-18121 - Registers of baptisms, marriages and burials - 1558-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-19782 - Baptism registers - 1813-1978
Expand 3 - Marriage registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1754-19883 - Marriage registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1754-1988
Expand 4 - Banns for registers for parish of Staveley St John For banns, 1754-1813, see PI/3/1 - 1940-19724 - Banns for registers for parish of Staveley St John For banns, 1754-1813, see PI/3/1 - 1940-1972
Expand 5 - Burial registers for registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1813-19315 - Burial registers for registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1813-1931
Expand 6 - Confirmation registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1908-19586 - Confirmation registers for parish of Staveley St John - 1908-1958
Expand 7 - Manuscript transcripts of registers - 1558-18127 - Manuscript transcripts of registers - 1558-1812
Expand 8 - Service registers for Staveley St John’s - 1927-19828 - Service registers for Staveley St John’s - 1927-1982
Expand 9 - Service registers for Poolsbrook, St Alban Iron Mission church opened 1893 and Chapel of East built 1905, closed in 1990 - 1927-19909 - Service registers for Poolsbrook, St Alban Iron Mission church opened 1893 and Chapel of East built 1905, closed in 1990 - 1927-1990
Expand 10 - Service registers for Inkersall, St Columba Chapel of Ease opened 1958 - 1957-198810 - Service registers for Inkersall, St Columba Chapel of Ease opened 1958 - 1957-1988
Expand 11 - Service registers for Mastin Moor, St Paul. Mission church opened in 1914, closed in 1990 - 1964-198911 - Service registers for Mastin Moor, St Paul. Mission church opened in 1914, closed in 1990 - 1964-1989
Expand 12 - Service registers for Woodthorpe, St Peter, Woodthorpe, St Peter Chapel of Ease built 1632, closed 1992 - 1934-199212 - Service registers for Woodthorpe, St Peter, Woodthorpe, St Peter Chapel of Ease built 1632, closed 1992 - 1934-1992
Collapse 13 - Communicants registers - 1930-194913 - Communicants registers - 1930-1949
Expand 14 - Licences - [1663]14 - Licences - [1663]
Expand 15 - Faculties for Staveley St John’s church - 1911-197815 - Faculties for Staveley St John’s church - 1911-1978
Expand 16 - Parish of Staveley St John - Parish magazines - 1874-197216 - Parish of Staveley St John - Parish magazines - 1874-1972
17-28 - Numbers not used
29 - Public Health Internment Act, extract re from "The National Church" (printed) - 1879
30 - Notice of grant by Additional Curates Society, 8 Feb 1951 - 1951
31 - Fabric and churchyard Land Values Duties return for Handley St John - 1915
32 - Fabric and churchyard Bond (cancelled) to secure the repayment of a loan from Diocesan Loan Fund for the purchase of Sunday school premises with covering letter - 1939
33 - List of insurance policies 16 Jul - 1955
34 - Letter regarding insurance of the church - 1902
35 - Endowments: Account book of Easter Dues - 1785-1789
36 - Endowments: Letter regarding the rights of an incumbent to mine coal under Glebe land - c1826
37 - Endowments: Copy release by Rector of Staveley to the Duke of Devonshire of coal under Staveley Rectory glebe lands (with plan), 4 Aug - 1898
38 - Endowments: Copy lease by Rector of Staveley to the Staveley Coal and Iron Co. Ltd of the Deep Hard Seam of coal underlying Staveley Rectory glebe lands, 11 May 1922 - 1922
39 - Endowments: Statements of 4% Funding Stock held in trust for benefice of Staveley - 1920-1927
40 - Endowments: Notice of de-requisition - Minister of Fuel and Power to the N.C.B. - Ireland Colliery, Deep Soft Seam, Staveley Pillar - 1952
41 - tithes: Case paper in a dispute between the Right Hon. Lord James Cavendish and the Rector of Staveley concerning Staveley tithes - c1760
42 - Tithes: Altered apportionment of Tithe Rentcharges - 1867
43 - "A Representation of the Threatening Dangers impending over Protestants in Great Britain before the coming of His Highness the Prince of Orange" - 1689
44 - "A Brief Justification of the Prince of Orange's Descent into England and of the Kingdom's Late Recourse to Arms” - 1689
45 - Briefs given to F Gisbourne by Mr Flint from the "Visitation of Yesterday" 4 Jun - 1813
46 - List of briefs with note given to Mr Motts, at Chesterfield 15 Dec - 1814
47-48 - Received of Joseph Blagg the following briefs from the Lichfield Officers at Chesterfield, 15 Dec1814, 3 Jun 1815 - 1814-1815
49 - Choir attendance register, 1 Apr - 30 Jun - [20th cent]
50 - Pastoral Order, Mar-Nov - 1974
51 - Discontinuance of burials in churchyard, 13 Oct - 1910
52 - Agreement with Derbyshire County Council re road widening, 14 Jun - 1971
53 - Tithes: Certificate of redemption of rent charge, 11 Feb - 1922
54 - Tithes: Certificate of redemption of rent charge, 23 Jul - 1923
55-60 - Numbers not used
61 - Correspondence relating to the institution of Rev A Batsleer as Rector of Staveley, 12 Oct –16 Nov - 1965
62 - Notes of the Rectors of Staveley by Reverend J Charles Cox from Derbyshire Archaeological and Natural History Society's Journal Vol 5 - 1883
63 - Copy of a Register of Birds shot between 1761 and 1784, by the Reverend Francis Gisborne, Rector of Staveley 1759-1821 with introduction by Rev Charles Molineux, Rector of Staveley - [19th cent]
64 - Photographic copy of portrait of Reverend Francis Gisborne - [19th cent]
65 - Newspaper cutting re memorial window to Rev Canon C H Molineux, Rector of Staveley 1888-1927 - 1930
66 - Forms of prayer Day of thanksgiving Sep 1683 - 1683
67 - Forms of prayer Plague Dec 1721 - 1721
68 - Forms of prayer Earthquake Feb 1756 - 1756
69 - Forms of prayer Victory Feb 1799 - 1799
70 - Forms of prayer Victory Mar 1800 - 1800
71 - Forms of prayer Harvest 1801 - 1801
72 - Forms of prayer End of War 1802 - 1802
73 - Forms of prayer Thanksgiving 1803 - 1803
74 - Forms of prayer Hymn sheet [20th cent] - 20th cent
75 - Service sheet on the occasion of the dedication of a window by Ven T. Dilworth Harrison Apr - 1965
76-89 - Marriage licences - 1834-1951
90 - London Gazette - 1929
91 - Map of district chapelry of Barrow Hill St Andrew - 1928
Expand 92 - Woodthorpe St Peter: financial records - 1949-199192 - Woodthorpe St Peter: financial records - 1949-1991
Expand 94 - Woodthorpe St Peter: Sunday School records - 20th cent94 - Woodthorpe St Peter: Sunday School records - 20th cent
Expand 95 - Woodthorpe St Peter: building records - 20th cent95 - Woodthorpe St Peter: building records - 20th cent
96-100 - Numbers not used
101 - North East Derbyshire Formerly Staveley Deanery, Federation of Church of Englands Men’s Societies Minute book Dec 1965 - Mar 1974 - 1965-1974
102 - Federation of Church of Englands Men’s Societies Account book Mar 1943 - Jan 1974 - 1943-1974
103 - Staveley branch of Church of England Men’s Society Minute book Dec 1965 - Jul 1977 - 1965-1977
104 - Correspondence re discontinuation of Staveley branch of Church of England’s Men’s Society Jan-Feb - 1978
105-109 - Numbers not used
110 - Poolsbrook Mission Manuscript notes on history of Mission Church - 20th cent
111 - Messrs. Ransom and Hutton's costs, charges and disbursements with reference to the conveyance of the site of Poolsbrook Mission Room to the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association, Feb-Nov - 1904
112-114 - Poolsbrook Mission Mr H E Ward's charges and disbursements with reference to the same conveyance with receipts Feb 1904 - May 1905 - 1904-1905
115 - Copy conveyance by Rector of Staveley to the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association of the Speedwell Mission Room, house and land, with plan - 17 Mar 1911
116 - Copy appointment of the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance as the new trustees of Speedwell Mission Room in place of the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association30 Mar - 1931
117 - Letter from chartered accountants regarding liability of Speedwell Mission Hall for Income Tax - 1937
118 - Ground floor plan of Speedwell Mission Hall, Nov - 1939
119-121 - Letter and forms regarding the lease of Speedwell Mission Hall by the Ministry of Works 11 Apr - 1953-1957
122-132 - Correspondence regarding the conveyance by the Duke of Devonshire to the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association of land for Mastin Moor Mission, 28 May 1913 - 26 Mar 1914 - 1913-1914
133 - Copy conveyance of a piece of land at Mastin Moor, Staveley - Duke of Devonshire to Southwell D.F.A. 15 Nov - 1913
134 - Plan of proposed site of Mastin Hall Mission - 1913
135 - Bill by Messrs. Ransom and Hutton for expenses incurred in the conveyance of land for Mastin Moor Mission Room - 1914
136-141 - Application for loan for the erection of Mastin Moor Mission Room, with correspondence - 1913
142 - Grant by Chesterfield Petty Sessions of a licence for public music, singing and dancing at St Paul's Church, Mastin Moor - 1953
143 - A statement of names of persons upon the tombstones and monuments in the churchyards of parish church of Staveley which tombstones were removed for the purpose of widening the adjoining main road and improving the church- yards - 1930
144 - Parish of Staveley St John terrier and inventory - 1944
145 - Notice by Governors of Q.A.B. of the formation of areas for the purpose of the collection of Tithe Rentcharge and of the election of area representatives - 1926
146 - Certificate of redemption of Tithe Rentcharge11 Sep - 1936
147 - Record of Ascertainments, with covering letter concerning the liability for chancel repairs - 1944
148 - Charging assessment under the Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures - 1955
149 - Account of 42% Defence Bonds - 1957
150 - Amendment to Dilapidations payments 1 Nov - 1967
151 - Bound copy of enquiries by the Rural Dean prior to the Bishop's Triennial Visitation - 1887
152 - Minutes of the Chapters and Conference of the Staveley Rural Deanery May 1901 - Jun 1927 - 1901-1927
153-154 - Map of alterations of the boundaries of the parishes of Eckington and Staveley with Order in Council - 1957
155 - List of Staveley parish records from the National Register of Archives, 19 Feb 1957 - 1957
156 - Staveley St Johns fabric: Correspondence re Frecheville windows and press cutting re Edmund Gyles, stained glass window maker of York, 1611-1676 - 1952
157-158 - Staveley St Johns fabric Glass negatives of Frecheville stained glass windows - 20th cent
159-161 - Numbers not used
162 - Staveley St Johns fabric: Architects drawings West and East elevations Architect: G G Scott, London. Scale: 82" to 60'. Size: 62cm x 41cm. - late19th cent
163 - Staveley St Johns fabric North elevation Architect: [G G Scott] Scale: 10:7. Size: 57 x 37 cm - late 19th cent
164-166 - Staveley St Johns fabric Dye-line drawings of proposed alterations to church 12 May - 1959
167 - Staveley St Johns fabric: Quotation for rewiring church 10 Apr - 1962
168-170 - Staveley St Johns fabric: Correspondence regarding decoration of the rood screen Jan-Jun - 1964
171-172 - Endowments: Plans and elevations relating to the conversion of the clergy house into the new Staveley rectory - 1958
173 - Endowments: Copy conveyance of land at Cedar Street Hollingwood, as a site for a Team Vicar's House11 Jul - 1973
174-175 - Church of England School, Church Street Two copies of conveyance by the Duke of Devonshire of a piece of land at Staveley as a site for a school 20 Oct - 1842
176 - Tenancy agreement for Staveley School 14 Mar - 1903
177 - Appointment of Mrs L M Reed to be Foundation Manager of Woodthorpe School 6 Apr - 1938
178-183 - Correspondence relating to the trusts and tenures of Staveley and Woodthorpe C E Schools - 1955-1960
184 - Abstracts from North Wingfield and Staveley parish registers relating to Robert Selby, with note regarding the damage to the early Staveley registers by rats - 1812
185 - Official Handbook of the Annual Bazaar including extracts from the history of the Staveley parish 3-4 Nov - 1936
Expand PO - Overseers of the poor Staveley St Johns parish - 1713-1857PO - Overseers of the poor Staveley St Johns parish - 1713-1857
Expand PP - Constable of Staveley St John parish - 1713PP - Constable of Staveley St John parish - 1713
Expand PS - Staveley St John Parish Surveyor of Highways – accounts and papers - 1713-1858PS - Staveley St John Parish Surveyor of Highways – accounts and papers - 1713-1858
Expand PV - Staveley St Johns Vestry papers - 1812-1938PV - Staveley St Johns Vestry papers - 1812-1938
Expand PW - Staveley Churchwarden papers and accounts - 1713-1899PW - Staveley Churchwarden papers and accounts - 1713-1899
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous records from the parish of Staveley - 1691-1987PZ - Miscellaneous records from the parish of Staveley - 1691-1987