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Collapse D643 - Parish of Chesterfield St Mary and All Saints - 1558-2009D643 - Parish of Chesterfield St Mary and All Saints - 1558-2009
Collapse A - Parish archives - 1558-2009A - Parish archives - 1558-2009
Expand PC - Parochial Church Council - 1988-2002PC - Parochial Church Council - 1988-2002
Expand PEF - Victoria National School (Infants and Girls) - Early 20th centPEF - Victoria National School (Infants and Girls) - Early 20th cent
Expand PF - Municipal charities - 1856-1968PF - Municipal charities - 1856-1968
Collapse PI - Parish incumbent’s records - 1558-2009PI - Parish incumbent’s records - 1558-2009
Expand 1 - Registers of baptism, marriage and burial - 1558-18121 - Registers of baptism, marriage and burial - 1558-1812
Expand 2 - Baptism registers - 1813-20052 - Baptism registers - 1813-2005
Expand 3 - Marriage registers - 1754-19843 - Marriage registers - 1754-1984
Expand 4 - Banns registers - 1823-20054 - Banns registers - 1823-2005
Expand 5 - Burial registers - 1813-19765 - Burial registers - 1813-1976
Expand 6 - External baptisms and burials - 1888-19846 - External baptisms and burials - 1888-1984
Expand 7 - Confirmation registers - 1918-19717 - Confirmation registers - 1918-1971
Collapse 8 - Indexes - 19th cent8 - Indexes - 19th cent
Expand 9 - Service registers - 1893-19959 - Service registers - 1893-1995
Expand 10 - Sermons - 1832-184510 - Sermons - 1832-1845
Expand 11 - Faculties and related records - 19th-20th cent11 - Faculties and related records - 19th-20th cent
Expand 12 - Tithe records - 1849-185012 - Tithe records - 1849-1850
Expand 13 - Tithe redemption records - 1930-193413 - Tithe redemption records - 1930-1934
Expand 14 - Endowments (see also D643 A/PI 132-137) - 1935-193814 - Endowments (see also D643 A/PI 132-137) - 1935-1938
15 - St James’ mission hall: plans, committee minutes, building accounts and other papers - 1930-1947
16 - Legal charge on land in Vicar Lane, Chesterfield £4,500 to be borrowed by the trustees of the Victoria School foundation from the Westminster Bank Dec (see D643 A/PEF 99) - 1930
17 - Copy conveyance of Holy Trinity Institute, Newbold Road by H S Gratton of Chesterfield to trustees Jan - 1918
18 - Agreements as to lights overlooking the churchyard - 1913
19 - Agreement to the fixing of an iron gate on a stone pillar in Holywell St Nov - 1913
20 - Declaration of trust by C P Markham Esq to augment the stipend of the vicar, subject to a perpetual obligation to maintain and repair the private family burial ground at Tapton (see PI 6/1) May - 1917
21 - Agreement by Chesterfield Town Council to pay rent for a ventilating shaft on property in St Mary’s Gate, Apr - 1889
22 - Agreement between Chesterfield Corporation and the vicar of Chesterfield for a shelter to be erected on Vicar Lane Jul - 1920
23 - Agreement between the PCC and Chesterfield Corporation for the laying of electrical wires to synchronise St Mary’s church close Jun - 1924
24 - Licences to officiate at St James’ mission room 1896 (D643 A/PI 24/1), St Leonard’s mission room Spital 1910 (D643 A/PI 24/2) - 1896-1910
25 - Copy instrument from the Ecclesiastical Commission approving the church built in St Augustine’s district, Chesterfield with covering letter Oct - 1930
26 - Summary inventory of documents in the parish chest at the bishop’s visitation Jun - 1913
Expand 27 - Papers of E F Crosse, vicar of Chesterfield as archdeacon of Chesterfield - 1920-192727 - Papers of E F Crosse, vicar of Chesterfield as archdeacon of Chesterfield - 1920-1927
28 - Schedule of graves in churchyard including name, age, dates, comments, number and situation - 1933
29 - Report on inspection and specifications for work (/1-2) - 1978
30 - Appeal brochure - [1978]
31 - Appeal Director’s report - 1978
Expand 32 - Papers of Appeal Fund, later Trust:  - 1976-198532 - Papers of Appeal Fund, later Trust: - 1976-1985
33 - Architect’s drawings (numbered /1-9) - 1970s-1980s
Expand 34 - Quinquennial inspections - 1976-198834 - Quinquennial inspections - 1976-1988
35 - Terrier and inventory - 1997
36-67 - Numbers not used
68 - Table of fees payable at the Parish Church Registry Offices, with a list of documents and books in the charge of the parish clerk - 1918
69 - Table of fees in respect of services in connection with interments in the Committee’s Cemetery at Boythorpe
70 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission concerned with Curate Grant Regulations - 1924
71 - Articles of visitation and enquiry - 1935
72 - Ecclesiastical Dilapidations Measures, notice of annual payments by Governors of Queen Anne’s Bounty in respect of the buildings - 1936
73 - Articles of visitation and enquiry - 1939
74-81 - London Gazette - 1908-1926
82 - Chesterfield Church Award, allotment of pews - 1843
83 - Notes on the armorials near the roof of the nave - 1897
84 - Particulars of property insured - 1908
85 - Grant of a set of red and a set of violet vestments by the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament - 1911
86 - Letter recording the gift of a cross and figure of Christ by Rev E F Crosse and Mrs Crosse to the parish church of Chesterfield - 1917
87 - Letter stating that a Processional Cross formerly the property of Major Hunloke shall be “henceforth the absolute property of the Vicar and Churchwardens without conditions” - 1919
88 - Consent for the placing of two stay wires in the vicarage grounds - 1920
89-92 - Correspondence concerning the erection of a plaque in the memory of Lady Wyndham Murray in Chesterfield parish church - 1924-1925
93 - Letter concerning the will of William Dutton in which £300 was bequeathed to the Vicar and Churchwardens of Chesterfield to be expended in the erection of a monument or stained glass window in memory of the Dutton family - 1927
94-95 - Receipts for Processional Cross lent to the Victoria and Albert Museum - 1930
96 - Minute book of the Restoration Committee covering the whole period of the restoration from the initial report of the ecclesiastical architects in 1895 up to the completion of the project in 1935, including newspaper cuttings and photographs in addition to copies of reports - 1895-1935
97 - Report by Mr Temple Moore on the condition of Chesterfield Parish Church - 1895
98 - Churchwardens account with Mr Moore - 1896
99 - Letter regarding tenders for work involved in the restoration - 1896
100 - Summary of estimates of the cost of restoration - 1897
101-103 - Restoration Committee’s accounts with Mr J Wright, builder - 1897-1899
104-105 - Restoration Committee’s accounts with Mr Temple Moore, architect - 1899-1902
106-108 - Restoration Committee’s accounts with Mr J Wright, builder - 1901-1903
109 - Summary of receipts and payments - 1896-1904
110 - Committee’s Report and Balance Sheet - 1904
111 - Guarantee by Vicar of Chesterfield to Crompton and Evans’ Union Bank on account of the Chesterfield Parish Church Restoration Fund - 1907
112 - Chesterfield parish church spire, “A reply to certain statements at the Vestry Meeting held April 23 1908”, by W H Edmunds - 1908
113 - Letter from Mr Temple Moore concerning the plaster ceiling below the South Aisle roof - 1909
114-115 - Accounts with Temple Moore and Moore, architects - 1934
116-126 - Sundry bills and receipts associated with restoration works - 1934
127 - Final account of restoration works with Temple Moore and Moore - 1934
128 - Statement of accounts for restoration of the South Clerestory by Leslie T Moore, architect - 1934
129 - Widening of Holywell Street, schedule of graves interfered with in the parish churchyard
130 - Order terminating burials in Hasland churchyard except in existing vaults and walled graves - 1881
131 - Letter from Diocesan Registrar concerning the duties of an incumbent regarding funeral services in cemeteries within the ecclesiastical parish - 1907
132 - Glebe terrier, 1612 (copy) - 1612
133 - Glebe terrier, 1682 (copy) - 1682
134 - Glebe terrier, 1693 (copy) - 1693
135 - Glebe terrier, 1719 (copy) - 1719
136 - Glebe terrier, 1793 - 1793
137 - Glebe terrier, 1805 (copy) - 1805
138-185 - Certificates of redemption of tithe rent charge - 1891-1934
187-196 - Correspondence between Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, the Governors of Queen Anne’s Bounty and the Vicar of Chesterfield relating to tithe redemption - 1925-1933
197 - Letter from the Ecclesiastical Commission to the Vicar of Chesterfield concerning the rectorial estate and tithes of Chesterfield - 1913
198 - Notice of Ecclesiastical Commission that the transfer of a quantity of Southern Railway 4 percent Debenture Stock is now complete and that instructions have been given for the payment of dividends to the Vicar of Chesterfield - 1930
199 - Rent book for church property - 1840-1872
200-243 - Case papers and evidence in a dispute between the inhabitants of Brampton and the Dean of Lincoln over the right of nomination to the curacy of Brampton. The dispute had been in progress since 1709, but matters were brought to a head in 1748 with the death of the curate and the need to appoint a replacement. Included within this is an account of the “whole ore and lots measured in the library of Winster from Jun 24 1750 to Sep 29 1750” - 1709-1752
244-247 - Papers associated with the transfer of securities and real property from the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association to the Derby Diocesan Board of Finance, including a list of deeds relating to property vested in the Southwell Diocesan Finance Association and the balance sheet for the Association 1927 - 1927-1928
248 - Agenda of a meeting of the Archidiaconal Committee at the Church Institute - 1928
249 - Rural Deanery: Application to be placed upon the register of Voters for the election of parochial representatives on the Ruridecanal Conference
250 - Accounts by the sacrament money disbursed by the clergy to the poor of the parish of Chesterfield - 1825-1828
251 - Accounts of the Chesterfield District Visiting Society - 1833-1869
252 - List of several early Vicars of Chesterfield
253 - Plan of the area adjoining Chesterfield parish church - 1914
254 - Plan of a piece of ground adjoining Queen’s Park
255 - Chesterfield Parish Church Honour Book - 1914-1919
256-259 - Derby Diocesan Magazine - 1928-1931
260 - Letter of Vicar of Chesterfield from Corporation Tramway and Motor Bus Department concerning inconvenience caused by vehicle in Vicar Lane - 1926
261 - Report by Professor J Heyman, University of Cambridge, on the stability of the spire - 1976
262 - Brochure celebrating 750 years of church (printed) - 1983
263 - Music booklet for a Festival Service of the Association of Church Choirs for the Archdeaconry of Chesterfield, to be held in Chesterfield Parish Church on 14 Apr 1923 (printed document) - 1923
264 - Photograph album ‘A Photographic Record of the Parish Church of Saint Mary and All Saints, Chesterfield’: 106 photographs of exterior in interior (with index at the back); includes copy ground plan of church stuck in front cover, surveyed by William G Fryer of Chesterfield, October 1941 - c1941
265 - ‘Church Illustrated’ magazine, Jun 1955. Includes article on Chesterfield Parish Church, focusing on its ministry and activities in the community (Printed document) - 1955
266 - Order of service for Derbyshire County Council’s Civic Service held at the Parish Church, 23 Sep 1990 (Printed document) - 1990
267 - ''Chesterfield and Staveley Deaneries Church Extension Fund Appeal Brochure - c 1920
268 - ''Chesterfield Parish Church: Its crooked spire and tower - special appeal for £2000'' Appeal Brochure - 1922
269 - ''Chesterfield's Church of the Crooked Spire'' Appeal Brochure including details of restoration and the various phases involved - c 1977
270 - Chesterfield Parish Church - Appeal Director's Report. Jan - 1978
271 - Order of service to celebrate the feast of St. Peter and dedication of the Anniversary Window. June. - 1986
272 - Order of service on the occasion of the visit of the Prince of Wales and the Princess of Wales. Nov. - 1981
273 - Liturgy for Trinity Sunday (the Sunday preceding the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II) - May 1953
274 - Order of memorial service for Edward VII. May. - 1910
275 - Annual Report. - 1947
276 - Annual Report (titled ''Sixth Report'') - 1951-1952
277 - Year Book. - 1952
278 - Programme for ''Arise and Build - Chesterfield Parish Bazaar.'' Oct. - 1928
279 - Pamphlet on Christian Stewardship. - c 1970
280-288 - Receipts for payment of salaries. 1 bundle. - 1843-1869
Expand 289 - Graveyard289 - Graveyard
290 - 'The Psalms and Hymns as used in the parish church of Chesterfield arranged for the piano forte or organ with the addition of an interlude and most respectfully inscribed to the Revd George Bosley Vicar by L. C. Nielson' - 1812
Expand PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1825-1827PO - Overseers of the Poor - 1825-1827
Expand PV - Vestry - 1782-1962PV - Vestry - 1782-1962
Expand PW - Churchwardens - 1762-1921PW - Churchwardens - 1762-1921
Expand PZ - Miscellaneous - 19th-20th centPZ - Miscellaneous - 19th-20th cent
Expand UL - Parish of Chesterfield St Mary and All Saints - 1912-2009UL - Parish of Chesterfield St Mary and All Saints - 1912-2009